My friend and I turned up later for the concert, just in time for 
Breathe, who were playing at a wonderful level, their two familiar 
singles were great for warming the audience up. 

During this my astute friend and I noticed Matt walking in from outside, 
nobody seemed to recognise him but us (too obsessed? is that possible?), 
we left him alone though. 
Then from the other direction out walked Hamish, cap on backwards, to 
have a gawk at the opening band. We looked at them dumbfounded for a 
while, before feeling bad for them  since they were unrecognised. We 
walked up and I said "Do you think you could get James to play Get In 
Get Out tonight?" (It wasn't played last night, and I wanted to hear it 
live acoustic), Hamish said "Yeah, hes out back at the moment trying to 
remember the chords", we mentioned how we saw them live at ECM Takapuna 
a few months back, and then told them they did great music and wished 
them the best for the show and shook their hands. Also asked the name of 
the Punk cong from last night. 

Half an hour later they were onstage in front of us. 

James looked awesome in his black jumpsuit, they opened with From Space 
With Love, obviously a favourite on the tour for opening, it sounded 
great. Very cool when James started screaming "Love, love, love" in the 

Next was Friend, pretty straight to the album, but very loud and cool 

Next was the b-side Albino, a favourite of mine, sounded great live as 

Time for a single, and so it was - Space Cadet, the moshing in the front 
got pretty out of control here, with people screaming along to the song. 
Great feeling, great song, that simple. 

Followed by Arm, a nice loud song, always a good one at the live shows. 
Rocked on and kept the mosh pit going. 

Time for some digital effects, Pressure Man was great, everyone kept 
going hard in the mosh pit, good thing I had an energy drink before the 
concert! James dancing along to it was amazing, he was just so loose up 
there, running all about entertaining the audience. 

Honey God was dedicated to Cecilia, and Hamish was going wild on the 
drums, lots of fun to dance along to. 

Another b-side, Crossed, I like b-sides live, and most people around 
were familiar with it, so that was a great feeling. 

Before the next song, they warned Johnny to get ready to come up? 

Then into Satellite, keeping the mosh pit going in jumps and starts 
along with the volume of the music. 
Time for a rest, we headed out to the left for it. 

Then into The Leaving, a personal favourite of mine, even better was 
when Jody (Dark Tower) came up and sang some hip hop to the song for a 
minute or 
so, with James cheering him on, great little bit to add to the song, I 
was impressed (as was my friend), this was followed by a long 
instrumental, always good to hear the band jamming off the top. 

they then dedicated the next song to all punk bands out there 
(Clash/Jam, etc) 
this one was called Prozac, apparently an oldie from the archives :-) 

Then into another hit, Supersystem, we had promised ourselves to "go 
hard" in the moshpit for this one, and so we avidly dived back in. 

Then, off the band went for a rest, while the crowd started chanting 
"Feelers, Feelers, Feelers" 


James comes back on stage with his old trusty acoustic, dressed up as 

He explained how he had been bet $100 he would not go on stage like 
that, I guess he won :-)  (someone whose name began with C, I'll 
remember tomorrow) 

He then broke into a solo acoustic Get In Get Out, to give the others a 

Sounded great, I loved it all the way. 
Then Tim (Skedden) came out and joind James for some new songs he was 
trialing, the first was called Culture Shock, most of the audience stood 
dumbfounded, unsure of how to react to a new song, but I enjoyed the new 
stuff, always good to hear fresh, raw material. 

After this there was another one, I couldn't believe our luck! 
This one called New Millenium, which I quite liked! (Perhaps a future 
hit off the next album :-)   ) 

then James said it was Karaoke time, for an old Cat Stevens song. I was 
tempted to go up, especially since I knew most of the words, but was far 
back, and very unconfident of my singing, but the two girls that went up 
were called Michelle and Tara I think (always girls!?) did absolutely 
nothing except blush, vie for James' attention and make faces at their 
friends. And I could have got a t-shirt :-( 

The song was great though, James led the way, and I did my best to sing 
along form where I was. And who doesn't love Cat Stevens? 

James and Tim started in Float, and towards the end Matt and Hamish 
joined in as the song got progressively louder, a great little song, 
very moving when played quietly. 
James quickly ran off stage to get changed, while the others started the 
next song. 

They started the digital effects again, for my favourite song - Pull The 
it sounded great. James dancing was again awesome, he just seemed so 
comfortable up there, and halfway through this extended/superlong 
version, James breaks into the Psycho Killer chorus by Talking Heads 
(run, run, run, run, run, run, run away...._ 

It was amazing, and then afterwards they kept it going by flying back 
into pull the strings! 
All in the end it must have lasted towards 8 minutes or more! And they 
kept going with another instrumental jam, it was just getting better 
every second! 

I loved it, especially when on the drive back home Hauraki played Psycho 
Killer! (coincidence? - I think not) 

After such an amzingly long setlist of almost every available Feelers 
song and a few more, there was only 1 song left that could be their 
"last song" when they called it. 

Time for Venus, not without a few hiccups though, James played the 
intro, stopped, tried tuning his guitar and then obviously decided that 
wasn't going to happen and just changed guitars back to his trusty black 
one. The crowd of course loved the latest single Venus, all singing 
along, a good way to end the night, and a great little adlib at the end. 

Overall the concert was amazing, well worth coming back a second time 
for, expecially with the total number of songs being something like 19 
and a half, so much material. I lost track of time in the end. 

The Feelers rock, and this concert was amazing,  keep making great 
And looking back, the guys played every album song except Mary, and 
every b-side except Red Floor, WOW! 
