Jen's life

A Short Introduction

Name -- Jennifer Anne Campbell

Born -- November 11, 1976

Home -- Home will always be Denver, CO, where I grew up, but I'm living about 1,700 miles away in Rock Hill, S.C.

Family -- Dad, James; mom, Carolyn; sisters, Sarah and Katie.

Profession -- Newspaper copy editor/designer. This means I'm one of the behind-the-scenes people whom you'll never see named above an article or in the staff box. After articles are written, I read them for correct grammar, style and clarity. Then I design pages (just Nation & World for the time being, but I'm told I get to graduate to the business section soon) and write headlines.

Hobbies -- Lots of sports (soccer, running, kickboxing), reading (mostly sci-fi and fantasy), cross-stitching, playing computer games, writing short stories and watching movies.

Book I'm reading -- "Path of Daggers" by Robert Jordan

Most recent TV show obsession -- "Highlander: The Series" You can visit my Methos Obsession Page.

Favorite movie -- "Desperado"

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Last updated November 28, 1998