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Dr.Raju Pericherla Satyanarayana
Raju's Personal Page 

Got to see some Photos of Mine :
Miles to go Before I sleep & Miles to go before I sleep .
Well ! that One you might have known ,from the Robert frost .
Ok! Let's talk , you and I , Let's talk about me .
The world is calm as I write this ; a cold and a golden night with rain falling outside .
Sometimes when the wind blows the way it's blowing now. Let's talk very honestly about me.
My name is Pericherla Satyanarayana Raju ,
I am still a student studying alone far away from my parents . I was send to become a Doctor , which my parents dreamt of me to be. I as well have a sister , She is a cool girl , absolutely cool hearted named Swapna She is married on november 7th 1999...As far I know time moves to fast...hey I still consider too small....
My Native place is Ganapavaram...But we live there no more.
But at present settled in Hyderabad .
Well more about myself here in Moscow ,Completed my Medicine . But one thing to be open is I earlier loved to be a specialist in computer . At first I was Zero in that place(I never expected myself this high in computers , while things get on this way...I always trust to be one of the best doctors...Hope I will get that talent out of me...specially in the Cardiology...thats the dream of my uncle...which I am always ready to fulfill that....since I love him more than any one of my gaurdians...he is a very special man to me...And a great example of the person with great heart...and the best example in our family.
Mom and Dad ..no less to my heart....I love them.
Well.....Just Graduated in the year 2001....so now I am
Dr.P.S.N.Raju M.D.
Hey mail me if you wanna know something about me. Hey why don't you advice me....about things I should keep up here...since I am busy with my Hospital duties everyday.I wouldn't be having time to do all the updates...
Right now working for the Andhra Pradesh State Medical and Health Department at V.Madugula , Vishakapatnam District.