leigh - 01/22/99 01:28:04
My Email:bslovacek@dewittec.net
Where are you from?: texas
Who is your favorite OZ character?: all
What's your favorite OZ song?: all
This is my most favorite movie of all time!!!!!I just love it!!!!!I could watch it a million times, and never get tired!!!!!
leigh - 01/22/99 01:17:00
My Email:bslovacek@dewittec.net
Where are you from?: texas
Who is your favorite OZ character?: all
What's your favorite OZ song?: all
This is my most favorite movie of all time!!!!!I just love it!!!!!I could watch it a million times, and never get tired!!!!!
Sarah - 01/18/99 14:50:46
Where are you from?: Florida
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Tin Man
What's your favorite OZ song?: Ding Dong, the witch is dead
I like your page!
Teena - 01/12/99 17:32:16
My URL:http://user.cybrzn.com/~bigdadde/oz.html
My Email:lullabyleague@hotmail.com
Hi Emily! I like the layout out your pages. But imagine my shock when I went to your links page and saw my background there and no link to my page! Just a little credit for my hard work would be nice! Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Edd"Moon"Nachman - 12/19/98 10:21:24
My URL:edmoon.cjb.net
My Email:nachmane@corporate.ge.com
Where are you from?: Collings Lakes
Who is your favorite OZ character?: ToTo
What's your favorite OZ song?: none
What do you make of the whole Pink Floyd/Wizzard of Oz conspiracy???
Jer Bear - 12/07/98 06:10:35
My URL:http://fly.to/jerbear
My Email:jer_bear1@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: West Point, NY U. S. A.
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Scarecrow
What's your favorite OZ song?: Tinman's song....
Oops! The picture of me in full dress didn't turn out.
Neat stuff, eh?
Jer Bear - 12/07/98 05:57:24
My URL:http://fly.to/jerbear
My Email:jer_bear1@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: West Point, NY U. S. A.
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Scarecrow
What's your favorite OZ song?: Tinman's song....
You are a very cute girl! Did you know that the castle of the wicked witch of the west is right across the river from West Point and that the flying monkeys were wearing our full dress uniforms and because of that the Naval Academy (whom we slaughtered yesterday!!!!!) calls us "whoops" because of it... Just thought I would relay that to you....
Anyway... did I mention that you were hot? =]
Travel to me at
Yes?! my little one... I do like CHEESE!!!

AJ Mieskolainen - 12/04/98 01:52:48
My URL:http://www.mapped.cjb.net
My Email:mies8646@rowan.edu
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Tin Man
What's your favorite OZ song?: Torn
Please come to my site
Rebekah - 12/03/98 05:50:48
My URL:/hollywood/cinema/3564
My Email:Judyfan1@aol.com
Where are you from?: U.S.of A.
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Dorothy(of course)
What's your favorite OZ song?: I'm split between Over the Rainbow & Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Hey! Great page! I love the Wizard of Oz because it was the beginning of my love for Judy Garland! It'll always be the greatest film ever made! Loved it in the theatres!!!!! If you've got time, stop by my site, The Judy Garland Trivia Page. Thanks!!!!!
10/25/98 11:27:24
Just surfing. Thanks.
Becky Callen - 10/24/98 14:13:35
My Email:Callen4KBBS@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: Lakeside, California
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Dorothy and the Wicked Witch
What's your favorite OZ song?: If I were King of the Forrest
- 10/16/98 02:48:37
Susan - 10/06/98 02:52:21
My Email:toppa1@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Wyoming
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Wicked Witch
What's your favorite OZ song?: The Jitterbug
What a neat page, Emily! I love your pictures from Chesterton. I will come back again soon to see the rest!
Susan (from the Ruby Slippers Club)
Lana - 10/02/98 18:12:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4730
My Email:oz@newwaveis.com
Where are you from?: Wyoming
Who is your favorite OZ character?: dorothy
What's your favorite OZ song?: dont know
stop on over and visit my page. Have some neat links for a super oz gift site.
Juan - 09/25/98 03:25:50
Where are you from?: Indiana
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Lion
What's your favorite OZ song?: If I Were King
This is your best work yet. I'm glad I could be part of it.
Lindsey Ward - 09/24/98 21:50:14
My Email:ward@oberon.ark.com
Where are you from?: Campbell River, BC Canada
Who is your favorite OZ character?: The Munchkin Mayor
What's your favorite OZ song?: The munchkin Medley
I'd really love to know who played the munchkins... Were they all children? Some children, some midgets? What about the voices? Were they sped up on the tape? they all sound like they just inhaled a tank of helium...
Melissa - 09/21/98 07:23:48
My Email:DGomes2478@aol.com
Where are you from?: southern California
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Dorthy/Tin Man
What's your favorite OZ song?: Somewhere over the rainbow
MAURA MONTAGANO - 09/15/98 16:27:55
Where are you from?: CONNECTICUT
Who is your favorite OZ character?: TIN MAN
What's your favorite OZ song?: IF I ONLY HAD A HEART
Terry G. - 09/13/98 18:41:28
My Email:GDMN4853@AOL.COM
Where are you from?: New York
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Rinkitink
What's your favorite OZ song?: Merry Old Land of Oz
Does anyone know the meaning of the word "Dingaderry"?
Teanah - 09/02/98 18:05:23
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Teanah
My Email:teanah@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Washington DC
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Ozma of Oz
What's your favorite OZ song?: Rainbow
Will you eventually include links to Bahum's books? I've been trying to find out how many he did of Oz. I can only remember about 13 of them. It'd be great to include a section about the author and his works, especially the Oz series.
judyfan - 08/26/98 03:19:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/cinema/3564
My Email:JG Fan3700@aol.com
Where are you from?: U.S.of A.
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Judy Garland (of course)
What's your favorite OZ song?: Over the Rainbow(any questions?)
I love your page! I have been a fan of Judy Garland for two years. I have my own trivia page, (ask me anything, please!) If you ever need any info on her for your site please e-mail me. Good luck!
Dorothy - 08/18/98 03:31:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire/hi/largeprint
My Email:dorothyv@webtv.net
Where are you from?: San Diego. Ca.
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Dorothy of course
What's your favorite OZ song?: Over The Rainbow
Hi. You have a really neat page. I enjoyed it.
Doug P - 07/18/98 07:20:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~NASCARULZ/ozmain.html
My Email:lionstigersbearsohmy@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: behind the mon..beyond the rain...actually Missouri
Who is your favorite OZ character?: The Scarecrow
What's your favorite OZ song?: Ding Dong The Witch is Dead
Real kewl site..It's just awesome what different things people do on their OZ pages.. Don't forget to take a look at ours. We'd love to have you..
Terrie Knight - 07/13/98 21:26:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:terriek@globalresponse.com
Where are you from?: MD
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Lion
What's your favorite OZ song?: Somewhere over the rainbow
stone - 06/30/98 17:56:46
My URL:http://badai.home.ml.org
Where are you from?: penang
your gb background color really hurt my eyes.
Teena - 05/19/98 22:30:17
My URL:http://www.cybrzn/com/~bigdadde/oz.html
Where are you from?: WI
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Glinda
What's your favorite OZ song?: King of the Forest
Nice Pages! If really like Oz, come visit my side of the rainbow. I've got the complete collection of lyrics, wav files, and some really neat backgrounds!
- 05/19/98 14:41:29
Kate - 05/12/98 20:59:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/theater/9621/
My Email:da_bears_@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Earth
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Todo
What's your favorite OZ song?: If I only had a brain
Nice page. Tha background is pretty. The Widard of Oz is a pretty cool movie. OK. Well, Ciao! ~Kate
Jeff Hinds - 05/09/98 01:11:16
My URL:http://www.kansaskonnections.com
My Email:kspirit@kansaskonnections.com
Where are you from?: Kansas
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Dorothy
Visit the biggest collection of Wizard of Oz
John - 04/22/98 03:45:09
My Email:hbgv13a@prodigy.com
Where are you from?: Northern,Ca.
Who is your favorite OZ character?: The Cowardly Lion
What's your favorite OZ song?: The Lion song he sings
I just love this movie,and i think you did a great job on your site. :-)
- 04/21/98 18:35:10
Richard Skipper - 04/18/98 03:22:39
My Email:skipper4@idt.net
Where are you from?: Originally...SC; Now...NY
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Dorothy
What's your favorite OZ song?: Over The Rainbow
THE WIZARD OF OZ is my all time favorite movie. Although, I have it on video, I'm having an Oz-some party! Wanna Come?
Tall Blond and Crazy - 04/14/98 05:18:26
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ParadiseDr/tall_blond_crazy/index.html
My Email:lonecamper@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Yantic CT
Who is your favorite OZ character?: the time machine guy
pretty cool page just wanted to stop in and say Hi!
Joe - 04/13/98 02:19:50
My Email:joe36@gte.net
Where are you from?: Florida
Who is your favorite OZ character?: The Wizard
What's your favorite OZ song?: We're off to see the Wizard
Ken Jones - 04/12/98 23:02:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/ScrewDriver
My Email:kenjones@fidnet.com
Where are you from?: Missouri
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Lion
Arne Flaaten - 04/11/98 16:41:34
My URL:http://www.danbbs.dk/~arneflaa/index.htm
My Email:arne_flaaten@iname.com
Where are you from?: Denmark
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Guess
What's your favorite OZ song?: Same as always :-)
Nice page you have here my friend.
Scarlett Leigh - 04/07/98 01:59:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/5119/
My Email:DmScarlet@aol.com
Where are you from?: RHODE ISLAND
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Wicked Witch of the East
What's your favorite OZ song?: Over the Rainbow
Thank you so much for visiting me and inviting me to visit your site!!! I will be back to see the new updates, i am right down the road from you,,,,,,so i will just follow the yellow brick road, ill be back!!!
Scarlett Leigh
At the Movies With Scarlett
Juan - 04/03/98 19:04:58
My Email:jfuller10@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Terre Haute
Who is your favorite OZ character?: The KING of the forest
What's your favorite OZ song?: If I were KING
Nice bright and interesting colors!! I went blind when it first came up. For some odd reason, my sister use to make me watch it, if I wanted to or not!!!!!!
Sister - 04/01/98 22:33:32
My Email:you know
Where are you from?: you know that too
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Wicked Witch
What's your favorite OZ song?: somewhere
you are so cool
I love what you have done with all your pages
have fun
Lisa Mastroberte - 04/01/98 18:47:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/maryanne/index.html
My Email:4liberty@bigfoot.com
Where are you from?: the Poconos
Who is your favorite OZ character?: Ozma & Toto
What's your favorite OZ song?: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Hey-hey. Great Homepage. Will add to bookmarks and come again soon. Keep up the good work.
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