Book Review @ Dizzy Heights


Welcome to the book section, where our motto is (with apologies to our high school English teachers), "Life's too short to spend it reading Jane Austen." On these pages, you won't find much in the way of classic literature, but you will find a wide variety of lesser-known works that are sure to keep you entertained. We'll also cover those titles on the bestseller list that we feel truly merit the recognition, and make you aware of some excellent books that were butchered in their translation to the silver screen.

I should state up front, however, that the reviews contained here will reflect the inherent biases of the contributing writer(s). For example, since your loyal book page editor can't seem to get enough adrenaline during her day job as a fast-paced advertising executive (yawn…), she reads more than her share of thrillers. Thus, you will see that genre very well-represented here-with the conspicuous absence of Tom Clancy, who puts me to sleep. Similarly well-represented will be material of a humorous nature, because the editor, like, thinks she has a good sense of humor, or something. As for the rest of the titles, well, they will be a mixture of whatever else happens to catch our fancy. As with the rest of this site, we are open to suggestions and guest contributors.

Enjoy the reviews, flood me with feedback, and keep reading…


Monthly Feature
Bestsellers that Deserve the Attention
Read the Book, Don't See the Movie!


Feature Review

A Man In Full
By Tom Wolfe
The arrival of Tom Wolfe's second novel, at 742 pages and eleven years in the making, is truly an epic event. Massive in scope, politically charged, and crammed with well-drawn, hilariously flawed characters, A Man In Full proves a more than worthy successor to Wolfe's enthralling 1987 work, Bonfire of the Vanities.   MORE

All The Reviews

Monthly Feature
Jan A Man In Full
Nov This Other Eden
Bestsellers that Deserve the Attention

Bridget Jones' Diary
A Man In Full

Read the Book, Don't See the Movie!

Kiss the Girls

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