Aquiring a cd burner in the immortal summer of 1999 gave me the ability to document many things. At the time it was all about mp3s. But looking back now, the masturbatory (in more ways than one) archival process I did made historical documents of the universe of which i lived.

This here is some sort of song cobbled together out of clips from Pastichio Medley and dialog from Seinfeld. At the time Sound Recorder was a very new and amazing thing. If I remember correctly matt helped. Date on this is late 98 possibly. Here it is

This is me drumming with pencils on the desk along to Airbag and Geek USA... at one point these had some sort of meaningful purpose i suppose..OK, no they didn't. here and here From may 99.

I enjoyed leaving thing's on george's answering machine. george is in his 70's and works at a church (but dont tell anybody, the government would stop his social security). I left this on his answering machine as a response to his bizarre message, possibly in an attempt to confuse him with the sound of his own answering machine. here I have no real explaination to this.

At the time I was so enamored with MP3's I would download anything I saw on TV just because I felt I was sticking it to the man or something. Here's what I had aquired by fall 1999.. I find parts of this rather embarassing now, with good reason. Well.. I shouldn't really.. dammit.. pop music in the late 90s was catchy as all hell.. here

Hey, it's the First Annual SPC Online Chat awards!

At one point I planned on making a "Create Your Own LFO song" generator. But due to technical ineptitude, this was abandoned. This is what I had for ideas so far

The SPCult page. Never got properly finished. It was much like Glass & The Machines Of God...but AHEAD OF ITS FUCKING TIME. this page was left out, and can now be seen in this new director's cut.