1302 Olden Ave.

NW Palm Bay FL. 32907


Phone: (321)-733-4894

Email: IndianaJ19@cs.com

Web: http://www.geocities.com/desperado19_99/index.html

Josh Harlow





December 2000                Brevard Community College             Melbourne, FL

§         Student film: Ay Dios Mio!

§         Director: Rosemarie P. Gravas 

§         Role: Joshua – Scruffy looking boyfriend

§         Contact: Rosemarie P. Gravas (321)-



October 2000                    Brevard Community College       Melbourne, FL

§         Student Project: Halloween Horror Film Festival

§         Director: Garrett Pomichter

§         Role:  Voice over for commercial (aired on WBCC), and portrayed a hunchback during the festival

§         Contact: Garrett Pomichter (321)-427-4302



Fall Semester 2000               Brevard Community College                                 Cocoa, FL

§         Acting II –Classical Acting Course

§         Scene work in Uncle Vanya, The Misanthrope, The Tempest, and Oedipus the King

§         Instructor: Professor Robert Parrish

§         Appreciation of Motion Picture-Film Critique Course

§         Instructor: David Johansen



Spring Semester 2000      Brevard Community College        Melbourne, FL

§         Acting I – Basic Acting and Movement Course

§         Scene work in The Big Knife, The Nerd, and The Seventh Seal

§         Instructor: Professor Abanne Waters



Fall Semester 1999                                                   Satellite Beach, FL

§         Adapted and Performed “Murder A La Carte”

§         Role: Detective Ross

§         Performed at Republican Fund Raiser

§         Contact: Michael Haridopolis  (321)-632-1111 ext. 32030


May 1999                            Holton High School                      Holton, KS

§         “Senior Sayonara”  co-host

§         Videotape available at request



Summer 1994-1995        Jacob’s Ladder Enrichment Program  Saluda, VA

§         Productions of “Friends” (1994), and “Good Kings Come in Small Packages” (1995)

§         Roles:  Friends- Eugene

                    Kings- Hilkiah

“Kings” videotape available at request

§         Contact: W. Aubrey Hall, Director  1-800-368-2870



Pre-1994                                                                      Spotsylvania, VA

§         Grade School productions

§         Roles usually consisted of the lead or major supporting roles


1999–2001                    Brevard Community College         Melbourne, FL

§         Associate in Arts Degree, General studies.


1995-1999                         Holton High School                        Holton, KS

§         Graduated with Honors.

§         Member of 1998 State Runner-Up Football Team


School, Sports, Computers, Videogames, Writing