If you like Eric as Mosby

here's some stuff for you!

Okay - here's the thing... Eric is giving away pictures from his website, The Official Eric McCormack Page. Now we wouldn't be too bright if we turned that down, would we?

For those of you who don't know Eric, let us bring you up to date: Eric McCormack is one of the stars of Lonesome Dove. His character is Col. Francis Clay Mosby, formerly of the confederate army. He always gets to wear the clean clothes, and gets alot of the good lines. He also gets to kiss all of the leading ladies - Hannah, Mattie, Amanda, and at least one of the occasional guests (Florie). He's kind of a "bad guy" - fancy clothes, focused on making money, but he shows his heart every once in awhile.

Mosby refers to having spent some time in Richmond, Virginia and nearby locations, which we find interesting since that's where we live. Eric puts in some great performances - particular outstanding episodes are The List, Ties That Bind, The Robbery, and Badlands. Most of the time he is referred to as Mosby, occasionally by middle name Clay, but never Francis. Hmmmmm....

Now... we refuse to engage in discussions about how Mosby is a misunderstood southern gentleman. However, we are fans of Eric and recognize his talent, and we know there are lots of folks out there who might like to have access to see his pictures. So, in the interest of public service, here you go! We have also have put a few other Mosby pictures on a Misc. Picture Page. Now if we could convince Scott Bairstow to give away pictures on his website.....

Don't forget to stop by our special tribute to Frank & Mosby - with more pictures! (along with Chris Potter as "Frank") Chris is scheduled to reunite with Eric on the 3/14/00 episode of Will and Grace, as Will's ex-boyfriend. You don't want to miss it! While we're on the subject of W & G, be sure to visit the Essential Will and Grace Page

For even more info...... visit the The Essential Eric McCormack Page - it isn't his official page but it ought to be (no offense to Eric and his web guys!)

And..returning from it's hiatus: The Unofficial Eric McCormack Page - Welcome Back!

If you love to talk about Eric (and his fans really seem to like to do this) you can find lots of chat at either one of these sites:

The Eric McCormack Discussion List
The Will and Grace Discussion List
Will, and photos of the man just being "himself".

Return to The Sikes Family Lonesome Dove Page - find out the scoop on the return of Lonesome Dove to television and please sign the guestbook!

This page last updated 2/22/00

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