All three Winslet sisters act, but the career of 22 year-old megastar Kate towers above those of 25-year-old Anna and 19-year-old Beth. It has been reported that Anna has been so traumatised by comparison with Kate that she has considered changing her name, but Beth says shedoesn't mind talking about her "because I'm just so bloody proud of her" - although when she was doing interviews before the broadcast of her first television role in The Scold's Bridle, BBC press officers made it clear that she didn't want to talk about Kate. Thinner, taller and younger, Beth has a lot of catching up to do if she is to get out of Kate's shadow. At her age Kate had already made Heavenly Creatures and was filming Sense And Sensibility, soon to be followed by Jude and Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet. "Being her sister hasn't made life any easier for me. I still have to audition for roles and work really hard. Nobody would cast me just because I'm Kate's sister, because they couldn't take that risk. I don't mind the comparisons because I'm so proud of her. If she was terrible, I might think, I'll ditch you. But she's great."
From "Good Housekeeping" August 1998
submitted by *Nick*!!
If anyone has any Beth info please send it to!!