Hey!! I see you have found my guestbook!! Thanks for signing if you did, but if you haven't feel free to do so!! Enjoy the rest of my page!!

Philip - 12/01/00 03:43:35
My URL:http://www.thewarforge.com
My Email:the_master7@hotmail.com
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Natalie Portman?
Fav singer/group/whatever: Limp Bizkit
Fav movie: Gone in 60 seconds?
Fav color: Blue

Hey, I just came here cause I found your site on a midi search engine but its pretty cool tho :D My ICQ# is 33565821 if you have ICQ and wanna add me.

Ashlee - 10/01/00 11:23:40
My Email:Nalei1031@aol.com
Fav Animal: puppy
Fav Bball player: David Robinson
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Ben afflect
Fav singer/group/whatever: Mia
Fav movie: Chasing Amy
Fav color: Yellow and Blue

Thankyou for putting out this web site for us! You have really cool pics of people!

SAMANTHA - 04/22/00 22:11:16
My Email:samanthasrour@yahoo.com.br
Hottest guy/girl in the world: MATT DAMON


Kayla - 04/09/00 16:44:09
My Email:goele_de_cort@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: dolphin_dog
Fav Bball player: Kobe Bryant
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Gorik Braem
Fav singer/group/whatever: K's Choice_Metallica_Bryan Adams...
Fav movie: Good will hunting_Titanic
Fav color: blue

Mmmmmm....Not bad (I mean your page, not Matt and Ben,they're fabulous).I would even say great. xxx Kayla

Silje Sørlie - 04/04/00 13:37:42
My Email:Samba101@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Horse(Dobberman 2)
Fav Bball player: Don`t know
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damond & Ben Affleck (my boyfriend:) )
Fav singer/group/whatever: Prodigy,Metallica,Mariah Carey,Green day,Weird Al Yancovic++
Fav movie: Big daddy,Dogma,Green mile,Urban Legend++
Fav color: Blue!

I think you`ve done real good work with your homepage!!It`s great!:)Keep up the good work!!!! *Silje*

PeTe&Susu - 03/26/00 10:59:45
My Email:kristina@penpals.com,subu85@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: platypus and dog
Fav Bball player: Shawn Huff, Allen Iversson and of course Michael jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damon and Elijah Wood
Fav singer/group/whatever: bomfunk MC´s
Fav movie: Dogma
Fav color: light blue and blue

cool site!!!We're are from finland!!! :) and we saw dogma yesterday and it was cool!!!! Have you ever heard bomfunk MC's!!?? peace/love!!!!!

Nicola - 03/19/00 11:02:02
My Email:besters@brd.dorea.co.za
Fav Animal: Dog
Fav Bball player: Don't have one
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Jared Leto/Jennifer Lopez
Fav singer/group/whatever: Blink 182 don't really have a favourite
Fav movie: Cruel Intentions/Fight Club
Fav color: Blue/Purple

I love your sight!!!!!!!!!!! It's realy cool can you please mail me and tell me how to make my own page 'cause I've always wanted to do that

*Whitney* - 03/11/00 19:28:13
Fav Animal: monkey
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damon
Fav singer/group/whatever: *N Sync
Fav movie: Good Will Hunting
Fav color: green/blue

This page is alright I lov the movie Good Will Hunting because Matt Damon are both in it and they are sooo Hotttt! I love them so much.

Brooke - 01/18/00 05:43:20
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/celebs/kutegirl17/index.html
My Email:Kutegirl17@gurlmail.com
Fav Animal: Cat
Fav Bball player: Trev Maccott
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Paul Walker
Fav singer/group/whatever: N Sync
Fav movie: She's All That
Fav color: Blue

Your page is reallly good! Sweet pics!!

marinka - 01/17/00 15:54:56
My Email:marinkamellee@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: DOG
Fav Bball player: MICHAEL JORDAN
Hottest guy/girl in the world: ben affleck
Fav singer/group/whatever: alanis morissette
Fav movie: the blair witch project
Fav color: blue

first i want to say that you're page is really awesom. and the second thing that i want to say is: BEN AFFLECK IS THE HOTTEST GUY IN THE UNIVERSE. BYE GREETINX MARINKA

Hilde Marit Vildalen - 01/15/00 15:09:18
My Email:alfadotten@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Cat
Fav Bball player: M.J.
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Ben Affleck
Fav singer/group/whatever: Millencolin - N.O.F.X. - Metallica
Fav movie: Armageddon - Mute Witness
Fav color: Purple

Very good!!!! Maybe u could have some other colours on the letters!!!But it was very good!!! *hugz* Hilde m:) *8-)

Thea Hasle Arnesen - 01/15/00 12:59:43
Fav Animal: Cats end dogs
Fav Bball player: David Beckham
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Ben Affleck
Fav singer/group/whatever: I dont know
Fav movie: Titanic and many more
Fav color: Dark blue

This was a great homepage.Thank you for letting us read it:)

Lucienne - 01/11/00 13:51:06
My Email:lucienne_c@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: horse
Fav Bball player: I'm English...!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Ben Affleck
Fav singer/group/whatever: Ocean Colour Scene
Fav movie: Withnail and I
Fav color: Dark red

Hello.. You seem a bit mad but that's okay...I think that you need more pics of Ben Affleck as he is just the most sexiest American Alive!

Jaimee - 01/10/00 20:26:10
My Email:jhammit@statecom.net
Fav Animal: horse
Fav Bball player: n/a
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Ben Affleck
Fav singer/group/whatever: Dave Matthews
Fav movie: Threesome
Fav color: blue

You said it all--If I had to pick the two hottest guys in the world they would be Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Question for you--I found this page trying to find out what happened to the movie "Reindeer Games" that Ben was supposed to be in coming out in ec. 1999??????????

Candice - 01/10/00 12:08:48
Fav Animal: Duck
Fav Bball player: Michael Jordan - Shut up, he's da bomb!!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Me...
Fav singer/group/whatever: Lolly
Fav movie: Home Alone
Fav color: Violet

I'm da bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jeeez I'm cool

Emmanuelle - 12/22/99 14:47:33
Fav Animal: cat
Fav movie: Scream
Fav color: blue


roanne - 12/22/99 09:58:38
My Email:roannewhitticase@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: cat
Fav Bball player: micheal jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: ben affleck
Fav singer/group/whatever: limp bizkit
Fav movie: austin powers
Fav color: blue

Yahhhhhhhhh!! im not a retard. i passed the test. hey we've met ben affleck. i was in a movie with him. i talked to him. he is very sexy. were from Prince George B.C. Canada. if you know where that is. they filmed Reindeer Games here. i think they might c ange the name to diception, it has ben affleck in it. if you watch it look for a girl in a black tuke, and a blue jacket. the grocery teller is my mom. well we are going to look in your sight more so bye.

andrea barry - 12/22/99 06:51:23
Fav Animal: cheeter
Fav Bball player: don't have one
Hottest guy/girl in the world: stephen dorff and mark hoppus
Fav singer/group/whatever: blink182
Fav movie: blade
Fav color: blue and purple

i didn't find any pictures of ben affleck. he is the biggest hotty aswell as stephen and mark

- 12/22/99 06:46:35


Cara Painter - 12/18/99 23:38:05
My Email:cara_painter@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: cat
Fav Bball player: michael jordan

HI Aubrynn! I'm bored!

Matthew Matt Mattenix - 11/24/99 22:55:42
My URL:http://geocities.com/jinkusu_one/
My Email:jinkusu_one@yahoo.com
Fav Animal: joey
Fav Bball player: the kind that doesnt throw basket balls at me
Hottest guy/girl in the world: the kind that doesnt throw basket balls at me
Fav singer/group/whatever: radiohead
Fav movie: edward scissor hands
Fav color: orange...dont know what it is, but I like it

Hey Alexis...Aubryn....dont know relaly what to clal you anymore, or to say to you. Havent talked ot you in a long time...havent jkept in touch with anyone like I promised I would. Its nice to "see" you again, and I'd very much appriciate it if you checke out my site, or mailed me or something, later

Alejandro - 10/20/99 03:49:26
My Email:buenosdias21@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: ones that don't smell
Fav Bball player: mark price
Hottest guy/girl in the world: elizabeth hurley
Fav singer/group/whatever: OASIS
Fav movie: From Dusk Till Dawn
Fav color: Blue

Hey Aubrynn. Sup?

Mander13 - 08/13/99 02:21:21
My Email:not available :(
Fav Animal: Dogs
Fav Bball player: Jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Nick Stahl, Josh Hartnett, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, John Rzeznik...they all tie.
Fav singer/group/whatever: Sugar Ray, The Offspring, Third Eye Blind, Goo Goo Dolls
Fav movie: The Blair Witch project
Fav color: Blue

Cool page!! You're very cool...a little wacky, but in the best way possible!! Being normal sucks. Keep it Up!! ~Mander13

Ash - 05/12/99 00:09:37
My URL:/Area51/Labyrinth/9624
My Email:ascraeus@worldnet.att.net
Fav Animal: the 4 assed monkey
Fav Bball player: bjork
Hottest guy/girl in the world: probably that guy i just took out of my oven
Fav singer/group/whatever: that dude on the streetcorner playing for beer money
Fav movie: meow mix commercial. does that count?
Fav color: infra red

I decline to comment for fear that my reputation as the worlds leading designer of custom belt loops may be irrevocably damaged.

Camilla - 03/26/99 12:15:17
My Email:camillanyman6@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Cats
Fav Bball player: I don´t have any favourite...
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Brad Pitt
Fav singer/group/whatever: The singer in Metallica
Fav movie: Armageddon
Fav color: Blue

Hello, I´am a 16 year old girl from Finnland and I like this page a lot...the picture of Ben Affleck is really hot, but of cuorse,all pictures of Ben are hot!!! Have a nice weekend and good luck with your basketball. Camilla

Emma - 03/22/99 13:23:10
My Email:independence_60@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Häst, hund
Fav Bball player: ???
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damon
Fav singer/group/whatever: Boyzone
Fav movie: Good Will Hunting
Fav color: Blå, svart

Jag vill bara säga att jag älskar alla filmer med Matt Damon. Will Hunting är den bästa filmen i världen, inte långt efter kommer Fucking Åmål med Mathias Rust och Armageddon med Ben Affleck och Bruise Willis... Sist vill jag säga att jag Älskar Mathias.....

Katie - 03/04/99 21:25:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/telivisioncity/lot/4898/felicity.html
My Email:kthvr118@yahoo.com
Fav Animal: butterflies
Fav Bball player: dont know too many
Hottest guy/girl in the world: BEN AFFLECK!!
Fav singer/group/whatever: brittney spears
Fav movie: she's all that (cept for that gross part if uve seen it!)
Fav color: Purple

I LUV THIS PAGE!!! Please please please email me and tell me how u got sound on yours. My page is felicity and I want to put madonna (the power of goodbye) on it. I'd really appreciate it if u wrote to me. For my b-day party, I did karaoke and I had taped your natalie imbruglia from your matt damon page. It was a hit!

amanda harding - 02/11/99 03:43:38
My Email:aaffleck6
Fav Animal: tiger
Fav Bball player: michael jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: ben affleck all the way
Fav singer/group/whatever: jay z
Fav movie: armageddon
Fav color: blue

you have a really neat page!!!!!

alexis - 02/06/99 19:17:49
My URL:http://here.com
My Email:alexis0540@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: turtle
Fav Bball player: charles barkley
Hottest guy/girl in the world: trevor meier, and justin wendt :)
Fav singer/group/whatever: KoRn, Prodigy, Jay-Z, Offspring, Hole, Garbage.... those are the latest
Fav movie: Faculty, Varsity Blues, Can't Hardly Wait, There's Something About Mary
Fav color: Blue and LIme Green

This is my page, but i just decided to sign my own guestbook for once. :) I just thought i'd thank everyone that has signed this thing and also say HI to all my friends out there.... you know who you are!! :) I have also been really busy with basketball a d school and stuff, so that's why I haven't updated in a long time. As soon as I am not so busy I will probably be updating so come back and see it!!! Well bye!!

Aaron Johnson - 02/04/99 17:52:02
My Email:snsod@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Falcon
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Haven't found her yet
Fav singer/group/whatever: 3eb
Fav color: Dark Turqoise

Hey. I'm a friend of Justin Wendt's (Strider/Riggs) just out surfing his friends' pages. Nice taste in music, except for the rap, but hey, personal preference. Put "The Raven" up, excellent poem. 2 thumbs up on the page.

Strider - 02/04/99 17:51:31
My URL:/area51/shire/7674
My Email:strider98@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: A Wolf!
Fav Bball player: Whats Yours??
Fav singer/group/whatever: Varies
Fav movie: Lethal Weapon 1-4... Braveheart...
Fav color: Green, Black, Green And Black..

HEY! I Havn't Heard From You In A LONG Time??!!! And Why Isn't My Pic On Your List Of Hot Guys??? *Grin* Well, E-Mail Me!!!

Christel - 01/31/99 22:52:23
My Email:Johauk@online.no
Fav Animal: Dog
Fav Bball player: Don't have one
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Angus Mac Fadyen
Fav movie: Braveheart
Fav color: Black

I really like you're home page, but I really missed a picture of Angus Mac Fadyen(Robert the Bruce, Braveheart) Greetings from Norway

Lindsey Bowman - 01/18/99 19:17:31
My Email:ssecnirp79@aol.com
Fav Animal: camel
Fav Bball player: Michael Jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt and casey
Fav singer/group/whatever: matchbox 20
Fav movie: wizard of oz
Fav color: plaid


*Jessica* - 01/02/99 20:00:04
My Email:goddess926@yahoo.com
Fav Animal: hmm.. i dunno
Fav Bball player: Micheal Jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: BEN AFFLECK!! DEFINATELY!!!
Fav singer/group/whatever: umm... i have lots of them!
Fav movie: Armageddon and Good Will Hunting
Fav color: light blue

~Awesome job on your home page!! I totally agree with you that Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are totally hot!! Keep up the good work!

Terri AKA Traxel - 12/29/98 06:30:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bench/2748/
My Email:sk8fan@claven.fanshawec.on.ca
Fav Animal: Penguin
Hottest guy/girl in the world: KURT BROWNING
Fav singer/group/whatever: like too many
Fav movie: Good Will Hunting
Fav color: Green (Hunter/Forrest)

HEY Alexis!! Doing a good job on your page...I haven't been here in awhile! Come to think of it, I haven't seen you in awhile!! Are you still alive??? *lol* See ya soon I hope

Lindsey - 12/12/98 05:40:38
My Email:ssecnirp@aol
Fav Animal: giraffe
Fav Bball player: michal jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Bowman
Fav singer/group/whatever: matchbox 20
Fav movie: night at the roxbury
Fav color: plaid

neato page

BHIT! - 12/01/98 22:48:50
My URL:/hollywood/makeup/3712
My Email:redhead_19@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Frog
Fav Bball player: Rodman
Hottest guy/girl in the world: NOT Neal Conaway! *Surprise!!!!* Hottest is Ryan Flores! He is a SEX GOD! *g*
Fav singer/group/whatever: Backstreet Boys and *Nsync! In fact, that is who my homepage is about!
Fav movie: The Waterboy!!!!! (I went and saw it with Ryan!)
Fav color: GREEN is a horny color! LOL

Alexis... or should I say AHIT.... What's up cuz? I miss you like peas miss carrots. :) Ryan Flores is HOT! Damn... So has anything happened with Terrall lately? Hmmmm.... I've not been to UA (united artists) or listened to Sylk-E-Fyne either!!!! I m deprived! Love you!

Donna Taylor - 11/18/98 21:23:37
My Email:58851240@mmu.ac.uk
Fav Animal: cat
Hottest guy/girl in the world: marc Overmars
Fav singer/group/whatever: The Corrs
Fav movie: The Full Monty
Fav color: Blue

Fantastic site. Well done!!!! What about finding some pics of Marc Overmars -he plays for Arsenal FC!!!

Massa - 11/12/98 15:35:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/boardwalk/5529
My Email:muskel@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: mmm.... mmmm.. well it isn't jerms..
Fav Bball player: Bball?? what's that? err.. not so familiar.. Jordan?
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Salma Hayek i think... Or Carmen Electra..
Fav singer/group/whatever: hard questions.. likes.. Pantera.. and Sublime.. they rock!
Fav movie: Army Of Darkness!
Fav color: Allways Blue!

Hey!! just came to think that you did sign my guestbook and i didn't sign yours!! how RUDE!! I'm sooo sooorryyyy!!!!! Hope ye fergive moi! Anyway.. have to get back and check yer page out! Live life!!!

J - 11/04/98 22:55:52
Fav singer/group/whatever: ACKLES
Fav movie: IS A
Fav color: HUNK AND A HALF

Sorry, but your page sucks.

Eric - 10/29/98 20:15:14
My URL:/SouthBeach/Docks/7603/
My Email:Gemini_76@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Tiger
Hottest guy/girl in the world: The Kids (janet's dancers)
Fav singer/group/whatever: Janet Jackson
Fav movie: The Color Purple (notice I always change)
Fav color: Black

Hey alexis, where ya' been?? haven't seen you lately. Oh, well, this just proves that I haven't forgotten bout you. Happy Halloween!!!

Eric - 10/20/98 03:03:19
My URL:http://fly.to/mynah76/
My Email:gemini_76@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Tiger
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Milla Jovovich
Fav singer/group/whatever: Janet Jackson
Fav movie: The Fifth Element and Lost In Space
Fav color: Black - but you said color so umm... Yellow

Hey Alexis!! Long Time, eh! Well I just wanted to give ya a quick SHOUT OUT, so there you go! So let me know what's up with you... Life on this side of the US is da' bomb right now. Email Me Chick!! BTW, thanks for the special shout out to me on your page, makes me feel special!!

Andy B - 10/17/98 16:37:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Trailer/1259/
My Email:andy102@mailexcite.com
Fav Animal: Sugar Gilders
Hottest guy/girl in the world: My Boyfriend Royce
Fav singer/group/whatever: Matchbox 20, Cherry Poppin Daddies
Fav movie: When a Man loves a Woman
Fav color: Blue

Nice. If you have time come check out my page.

Rick - 10/08/98 00:57:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/leopardgeckos/
My Email:klf@cyberstreet.com
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Megan (my girl)
Fav singer/group/whatever: Metallica, Tears for Fears, Nirvana...
Fav movie: 12 Monkeys, The Clockwork Orange, Aliens 2...
Fav color: Dark Blue


Your partner in Crime - 10/02/98 23:01:42

The get away car, the red one, come in handy yet? *l* Just checkin up on you. Laters

X - 10/02/98 22:57:33
Fav color: Green

Hey there alexis ?. what is your last name? *l* Sup'? Just wanted to say hi, HHHHI!!! *waves* haven't talked to you for a long time. I miss reading your words *l* Hope to here from you soon.

Cindy - 09/30/98 18:32:01
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

A>M>B - 09/22/98 01:11:07
My Email:hacker018@aol.com
Fav Animal: vampire bat
Fav Bball player: jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: sean yseult
Fav singer/group/whatever: white zombie,mad-ball,crowbar,pantera,pro-pain,ICP,korn,mettalica,sepultura,six-feet under,genitorturers,type-o-negative,crisis, cannibal corpse,rammstein,rage agaisnt the machine,nofx,nin,garbae,tool,sevendust,soulfly,sn t
Fav movie: full metal jacket,tosinda
Fav color: black(even though its a shade)


A>M>B - 09/22/98 01:10:09
My Email:acker018@aol.com
Fav Animal: vampire bat
Fav Bball player: jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: sean yseult
Fav singer/group/whatever: white zombie,mad-ball,crowbar,pantera,pro-pain,ICP,korn,mettalica,sepultura,six-feet under,genitorturers,type-o-negative,crisis, cannibal corpse,rammstein,rage agaisnt the machine,nofx,nin,garbae,tool,sevendust,soulfly,sn t
Fav movie: full metal jacket,tosinda
Fav color: black(even though its a shade)


Rebecca Colby - 09/19/98 22:37:18
My URL:http://members.aol.com/perkybeck/Colby.html
My Email:perkybeck@aol.com
Fav Animal: cat
Fav Bball player: I'm a soccer girl
Hottest guy/girl in the world: BEN AFFLECK ALL THE WAY!!!
Fav singer/group/whatever: Spice Girls/ Aerosmith
Fav movie: Armaggeddeon
Fav color: blue

How do you put more than one image on geocities sites? BEN AFFLECK RULES! I LOVE PETER FOGLE!

kerri - 08/26/98 23:20:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TRZFNK/index-2.html
My Email:KSPRITECAN@aol.com
Fav Animal: gorilla ( inside joke )
Fav Bball player: charles barkley
Hottest guy/girl in the world: wanya morris
Fav singer/group/whatever: boyz ll men
Fav movie: good will hunting
Fav color: green


bassi - 08/26/98 00:06:09
My URL:http://none
My Email:bassi0@hotma.....
Fav Animal: ?????
Fav Bball player: Jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Lots of hot girls......
Fav singer/group/whatever: Smashing pumpkins
Fav movie: The Rock
Fav color: Orange

Nice page . To bad your not on icq more often or I could talk to you some more.

Sunshine - 08/16/98 17:23:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/8193/
My Email:sunshine450@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: frog....
Fav Bball player: to make you happy Charles Barkley! :)
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damon
Fav singer/group/whatever: 3rd eye blind, madonna, N Sync, Natalie Imbruglia, Rammstein...more and more and more......
Fav movie: titanic and hocus pocus.... *LOL*
Fav color: blue, green, and yellow!!!

coolness page A!!!! Rock on....you need to add more to your Adam Sandler page though!!!!! HURRY HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Nicole - 08/16/98 08:16:55
My URL:http://members.rotfl.com/Harue2000
My Email:harue2000
Fav Animal: dog
Fav Bball player: Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Shemar Moore
Fav singer/group/whatever: Aerosmith
Fav movie: Armageddon
Fav color: blue

I love your page....keep up the good work. Please add on Alex Rodriguez, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Shemar Moore, Oscar de la Hoya!!! Thanks. Nicole

BHIT - 08/12/98 16:24:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/makeup/3712
My Email:redhead_19@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Frog
Fav Bball player: Nick Carter
Hottest guy/girl in the world: AJ and Nick
Fav singer/group/whatever: Backstreet Boys
Fav movie: Armageddon
Fav color: Green

Hi chica... how are you??? I am at school!!!! he he he he this is what i do here... lol... I hope you have many children!!!! lol, joke!!!!! AHIT BHIT and VHIT maybe!!!! Love ya!!!!

Ricky Brewer - 08/12/98 04:28:23
My URL:http://www.Fuckyou!.com
My Email:blow@me.com
Fav Animal: hmmm........bat
Fav Bball player: Asshole McGee
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Claire Danes
Fav singer/group/whatever: Korn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tha Shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fav movie: the third element,(that chik is hot !)
Fav color: Lime Green

Korn is the shit and that is all i have to say

Kaela - 08/11/98 14:11:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/theater/9743.html
My Email:wwhitley@gte.net
Fav Animal: reindeer - flying *or* non
Fav Bball player: My sister, of course!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Well, you've convinced me - Ben Affleck. David Boreanaz is runner-up though
Fav singer/group/whatever: Right now, hmm...Backstreet Boys, Athenaeum and Aerosmith (they've all got songs out right now that I'm addicted to)
Fav movie: For the moment - Armageddon
Fav color: Green

Hey! This is actually the first guestbook I've ever signed. Don't you feel - I don't know, privileged? Like your page, and I know how you feel - I just started my own homepage. Don't go, it sucks. For now, anyway. Okay. I'm done rambling. Ciao!

Mike May (spud on icq) - 08/10/98 23:52:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/9422/index.html
My Email:spud1_1@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Dog
Fav Bball player: None
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Gwen Stafani
Fav singer/group/whatever: OASIS!!!
Fav movie: too many to list
Fav color: green

hmmm kool page illl take chocalate chip.... thanx nice talkin to ya on icq later SPUD

Kristin - 08/10/98 05:34:04
My Email:kristin_ann@yahoo.com
Fav Animal: dolphins, whales..anything aquatic
Fav Bball player: Magic Johnson
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Ben Affleck...DAMN!!! he's so FINNNEEEE!!! *lol*
Fav singer/group/whatever: at the moment...hmmm...i'm really into that song "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls, so i guess it's them.
Fav movie: varies, but right now it's Ever After, if you haven't seen it yet, you have to go!!!
Fav color: blue all the way...

I absolutely LOVE your page!!! why??? 'cause it has Ben Affleck on it!!! and as i already said a hundred times, he is one FINE guy!!! and just seeing his face on your page makes me swoon! *lmao* i'm getting a little carried away here eh'? anyways, noticed that my name isn't on your hello page. : ( oh wells, put it in if you have the time...i'll see you at the island! take care!!!

maya - 08/10/98 04:07:31
My URL:/Hollywood/Bungalow/1233/
My Email:fair_lady_maya@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: reptiles r animals right? if so, geckos...and insects can be animals right? if so, dragonflies!
Fav Bball player: still don't have one
Hottest guy/girl in the world: myself! *lol* im kidding, really tho, its my twin sister! *l*
Fav singer/group/whatever: at the moment, Elliot Smith
Fav movie: ahhh ummm let's see...i really really like GOOD WILL HUNTING
Fav color: lime green, baby!

cool beans to your page :) see ya around!

The Great Milenko - 08/04/98 04:03:52
My Email:stydro@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Crow
Fav Bball player: Denise Rodman hehehe
Hottest guy/girl in the world: My girl Shaleena
Fav singer/group/whatever: ICP
Fav movie: Cable Guy
Fav color: Black

Yo hows it going. Dont see you too much on ICQ you that busy? Well I thought I'd check out you page. I usually dont sign Guestbooks but since you asked so polietely about a million times on your page, I decided I would. Cyah '][ ]-[Ë G®ëá'][' /\/\ï£ëñ]{ö ÃñÐ ÿøú® Ðëå'][']-[ ÇømëŠ vvïç]{ëÐ PåìÑFuL áñÐ Š£övv. Ã'][' †]-[ë ]-[åñЊ øƒ /\/\ï£ëñ]{ö

Melissa - 08/04/98 03:12:06
Fav Animal: cat
Fav Bball player: Patrick Ewing
Hottest guy/girl in the world: matt Damon
Fav singer/group/whatever: Sublime
Fav movie: My Girl
Fav color: blue

This page is really cool.

my name is Mikey...the one and only!!!!! and my last is johnson, just for good measure... - 08/02/98 21:44:21
My Email:fishpo@juno.com --write anytime--
Fav Animal: my fav. animal would have to be the Do-Do bird...they're extinct ya know...:)
Fav Bball player: Um...i like mister charles barkley...
Hottest guy/girl in the world: hottest girl??? Um, the queen of England...my she reign forever...as long as chucky doesn't goof it up!!! Oops, too late!!! lol
Fav singer/group/whatever: PINK FLOYD ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!!!
Fav movie: Wizard of OZ!!!!
Fav color: Orange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay, if you love jellybeans, i'm your man!!!!! If you ever decide to feed a bear, make sure you put a bid around it's neck...they tend to get messy! And finally, this letter has been written for the thinking impaired. If you have any problems, please ref r to the complaint department...have a psychotic day!

Ole Steinkamp - 08/02/98 21:41:17
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/bello
My Email:oles@primus-online.de
Fav Animal: my cat
Fav Bball player: no one
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Caroline I meet last night
Fav singer/group/whatever: Fury in the slaughterhouse
Fav movie: Der bewegte Mann
Fav color: darkblue

you have a cool page...

Rick - 07/31/98 17:27:48
My URL:/SouthBeach/Canal/4746
My Email:radclimber1@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Snake
Fav Bball player: Don't have 1 sorry
Hottest guy/girl in the world: don't know
Fav singer/group/whatever: Too many to list but heres a few,, 311, Barenaked ladies, Sublime, Everclear, some korn, and alot more, I like almopst anything.
Fav movie: Top Gun
Fav color: Green

Hey, Love the page, Check out mine if u have time!!, well Keep up with the good work. Rick

Josh Grim - 07/23/98 05:33:17
My URL:http://NA
My Email:altoid@enter.net
Fav Animal: ::ponders:: sea cuccumber
Fav Bball player: gary payton
Hottest guy/girl in the world: as far as famous people, i like Calista Flockhart (ally mcbeal), but to me the most beautiful people are people that i actually know...
Fav singer/group/whatever: i like a lot of groups...::sighs:: i'll give you thre: Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Dead Kennedys
Fav movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Fav color: Grey

I really don't know you, i just wanted to be loved forever... : )

StAcEy - 07/23/98 04:36:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/makeup/6324

pleeze add my link to your page! i need some visitors!!!!

Rick - 07/20/98 18:55:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Canal/4746
My Email:radclimber1@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Snake
Fav Bball player: Don't have 1 sorry
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Too many to list
Fav singer/group/whatever: 311. everclear, sublime, and alot of others!!
Fav movie: Probably... Jurasic Park
Fav color: Red

Hey, Love the page, I have a Piece of crap computer too so I know how u feel, well good luck getting the pic and stuff on there!!, C-ya later Rick

StAcEy!!! - 07/18/98 04:07:52
My URL:http://ummmiforget.org
My Email:memory@lapse.com
Fav Animal: those cute kittens
Hottest guy/girl in the world: umm, yes i think i am
Fav singer/group/whatever: BaCkStReEt BoYs!!!
Fav movie: anything BUT TITanic *l*
Fav color: green

i am the shit!!! *l*

Mandy ^_^ - 07/15/98 02:24:16
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/PaladinStar
My Email:Tiga2@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Cat
Fav Bball player: Jaque Vaughn
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Peter Wingfield
Fav singer/group/whatever: Rawlins Cross
Fav movie: Blazing Saddles
Fav color: Blue

Hidey ho! Great page you have here!! Ja ne! ^_^ ^_^

sonny - 07/14/98 21:32:17
My Email:son66@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: duck
Fav Bball player: alexis
Hottest guy/girl in the world: alexis..my love
Fav singer/group/whatever: alexis
Fav color: blue

i love you...QUACK

Brandy (duh) Chica #1 - 07/14/98 20:26:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/makeup/3712
My Email:redhead_19@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Frog
Fav Bball player: I have no idea
Hottest guy/girl in the world: A.J. McLean and Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys (and in that order)
Fav singer/group/whatever: Backstreet Boys, Yanni :) ha ha
Fav movie: Tita...hell no......um......Face/Off, Can't Hardly Wait
Fav color: GrEeN

I hope you will love me forever I am your cousin!!!! But I signed it just in case... :) AHIT BHIT FOREVER chica!!!! Add my link to your page!!!!!!!

Strider - 07/13/98 22:00:59

I Just Wanted To See How Much You Would Love Me If I Signed IT 3 Times! *Grin*

Strider - 07/13/98 21:50:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/7674
My Email:strider98@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: WOLF!!
Fav Bball player: hmmmm.... HArd Telling..
Hottest guy/girl in the world: He He He....
Fav singer/group/whatever: Whatever.
Fav movie: LETHAL WEPON 4
Fav color: Lime On Black

I Love The Page! (Even More Now That I Have A Link On It *Grin*) Keep Working On It And Let ME Know When You Update It!

Mista' Nix (aka: sexy) - 07/10/98 14:23:38
My URL:http://geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Cabaret/8118
My Email:mattenix_w@yahoo.com
Fav Animal: JAWA!!!!!
Fav Bball player: The big tall guy, that runs around with that orange ball thingy, and throws it in that trash can without a bottom, haning on a peice of plexiglass......sheesh, I always forget his name *grin*
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Hmmm...Julia? *HE HE* had to say it.....uh...I dunno....am I aloud to say myself? Oh, but that would make me sound egosentric (so what!?!?!) Ummm.....I'm gonna have to say Katie Holmes (she makes me feel all tingly in ide)
Fav singer/group/whatever: Uhhhh....uhhh...Green day?
Fav movie: 5th Element
Fav color: ummm.....DUH!?!?!??!! Grey!!!!! *smacks sexy in the back of da' head*

Ohhh....its Matt Damon, I feel so special...oh, and not to mention tingly *HE HE* Uhhh, good work Legs/A/Lex/Sexy...I never know what to call you now days *l*.....uh...uhh....uhh...*so confused*....uhh...I GOTTA GO! ~BLINK~

test - 07/06/98 20:37:01


Tyler Brown - 07/06/98 20:32:07
My Email:sexy_38@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: tiger
Fav Bball player: you
Hottest guy/girl in the world: you
Fav singer/group/whatever: i have not herd you sing yet
Fav movie: Alive
Fav color: blue

hey sexy mama. i love you. i love your page. please write me soon love button! bye bye.

- 07/04/98 04:26:35


oops!!! i never thought it would show up as a broken pic!!! - 07/04/98 04:25:07

type in those thingys IMG SRC=/pictures/icons/YOURCOLORHEREball.gif you can pick from orange blue purple red white green yellow black and try any other color!!!

Stacey - 07/04/98 04:19:33
My URL:http://youknowitalready!!!http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/makeup6324
My Email:duh.com

hey again!!! you know on your stats where you put dashes, you might consider putting 3-d balls. (i mean spheres!!!!!)just type if that dosent work, just go to the links to other sites and copy the code but u e the color of your choice!!!!! look at My homepage now and see what I mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandy - 06/20/98 01:52:02
My Email:duh like you don't know: redhead_19@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: frogs
Fav Bball player: Shaq!!!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Leonardo DiCaprio and Puffy are tied!!!
Fav singer/group/whatever: Backstreet Boys and Puffy
Fav movie: Can't Hardly Wait
Fav color: GREEN

Hi chica! Your page kicks! You are the awesomest cousin ever! Lylas and CHIB EBS forever and Always! Chib E.A.S. Everything AND!!!!!! BrAnDy

- 06/18/98 05:20:38


Holly - 06/18/98 04:35:27
My Email:serenity92@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: elephants and giraffes
Fav Bball player: hmmm.
Hottest guy/girl in the world: leo decaprio
Fav singer/group/whatever: chumbawumba
Fav color: blue

hi alexis--i had no idea you lived in santa barbara, i thought you lived in new york! you must have moved! :) well, anywayz i just had to say hi cuz yecats said your homepage was cool. buh bye

stacey - 06/16/98 05:45:25
My Email:duh!!! you already know
Fav Animal: kitties
Fav Bball player: shaq
Hottest guy/girl in the world: william you know...
Fav singer/group/whatever: matchbox20& willie is fine!
Fav movie: Like its going to be anything but Titanic!!! get real!
Fav color: the color of this background... lime green

wow!!! i knkow that this is really going to piss you off but pleez cOME to the auction!

stacey - 06/16/98 05:39:44
My Email:duh!!! you already know
Fav Animal: kitties
Fav Bball player: shaq
Hottest guy/girl in the world: william you know...
Fav singer/group/whatever: matchbox20& willie is fine!
Fav movie: Like its going to be anything but Titanic!!! get real!
Fav color: the color of this background... lime green

wow!!! i knkow that this is really going to piss you off but pleez cOME to the auction!

stacey - 06/16/98 05:31:22
My Email:duh!!! you already know
Fav Animal: kitties
Fav Bball player: shaq
Hottest guy/girl in the world: william you know...
Fav singer/group/whatever: matchbox20& willie is fine!
Fav movie: Like its going to be anything but Titanic!!! get real!
Fav color: the color of this background... lime green

wow!!! i knkow that this is really going to piss you off but pleez cOME to the auction!

Sean Neumann - 06/12/98 18:20:13
My Email:j_mccheyne@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Hawk
Fav Bball player: Dante Bichette
Hottest guy/girl in the world: hmmmmm
Fav singer/group/whatever: Shania Twain
Fav movie: hmmmmm SCIFI
Fav color: Black


ERIC - 06/03/98 01:55:48
My URL:/SouthBeach/Docks/7603/
My Email:gemini_76@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Tiger (Siberian and Bengal)
Fav Bball player: Don't Have One
Hottest guy/girl in the world: hmmm....Sandra Bullock
Fav singer/group/whatever: Mya
Fav movie: oh you know this one. I think I got you into it!! *l* FIFTH ELEMENT!!!
Fav color: Black, If I had to choose only 1

Hey alexis, I just wanted to stop by and check and see if you have updated it, and I can see that you already have done somethings to it. Cool Beans. Anyways...the Island is messed up right now. *frown* But just wanted to say HI and I hope you can sho Rain some stuff now!! *l* Later. Hopefully Soon.....and oh yeah....HAPPY BDAY TO ME!!

PurplePrincess - 05/31/98 20:42:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/9844/
Fav Animal: cat
Fav Bball player: Is that baseball or basketball? Doesn't matter. Don't care for either sport.
Hottest guy/girl in the world: That's hard to say. There are many gorgeous boys/men out there.
Fav singer/group/whatever: Madonna, Erasure, Blur, Garbage, Duran Duran
Fav movie: Scream
Fav color: purple

You have a very good page here! I like how it's about how you like people, rather than hating people. I esp. think that one South Park character icon is cute!

lUn@-t!cK - 05/28/98 02:56:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/3392
My Email:luna_tick@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Cats, Of course. =^..^=
Hottest guy/girl in the world: My fiance, Anacrime
Fav movie: Princess Bride.
Fav color: BLUE!!!!!!


lUn@-t!cK strikes again.....

Destiny(weed) kq - 05/25/98 22:45:24
My URL:http://stud
My Email:all the way
Fav Animal: pig or cat
Fav Bball player: Kelly Jolly, Duke point guard
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Bleach, Prince William
Fav singer/group/whatever: Mathbox 20
Fav movie: Fifth Element
Fav color: lime green

Your page sucks I never should of came here *STRIKE* get this off of the Internet!!!!!! what a loser you must suck at basketball if you like Charles Barkley all I can say is don't come to this page Up and out!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Strider - 05/24/98 04:47:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/7674
My Email:strider98@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Wolf
Fav Bball player: You Tell Me!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: hhhhhhhhhmmmmmm Hard To Say
Fav singer/group/whatever: Changes All The Time
Fav movie: Braveheart.. Independance Day.... Lethal Weapon.... Who Knows?
Fav color: Black And Green.. Black And Blue... Black And Red... Black??

Great Page! I Will Be Looking For That Pic!!!

- 05/21/98 21:26:42


Sabel - 05/17/98 16:15:08
My Email:sabel@rocketmail.com
Fav Animal: cat
Fav Bball player: chipper jones
Hottest guy/girl in the world: chipper jones/ matt damon/brad pitt
Fav singer/group/whatever: wynonna/aqua/dolly parton/kd lang/annie lennox/ and many more!!!!!!
Fav movie: Legends of the Fall/ Thelma & Louise/ Beetlejuice
Fav color: blue

AWESOME PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow, matt damon is hot!!! feel free to e-mail me!!!!! later, sabel!!!!

Redford - 05/16/98 01:10:59
My URL:http://www.ontimeprint.com/lovezone ...Page 5
My Email:jfb@bcl.net

Alexis. Thank you for visiting my page. I'm sorry I took so long to sign yours...forgive me!!??? *S* I was hoping there would be a pic of you on here but either I missed it or there isn't one. I remembered you wrote someting in my guestbook..I'm going to go read it now and if I have anything cute to say...I'll E you...hey ...neat page! *S* Julian aka Redford.

Limp - 05/05/98 00:18:01
My Email:Hacker018@aol.com
Fav Animal: Tiger
Fav Bball player: N/N
Hottest guy/girl in the world: My girlfriend Liz
Fav singer/group/whatever: Pantera
Fav movie: N/A
Fav color: Black even though its a shade


allie - 05/01/98 04:17:29
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/~allie_4/index/html
My Email:allie_snow@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: kittens
Fav Bball player: grant hill
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Ben Affleck!!! all the way, if you think otherwise, you are CRAZY!!!
Fav singer/group/whatever: usher and nsync, sublime, smashmouth, and other fine fine fine fine guys!!!!
Fav movie: liar liar
Fav color: green

this has some fine , im talkin seriously fine guys on this page!!!! like matt and ben (especially ben) he is soooooooooooooooooo hot and FINE well, i gotta go, luved the page ! ! ! ! ! email me! k?

Tony Tirado (dragonslayer) - 04/30/98 21:36:35
My Email:skulltwister@mailexcite.com
Fav Animal: great white shark
Fav Bball player: Micheal Jordan
Fav singer/group/whatever: Boyz 2 Men
Fav color: blue

I really like your page. I'd make some suggestions if I had some, but I don't. Bye

Tony Tirado (dragonslayer) - 04/30/98 21:34:59
My Email:skulltwister@mailexcite.com
Fav Animal: great white shark
Fav Bball player: Micheal Jordan
Fav singer/group/whatever: Boyz 2 Men
Fav color: blue

I really like your page. I'd make some suggestions if I had some, but I don't. Bye

Eric - 04/28/98 18:47:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/7603/
My Email:gemini_76@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Tigers
Hottest guy/girl in the world: alexis

Hey alexis, where ya' been? IM me asap!!

Jayne ::Lexi:: - 04/28/98 09:27:04
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/2093/home.html
My Email:pookela@hotmail.com
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Leonardo DiCaprio

Hey Alexis, tell Karin that the Leonardo DiCaprio shrin is on my page! hehe *smiles*

Jayne ::Lexi:: - 04/28/98 09:17:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2093/home.html
My Email:pookela@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Turtle
Fav Bball player: -------- o -------
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Leonardo DiCaprio
Fav singer/group/whatever: ------- o -------
Fav movie: Grease/Labrynth
Fav color: Green

Hey Alexis! Great name you got there! *smiles* Well I really like your page, great job! Aint everyone loving it too? *grin* Well just wanted to stop by and tell you 'hey!'. Soon, your page will surpass Andreas' one. hehehe

Jenna - 04/27/98 20:24:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/wIcKEd
My Email:shy_shy1@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Guinea Pig
Fav Bball player: Ummm....
Hottest guy/girl in the world: My boyfriend Justin
Fav singer/group/whatever: Queen
Fav movie: Freeway
Fav color: Green

Great page!

Dominique Moceanu - 04/25/98 22:49:55
My URL:http://www.moceanugymnastics.com
My Email:houstongymdm@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Cats & Dogs
Fav Bball player: Hekaeem Oljuwan (sp?!?)
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Brad Pitt
Fav singer/group/whatever: Reba M., Deanna Carter, Garth Brooks, ect.
Fav movie: Titanic
Fav color: Black, White, Red, White, Blue, Purple

Nice Page! :)

Stacey - 04/22/98 18:10:21
Fav Animal: tiger
Fav Bball player: Micheal Jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damon/Antonio Sabato JR.
Fav singer/group/whatever: NSYNC/Backstreet Boys
Fav movie: Titanic and The Saint
Fav color: Forrest Green + DRK blue

Your page is really excellent. But I think that you could do with a few sexy pictures of Antonio Sabato JR. and a few more of Matt Damon.

Warren Vella - 04/19/98 21:31:51
My Email:you know it Alexis :)
Fav Animal: The Snake (but I love all reptiles)
Fav Bball player: Magic Johnson
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Tairrie B (from Tura Satana)
Fav singer/group/whatever: Fleshless
Fav movie: Gridlock'd
Fav color: BLACK

I don't really care how the site looks. The important thing is that it belongs to a very special person. But I must say...that kid puking on the main page is real cool!! What's important is that we keep in touch Alexis.

Chelsea - 04/19/98 17:59:37
My Email:chanza98@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: monkeys : )
Fav Bball player: shaq(however you spell that!)
Hottest guy/girl in the world: LEO & GAVIN : )
Fav singer/group/whatever: Blur,Bush,Matchbox20,fiona Apple,Natalie Embruglia,Jewel,no doubt,and MUCH MUCH MORE
Fav movie: Titanic
Fav color: green

hey Lexi!I stummbled on your page from going to maya's page,its pretty awesome!

Sunshine - 04/19/98 14:41:32
My Email:sunshine450@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: frog
Fav Bball player: Charles Barkley
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damon, Leo
Fav singer/group/whatever: Backstreet Boys, Savage Garden, Bush and Smashing Pumpkins
Fav movie: Of course, TITANIC
Fav color: blue or green

Your page is pretty nifty! You need to help me on mine! It pretty much sucks right now! :)

Jeremy - 04/19/98 02:07:15
My Email:wld@csrlink.net


Cisco Kid - 04/18/98 05:34:42
My Email:csbc@erols.com
Fav Animal: my doggie (schnauzer)
Fav Bball player: ME!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: ME!
Fav singer/group/whatever: Ummmm..all of them!
Fav movie: Apocolypse Now
Fav color: Red

Way Kewl!!!

Travis "Starvin'Marvin" Heffelfinger - 04/17/98 00:02:31
My Email:heffelfinger.14@osu.edu
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Love Hewitt
Fav singer/group/whatever: Ben Folds Five, Billy Joel
Fav color: All of them

Hi! It's me from Island Chat! Nice page! :)

Jeff(Hawker)(Penteb) - 04/16/98 23:59:22
My Email:Hawkins32@AOL.com
Fav Animal: i like all preditor animals
Fav Bball player: basketball>>Marbary
Hottest guy/girl in the world: i dont know,there's to many
Fav singer/group/whatever: nat. umbruglia,sugar ray
Fav movie: Tommy Boy
Fav color: red

i have none,HI lexy,its me,jeffy:)live long and prosper!!!!KICKASS,Die with pride and joy,live life to its fullest,goodbye:)

Harmony Potter - 04/16/98 23:57:50
My Email:harmonypotter@hotmail.com or red_26sugar
Fav Animal: butterfly
Fav Bball player: Charles Barkley
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Gavin Rossdale
Fav singer/group/whatever: Madonna
Fav movie: Titanic
Fav color: Lime Green


@¿@ - 04/15/98 02:20:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/7603/
My Email:Gemini_76@hotmail.com
Fav Bball player: Penny™
Hottest guy/girl in the world: RuPaul *l*

Hey alexis, just thought Id make another stop on your lovely BRIGHT page. It's way awesome, keep it up. ERIC aka Çire™ aka @¿@

Grendel - 04/14/98 13:42:04
My URL:http://members.aol.com/hunterkahn/hunter2.html
My Email:xgrendelx@yahoo.com
Fav Animal: My Charlie dog and rosie cat
Fav Bball player: Motumboooo
Hottest guy/girl in the world: YOu ever see maya?
Fav singer/group/whatever: Operation Ivy/NOFX
Fav movie: MP+the Holy Grail
Fav color: Bluuuue

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cool page... I love this! Everyone's makin' pages... GO EVERYONE and stuff.... cooooool page, as I mentioned before :oP but WHERE'S MY LINK??????...grendel

Mattenix - 04/12/98 16:46:15
My Email:rawoodso@indiana.edu
Fav Animal: Pangelion
Fav Bball player: the big black guy, who jumps around and puts the ball in that circle thingy
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Uhhh....no comment, but Billie Zane ofcourse
Fav singer/group/whatever: Radiohead
Fav movie: Dark Crystal
Fav color: Uhh...considering I am color blind, thats a stupid question

Heyya Sexy, veery nice page.....VERY nice *l*. My page will be unleashed on August 9th, at noon...SO BE PREPARED FOR ARMEGEDON! *lol*....its a pretty BIG page, took me 8 months.....au revoir mon chere

Karin - 04/11/98 05:05:38

Damn. DiCaprio I meant.

Karin - 04/11/98 04:58:31
My Email:karin_honey@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: monkey
Fav Bball player: uh, one that can get a basketball in the hoop
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Daniel (you know that foober)
Fav singer/group/whatever: I will get back to you on that
Fav movie: Romantic movies, horror movies, comedy movies, action movies (no one favorite)
Fav color: deep green

Foober, the lime green is hard on the eyeballs, especially one in the morning. Cool webpage though! It's definately you. I mean, it's really you. Except, where is the Leonardo DeCaprio shrine? I must of missed it. :p

sweet_thang - 04/11/98 03:10:19
My Email:pixydoll@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: pigs
Fav Bball player: Barkley
Hottest guy/girl in the world: mine!!
Fav singer/group/whatever: dunno
Fav movie: Titanic
Fav color: bright yellow

hey chicky!! Barkley all the way girl!!! anyway nice page...talk to ya later!!! one and only....

angel eyes - 04/10/98 22:07:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Dropzone/6946/
My Email:fairyparts@yahoo.com
Fav Animal: Kittens
Fav Bball player: You can choose for me!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Jared Letto!
Fav singer/group/whatever: Weezer! hehe!
Fav color: Dark Green!

Hey cool page! Tell me when you get all those pics you were telling me about up! I'd like to see them!

Invisibleman - 04/09/98 04:04:18
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~aandreas
My Email:aandreas@earthlink.net
Fav Animal: cats/ persians
Fav Bball player: wanna be like Mike
Hottest guy/girl in the world: CLAUDIA
Fav singer/group/whatever: Jakob Dylan
Fav movie: cried over Titanic
Fav color: RED

Just knowing you could seduce anyone over the internet is God-like power in itself, although they could be butt-ugly... Oh, well... thoseare the breaks ! Alexis Congratulations for starting a webpage. I find your pages very cute. Keep up the good work.

Terri - 04/07/98 23:41:16
My URL:http://www.don'thaveone.com
My Email:sk8fan@claven.fanshawec.on.ca
Fav Animal: Penguin
Fav Bball player: Don't have one! My fav skater is KURT BROWNING!!!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damon
Fav singer/group/whatever: Collective Soul/Bryan Adams
Fav movie: OLDIE:Grease NEWIE:Good Will Hunting/Titanic
Fav color: Green (Dark)

Great page Alexis!! How's the weather in California? Hi to Strider+Eric who have already been here!! See ya's at the Island or ICQ which ever comes first!! :-)

Kyle - 04/07/98 22:56:15
Fav Animal: dog (have 2)
Fav Bball player: Micahel Jordan
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Jasmine Bleeth!
Fav singer/group/whatever: Backstreet Boys , U2
Fav movie: dont know yet...
Fav color: blue

hey AL! sup? your page looks nice to me! GO GIRL! anyways.....B-BALL RULES! *gonner*

ERIC - 04/07/98 17:14:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks//7603/
My Email:Gemini_76@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Siberian Tiger
Fav Bball player: Penny Hardaway
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Sandra Bullock
Fav singer/group/whatever: Fleetwood Mac
Fav movie: GREASE and Clueless
Fav color: Bright Orange and Green (the color of $)

Hey Hey Hey alexis, pretty cool.... Don't forget to come to my page and sign, now that I've signed yours!! *S*

Strider - 04/06/98 22:29:53
My Email:wendt@povn.com
Fav Animal: Wolf
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Cami
Fav singer/group/whatever: ??Changes with Mood???
Fav movie: Tossup... Braveheart? Con Air?
Fav color: Blk Mixed With Green Red Or Blue

Cool Page! E-Mail ME Sometime.. You Will Have To Send Me The Url Again Once I Get Home.

Sunshine - 04/06/98 01:45:10
My Email:sunshine450@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: frog
Fav Bball player: Charles Barkley
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio
Fav singer/group/whatever: any alternative rock group
Fav movie: Titanic
Fav color: blue, green

this is such an awesome page...it rocks...oh yes! You need to get some pictures of some hot guys! :)

Mark Leith - 04/05/98 23:08:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MarkLeith/aus.html
My Email:MarkLeith@Rocketmail.com
Fav Animal: Cat
Fav Bball player: Dont have one
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Alexis
Fav singer/group/whatever: BackStreet Boys
Fav movie: Titanic
Fav color: Green

I love your homepage, and I love you, please email me some time!

Mulder - 04/05/98 22:58:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/5291/
My Email:z-a-c-h@geocities.com
Fav color: green

This is really cool so far. Yeah add some pics and stuff. Keep up the good work

PitBull - 04/05/98 21:32:10
Fav Animal: dog
Fav Bball player: basketball sucks
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Pamela Lee
Fav singer/group/whatever: Alice in Chains
Fav movie: Die Hard
Fav color: black

you need some pics or something. it's kind of boring. loe sucks! he is gay!

maya!! - 04/05/98 19:41:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/1233
My Email:fair_lady_maya@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: itty bitty kitty cats!
Fav Bball player: umm, none sorry!
Hottest guy/girl in the world: toss up between my husband Brad Pitt and Vincent Gallo my boyfriend!
Fav singer/group/whatever: Ani Difranco
Fav movie: wow, i have like a thousand and one, but lets say The Goonies
Fav color: green!!

well lexi congrats!! but i cant figure out why your guestbooks wont work!! see u at the island!

- 04/05/98 18:46:47


- 04/05/98 05:32:36


- 04/04/98 23:57:39


alexis (homepage owner) - 04/04/98 23:05:56
My Email:alexis0540@hotmail.com
Fav Animal: Turtle
Fav Bball player: Charles Barkley
Hottest guy/girl in the world: Matt, Ben, and Leo
Fav singer/group/whatever: Prodigy, Will Smith
Fav movie: Titanic
Fav color: Blue

Just testing to see how it works!!

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