TV or not TV

This soliloquy is brought to you by William Shakespeare
and Ohad Flinker
         T.V., or not T.V., that is the question;
         Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
         The rays and pixles of outrageous programs,
         Or to take arms against a sea of channels
         And by clicking end them.  To live- to read,
         No more; and by a life to say we end the
         headache and the thousand digitized shocks 
         That brain is heir to: 'tis a consummation 
         Devoutly to be wished. To live, to read,
         To read, perchance to think--ay, there's the rub:
         For in that book of life what thoughts may come,
         When we have shuffled off this creative coil,
         Must give us pause--(For a commercial break)--
         There's the respect 
         That makes calamity of so long cable, 
         For who would bear the kitch and twits of prime time,
         The networks' wrong, the stuntman's contumely,
         The pangs of disprized plays, L.A. Law's delay,
         The insolence of Emmy's, and the spurns 
         That patient merit of thine critics takes,
         When they themselves watch this bullshit all day ?
         Who would video bear,
         To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
         But that the dread of something after libraries,
         The undiscovered building, from whose shelves
         No bookworm returns, puzzles the will,
         And makes us rather bear that media we have
         Than fly to others that we know not of?
         Thus conglomerates make couch potatoes of us all,
         And thus the native hue of curiousity 
         Is sicklied o'er with the pale broadcast of news,
         And Enterprises of this generation and the next,
         With this regard their currents turn awry,
         And lose the name of fiction.  Soft you now,	
         Fair princess Leia!  Nymph, in thy orisons
         May the Force be with you !