Jaime's Page

She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah

WOW! It has been such a long time since I did anything with this stupid thing, it's really suffering. Let's be honest though, it's not like there are a lot of people that come here, so it doesn't really matter in the long run.

A page about, well, me!

Here is my quotes page, check it out.

Visit the home of my adopted pets.

Some links to keep you busy while I'm moving in.

Click here to see a creepy picture.


Beatle hater????

Sign Guestbook and View Guestbook
I know it's a little odd how I set the guestbook up, but I kinda messed up and don't know how to fix it. :)

If you so desire, check out my Original Guestbook Entries.

This page was last updated on March 29, 2004.
Changes: I have obliterated the pics page and fun stuff page... because they sucked. Added some links and took out some that didn't work anymore. Slightly modified the Me page.

You are the person to visit this stupendous land since August 15, 1998!
This counter clearly doesn't work, so pay no mind to it. Maybe someday I will care enough to get a new one.

© 1997 cspafford@erols.com

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