Hello Kitty's Fan. Thanks for visiting my homepage and taking the time to sign Kitty's guestbook. I truly appreciate a lot for your care and consideration. Wish you all the best in life and may all your dreams come true. Love, Vivian Cheung

Max - 12/28/00 08:23:48
My Email:newwave33@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: The New Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre (1986)
Favorite Movies: The Joy Luck Club, The 6th Sense, The Usual Suspects.
Where are you from: Vancouver
Favorite Website: This one!

Just wanna thank you for putting up this great page on Kitty Lai. I just recently managed to put a name to the cute face of Kitty Lai. Take care and keep up the good work. =o) New Wave newwave33@hotmail.com

Kelly - 12/28/00 03:29:46
My Email:imissuonly@yahoo.com
Where are you from: Hong Kong/US

Kitty, we met at Park Lane HK early this year in Feburary. You were shopping with Wong Hoi-Yan (spelling?). Well, I'm hoping that you'll read this message. I know you've probably been busy all year long. But, if you ever have a chance and want to drop e a line, my e-mail is: imissuonly@yahoo.com Can't wait to hear from you. By the way, I'm in US now, but I'm from HK.... do you still remember seeing me at Park Lane?! ^_^ Kelly~

yanie - 12/25/00 02:51:10
My URL:http://taykis.tripod.com/
My Email:taykis@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: HSDS 1986, Fearless duo, chor lau heung
Favorite Movies: kungfu cult master, jet li's, takeshi's and stephen chow's movies!!!^O^
Where are you from: indonesia
Favorite Website: uhm.....yours?^^

you have a very informative kitty lai's website!! thanks for the effort making this site!! i luv kitty lai since i watched her in heaven sword & dragon sabre 1986 ^_~ she's just soooo adorable!^^ Anyway, pls, visit my site "The Condor Trilogy Zone", with URL as shown above ^_^ Consisted of "Legend of Condor Heroes", "Return of Condor Heroes" and "Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre", it has audio visual stuff, manga/comic scans, episode scripts, versions f TV/movie that has been made, and many other stuff! Don't forget to sign my guestbook too!!!^O^

Gita A. Muhyidin - 12/18/00 11:00:33
My Email:gmuhyidin.yahoo.com
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: Indonesia

I love her films as she plays beautifully and excellently. I have seen some of her TV series until the last one which was produced in 1989 (I don't know the original title but it was called in my country as "The Reincarnated Swordman"). Her best feature is her smile. She has a very sweet smile. Most of her films I have watched are through videos. I keep wishing to be able to see her recent films, at least her films since 1990-until 2000.

wangshengjin - 12/18/00 05:23:02
My Email:lmx27@hanmail.net
Favorite TV Series: heaven sword and dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: kitty's movie
Where are you from: seoul from korea
Favorite Website: kitty lai's homepage

Mei han! Ni hao. Wo shi ni de Hanguo pengyou Wang sheng jin. Zai Hanguo ni de 'PAN' shi hen duo. Suoyi Shi bu shi qu hanguo? Wo hen xiang jianmian ni. Wo yao qu HONGKONG. Ni gaosu wo ni de zuosuo. Wo hen xiang qu ni de jia. please!!!!!

sazali - 12/10/00 03:49:35
My Email:Zalie_5195
Favorite TV Series: cartoon
Favorite Movies: hindustan
Where are you from: malay
Favorite Website: yahoo


sazali - 12/10/00 03:49:34
My Email:Zalie_5195
Favorite TV Series: cartoon
Favorite Movies: hindustan
Where are you from: malay
Favorite Website: yahoo


- 12/10/00 03:47:49


ðÆÚ¸äñ(Cho mi ae) - 11/26/00 15:25:15
My Email:maron05@hanmail.net
Where are you from: South Korea

hi! kitty! ä²ãÀùÛÏÐìÑ. ä²ð¯ìéó­Ê×Φyouî¤ëùô¸Óõ×£ÑÀ, youûútony æÑî¤ìéÑÃîÜÑáËÁï³ç¯. That's very nice movie. ñýý¨ä²Ó×yourÚ»ä¹. *^^* ä¹! ä²î¤ñéÏÐÓÞÖ§îÜãÁý¦Ê×Φyouî¤ï³ãÊ×ì. û¿. ÐÑô¸ÓðîÏä®! î¢Ì¸! Kitty! Bye Bye~~~*^^*

sua - 11/24/00 08:05:45
My Email:u4104111@cm.edu
Favorite TV Series: hsds'86
Where are you from: thailand
Favorite Website: www.geocities.com/hsworddsabre

Now I try to build a homepage about kitty. Would you mind if I will bring somr picture from your homepage. If you have time please e-mail to tell me. Thanks.

Sarah Yu - 11/17/00 21:48:14
My Email:sarahsyu@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: TVB Series
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: kITTY SITE

A very nice site.

Mai Yenson - 11/09/00 20:31:37
My Email:myenson@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: all of Kitty Lai series, and Vivian Bing series
Where are you from: USA

Three of my favorite all time actress is Barabar Yung how die, Kitty Lai, and Vivian Bing... I been trying to find all of Kitty new films... but wasnt' able to find any... and Vivian also.. it is too bad that they no longer work for TVB... cause that ne work is one of the top. Oh... can you tell me whay Kitty and Tonny broke up... and what new film is she working on now.. And vivian also... Thanks.. Also.. is she seeing someone or is she still in love with Tonny??? -Mai

Mai Yenson - 11/09/00 20:31:22
My Email:myenson@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: all of Kitty Lai series, and Vivian Bing series
Where are you from: USA

Three of my favorite all time actress is Barabar Yung how die, Kitty Lai, and Vivian Bing... I been trying to find all of Kitty new films... but wasnt' able to find any... and Vivian also.. it is too bad that they no longer work for TVB... cause that ne work is one of the top. Oh... can you tell me whay Kitty and Tonny broke up... and what new film is she working on now.. And vivian also... Thanks.. Also.. is she seeing someone or is she still in love with Tonny???

kitty - 11/05/00 07:08:50
My Email:tinh_han@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Kitty lai
Favorite Movies: Co Gai Do Long
Where are you from: vancouver,,canada
Favorite Website: kitty's lai

i love kitty lai since i was so so so so young.. I love her until now,,and forever,,,,,,

prasit - 10/23/00 14:42:05
My Email:prasit.j@usa.net
Favorite TV Series: Chinese series
Favorite Movies: Chinese movie
Where are you from: Thailand

I follow her movies in Thailand. But Now there is no movies or series of her. She is cute and lovely woman. I hope she is happiness all the time.

Don - 10/05/00 23:47:46
My Email:Donal@iwon.com
Favorite TV Series: Sopranos
Where are you from: Las Vegas
Favorite Website: IWON

I would Like to know more about what acting rolls you have had

Layla - 09/16/00 09:47:28
My URL:http://surf.to/layla
Favorite TV Series: duke of mount deer
Where are you from: SWEDEN / VÄRNAMO

Nice site.. I´m going now to do a site about Kitty to.. and many more actors and actress but im not finish yet.. well Bye

Crystal - 08/16/00 09:09:56
Favorite TV Series: many TVB series
Where are you from: Singapore

I fall in love with Kitty Lai and Tony Leung when I watched "The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre" once again recently. Both of them are ready adorable and sweet. Happened that I have kept a magazine and there were a few pages of articles writing about t is TVB series and the relationship between this couple, about how this couple started their relationship. To my amazed, this magazine was published in 1986. Knowing the real reason why they broke up, I really feel sorry for Kitty Lai. She is such a sweet and wonderful lady. I do hope both of them could patch up one of this day. God bless Kitty Lai and Tony Leung.

WANG SHENG JIN - 08/09/00 16:55:57
Favorite TV Series: YINGXIONGWEN
Favorite Movies: DONG SHI XI DU
Where are you from: KOREA
Favorite Website: LAI MEI HAN'S

Wo shi han guo xuesheng Wang sheng jin. Wo zui xihuan ni. Yin wei wo zui xihuan ni, Wo xue le zhong guo yu. Ni gaosu wo ni de zhusuo. Wo hen xiang jianmian ni. MEI HAN zhe ji tian zenme yang a? ni shi hen piaoliang. Yo ni shi hen cong ming. suoyi wo ai ni Zai Han guo

WANG SHENG JIN - 08/09/00 09:42:03


wang sheng jin - 08/09/00 09:33:15


- 08/07/00 01:39:10


- 08/04/00 20:07:39


jmk6tj - 07/31/00 05:09:35
My Email:jmk6tj@nownuri.net


Lee - 07/29/00 01:52:13
My URL:http://jmk7tj.ll.co.kr
My Email:jmk6tj@thrunet.com


lee - 07/27/00 16:44:19
My URL:http://jmk7t.ll.co.kr
My Email:jmk6tj@hanmail.net

ëïô¸ËüÙñ<-----good movie..

Lee - 07/27/00 16:38:24
My URL:http://jmk7tj.ll.co.kr
My Email:jmk6tj@hanmail.net

hi~Çѱ۷Π½áµµ µ¨·Á³ª..??

lee - 07/27/00 12:49:46
My URL:http://jmk7tj.ll.co.kr
My Email:rock5972@thrunet.com
Favorite Movies: ëïô¸Óõ×£ÑÀ)very very good movie
Where are you from: korea pusan(sahagu)

hmmmmm...hi..^^very very fan....you beautiful@.@ email help me....plz....T.T

lee sang-yup - 07/27/00 12:29:05
My URL:http://jmk7tj.ll.co.kr
My Email:jmk6tj@nownuri.net
Favorite Movies: i chun do ryong gi
Where are you from: korea pusan~~~
Favorite Website: : Hong-kong Star homepage

um....no english sorry..^^ Email help me..^^;..bye.......

- 07/25/00 08:11:23


Kang han-il - 07/25/00 04:38:58
My Email:johnwesley@hanmail.net
Favorite TV Series: çÈê©Ú¦(ÑÑé¼)
Favorite Movies: ëïô¸Óõ×£ÑÀ)
Where are you from: South Korea
Favorite Website: Hong-kong Star homepage!!

Hello!! I am korean.. I like Hong-kong Tv-series.. I don`t write English very well... I am sorry!!! but I am kitty`s fan.... zai jian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yupa Jiranantiporn - 07/24/00 16:17:08
My Email:jyupa@ksc.th.com
Favorite TV Series: Before Dawn
Favorite Movies: none
Where are you from: Bangkok

I have been a true fan of Kitty since she joined TVB. I really miss her on TV screen and look forward to seeing her again on TVB series.

Anuta - 07/01/00 05:28:28
My Email:0930586517@SINAMAIL.COM
Favorite TV Series: KITTY'S
Favorite Movies: NO
Where are you from: TAIWAN
Favorite Website: KIMO SINA ....


Matteo Foo - 06/27/00 10:32:08
My Email:Zhung7@yahoo.com
Favorite TV Series: WhatEver Movie starred by Tony leong or Kitty Lai
Favorite Movies: KungFu Cord Master
Where are you from: Malaysia
Favorite Website: Yahoo

I hope that you may updating more interesting news about Kitty Lai and her current condition. Instead of that, you may also can offer some exciting webpage to your visitor, so that, they may have many choice on this occasion. Hope to see you soon.

Andromeda Leung - 06/23/00 20:04:10
My Email:sueekit@yahoo.com
Favorite TV Series: All of Kitty's Series
Where are you from: USA


MiMi - 06/22/00 23:05:01
My Email:mailinh82@yahoo.com
Favorite TV Series: Series that have Kitty Lai
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: KItty Lai 's websites

Hi, my name is MiMi, I love Kitty deeply, I'm sure that noone could love her than me. I'm so happy that she has many fans and a homepage like this. Does Anyone in here know any new about her? If yes please let me know. Does she have boyfriend yet? I ish she has a happy life and always get luck. Thanks to create a great homepage for her. This website is really nice, I like it alot. Keep it up. A loyal friend of Kitty Lai MiMi

Margie Yong - 06/22/00 03:57:08
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre

Kitty is pretty, innocent and cute. I like her tv series very much.

Melissa - 06/21/00 09:54:33
My Email:minii_mee@wouldilie.com
Favorite TV Series: Charmed
Favorite Movies: Land of the Condors
Where are you from: Australia (VIC)
Favorite Website: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/8431/

HeYa, I LoVe KiTtY LaI ShE Is SoOoOoO CoOl!!!! If Ya WaNnA TaLk JuSt SeNd Mi A MeSsAgE!! I'Ll RePlY As SoOn As PoSsIbLe! MeLiSsA

KIM JONG GU - 06/20/00 08:32:46
My Email:kjg3312@hanmail.net
Where are you from: korea

hi i like Kitty's Lai i want see you .. Kitty's Lai ^^ haha....

kimjunjmin - 06/14/00 14:47:53
My Email:skyses124@hanmail.net
Favorite TV Series: the new heaven sword and dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: ????
Where are you from: korea

jjang~~~~~!!! ¢½¢½¢½

Vincent Nguyen - 06/14/00 06:30:49
My URL:http://www.happyvince.com
My Email:webmaster@happyvince.com
Favorite TV Series: Married with children
Favorite Movies: The Godfather
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: http://www.ddwebs.com

Very nice homepage. Keep up the great work!!

siok - 06/07/00 01:53:36
My Email:ha_ting@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword and dragon sabre
Where are you from: singapore
Favorite Website: still looking

hi vivian just interested to ask - where did you get the picture on the 5 main actresses of 'heavenly sword and dragon sabre'? i've been looking for it for a long time in spore and can't find it. can let me know soon? thanks. by the way, the lastest news now i know of kitty is that she, ada choi and a gp of actors are spreading their christian faith in america. any latest, i'll let you know. siok

caroline - 06/05/00 05:43:30
My Email:c_gunawan@yahoo.com
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword and dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: heavenly sword and dragon sabre
Where are you from: indonesia
Favorite Website: kitty & tony leung website

this website shocked me because i haven't heard of kitty for so long. but i've been her fans after i watched her with tony leung in heaven sword and dragon sabre. i was wondering if anyone knows where i can get the videos of that tv show? coz i tried to s arch them, but i couldn't find them in indonesia, since it's an old show. please contact me if you know.

shuting - 06/02/00 10:31:36
My Email:hast@moe.edu.sg
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword and dragon sabre
Where are you from: singapore
Favorite Website: any interesting ones

hi vivian i've looked thr your website - it's very interesting. i came across one with the heavenly sword and dragon sabre poster. it's beautiful with the five main actresses in it. can i know where i can get it? thanks shuting

siok - 06/02/00 08:34:16
My Email:ha_ting@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword and dragon sabre
Where are you from: singapore
Favorite Website: still looking

hi you've done a great job creating kitty's website. may i know where you get the poster of heavenly sword and dragon sabre? i like it very much and wish to have it. can let me know where i can get it? thanks siok

Susan - 05/31/00 17:11:55
My Email:xbach@gis.net
Favorite TV Series: Break down
Where are you from: U.S.A

If you have something new about Kitty Lai, please send email to me above

Vicky - 05/25/00 19:07:06
My Email:hivickyv@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: New heaven sword and dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: Terminator 2
Where are you from: Thailand
Favorite Website: I wish it will be my own homepage in the furture

Hi Vivian, I enjoy your homepage so much. It reminds me the time that I'm crazy for Kitty lai( I love her still). I creating a homepage especially for new heaven sword and dragon sabre. Can I use your pictures? I'd be glad to refer that and creat a link to your home age. Thank you Vicky

April - 05/25/00 14:53:06
My Email:april@hkss.com
Favorite TV Series: Heavenly Sward & Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: same TV Series
Where are you from: Thailand
Favorite Website: Kitty Website

Hi, i love KItty Lai for long time. She's very pretty. It's very great when i saw The Heavenly Sward & Dragon Sabre with Tony Leang. I like this couple too. If you would like to talk something about Kitty Lai pls contact me. However i still love her Kitt Lai.

James Brown - 05/10/00 16:41:04
My Email:nworbsemaj@messagez.com
Favorite TV Series: The Sopranos
Favorite Movies: Like all sci-fi and fantasy
Where are you from: Oregon
Favorite Website: www.zdnet.com

I was just surfing aimlessly saw the site decided to stop

V. Phu - 04/22/00 19:20:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~vphu/Index.htm
Favorite TV Series: New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: Los Angeles

Actually, my fav. HK Series is a toss-up between "Heaven Sword" & the "Return of the Condor Hero ('83)." I have both series on tape and have watched it many times (well, parts of it many times). Nowadays, the HK series are just awful -- the storylines a e boring and the cinematography is bland. HK TVB should re-release all the old series (pre-1990) with better picture & sound quality. Lai Mei Han and Chan Yuk Lin are my fav. actresses.

Steven Dean Nguyen - 04/03/00 20:25:50
My Email:chopin80@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: the challenge of life

Dear "cuttie" Kitty Lai, I am your biggest fan despite the fact that I am not Chinese. Kitty, where have you been? I have not see anywhere lately? Well, hopefully, I can see you again.

Gia Vo - 04/01/00 04:31:49
My URL:http://www.bepaid.com/master.rhtml?REFID=10502262
My Email:giavo@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: All the one that has Kitty in it
Favorite Movies: All Kitty's movies
Where are you from: Vietnam
Favorite Website: Tony &Kitty sites for Chinese Stars

I am the greatest fan of Kitty & Tonny. Frankly I just want to share with you a website that you can make money. You could get paid $120 an hour while watching advertisements! But you can not get less than $20 per hour, because: ($20/hour minimum) for watching ads from time to time. Just visit the link my link (Above) and click on JOIN.... Then you will receive a software on May 15 to get started

Gia Vo - 04/01/00 04:26:00
My URL:http:// www.bepaid.com/master.rhtml?REFID=10502262
My Email:giavo@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: All the one that has Kitty in it
Favorite Movies: All Kitty's movies
Where are you from: Vietnam
Favorite Website: Tony &Kitty sites for Chinese Stars

I am the greatest fan of Kitty & Tonny. Frankly I just want to share with you a website that you can make money. You could get paid $120 an hour while watching advertisements! But you can not get less than $20 per hour, because: ($20/hour minimum) for watching ads from time to time. Just visit the link my link (Above) and click on JOIN.... Then you will receive a software on May 15 to get started

- 03/31/00 20:26:41


JOHNY LEUNG - 03/31/00 11:50:25
My Email:vomy@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Heavenly Sword & Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: Heavenly Sword & Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: Tony &Kitty sites for Chinese Stars


jenn - 03/27/00 17:51:00
My Email:jennthaistar@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword & dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: all
Where are you from: usa
Favorite Website: Tony & Kitty sites for Chinese stars

I've been one of tony and Kitty fans since I watched the heavenly sword & dragon sabre. They both are so talented. I hope to see her back in Entertainment again as Tony.

giaht - 03/07/00 21:56:30
My Email:giaht@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: the war heros
Where are you from: canada
Favorite Website: tvb.com.hk


Anne Nguyen - 02/10/00 19:44:03
My Email:annetnguyen@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Detective Investigation Files IV
Where are you from: Vancouver, Canada


Mark - 02/01/00 03:44:31
My URL:http://my.netian.com/~koogi84/money.html

I love her so much, she's really pretty.. anyways.. :-) Have you heard about some companies that pay you to surf the web? they are really cool.. I earned $500 last month, and they are totally free. U CAN MAKE LOTS OF MONEY,TOO!! TRUST ME!! Please visit my website which will guide you the way to get money!! Thank you very much. http://my.netian.com/~koogi84/money.html

Chuong Du Ky - 12/26/99 01:38:18
My URL:http://sdfd.gh
My Email:NeuSpeedz@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Y Thien Do Long Ky
Favorite Movies: Song Hung Ky Hiep
Where are you from: Vietnam
Favorite Website: This One

I was wondering if Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre was everyone's favorite movie or something? Cause most of you listed it as being your favorite. Did you put it there because you actually sat through the movie or just listed it because everyone else did. Let me tell you something, Heaven Sword has got to be one of the greatest movie every made. It's one of the most touching and most proud movie ever made. Films nowaday lacks originality and the choreography. I know I'm out of my league when I say I'm n love with Le My Nhan, but, she's so darn cute in those ancient clothes. Sometimes I wished that the ancient times really did exist and that I was the hero. I just had to get this off my mind, this is a great webpage nonetheless. Hope to see some upda es soon....peace!

Vy - 12/20/99 00:28:35
My Email:vivian_tran29@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: All of Kitty's movies
Favorite Movies: All of Kitty's series
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: All of Kitty's website

Hi Kitty's fans, My name is Vy and one of the Kitty's fans. Anyway, a new website dedicated to Kitty and was created by Ling Siu, friend of mine. There are many precious pictures of Kitty there. Please check it out. The URL is below: http://come.to/hkstars

noodle - 12/03/99 10:48:05
My URL:http://yahoo.com
My Email:looksorn@chaiyomail.com
Favorite TV Series: every series that kitty play
Favorite Movies: The mask of zorro
Where are you from: Thailand
Favorite Website: kitty web

I like kitty very much! I alwaya see her on vdo but now I don't hear her news .If who have news about her please send to me .Thanks.

johnny boy - 11/23/99 09:40:31
My Email:LoverHung@aol.com
Where are you from: TEXAS
Favorite Website: sport

i like all the movie that you do i love it ........ if you have a chance send me some of your movie ok thank

Pharoat Thavy - 11/19/99 19:40:43
My URL:www.yahoo.com
My Email:709kenyon st.
Favorite TV Series: mtv
Favorite Movies: coman lee and you
Where are you from: Seattle
Favorite Website: yahoo

I'm pharoat Thavy. I think, you're the prettiest girls that I saw. Can you please give a heard acttact. Because you make a boys, to be a crazy guy. Please call me, and we will get a nice conversation. I love you man .

Mega Fransisca - 11/15/99 03:14:43
My Email:mfgirl180781@dreamemail.com
Favorite TV Series: Ie Thien Tu Lung Ci
Where are you from: Indonesia

She's pretty, I like her very much since I watched The movie.

Pharoat Thavy - 11/11/99 04:41:59
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:709kenyon st. southpark
Favorite TV Series: mtv
Favorite Movies: fugigi, coman lee


Clark Lee - 11/11/99 04:38:08
My Email:hotasiaboy2000@hotmail.com or kenchirolee@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: all the movies Kitty was in
Favorite Movies: the one that Kitty with hope lots of femal
Where are you from: Dallas, Texas in the United State
Favorite Website: Kitty Website

Yeah.....what kind of rice you eats, why you so cute?

Pharoat Thavy - 10/30/99 04:30:14
My URL:http://www.pt.com
My Email:709kenyon st. southpark
Favorite TV Series: mtv
Favorite Movies: Kitty, coman lee
Where are you from: Cambodia
Favorite Website: yahoo

I'm Pharoat Thavy. I'm 19 years old. I'm a young puppy. I watched on the movie about you. And I think, you are the prettiest girls that I have ever never seen before. I love you, and I hope, you give me you phone number. I know, you older than me. Please call me at phone (206)768-1912

Pharoat Thavy - 10/29/99 04:42:47
My URL:http://www.pt.com
My Email:709kenyon st. southpark
Favorite TV Series: mtv
Favorite Movies: Kitty's Fan
Where are you from: Cambodian
Favorite Website: yahoo

i'm Pharoat Thavy. I'm young man that fall in love to Kitty's Fan. I always think about you. And I think you're the prettier gil than I have never ever seen before. Please! give me a call, or you can emil to my house. I'm from Cambodian, I'm 19 years old. I have been in u.s.a about 3 years. And I came hear to get education. Please,please,please, please, call, call, call, me, me and I hope you call enjoyed my communication. My phone is (206)768-1912

shirley chung - 10/24/99 03:11:11
My Email:lydiating@ctimail3.com.hk
Favorite TV Series: ­Ê ¤Ñ ±O Às °O
Where are you from: Hong kong

Dear kitty §Ú «Ü ·Q ©À §A ¡B §Ú ³ß Åw §A ¦³ ¤@ ¬q «Ü ªø ªº ¤é ¤l ¡A ¦ý ¬O ²{ ¦b «Ü ¤Ö ¾÷ ·| ¦b º· ¹õ ¤W ¬Ý ¨ì §A ¡A ªº ½T «Ü ¥i ±¤ ¤Î ¥¢ ¸¨ ¡C ŸÒ µL ½× ¦p ¦ó ¡B ¥u ­n §A ¦³ ´r §Ö ªº ¥Í ¬¡ ¡B §Ú «Ü ¤ä «ù §A ªº ¡A ²¦ ³º ¨C ­Ó ¤H ³£ ´÷ ±æ ¦³ ¦Û ¤v ªº ¥Í ¬¡ ªÅ ¶¡ ¡A ©Ò ¥H §Ú ¥Ã »· ¤ä «ù§A ¡C P.S ¦U ¦ì Kitty fans §Ú ·¥ ¤§ ´÷ ±æ ¾Ö ¦³Kitty ªº ¬Û ¤ù ¡A ­Y ¦U ¦ì¦³ ¬Ã Âà ¡B ·q ½ÐE-mail µ¹ §Ú ¡B Åý ©¼ ¦¹ ¤À ¨É ¡A ·P ¿E ¸U ¤À ¡C MY E-MAIL ADDRESS lydiating@ctimail3.com.hk

Stephanie Abella - 10/08/99 02:58:14
My Email:Hunnie410@collegeclub.com
Favorite TV Series: Dawsons Creek
Favorite Movies: Sixth Sence
Where are you from: Philippines
Favorite Website: Yahoo.com

Thank you so much for putting great new lyrics. You have a totally cool page:) Thank you once again....

May Nguyen - 10/08/99 00:50:20
My Email:Mayng637@hotmail.com

I had met Kitty Lai recently at a church conference. Kitty is a Christian. She came to San Diego to spread the work of Jesus Christ. She was so nice! I got to take a picture with her!

Le Thi Bao Xuyen - 10/04/99 10:57:31
My Email:Baoxuyen@forum.dk
Where are you from: Denmark

I like her too very much

xbach - 10/04/99 02:11:17
My Email:xbach@gis.net
Favorite TV Series: Break down
Where are you from: Vietnam
Favorite Website: yahoo


Vy - 10/02/99 02:13:38
My Email:vivian_tran29@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: Before Yawn
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: Kitty's sites

Hi Kitty Lai's fan, If any of you want to know latest news or information about Kitty,you can go to Kitty's Discussion Forum. This site wasn't updated for a long time which is more one year and so there isn't any latest news about Kitty. I think Vivian is busy right now and she doesn't the time to go online. We sure miss her a lot. Anyway, thank you for reading my message.

Tracy - 09/30/99 07:08:02
My URL:http://hotmail.com
My Email:trieu_minh@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: "DICH. THANH"
Favorite Movies: "CO^ GA'I DO^` LONG"
Where are you from: VIETNAME

Hello Kitty!!! my name is Tracy I am from vietname I came to American 3 years. In my country I have to watch your movie a lot, and I like you a lot in the movie "CO^ GA'I DO^` LONG" with Tony Lueng. It is very very good that movie. Ok bye. Your fan Tracy

james dean nguyen - 09/15/99 19:58:18
My Email:vnguyen9@csulb.edu
Favorite TV Series: the challenge of life
Favorite Movies: the challenge of life
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: the one above & beyond

this website is the bomb! Keep up with the good work! i found it's very interesting in this website than ever before. I haven't seen kitty lai for a long, but now that i have a chance to see her through this website is a true honnor. Kitty lai is my favor te actress for so long, not only that, but i'm her biggest fan in the world. She is very cute and charming. Kitty, if you read my message,please reconsider of returning to tv series. We miss you a lot. Without you, the movies is not the same any more. Kit y, please do not retire from the movies industry.

james dean nguyen - 09/15/99 19:57:54
My Email:vnguyen9@csulb.edu
Favorite TV Series: the challenge of life
Favorite Movies: the challenge of life
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: the one above & beyond

this website is the bomb! Keep up with the good work! i found it's very interesting in this website than ever before. I haven't seen kitty lai for a long, but now that i have a chance to see her through this website is a true honnor. Kitty lai is my favor te actress for so long, not only that, but i'm her biggest fan in the world. She is very cute and charming. Kitty, if you read my message,please reconsider of returning to tv series. We miss you a lot. Without you, the movies is not the same any more. Kit y, please do not retire from the movies industry.

james dean nguyen - 09/15/99 19:57:42
My Email:vnguyen9@csulb.edu
Favorite TV Series: the challenge of life
Favorite Movies: the challenge of life
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: the one above & beyond

this website is the bomb! Keep up with the good work! i found it's very interesting in this website than ever before. I haven't seen kitty lai for a long, but now that i have a chance to see her through this website is a true honnor. Kitty lai is my favor te actress for so long, not only that, but i'm her biggest fan in the world. She is very cute and charming. Kitty, if you read my message,please reconsider of returning to tv series. We miss you a lot. Without you, the movies is not the same any more. Kit y, please do not retire from the movies industry.

nhan nguyen - 09/14/99 17:10:24
My Email:vnguyen9@csulb.edu
Favorite TV Series: the challenge of life
Favorite Movies: the raider casino
Where are you from: U.S.A

hello, there, my name is nhan and i'm from U.S.A. I 'm a big fan of kitty lai. I think she is talented and sweet lady. I love her smile very much;it's very sweet and innocent. I hope that I'll be able to see her some day.

Eric Truong - 08/16/99 20:56:07
My Email:etruong@soda.csua.berkeley.edu
Favorite TV Series: Legend of the Condor Hero and Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: San Jose, USA

My two favorite actresses are Kitty Lai and Barbara Yung. They're both very cute and beautiful, and very talented. Their roles in Heaven Sword and Condor Hero, respectively, are the best I've seen. I just want to wish Kitty a happy life.

jung-min, kang - 08/08/99 06:00:23
My Email:vz508001@nownuri.net
Where are you from: S.Korea

I've been a great fan of Kitty Lai since i was a junior high school student. I'm so happy to find out her web site on internet. I've got so great news about her which I really wanted to know.

Il Sun Jo - 08/07/99 07:07:43
My Email:tjs@snu.ac.kr
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: Too many!
Where are you from: Korean
Favorite Website: Kitty's and Tony's

I wish Kitty will be happy forever! Thank you for everybody who participate in this homepage, and I give special thanks to Vivien who made this homepage. Thank you very much!

Tim L Elliott - 08/06/99 15:52:10
My URL:http://www.Inficad.com/~azhwarangdo/
My Email:azhwarangdo@inficad.com
Favorite TV Series: To many to list here !!
Favorite Movies: Any thing with (martial arts in them)& very pretty Actreses.
Where are you from: USA.
Favorite Website: Right now yours !!

I was surfing the net and I came upon Mrs, KITTY's site and BOY!! what a site, thanks for the nice page. Tim E.

Belinda Chiam - 08/05/99 13:33:27
My URL:confidential
My Email:confidential
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword & Dragon Saber
Where are you from: The Lion City, Singapore

Kitty's Homepage is lovely. I really enjoyed going through them. A job well done!!! I love Kitty Lai long ago. However, there was no sight of her for so long that I almost forget her. Now, TVB has brought out the old series again. I re-rent all her tapes and still enjoy her acting and everything. She is really good and I think TVB does not know how to treasure her. It is a pity her romance with Tony Leung did not work out. Anyway, there are plently of trees for her to choose in this big forest, right!? Kitty, If you happen to read this message, just want to tell you that you are a good lady and you will definitely find your 'white horse prince'. All the best.

Yang, Dong Hyeok - 08/02/99 05:50:41
My Email:g0518@chollian.net
Favorite TV Series: Heaven sword and dragon sabre
Where are you from: Seoul. Korea
Favorite Website: here

She is a very good actress. I like she is pretty when she is mad.^.^ Good homepage..i hope there is more pictures of her!! ()_() (^.^)

Gine - 07/22/99 14:16:18
My Email:gine@tomail.com.tw
Where are you from: Taiwan
Favorite Website: About Kitty......

I am very happy to see the website. Because Kitty is my favorite actress. And the HP is pretty good. Thank you doing it for us. I hope that you can provide more pictures about Kitty if you can. Anyway. I wish that Kitty will be happy forever. And I will support her forever.

Tien Xuan Luong - 07/20/99 08:05:57
My Email:tieuxuannhi@yahoo.com 0r tien_luong@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: a lot
Favorite Movies: a lot
Where are you from: Vietnam
Favorite Website: most hong kong artist


Jang Eun Sil - 07/19/99 10:29:20
My Email:z982173@lily0.kyungpook.ac.kr
Favorite TV Series: The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: Korea

I like Lai Mei Han. When I was 14 years old(1989) I saw the TVB series "Chut Toi Sheung Kiu ". And I has liked Kitty. She is so beutiful and cool. Your Homepage is very good. Thank you for Meeting with Kitty and you. You will be so Happy. Well, Good bye, ^.^

Duc C. Nguyen - 07/18/99 20:49:32
My URL:http://vnen.moreprofits.com/index.html
My Email:ngchi@netzero.net
Favorite TV Series: Thien Dia An Tinh
Where are you from: CA, SanDiego

Your HP is pretty good.

- 07/08/99 05:46:49


Jenny Nguyen - 07/04/99 14:42:11
My Email:cooljen_2love@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: the new heaven sword and dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: kitty lai
Where are you from: Canada Toronto
Favorite Website: this website

Hi, I just want to say that your website is really cool, and I just want to lets you know that Kitty Lai is my favorite actress. Kitty Lai I think you truly make a cute couple with Tony Leung. Hope to hear from you soon. Lots of love Jenny Nguyen

Jenny Nguyen - 07/04/99 14:41:52
My Email:cooljen_2love@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: the new heaven sword and dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: kitty lai
Where are you from: Canada Toronto
Favorite Website: this website

Hi, I just want to say that your website is really cool, and I just want to lets you know that Kitty Lai is my favorite actress. Kitty Lai I think you truly make a cute couple with Tony Leung. Lots of love Jenny Nguyen

Jenny Nguyen - 07/04/99 14:41:21
My Email:cooljen_2love@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: the new heaven sword and dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: kitty lai
Where are you from: Canada Toronto
Favorite Website: this website

Hi, I just want to say that your website is really cool, and I just want to lets you know that Kitty Lai is my favorite actress. Kitty Lai I think you truly make a cute couple with Tony Leung. Lots of love Jenny Nguyen

Eain fei - 07/01/99 13:07:10
Favorite TV Series: every sery kitty play
Where are you from: THAILAND

I am very happy to see kitty web and thank a lot for this information about kitty I love her very much

±è°­¹Î - 06/27/99 15:59:24
Where are you from: SOUTH KOREA


vivian le - 06/14/99 04:52:32
My Email:girl4boy1@hotmail.com
Where are you from: australia
Favorite Website: kitty lai website


I LOVE YOU KWOK - 06/06/99 03:55:44
My URL:http://www.Iloveyou.com
My Email:iloveyo.gbonline.com
Favorite TV Series: TVBI series
Favorite Movies: chinese movie
Where are you from: U.S.A
Favorite Website: Yahoo

Have fun babe. Cool babe

Yang Joel Tou Keng Sou Xiong - 06/06/99 03:52:59
Favorite TV Series: Chinese Movie
Where are you from: America

Cool Girl Babe. Hope you doing fine. Babe, have fun with you love always Babe.

Rose Cheng - 06/06/99 03:50:43
Favorite TV Series: TVBI
Favorite Movies: Dark Tales 2, Hitman Chronicle, Police Feel in love, Dark Tales 1, I Love You

You is a very good girl. Keep up the good work girl. You so pretty and cool. Always happy at the time, babe.

- 06/01/99 10:14:05


jini - 05/29/99 23:20:20
My Email:gini96@netian.net
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword and new sabre
Where are you from: korea
Favorite Website: kitty lai

hello! i'm a great, loyal fan, for kitty. there are few kitty's series in our nation. I miss her. i also think kitty-tonny is very great couple, but they seperated, i sad.... i don't know English very well . i hope you know my heart for kitty.

jini - 05/29/99 23:20:06
My Email:gini96@netian.net
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword and new sabre
Where are you from: korea
Favorite Website: kitty lai

hello! i'm a great, loyal fan, for kitty. there are few kitty's series in our nation. I miss her. i also think kitty-tonny is very great couple, but they seperated, i sad.... i don't know English very well . i hope you know my heart for kitty.

jini - 05/29/99 23:19:43
My Email:gini96@netian.net
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword and new sabre
Where are you from: korea
Favorite Website: kitty lai

hello! i'm a great, loyal fan, for kitty. there are few kitty's series in our nation. I miss her. i also think kitty-tonny is very great couple, but they seperated, i sad.... i don't know English very well . i hope you know my heart for kitty.

Shelly Nguyen - 05/18/99 18:47:38
My URL:i don't have one
My Email:godloveyou@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: film HK
Favorite Movies: film HK
Where are you from: Vietnam

you are beatiful, i like your homepage, it creative, and beautiful.

Shelly Nguyen - 05/18/99 18:47:15
My URL:i don't have one
My Email:godloveyou@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: film HK
Favorite Movies: film HK
Where are you from: Vietnam

you are beatiful, i like your homepage, it creative, and beautiful.

Kathy Tram Vo - 05/11/99 01:14:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Booth/7664
My Email:Balti9@usa.net
Favorite TV Series: A Friend In Need
Favorite Movies: I Love Ferreri
Where are you from: U.S.A

Great homepage! Kitty Lai is very lucky to have such a devoted fan like you... I will check back often since I'm nowhere near done exploring your creative work. When you have time, please drop by and visit my page. Once again, nice job and keep up the g od work!

kim ki bum - 04/23/99 22:00:23
My Email:kkkk96@hanmail.net
Favorite Movies: ÀÇõµµ·æ±â
Where are you from: korea

she is a pretty woman Good luck!!!

Ching - 04/16/99 04:20:03
Favorite TV Series: Blood of Good Evil
Where are you from: USA

Lai Mei Han is unique in her personal and on-screen styles - soft, cute, and naive-looking, with a friendly smile and bright eyes. She is not one of those stunning beauties, but girl-next-door type. It's very easy to be attracted to her, whether you are a woman or a man. My favorite TV serie is Blood of Good Evil. I think her role in the serie is elegant with style. I especially like her look in the serie - with the pony tail sideways. If you could, please post more of her recent photos. Afterall we care more about the recent than the past, right? Thanks!

K.Linh Dai - 03/21/99 05:58:32
My Email:k.linhdai@usfamily.net
Favorite TV Series: legend of condor heroes

I like your website a lot. Kitty lai has always been one of my favorite female stars.

samloth - 02/27/99 01:12:06
My Email:nanthiez@aol.com
Favorite TV Series: heavenly sword and Dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: don't have one
Where are you from: Lynn, MA
Favorite Website: none

Kitty Lai have been my fave actress for so long . I never really thought she went out with tony Leung. I think they make such a cute couple. Do you know any way i can subscribe to hongkong magazine online or is there a newsletter online? I really would l ke to know what's going on over there especially with Kitty. blye.

Nini - 02/25/99 20:02:32
My Email:nini_ng@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: Titanic
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: many


ngoc hue - 02/17/99 21:47:06
My Email:TNgochue
Favorite TV Series: all of TVB series
Favorite Movies: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: Vietnam
Favorite Website: kitty's homepage

I like your homepage very much.It's very nice.I'm a loyal fan of Kitty. She is my number one actress.I think she is very pretty. I cried very much when I knew that she broke up with Tony Leung. I hope you'll have more her picture and her new. thank

charis - 02/06/99 23:05:15
Favorite Movies: RUGRATS,FLUBBER
Where are you from: W.A
Favorite Website: YOU'RES

I go on the inernet and go on lots of WEB. SITES and print stuff . And put it on my wall . And my friends think i'm crazy ,well you can put it that way but ,i siad to my friends { Nothings goin to make me hate hello kitty and i mean it } they say {Well if you're going to like hello kitty more than me we re not friends } i siad { so what who need a friend like you . Sincerly Charis

amanda bach - 01/21/99 19:25:18
My Email:budhead@yahoo.com
Where are you from: united state

i like your act in several of chinese movie series

Fransisca - 01/21/99 14:20:08
My Email:fransiska_kurnia@england.com
Where are you from: Indonesia

Kitty, I'm very interest about you. You are so beautiful and sweet. So can you give me your very good photos. Please send me an e-mail. Also please give your detail biodata

Dang Vo - 01/19/99 20:02:39
My Email:vod4412@cup.edu
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: U.S.A
Favorite Website: Kitty's Homepage

Kitty please do not retire, and can you please send me e-mail whenever you are free. Thank you for all the movies.

hiu fei ming - 01/15/99 17:05:04
My Email:eddyshfm@rad.net.id
Where are you from: Indonesia
Favorite Website: yahoo

Kitty's pics too small...:)

TTTD - 01/04/99 18:09:40
My URL:http://php.iupui.edu/~ttdao

nice home page.

- 12/19/98 02:02:29


manpham - 12/17/98 02:45:10
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/manpham/maggie_cheung_ho_yee.html
My Email:df
Where are you from: u.s.a

Hello Kitty, you are my favorite actress..

binh - 12/16/98 02:33:02
My Email:bnguyen
Favorite Website: kitty lai

i think you're gorgeous. i watch the movies that made and thought, "i wish i was the luck guy starring with her." so i hope your career continues to be good and stay pretty (as if you have to try).

DlH - 12/15/98 16:13:29
My Email:DlHhie@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Vietnam
Favorite Website: All websites containing pictures of you

If and only if you have time, please mail me on my E-mail address. Hope to hear from you soon!!!

THUY PHAN - 12/13/98 01:55:02
My Email:thuygigiphan@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: The New Heaven Swore and Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: MN

hi i like u a lot Kitty because i think u r very pretty. IT was bad to hear that u and Tony broke up because i think u guys r just perfect like in that movie. U guys should be together forever. with love. nice hp too. bring more pics and tell me when u have new pics i will come back.

Wendy Corissa - 12/12/98 06:03:18
My Email:suherman_a@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: God of Gambler
Where are you from: Jakarta, Indonesia
Favorite Website: Yahoo!

I very like you. And I very like your act as Chiu Ming in "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre". I hope you will come back to acting again. I'm sorry if my English not very good.

Chee siat yin - 11/21/98 09:49:00
My Email:siatyin@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Before Dawn
Favorite Movies: Sword
Where are you from: Malaysia
Favorite Website: none

I hope that Kitty will always happy with her life, i like to watch her TV series, May God bless her forever!

viviana chee siat yin - 11/21/98 09:43:19
My Email:vivchee@tm.net.my
Favorite TV Series: Before Dawn (1995 )


Hilda - 11/09/98 08:22:25
My Email:Dadaz26
Favorite TV Series: Monkey king
Favorite Movies: Heaven Sword and The Dragon Sabere
Where are you from: Indonesia
Favorite Website: chat


Temmy.Wahyudi - 11/09/98 08:17:49
My Email:Thio_Bukei
Favorite TV Series: TO LIONG To
Favorite Movies: Heaven Sword and The Dragon Sabere
Where are you from: Indonesia
Favorite Website: Yahoo

I Like This Actris

AN and CHRISTINA - 11/07/98 00:27:25
My Email:hunga@jps.net
Favorite TV Series: the dragon sword and sabria
Favorite Movies: the same
Where are you from: california u.s.a
Favorite Website: www.hongkong.com/

we like you so much . (do you like us). what kind of food do you like we will deliever it to you .

Queenie - 11/03/98 04:10:54
My Email:tsaina@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: Forrest Gump, The Sound of Music, Trumen's Show etc.
Where are you from: Hong Kong
Favorite Website: Yahoo

I am extremely happy to join so many Kitty's fans on your webpage. Your page remind me of all the happiness when I saw Kitty's series. Recently I can hardly see Kitty in Hong Kong TV, So I will keep up with the news you provide. Thanks.

10/25/98 11:23:47
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Janet - 10/17/98 06:00:27
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre/Before Dawn
Favorite Movies: Titanic
Where are you from: Vietnam
Favorite Website: Any website that has Kitty info and pictures.


Alex - 10/07/98 06:44:59
Favorite TV Series: The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: Vietnam


noc hang - 10/03/98 06:04:36
My Email:ngobody@aol.com
Favorite TV Series: Dich Thanh
Where are you from: long beach

hi vivian, i really love your site!! i am sure kitty will be impressed by it. ngoc hang

Cindy - 09/30/98 18:56:35
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Clemens Disney - 09/22/98 01:45:03
My Email:clemensdisney
Favorite Movies: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: Indonesia

I'm your fans and I like you very much I liked your films and esspecially your films with Tony Leung. If you don't mind, can I ask for your photo and put your sign in please. My addreas is : 54 Koonawarra St 3168 - Clayton Victoria - Australia

Clemens Disney - 09/22/98 01:43:01
My Email:clemensdisney
Favorite Movies: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Where are you from: Indonesia

I liked your films and esspecially your films with Tony Leung. If you don't mind, can I ask for your photo and put your sign in please. My addreas is : 54 Koonawarra St

Mary Nguyen - 09/20/98 22:23:59
My URL:http://none
My Email:WhiteRose_00@juno.com
Favorite TV Series: too much to list...
Favorite Movies: Jet Li's, Andy Lau, and Leon lai's movies.
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: alot.! :)

I really like your homepage..It's the first one I found of Kitty Lai. I am Vietnamese and I love to watch tv series.. If anyone's reading this can someone help me please. I like Eddie kwan Lai kit. If anyone know's of his series that he stars as the main actor please be free to email me.. I like talking to people who likes Hong Kong Tv series also.. thanks take care@! Respectfully, Mary

Jane - 09/17/98 04:21:24
My Email:www.jane56@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: All Kitty's tv series
Favorite Movies: Titanic, All Kitty's movies
Where are you from: Australia
Favorite Website: Kitty Lai Website

If you have any information and picture of Kitty Lai can you please email me. Please!

Jane - 09/17/98 04:16:26


paula tran - 09/10/98 14:45:11
Favorite TV Series: legend of the book & blade


Vivian Kong - 09/09/98 17:56:44
My Email:96475037@plink.cityu.edu.hk
Favorite Movies: Great Expectations
Where are you from: Hong Kong

Good work!!! I'm so happy to see those Kitty's picture! Keep your work!!!

tuankhai - 09/04/98 04:45:56
My Email:tuankhai@aol.com
Favorite TV Series: lien thanh khuyet


yen nhi - 09/03/98 15:11:52
My Email:dynhi@aol.com
Where are you from: minnesota

does anyone know about these series, "challenge of life" w/ kitty & leon and "blood of good & evil?" if you do would you please tell me about them? thanks!

yen nhi - 09/02/98 20:43:44
My Email:dynhi@aol.com
Favorite TV Series: yanky boy
Where are you from: minnesota

does anyone know about the series, "the challenge of life" or "the blood of good & evil?" can you give me suumary of these series? thanks

Kitty Byng - 08/12/98 10:31:18
My Email:jbraaten@.online.no
Favorite TV Series: Seinfeld , Friends
Favorite Movies: casablanca,the english pationt.
Where are you from: Norway
Favorite Website: I have no idea!

Hello. My name is also Kitty. I also whant to be an actress. That`s all..... Bye!

Phuong Tran - 07/22/98 15:39:49
My Email:phuong329@hotmail.com
Favorite Movies: Vietnamese movie called: Ton Tu Binh Phap and Co Gai Do Long.
Where are you from: Vietnam

I like you alot in the movie. I hope you making more movie in the future.

ERICA - 07/22/98 06:07:31
Favorite TV Series: all kitty movies
Favorite Movies: all kitty movie
Where are you from: california
Favorite Website: any site about kitty


Raymond Nip - 07/20/98 14:03:02
My Email:rlnip@ksc15.th.com
Where are you from: Bangkok
Favorite Website: IBM Patent Search

This is my first time to encounter a personal site like this. Very interesting and amusing. Good luck to you.

Toutou K. - 07/18/98 18:22:34
My Email:sickn46@yahoo.com
Favorite TV Series: LIN SHING KUET
Where are you from: Canada

Your homepage is very nice. I was a fan of Kitty since I saw her in lin shing kut (that was the first Hong Kong tv's serie thaht I saw). I also admire Roger Kwok and Sheren Tsang. If you have have any information about them PLEASE, e-mail me!!! Thanks in dvance, T.K.

yohanes ariathianto - 07/03/98 07:26:33
My Email:yohan80young@yahoo.com
Favorite TV Series: heaven sword and dragon sabre
Favorite Movies: titanic, good will hunting, independence day
Where are you from: solo ( indonesia )
Favorite Website: yours is one of them

Awesome websites. You know I have been searching for months to find info on Kitty Lai in the net and have always come home empty handed ... 'till I visit yours today. Thanks for devoting so much time in constructing this beautiful and complete websites. I m sure Kitty's fans will appreciate it very much. Keep up the good work and please e-mail me if you have new info on her.

mahasiswa - 06/28/98 18:46:02
My URL:http://members.the globe.com/mahasiswa/
My Email:mhsumsu@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: the "X-File"
Favorite Movies: Rissing Moon
Where are you from: Indonesia
Favorite Website: geocities

Hiii... I know you and I like you !!!... Please, contact me with my-email. and very... very tankyou. by : mahasiswa

Hao Huynh - 06/28/98 06:49:41
My Email:Huynh5073@duq3.cc.duq.edu
Favorite TV Series: All Hong Kong series movies
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: I don't have???

I enjoy visiting Kitty's hompage. It is so cool web site I was surfing. I have watched some movies that Kitty performed. I do have great time while I am here at Kitty's page... I am proud to have a nick name similar to her English name.

Shirley Le - 06/28/98 05:43:19
Where are you from: Vietnam


Anh Cao-Son - 06/26/98 13:20:34
My Email:Sonny@wans.net
Where are you from: Austin, Texas - USA


Good work ! Your home page is awesome. Please click this to entering my home page. Thanks.

Cheung Man - 06/22/98 21:42:02
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, Before Dawn, Dik Ching...
Favorite Movies: Titanic, Out on a limb,...
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: Many.. especially yours!

I'm a huge fan of Kitty Lai. Thanks for creating this beautiful website of her. Take Care, Cheung Man

Zita Tiu - 06/20/98 15:10:03
My Email:karas@tm.net.my
Favorite TV Series: Before Dawn
Where are you from: Malaysia

She are greet actress. Hopefully more TV series and movies specially with Alex Fong.

Hanh Chau - 06/20/98 05:03:03
My Email:hchau@uniserve.com
Favorite TV Series: Too many
Favorite Movies: Too many
Where are you from: Canada
Favorite Website: Too Many

Thank-you for dedicating this website to Kitty Lai Mei Han. You've done a wonderful job. I've been a big fan of hers for a long time. Keep up the excellent work!!!

johan - 06/10/98 03:55:45
My Email:johans@mailcity.com
Favorite Movies: godzilla
Favorite Website: yours

can I have your pic, please? if you read this please e-mail me ok! I want to know you better. And your homepage is beautifull, but i bet the maker is more beautifull.Keep on the good work

Nguyen, Truong D. - 06/09/98 04:16:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tdnguyen2000/
My Email:tdnguyen2000@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: HK
Favorite Movies: <3
Where are you from: CA, US
Favorite Website: your

Hello MISS Your homepager very nece,neat, and you look ao pretty sweet. I <3 It, Truong

Yun Jae-Ho - 06/03/98 09:27:26
Favorite TV Series: all thing
Where are you from: KOREA
Favorite Website: kitty lai's home page

Hello!! I have liked you very very much cheer up!! Good Bye

phuong phan - 06/02/98 20:55:56
My Email:phan2437@hotmail.com
Favorite Movies: New Heavan and sword
Where are you from: U.S.A


Lisa - 05/23/98 04:32:26
Favorite TV Series: Kitty's TV series
Favorite Movies: Kitty's movies
Where are you from: Malaysia
Favorite Website: All the websites!

hello, Vivian I'm from Malaysia. I've been a fan of Kitty for many years. I first saw her in " New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre" with Tony Leung, Sheren Tsang and Maggie Sui. She was so pretty in there, wasn't she? Vivian, I am so glad to see this Website of her. I ho e we could have more websites about Kitty Lai. Best Wishes, Lisa

David Lee - 05/14/98 22:15:36
My Email:buddha501@yahoo.com
Favorite TV Series: Old Kung Fu episodes
Favorite Movies: All Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan, Steven Segal flicks
Where are you from: Atlanta, GA
Favorite Website: yahoo

Thanks for such a great website about Kitty - of course, it would be really great to meet her, and I notice she's still single - hmmmmm! Any fans out there still remember Bruce Lee?

tanya - 05/14/98 05:00:06
My Email:tanyang@videotroon.ca
Favorite TV Series: the breaking point - the challenge of life
Favorite Movies: titanic
Where are you from: canada
Favorite Website: too much

First, I want to say that your website is very great and I enjoy the newest picture '98 of Kitty.It would be great if you can add the year of movies in which kitty played. Can you tell me the website that could give me information about Jacqueline Law ei Kuen, please?

Jonathan - 05/13/98 20:38:06
My Email:JTan22sexy@webtv.net
Favorite TV Series: The New Heaven Sword and The Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: Too Many!
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: Don't Have One

I have finally found some information on Kitty Lai! Ever since watching the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, I fell in love with Kitty. I really hoped that Kitty and Tony would be together forever!:( Unfortunately I'm only 20 so I don't think Kitty will ind me suitable for her. I'm glad that her career is still doing great, and I'm looking forward to see more of her. Please update me whenever there is any more information on Kitty! Thanks.

TuyetNhi - 05/09/98 02:48:43
Favorite TV Series: All of Kitty's tv series
Favorite Movies: All of Kitty's movies
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: Lots of...!

Hi, Vivian Nice Job! Gee... I can't imagine how much time & effort that you have put to this homepage. You know, I notice Kitty's fans are pretty nice and polite. I have lots of friends at Kitty's forum. It's so nice to talk with them. You should join us sometime so n. Take care, TuyetNhi

Jenny - 05/07/98 21:20:30
Favorite TV Series: All of Kitty's TV series
Favorite Movies: All of Kitty's movie
Where are you from: Malaysia
Favorite Website: Every Website

Vivian, You have done a Great job! You know, I was so...sooo... impressed about yourwork! Please keep it up and don't forget to update with more pictures of Kitty Lai.

Amy - 05/06/98 22:33:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/9357
My Email:jiaoamy@aol.com
Favorite TV Series: um...ummm
Favorite Movies: ??
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: too many to name

Hi Vivian, Nice page of Kitty first of all! Keep it up. Got your link at startalk forum and also heard about your site, from your friend Amei. Hope u can drop by to my site too! Don't forget to sign my guestbook! Thanks! Take care

Helen Fong - 05/04/98 02:32:06
Favorite TV Series: All Kitty's TV series
Favorite Movies: All Kitty's Movies
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: Lots of...!

Dear Vivian, Same as you, I'm a big fan of Kitty Lai. She is forever be the only one of my favorite. Thanks to you, Vivian for creating this webpage. If you ever need any help, I'll be glad to help you out. Great Work! Sincerely, Helen Fong

Tina - 05/02/98 21:18:44
My Email:ngocmaip@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: All movies was act by Kitty Lai :-)
Favorite Movies: All of Kitty's movies
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: I don't know

Well, I love kitty lai so much. I love to watch all her movies. So, i hope you try to load in more Kitty's pictures and the news about her life. I just want to say that I love her. My favorit and the only one who i admire:-) Love -Tina-

name - 05/02/98 13:12:59
My Email:phuongluudang@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: lots
Favorite Movies: not yet made
Where are you from: australia
Favorite Website: depends on the topic

great site, very attractive. i know that it's under construction but i think the site can be better if u have a section on what u updated and when. u've done a wonderful job anyway. bye, take care.

Vina - 05/02/98 05:03:36
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: Lots of them
Where are you from: California
Favorite Website: Lots of them

Dearest Vivian, I think you did a really nice job, please keep it up! Truly-Vina

Celine - 04/30/98 16:17:18
Favorite TV Series: The New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
Favorite Movies: Titanic
Where are you from: Los Angeles
Favorite Website: Every Website.....

Hi!Vivian Same as you, I'm a huge fan of Kitty's TV Series.She so beautiful and talented as well. I really like her acting style. I'm so glad to found this new website on her. Wow! Your work is so wonderful! please keep it up! Kitty's Fan, Celine

Kris Soekiatno - 04/29/98 21:43:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/soekiatno
My Email:cool1_@hotmail.com
Favorite Movies: Titanic
Where are you from: Indonesia
Favorite Website: my homepage

Keep be cool!! and add more pictures on it! Nice Job!!

Sara - 04/29/98 21:41:11
My Email:leokicks@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: Rugrats
Favorite Movies: Titanic
Where are you from: Iowa
Favorite Website: Things with....................


Grace Tang - 04/28/98 00:20:16
My Email:wentang@ucla.edu
Where are you from: Agoura Hills, CA

Keep up the good work

A-Mei - 04/21/98 03:07:28
Favorite TV Series: Before Dawn
Favorite Movies: Many...
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: All

Hey, Vivian I really like your homepage a lot. So, Keep up the good work. Don't forget to update Kitty's news and pictures. Thanks Vivian. Sincerely, A-Mei

Vy Tran - 04/17/98 19:23:41
Favorite TV Series: New Heaven Sword & Before Dawn
Favorite Movies: Out On A Limb
Where are you from: CA, USA
Favorite Website: all of it.

Vivian, congratulation to your new website about Kitty. I think you did a great job on it. I can't wait to see you update more pictures and info about Kitty. Truly, Vy Trzn

Tien - 04/17/98 16:51:52
Favorite TV Series: Heaven Sword, Yanky Boy, and Before Dawn
Where are you from: Toronto, Ont. Canada
Favorite Website: Lots of them.

Hi, Vivian. Wow, what can I say. You've done an amazing site for Kitty. I love it. Keep up the terrific work.

TinhXa - 04/17/98 05:49:47
My Email:TinhXa@usa.net

Hi Kitty :) Wow, it was nice seeing you on the web!!! I watched a lot of your movies and really enjoyed your acting :) You're still single?? That's impossible to a beautiful woman like you :) By the way..I'm a gal :) Where are you now? In HongKong or USA? Once again...nice seeing you on here and nice homepage :)

luu - 04/16/98 17:05:59
My Email:thebos@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Series: 'dragon sabre.." (the only one seen)
Favorite Movies: u guess it
Where are you from: Oz
Favorite Website: just about every one

wow wow wow wow wow... great site man.

YenLinh - 04/16/98 07:49:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/1778
My Email:yenlinh19@hotmail.com
Where are you from: USA
Favorite Website: CAN'T NAME THEM ALL


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