An indepth study of Grosse Pointe Blank

My friends and I have noticed some unusual overlaps between Grosse Pointe Blank and some of Johnny's other movies. We're still looking for more, but we've found a lot so far. Keep in mind that Johnny co-wrote the screenplay for GPB, and could have slipped these into it. Or they could have just been coincidences. But you decide for yourself. Is it coincidence? Or are there too many, which leads you to believe that Johnny put these references into the movie on purpose? And remember, my friends and I haven't seen all of his other movies. If you find some references that you think we missed, E-mail Jenn. Your reference might just pop up within the next week or so...

---When Martin and Grocer are talking on cell phones, Martin says he's in Budapest: Shadows and Fog
---The scene with the baby: Shadows and Fog
---The scene in which Martin kills the assassin on the bike: Better Off Dead
---When the drunk man, Bob, falls over at the dance during the reunion: Better Off Dead
---When Martin tells Marcella to feed the cat: Better Off Dead
---The fact that Martin is obsessed with Debbie: Better Off Dead/Say Anything
---The unseen husbands named T-I-M, both said by is sisters: Say Anything
---The scenes where Martin starts rambling on the phone and in the radio station: Say Anything
---When the drunk lady (who, by the way, is John's sister) comes over to Martin's table when he is sitting with Debbie: Say Anything
---When Martin talks about how he joined the army: Say Anything
---When Debbie's father makes a comment about exploiting the opressed: Say Anything
---When Paul looks for his keys on the way to the car: Say Anything ---The scene with Debbie and her father in the bathtub: Say Anything
---Acquisition of the pen: Say Anything
---"I said we'd talk later." "It IS later.": Say Anything ("Call me tomorrow. It IS tomorrow.)
---Death by laceration of the jungular via the pen: combo of Say Anything and the Grifters
---The scene in which Martin sits in the wheelchair: the Grifters
---"Why didn't you ever learn it was wrong?": Bullets Over Broadway
---When Martin's mother talks about how she communicates with his dead father: Money For Nothing
---When Martin is sitting on the bed wearing a white robe: Money For Nothing
---Steve Lardner, government spook in GPB: Ring Lardner, the sportwriter who sang "I'm forever blowing ballgames" in Eight Men Out.
---Black Lincoln Towncar: City Hall
---When Steve says to Martin "What, no yellow ribbons?": a mere coincidence since they were filmed at about the same time, but Con Air
--- Marcella uses an intercom even though she is withing hearing distance of Martin: Tapeheads
---"I lead a weekend men's group. We specialize in ritual killings.": Floundering
---The ladies with neck braces: 16 Candles
---The Alger reference: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (not the one that was in theaters, one that John did a screenplay for)

I have also done a bit of research and found out two lines that were not in the original script:

---Martin: Look, Sergent Pepper, I REALLY need you to shut up about that.
---Marcella: (after getting off the other line with a supplier for an order, and getting all worked up) It's not going to be a boring soup! You add the chicken. Celery and carrots are just the base of a soup!

Screw Ups
---The martini that was not suppose to be there until Ann came into the scene was on the table, and when they went back to a further shot, the martini dissapears.
---In the convinience store, the Doom game switches levels several times
---Martin throws his phone onto the hood of his car, but he picks it up off the seat. (someone has told me that they are different phones, but I'm not sure about that. I'll have to check it out.)
---Number of pills on the restaraunt table
---When Ultimart blows up, the sign disappears, then reappears
---The hat was on the end if the bed, and Martin got up but never reached for it. When he left, he had it in his hand
---In the radio booth, the record on the turntable shows the "Two Tone" logo, a small early '80's record label that the Specials' early recordings originally were released on. The song heard playing, however, is the Specials' version of "Pressure Drop," recorded in 1996 on the Virgin label.
---During the fight scene, Martins's hair was dry then all of a sudden it was all sweaty.
---When the goul puts the potato bomb into the microwave, Martin finds it counting down from five. He gets up and starts running, and when they show you the microwave again, it's couting down from six. (Actually I'm wondering about this one since maybe it was counting down from 15 and you just couldn't see the 1 because of the camera angle.)
---And the big question: If Martin had disappeared from Grosse Pointe, and no one knew where he was, how did they send him an invitation?

Download the Grosse Pointe Blank movie trailer! Here!

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