The John Cusack Quiz!!!

Grab a pencil and a piece of paper and take the JCIQ test. Warning: This test is only for *major* John Cusack fans who really think they know their stuff. There's a link to the answers at the bottom of the page. After you've taken the test, Email me, and tell me how you did! And if you have any questions you think should be added, send me those, too. This quiz is very small right now, and I'd like to expand it.

1) How many John Cusack movies have mentioned fuzzy bunnies, and what were they?

2) This one is easy: What was the name of the ski team captain in Better Off Dead?

3) What article of clothing did our man wear nonstop in Better Off Dead? Hint: he didn't even take it off to shower.

4) In what two movies was a small stuffed bear given as a gift?

5) In what movie was John playing a character from Louisiana, and what was his line about the state?

6) In Money For Nothing, how much money was found, and what was the real reason they stopped to pick it up?

7) In Bullets Over Broadway, what was the name of the man who made John's character a succes?

8) In Say Anything, what were Lloyd's famous words while they were in the plane, in response to Diane's "No one thinks this is going to work, do they?"

9) Which band did John and the writers of Grosse Pointe Blank have in mind while writing the script?

10) Name all four (bigger) words John (Vince Larkin) uses instead of "chatty" in Con Air.

11) Who's John's:
a. Favourite basketball team?
b. Favourite baseball team?
c. Favourite football team?

12) How did John (Martin Blank) kill the President of Paraguay?

13) What part of John (David Shayne) was hurt when a good suggestion was made towards his play in Bullets over Broadway?

14) What was the name of his first feature film and what was his character's name (including nickname)?

15) Whats the nickname of John's real-life kickboxing partner? Hint: He was the goul in GPB.

16) When he was a kid, and the Cusack siblings put on a family show, what part was John always casted as?

17) How many movies has John been in with Colm Meany, and what were they?

18) John was supposed to star in what movie but was replaced by Bill Paxton?

19) In Shadows and Fog, how much did Jack (John Cusack) pay Irmy (Mia Farrow) to sleep with him?

20) John Cusack and his father both had roles in which film?

21) In Say Anything, what kind of guitar was Lloyd Dobler playing in the guitar store?

22) What magazine was John writing for in MGGE?

23) In Hot Pursuit (aka Mr. Alligator) what formula saved John's vacation?

24) What advice was given to John in Better Off Dead about skiing the K-12?


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