- 06/23/00 22:18:36 | Comments: Fuck u |
Humberto Fernandez - 06/14/00 16:30:36 My Email:Slavemaster@Netzero.com age: 29 reason for visiting: LOVE!!!!! any other comments on Beths acting: I LOVE HER | Comments: Beth i want to marry u i would treat u like the beautiful English Queen u r i will love u forever with lots of love From your secret admirer in FLORIDA.. |
Leonardo - 05/25/00 14:43:37 age: 25 reason for visiting: I love she how could we improve the site: Take more news and photos any other comments on Beths acting: is a good girl | Comments: Hi, this is my first time to came in this page, I think this page is very good!!! I hope Kate's family can be HAPPY ALWAYS !!! See you next time! Bye Bye now!! |
Holly - 04/13/00 08:56:11 My Email:KateRocks2000@yahoo.com age: 18 reason for visiting: Beth is brilliant. how could we improve the site: More piccies. any other comments on Beths acting: She's very talented. | Comments: I've loved Kate Winslet since I first saw her years back in Heavenly Creatures. I find it really exciting that Beth too now has her own site & is being noticed. She's extremley talented, so much respect to her. |
Mandy Weiser - 03/17/00 18:52:56 My Email:aeweiser@idirect.com age: 15 reason for visiting: interest in the Winslet family how could we improve the site: more info on Beth's past & future projects any other comments on Beths acting: very well done | Comments: ,When I first saw Beth in the movie, Soul's Bridle I thought it was Kate. Beth lookes so much like her. I think she is a very good actress and I hope to see more of her movies. I think Beth is a pretty girl and I hope she keeps on trying her best. Kate nd Beth Rule. |
Steph - 03/05/00 12:03:17 age: 16 reason for visiting: I think Beth Winslet is a just as good actress as her famous sister how could we improve the site: Update maybe! and more pics and info any other comments on Beths acting: she is a great actress! and her crying is more believable than Kate's | Comments: Beth rules! there should be more sites on her. she is a talented actress and should be noticed more. and not just becuz her sister is famous! |
Steph - 03/05/00 12:02:34 age: 16 reason for visiting: I think Beth Winslet is a just as good actress as her famous sister how could we improve the site: Update maybe! and more pics and info any other comments on Beths acting: she is a great actress! and her crying is more believable than KAte | Comments: |
Fiona - 02/06/00 11:32:58 reason for visiting: Gotta love Beth:) how could we improve the site: update it... | Comments: Sign up for the Beth (mainly), Kate and Anna Winslet list, for the latest news and info about the Winslets! beth-kate-anna-subscribe@onelist.com |
jitendra - 11/05/99 14:40:49 My Email:jbigtani@yahoo.com age: 18 reason for visiting: enjoy | Comments: |
bunnyleap - 09/23/99 11:28:26 age: 21+ reason for visiting: surfing how could we improve the site: updates?! | Comments: This site is SO OUT DATED! I ran into a great site at www.geocities.com/Broadway/Orchestra/1356/beth.html. It is wonderful for Beth and her sister, Anna. |
Alex - 09/18/99 19:57:08 My Email:alexethridge@tinyonline.co.uk | Comments: same person as below !! |
Alex - 09/18/99 19:51:34 age: 16 reason for visiting: i love Beth !! how could we improve the site: BIGGER, BIGGER, BIGGER be bigger then the Kate empire !!! any other comments on Beths acting: LOVE IT TO THE CORE !!!! | Comments: Im a regular at the kwfc. But its time the BWFC was born YEAH !! YEAH !! YEAH !! |
joey rafael viernes - 09/09/99 06:13:06 My Email:joe_vie@eudoramail.com age: 19 reason for visiting: i want to gather informations to my fans how could we improve the site: to have a chatroom access so that it be more good any other comments on Beths acting: none: very good i admire her so much | Comments: Excellent!!! carry on... I wish you all the best |
Kae Martyndale - 08/09/99 21:34:42 My URL:http://welcome.to/HansMatheson My Email:matheson_girl@hotmail.com age: 14 reason for visiting: looking for information on a new movie how could we improve the site: more pictures & an updated filmography any other comments on Beths acting: never seen it | Comments: I was going to email the webmaster of this site but I figured since I was going to sign the guestbook I'd say this now... I believe that Beth is in a movie (that hasn't been released yet) called Bodyworks with the wonderful Hans Matheson. You can visit m site or IMDb for more info. ~Kae~ |
"Rose" - 06/23/99 20:21:01 My Email:RoseJackDawson@hotmail.com age: 24 reason for visiting: Looking for British email pals. how could we improve the site: It's perfect any other comments on Beths acting: Great!!!!!!!!!!!1 | Comments: I want email pals that like Beth Winslet. |
Loz - 05/31/99 12:48:18 My Email:foxyloz@hotmail.com age: 18 reason for visiting: Beth's portrayal of a troubled teenager in scolds bridle was absolutely amazing. how could we improve the site: nothing that hasn't been said any other comments on Beths acting: SHE'S CRACKERS! | Comments: this girl could portray any role she signs for.and two more words.....RAW TALENT! |
Bernadette M - 04/10/99 23:23:29 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~mbmanzan/KateWPage.html My Email:mbmanzan@pacbell.net age: 18 reason for visiting: I'm a winslet fan! how could we improve the site: more pics and links any other comments on Beths acting: Never seen it | Comments: Nothing has been aired in the United State on Beth. But I'm looking forward to some. Please add my site to your links and send me yours. My site's name is called A Page Just For Kate ![]() ![]() |
PRISCILLA CASTRO - 03/10/99 20:53:34 My Email:debbie@prover.com.br age: 18 reason for visiting: I LOVE KATE WINSLET! how could we improve the site: I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH | Comments: I LOVE KATE WINSLET.PLEASE SEND ME OTHERS INFORMATIONS ABOUT HER |
Julliene helena - 03/08/99 01:19:16 My Email:Julliene@brhs.com.br age: 9 year reason for visiting: I like so much Kate Winslet any other comments on Beths acting: Great | Comments: Could this be the movie that brings Kate and Leonardo DiCaprio together again ? |
Keith M. - 02/03/99 09:39:35 My Email:keithmascarenhas@hotmail.com age: 27 reason for visiting: Beth Winslet how could we improve the site: Read Comments any other comments on Beths acting: - Nil - at this time | Comments: I've been hearing about Kate's equally talented younger sister for quite some time .... but have unsuccessfully tried to get a site or pictures or a movie of Beth till today ... found this site, now can you send me a proper image please or put up a galler of her pix on your site ..... |
Chloe Anderson - 01/10/99 06:22:03 age: 20 reason for visiting: Mistake!!! any other comments on Beths acting: Never saw her act | Comments: I don't even know who this girl is, but its a nice web site. To tell you the truth she looks just like my sister Beth. |
Beth Todd - 01/08/99 20:43:49 age: 21 | Comments: OOOps!! when Isigned the first time i was having a mind blank |
Beth Todd - 01/08/99 20:39:01 age: 21 reason for visiting: bored - so I looked up "Beth" and clicked the first site that I came to how could we improve the site: more...more pics...more info and more of her childhood and history... any other comments on Beths acting: great | Comments: beth is cool...so is kate - |
Beth Todd - 01/08/99 20:23:32 My Email:beth-ann@Juno.com age: 21 reason for visiting: bored - so I looked up "Beth" and clicked the first site that I came to how could we improve the site: more...more pics...more info and more of her childhood and history... any other comments on Beths acting: do not know how she acts - no offence - but up until now I'd never even heard of her | Comments: |
Dana - 11/08/98 21:10:10 My Email:dana@ilics.co.uk age: 14 reason for visiting: kate's sister | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Leah - 10/13/98 21:15:23 age: 16 reason for visiting: Luv Beth and Kate how could we improve the site: more pictures | Comments: I love this site. I have not found a good sight like this on Beth befor I love the family picture!!!! |
Leah - 10/13/98 21:14:48 | Comments: I love this site. I have not found a good sight like this on Beth befor I love the family picture!!!! |
Em - 09/15/98 06:57:28 My URL:/Wellesley/Garden/7664 My Email:emteresa@hotmail.com age: 22 reason for visiting: saw the link at Winsome world and had to check it out (after several visits to Beth's page decided to sign the guestbook) how could we improve the site: info, the usual... any other comments on Beths acting: brilliant | Comments: Great pages for a wonderful actor. Keep up the good work. |
Kate McFarland - 09/14/98 18:03:20 My URL:http://alabanza.com/wow/winslet311 My Email:winslet311@yahoo.com age: 15 reason for visiting: Its Kate Winslets sister need i say more lol.. how could we improve the site: More pics and info... clips.. any other comments on Beths acting: i wanna see scolds bridle | Comments: This is an awesome site... i come here often.. lol.. Most people know me as Winslet311...ahh... i am wanting to know more about beth, anna and joss... any info please e-mail me hehe... wanna see my pic (im horrid) look at my site...well gotta go see ya (i at school) lol bye bye! Love Kate |
whitney\kate2 - 09/06/98 13:46:45 age: 11 reason for visiting: need info on beth for class also anna info how could we improve the site: add pics here is a link: www.kwfc.com\images you will see some with anna and beth's name. any other comments on Beths acting: Ain't seen her yet but i hear she is great. | Comments: Kate Rules! Beth rules! Anna Rules!!! |
Lindsay - 09/03/98 17:55:58 age: 13 reason for visiting: to see if ther was anything new any other comments on Beths acting: very good | Comments: Good web site, I think it is good that there is a web site for Beth. They are 2 different people and should both be recognized! |
Claude-Alain - 09/03/98 14:41:55 My Email:brot@di.epfl.ch age: 36 reason for visiting: Beth is beautiful how could we improve the site: photos, links to other pages any other comments on Beths acting: I haven't seen her | Comments: Do other pages on Beth exist ? |
wilber - 08/28/98 22:18:42 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/annawinslett My Email:wilberboy@mailexcite.com age: 33 reason for visiting: recieved an e-mail telling me to link to this site. So I did! how could we improve the site: As information increases....and Beth develops here resume', things will pick up. any other comments on Beths acting: I have not seen Beth or any other Winslet(t) act other than Kate. | Comments: I like the site! i look forward to sharing information. The "Anna" site has just started and I am still in search of information. Anna was in a television show called "Double Vision" in 1992. That is about all I know for sure. I hope she doesn't get pset and request we take the website down! (I'm not afrain, I'm bigger than her! (kidding)) Sue, great site and it's only going to get better! -wilber |
Nath - 08/26/98 00:14:05 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/1041 My Email:nathana@start.com.au age: 20 reason for visiting: Saw her on TV how could we improve the site: More links (if any!), photos, that sort of stuff, although I guess there isn't much about. any other comments on Beths acting: Nope. Hope to see more of her. | Comments: I reckon she is better looking than Kate. I look forward to seeing her in some more TV work. We just had the Scold's Bridle on here in Australia. It was excellent! |
Alan - 08/25/98 15:34:33 My Email:the_roo@msn.com age: 28 reason for visiting: Checking out this site. how could we improve the site: Add some information on Anna | Comments: Really totally wicked awesome site. Keep up the great work. |
Jenny - 08/20/98 11:42:56 age: 19 reason for visiting: Knew the Winslet family how could we improve the site: Do some info on Joss - he is gorgeous and i'm his secret admirer (we go to the same school) | Comments: Beth used to be a right bitch at school. |
- 08/17/98 14:06:54 My Email:brot@di.epfl.ch age: 36 reason for visiting: Beth is a beauty ! how could we improve the site: pictures, more information any other comments on Beths acting: I have not seen her acting | Comments: Beth looks more beautiful than Kate. She must be so talented. I wait to see her in a film. |
Jess - 08/17/98 11:42:33 age: 15 reason for visiting: She was great in the Scold's Bride on Sunday and I thoght I'd look her up how could we improve the site: Picture's any other comments on Beths acting: She cry's well | Comments: Good information |
Sarah aka Ophelia - 08/11/98 13:35:23 My Email:susanna_bridehead@england.com reason for visiting: I own the site | Comments: Everyone keeps saying I should include Anna, well I'd love to start up a site on her to! The only problem being there is absolutly no information available! I tried asking around the west end but got nothing! if anyone want's to help, I'd greatly apreachi te it! |
MARK - 07/22/98 16:09:32 My Email:ottiwell01@aol.com age: 47 reason for visiting: i know her very well how could we improve the site: lets hear more about Anna any other comments on Beths acting: She needs to do more stage work | Comments: well done keep it up |
Bengt Gilbert - 07/22/98 16:04:23 My Email:bengt.gilbert@bollebygd.mail.telia.com age: 60 + reason for visiting: we know your family how could we improve the site: include sister Anna any other comments on Beths acting: we love you madly | Comments: |
Lindsay - 07/13/98 21:59:18 age: 13 any other comments on Beths acting: great | Comments: Good site. |
Tammyra Allen - 07/13/98 04:27:06 My Email:jtallen@prodigy.net age: 26 reason for visiting: curious about the Winslets how could we improve the site: More info on Beth any other comments on Beths acting: I want to see it! | Comments: Great start on a Beth Winslet site! I would love to see her in one of her films. Can I get a hold of one of her films in the U.S.? Somebody, please let me know! Thanks, Tam P.S. Beth looks so much like her sis', don't you think? |
treb - 07/06/98 04:51:45 My URL:http://treb My Email:dan gosselin age: 18 reason for visiting: love her how could we improve the site: nude pictures any other comments on Beths acting: sucks | Comments: |
Greer - 06/22/98 08:22:31 My Email:ceridwen1954@yahoo.com age: 16 reason for visiting: I love Kate, and have seen half of The Scold's Bridle and am beginning to love Beth too! how could we improve the site: I'm sure as more information is made available about Beth you'll have it here... any other comments on Beths acting: incomparable(apart from her big sis) | Comments: The Scold's Bridle is showing here in New Zealand at the moment(part one was last night, part two is next Sunday) and I was very curious to see Kate W's little sister onscreen. Well, I wasn't disappointed! She's great, and I can't wait to see part 2.... |
Jesse :) - 06/11/98 11:45:42 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/8401/index.html My Email:RUbabes@aol.com age: 21 reason for visiting: Curious About the 'other' Winslet, and had visited a long time ago. how could we improve the site: Possibly some more info | Comments: It's nice to see that the first of what will hopefully be many Beth Winslet sites is up and running! Came to visit early on thanks to a tip off by Adam...just came on by again to check it out. Hope there's more of Beth soon...it'll be great when the page has lots to partake in...:) I'll come back when I've finally seen 'Scold's Bridal' and 'Cold Enough for Snow' on tape this summer at a friend's house in England :) Very Excited about it! Maybe I'll write a little review or something... Great work so far...! -Jesse :) |
Nick Bennett - 06/08/98 22:05:33 My Email:esvei@csv.warwick.ac.uk age: 20 reason for visiting: Having the biggest crush ever on Beth... how could we improve the site: More Interviews and pics? | Comments: |
Riikka - 06/07/98 13:18:06 My Email:kate_winslet84@hotmail.com age: 14 reason for visiting: I was interrestet how could we improve the site: I'd like to see more Beth pictures!! any other comments on Beths acting: I haven't seen her anywhere..I mean in TV... | Comments: I think this page is kinda cool!! |
Sarah Howes - 06/04/98 19:58:21 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/8627/index.html, and http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boul vard/6179/contents.html My Email:ophelia_uk@hotmail.com age: 16 reason for visiting: I own the site how could we improve the site: you tell me!!! any other comments on Beths acting: tres cool!! | Comments: Hey so get signing everyone what can I do to improve the site and does anyone have that punch interview!! luv Sarah |