The Gasman's Sleeping Gas Site - 579 Gas Images (This Site) (Archive Site)
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This site is for those of us who like to see gas being used to sedate others. Gas is not used anywhere near as much as chloroform in the movies. For this reason, every picture has to be cherished. Although the classic black rubber mask is probably the most popular, these seem to be used less and less. Therefore, the pictures included here will be off all types - invisible gas, visible gas, clear mask, black mask and anything else. As with other similar sites, click on any of the small images below to see a larger representation. Comments may be sent to The Gasman on Sleepinggas at hotmail dot com. And if you have any of your own images, feel free to contribute them.

Links: Julie's Laughing Gas Page | MediMask | The Land of Nod | Sleepy Hollow | The Sleep Demons | Going Under | Atomage | Gassed Out Girls | The Narkos Club | Dental Fetish | UK Medical Roleplay | Medical Fetish | Let's Play Doctor Forum | Virtual Museum of Anaesthesiology | Historical Anaesthetic Equipment | The NDS Online Anaesthesia Museum | Mediquip | MediMac [NEW] | Examination Couch Zone.

Thanks to Mark Young for sending in the images from the operation to remove his wisdom teeth. He'll be happy to hear from you.

[1] An Xray showing the work to be carried out. [2] The dental chair with Papoose Board used as a restraint. [3] Nitrous Oxide gas re-breathing bag. [4] Flow-meter. [5] Oxogen/Nitrous vac tube. [6] A view of all the tools. [7] "Let's take a look before you're sedated". [8] Mark is wearing a different mask because the one to practice with was too small. Here he is begining the process of being sedated and restrained. The oral surgeon has just straped on the mask and Mark is told to count back from 100 and to breath in through his nose and out through the mouth. [9] The gas has taken effect and Mark now receives a Novicane shot to numb things up. It should also be noted that besides the gas and shot, Mark has been given an IV (for counsious sedation, also known as "Twilight Sleep". [10] Out! Cutting out the first wisdom tooth. [11] A little more Novicane for the three additional wisdom teeth. The Laughing Gas nasal-hood stays in place throughout! [12]. A diagram of how the Nitrous was delivered to the patient.

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Mark Young experiments with a nasal hood prior to having his wisdom teeth out.
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Another session in the famous Dr Doreen medical suite. [1-3] This patient is told to get on the bed. He is then given some practice with breathing through the nice black mask. [4-7] Once she's happy with his breathing, the nurse reaches for the real mask and gets the patient ready to be sedated. [8-9] The gas starts to flow and Dr Doreen joins the nurse to perform some procedures on the patient.

If you would like to see this scene - plus two other patients being gassed , please purchase this German-language video "Schwester, die Maske bitte!" from the excellent Doreen Institute. (C) 2000.

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I'm revisiting this classic scene from The Avengers. The original set of images can be found in the archive, oh and there is the Shockwave animation above. Several people are being held hostage. [1-7] A delicious black mask and handheld delivery system is used to knockout the householders. They are then operated on and bombs are placed inside them. [8-15] Tara arrives looking for Steed. She is soon offered the delights of the black rubber mask. Although she appeared to succumb to the irresistable fumes, she actually held her breath and was able to fight when the mask was removed.
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That cartoon again. It's actually called Bob and Margaret and has recently been repeated on the UK's Channel 4. It's about a dental surgery and each episode seems to have at least one gassing scene! This episode involves the assistant/receptionist walking out and the dentist's wife taking over. This scene involves a particularly talkative and nervous patient. [1-2] The dentist's wife rushes up to the patient and violently gasses him. [3] The patient is now sleeping peacefully. [4-5] She now struggles with turning off the gas equipment - eventually electing to dismantle it.
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[1-3] Is that all the time is? I'd better let this gas run cool and long. [4-11] I'm not normally one for cartoons but this one caught my eye. [4] The dentist is fed up with the talkative patient and so looks for help from the gas. [5] He runs to the patient with the mask. [6] The mask is firmly applied. [7] The phone rings. [8-9] The gas has not taken full effect and so the patient pulls the mask down slightly. [10] The dentist completes his call and realises his annoying patient is not receiving the full benefit of the anaesthetic gas. [11] The mask is back in place and the dentist passes the time by reading his book.
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Another find from "This Morning". This patient is getting a great sleep.
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From a phobia feature on "This Morning". [1-2] The dentist gives the patient some green medicine that should make her feel as though she had drank "a couple of gin and tonics". [3-5] The dentist relaxes her verbally and then reaches for the gas. [6-8] The patient now begins to feel nice and woozey and the voiceover says "the laughing gas is being piped up her nose". [9-13] The dentist tells the patient to imagine she's on a tropical island. [14-15] Boy is this patient relaxed.
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[1-4] From "Your Life In Their Hands". Please breath as deeply as you can to ease the pain. [5-7] A very brief scene from "Cagney and Lacey". Let me place this black mask over your nose and mouth.
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Scenes from an online operation. [1] The gas aparatus is prepared (two images). [2] The oxygen starts to flow (four images). [3] The full gas experience is now on (three images).
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From the Batman episode "The Cat and the Fiddle". Catwoman always did it for me - and it was probably this scene that got me started on the whole gas thing. [1-2] Catwoman visits rich recluse Minerva Mathews. [3-4] Sleeping gas starts to pour from her finger. [5] Minerva slumps to the floor and Catwoman changes into her clothes - ready to impersonate her when the security guard arrives.
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From the Batman episode "The Purr-fect Crime". [1-2] Catwoman has captured Robin. [3] Robin assures Catwoman that Batman will soon rescue him. Unfortunately, Batman is downstairs dealing with a tiger. [4] Catwoman assures Robin that Batman will not be appearing and taunts Robin with her pipe. [5-7] Sleeping gas comes out of the pipe and hits Robin in the face. [8] Robin is soon asleep and Catwoman and team plan his fate.
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From the Batman episode "The Joker Goes to School". The Joker doctors drink machines to give students surprises. This is to make them leave their studies and opt for the easy life - and turn to crime. Batman arrives at the school and decides to check out a milk machine by inserting a dime. [1] Batman and Robin arrive at the machine and insert the coin. [2] The machine suddenly grips their legs and they cannot move. [3] Robin looks to the machine and then exclaims 'Batman - knockout gas!" [4-5] Gas blows from the machine as the dynamic duo try to fight its effects. [6] The Joker and team arrive to see their enemies sleeping peacfully against the milk machine.
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From a dental training video. (Poor quality after video conversion). [1] The mask is applied and the gas activated. [2] The patient gets the first whiff of gas and her eyes raise. [3] The dentist monitors the patient to ensure everything is normal. [4] On a higher setting, the gas takes full effect. [5-7] The dentist and his assistant carry out their work while the patient is hardly aware of what's happening - raising her eyes as the feeling of helplessness, emptiness and fear take a grip.
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These are taken from the Pizza Hut advertisement. (Poor quality after video conversion) [1] I expect you're feeling nice and happy. [2] I doubt if you want any pizza from the menu.
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The ultimate gassing video - pictures reproduced courtesy of the Doreen Institute.

[1] After being given a quick gas demonstration by Dr Doreen, the nurse has a go herself. [2] The doctor walks back in and catches the nurse using the gas. [3] Dr Doreen suggests the nurse might like to be gassed properly. The nurse agrees and lies on the examination couch. [4] Dr Doreen reaches for the mask. [5] The mask draws near the nurse. [6] The mask is now firmly in place and Dr Doreen comforts her 'patient'. [7] She does up the straps to keep the mask in place. [8] Dr Doreen plays with the tubing while she waits for the gas to take effect.

If you would like to see this scene - plus two patients being gassed later, please purchase this German-language video "Schwester, die Maske bitte!" from the excellent Doreen Institute. (C) 1999.

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