In Dreams: A Titanic Dedication

As one watches Titanic they may think that it is just a story written by a man, a director's fantasy story come true. Though if one knows the story, the true story, it is much more heartbreaking and devastating. As director of "Titanic" James Cameron quotes "Titanic is not just a myth" it is the story of two passionate lovers embedded into a very truthful series of events. Titanic was very much considered the grandest ship ever built, a masterpeice by the human hand, which it was. It is now only a memory, buried at the bottom of an endless sea on its maiden voyage. As you explore "In Dreams" keep in mind those 1523 souls who parished aboard that fateful ship.

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*incase you haven't noticed. This page used to be called "Kerri's Titanic" but has undergone major construction and is no longer called by that. If you think that I got the title for this site from the movie "In Dreams" you are wrong. I actually thought of it myself months before the movie came out, so don't sue me. ^-^