The birth of 'The Vincent Kartheiser Realm'

I opened this page on Vinnie's birthday (May 5, 1998). Since then I've added lots of things...The hear Vinnie talk section, 'Masterminds' vid-caps, a link to information about Apple Valley (where he was born and raised), info about a great role-playing-game (Masterminds) run by a good friend of mine (Kevin), and finally this area where you can find out stuff about Lily, Nina, me and what's going on behind the scenes of this site! I hope you've enjoyed your time here and you'll check back often to find out more up to the minute news & info and to check out the new pix as I get them!


Added Stuff

I've totally re-worked the whole page, if you come by regularly then you will probably notice a difference. Espically how I've moved around everything to make it easier to navigate.


Added : 25 July 1998

Interviews section

Added more pix in the 'New Pix' Section

'Staff' section, including this page

Updated the 'What I've heard' section (new news)

Moved the 'Masterminds' vid-caps into the 'Picture Arena'

Moved Vinnies 'Stats' into the 'News & Info' section


Added : 07 August 1998

2 new links

New news in the 'What I've heard' section

2 new interviews (from Sophia)

Vid-Caps from 'Little Big League' in 'Pix Arena' section

New survey question


Added : 24 August 1998

New news in the 'What I've heard' section


Added : 02 September 1998

New news in 'What I've Heard'

I archived the older news in 'The What I've Heard' section

2 new links

Added bunches of interviews (thank you everyone!)


Added : 14 September 1998

New news in 'What I've Heard'

New pix in the 'New Pix' section

A new Alice In Chains song to greet you :O)

Updated the 'Survey'

I'm going to be making a NEW VINNIE PAGE very soon! Be sure to watch for it!


Added : 15 October 1998

New news in 'What I've Heard'


Added : 11 November 1998

New news in 'What I've Heard'

Updated the 'Survey'

Added a nice Christmas song to welcome the season!



Added : 25 November 1998

New news in 'What I've Heard'



Added : 02 December 1998

New news in 'What I've Heard'

Vinnie Nation is coming soon!!!




Added : 10 December 1998

New news in 'What I've Heard'

Vinnie Nation is here!!!


Well - I guess that's about it! It's taken me awhile to do all of this and I will always be adding lots more things...I hope everyone enjoys it :)