Matching:Match the correct answer to the question in the pull down menu.
Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer and mark the space provided next to the best answer.
11. "Titanic was called the ship of __________, and it was. It really was."
A.Tears B.Dreams C.Steel D.Poop decks
12. "It is unsinkable. __________ himself could not sink this ship."
A.Jack B.God C.Hercules D.Menol
13. "But this ship can't sink!" "She's made of __________, sir. I assure you she can, and she will. It is a mathematical certainty."
A.Steel B.Wood C.Iron D.Noble Gases
14. "I'm not a(n) __________. I know how the world works..."
A.Dork B.Slacker C.Flake D.Idiot
15. The hymn sung at the Sunday morning mass ended with "__________."
A.For those in peril on the sea B.Titanic is the ship of dreams C.I love thee, Jack, oh I love thee D.Amen
16. "Take her to sea, Mr. Murdoch. Let's stretch her __________."
A.Keel B.Poop deck C.Passengers D.Legs
17. "...She's in delicate condition, see how she tries to hide it? Quite the __________."
A.Sandal B.Scandal C.Candle D.Handle
18. "Let's see, Fabrizio's got __________..."
A.Niente B.Veinte C.Cuarenta D.Cincuenta
19. "I see the __________ of Liberty already. Very small of course."
A.Pups B.Cabbage C.Bell D.Statue
20. "Do you know of Dr. __________? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you, Mr. Ismay."
A.Pepper B.Thunder C.Freud D.Rocket
21. "Anyway, I went through some thin ice and I'm tellin' ya, water that cold... like right down there... it hits you like a thousand __________ all over your body..."
A.Knives B.Paper cuts C.Swords D.Poop decks
22. "Hey, who says you get top __________, huh?"
A.Gun B.Bunk C.Deck D.Bed sheet
23. "You're blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monsiuer __________ ever blushing."
A.Murdoch B.Monet C.Lovejoy D.Kohr
24. "Don't you do that, don't you say your goodbyes. You're gonna go on, you're gonna make lots of __________ and watch them grow, and you're gonna die an old lady, warm in her bed. Not here, not this night."
A.Pansies B.Chia Pets C.Petunias D.Babies
True/False: If the statement is true, select "True".If the statement is false, select "False".
25. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse Rose told Cal that she had been leaning far over the stern to see the bulkheads. 26. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse Jack had a second class ticket on the Titanic. 27. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse The ship that rescued the Titanic's passengers out of the lifeboats was the Carpathia. 28. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse TITANIC won fourteen Oscar Awards. 29. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse Fabrizio died as a result of a smokestack falling on top of him. 30. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse Rose was played by Celine Dion. 31. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse Jack was played by Leonardo DiCaprio. 32. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse "My Heart Will Go On" was sung by Kate Winslet. 33. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse "...She doesn't look any bigger than the Carpathia." 34. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse The TITANIC's band played to the very end. 35. - -Choose One- -TrueFalse TITANIC sank on the morning of April 15, 1912. Name: Email: (The only reason we ask for your email is so that we can tell you what your score is. If you don't want to put your email, you don't have to. ALL ADDRESSES ARE KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL)
Email: (The only reason we ask for your email is so that we can tell you what your score is. If you don't want to put your email, you don't have to. ALL ADDRESSES ARE KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL)
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