Hi and
welcome to my meager site dedicated to Vincent Kartheiser.
Hopefully you will like what you see and check back often for new
pix and new news & info.
forget to check each area within this page, they all offer
something different. I've tried to make this site as
user-friendly and navigatable as possible, I hope you don't have
any problems!
I've also
tried to include all the info I have on Vincent Kartheiser and
his movies. I'll attempt to keep you updated on any news I find
out. Don't forget to check back often so you'll be the first to
know new Vinnie news!
enough chit-chat!
Here ya
I'm no
longer going to be updating here at the Realm, I have officially
run out of room (11 megs), I'm actually over my limit, GeoCities
will not allow me more space ~ it will just stand as a point of
reference, sort of a Vincent Kartheiser Encyclopedia :O)
But I do have a new page Vinnie Nation and it will be updated every 2-4 weeks or when I get any new news.
Just check the New News section there, I have it set up like the
What I've Heard Section here, even though this page will no longer be
updated Vinnie Nation will!
Until next time... Peace ~ Jean :O)
Guess what!? I won an award!!! Thank you everyone for voting for
Go To Vinnie Nation
Updated today! 13
January 1999
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***This is a
Great game! I've been playing
for awhile now and I love it!***
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You're hearing
... 'I Stay Away' ~ Alice In Chains