Denise Richards Poll

Would You Rather See Denise Richards in the next 007 movie or Star Wars Episode 1?

Star Wars Episode I
Could Care Less

Current Results


03/12/99- Yea, yea, yea, it's been bout 1/2 year since i last updated the site, sorry but had way too much going on for a while there. Anyways the site's back. I will be updating it more frequently..hopefully..but I've put the 2 pics that were missing on, as well as a few more pages of pics. Check them out, and please sign my guest book and continue to email me with more stuff. and Yea I know she's gonna be in 007..thanks for everyone that emailed me.

09/11/98- Yea yea yea, I know that there's 2 broken links..the main reason is that I'm outta space on the geocities account. I believe by the time ur done reading this the problem should be fixed. Also u probably noticed there's advertising on my site now. Sorry but I gotta make a living. Anyways if u have any ideas for the next poll question email it to me. Later

07/29/98-Alright, it took me a while to update the page again. First, thanks to all the people who emailed me, I really appreciate your support and comments. Second, I do have all the pics you guys requested, I think they are alright since they were from a R movie and not some porn flick. The pics are all they ones I have accumulated, I still didn't get the movie yet, but I should by the middle-end of August. After I get the movie I should be able to get more stuff. So here's to you fans who's been emailing me, enjoy. CLICK HERE

07/07/98-Wow, it's been forever since I updated the site. I had so much to do in the last three month I really didn't get a chance to do anything, if u get what I'm saying. Anyways, I got StarshipTroopers on tape so if anyone ever needs a scene captured just give me a holler. I'm also getting Wild Things within the next month or so, I can then put even more exclusive pics. For now I've added a few new pics, BTW: one of them is a "revealing" screen shot from Wild Things for all of you who keeps emailing me. I never wanted to post a nude picture of the beautiful actress, but if she has a great body to show it off then why not. I want input from u guys on the nude pics, should i put more on here or no? Thanks very much for all that supports the site, I really appreciate all the info. Also, please sign the guestbook with responsiblility, don't be an idiot. Check the update section for the pics. Also updated the bio section thanks to info from

04/18/98-Received information on Denise Richards' upcoming movie from reliable sources. She is slated to star in a romance type movie. Don't know the title yet but will find out ASAP. Also thanks to all the people that have been on the page, keep it up and make Denise an even more famous star. Also changed email address, please send email to me now on to, or just click on the email button.

04/17/98-Still no leads on possible Denise Richards upcoming movies. Just wanted to tell some of the people shortly about VIVO. I think it's amazing because it compresses a 1 meg AVI into like 90kb w/o compromising too much quality. VIVOs can be seen everywhere now, so if you don't have it, go get it. Follow the link at the multimedia->movies page. Get the free player, unless you wanna shell out 20 bucks for the power player.

04/16/98- I saw Tammy and the T-Rex on USA the other day, and I have to say it is pretty bad. The only good thing about the movie is Denise Richards. The T-Rex is pathetically done, the special effects are even more distrurbing. The gay guy's acting is even worse. Again, the only good parts of the movie are scenes with Denise Richards. I especially enjoyed the last scene in the movie when she poured alchol on the brain and then did a strip tease. The next movie I'm trying to see is Nowhere, but Denise Richards has a really minor role, but I guess I'll still get it, just for her.

04/12/98-Last I heard, Starship Troopers is going to be released on video May 19, 1998. No news yet on Denise Richards' next film. Msg me if you hear anything on her future plans. Also, please sign my guestbook or email me with your comments, I would really like to hear what you fans think of the page and improvements I should make. Spread the word of the page, make Denise Richards an even more momentous superstar. Question for you fans, should I get rid of the poem or no?????

+2014 visitors have seen the beauty of Denise Richards.

07/07/98-Added new pics of Denise Richards from various sources. Added new article on News section. Click here to see them.

04/18/98-Added new pics of Denise Richards from Neon Movie magazine. Enjoy. Added new article on news section.

04/17/98-Added VIVO player links so that people who do not have the player could get it. It's great in that vivos are becoming ubiquitious.

04/16/98-Added the Starship Trooper Trailer in VIVO, under the multimedia section. Added news article under 04/16/98 on opinions of Tammy and the T-Rex. Got rid of the poem.

04/12/98-Added a new VIVO of Carmen (Denise Richards) piloting in Starship Troopers. Added new picture page, sexy shots from Entertainment Weekly.

04/11/98-Added new multimedia section, which contains EXCLUSIVE VIVO streams of two interviews Denise Richards had done regarding Starship Troopers, and the infamous swimming pool scene from Wild Things. The multimedia section also contains interviews she had done in Real-Audio. Modified my comments on Wild Things after taking heat from people for giving away parts of the movie. My apologies.

04/10/98-Added new pictures, click here to see them. Updated bio section.

04/05/98-Added new pictures of her on Leno, Click here to see them. Updated links section. SIGN MY GUESTBOOK PLEASE!!

03/28/98-Added new pictures, changed format of page to exclusive 800 by 600 to fix frame error with Internet Explorer. Added new comments below on Wild Things, which was seen by me on 03/28/98. Updated bio section after finding out some interesting things on her past.

After finally seeing Wild Things, I have to say that Denise is so much better than Dina Meyers from Starship Troopers, if you know what I mean. The movie was not really a soft porn like everyone said, it had nudity, but not to the extent of Basic Instinct, which was being compared to Wild Things. Most of the nudity was tastefully done, avoiding bawdy situations. The plot twists were a little too much, but I can't give away the movie now can I, and I do apologize if my past remarks ruined the movie for anyone. Go see the movie, it's worth the money. In my mind I think SST is better, but Denise Richards' "contributions" made Wild Things a near second.
It has been quite a while since a woman with such beauty stalked the movie industry. Some call her a goddess and others just open their mouth in awe as they see the beauty of this woman. Who could she be? Where did she come from? This page will attempt to answer these questions as well as display what makes Denise Richards so special. Please stick around and check out the rest of the page. Improvements will be made as soon as possible. Please leave a comment or question regarding this web page.

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