re: Wellington 14 April 1999 - the feelers, Stellar*, Breathe

I was recently backstage at the 14th April Wellington tour with the feelers,
Stellar* and Breathe.
I was backstage for the whole show and it was really amazing.  I had the
best time talking to the bands and just soaking up the band atmosphere
around me.  They were all so down to earth and easy to talk to.  When
Stellar* and the feelers were performing I was on the stairs at the side of
the stage and although I didn't get the front view, it was still pretty damn
good.  The crowd was packed in like sardines and screaming at the sight of
the bands.  I couldn't help but feel a bit smug  that I was backstage with
all the room in the world, plus access to the talent while everyone else was
sweating from the crowd and not being able to talk to them afterwards.  Ha,
ha, ha.  Yay for me.  Being backstage I was able to take some really good
close up photos of the feelers and Stellar*.  The bands performed to their
usual high standards and the crowds loved it - but not as much as me.

Kelly Giddens