Titanic Quotes

(These are all in .wav format. Also, all these clips are from other websites-no copyright infringement was intended. If there is a clip that belongs to someone who doesn't want it on here, please e-mail us, and we will remove it.)

Rose: I don't see what all the fuss is about. It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania.
Cal: You can be bláse about some things, Rose, but not about TITANIC. It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania-and far more luxorious.

Fabrizio: Jack, you bet everything we have!
Jack: When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.

Jack: I'm Jack Dawson.
Rose: Rose DeWitt Bukater.
Jack: I'll have to get you to write that one down.
Rose: Ha!

Rose: Good gracious!

Rose: You're being very rude. You shouldn't be asking me this!
Jack: Well, it's a simple question. Do you love the guy or not?

Rose: You have a gift, Jack. You see people.
Jack: I see you.

Mr. Ismay: So you've not yet lit the last four boilers?
Captain Smith: No. I don't see the need. We are making excellent time.
Mr. Ismay: The Press knows the size of Titanic. Now I want them to marvel at her speed. We must give them something new to print! This maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines!
Captain Smith: Mr. Ismay, I would prefer not to push the engines until they've been properly run in.
Mr. Ismay: Of course, I'm just a passenger. I leave it to your good offices to decide what's best...but what a glorious end to your final crossing if we were to get into New York on Tuesday night and surprise them all. Make the morning papers. Retire with a bang! Eh, E.J.?.........Good man.

Rose: I believe you are blushing, Mr, Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monsiuer Monet blushing.
Jack: He does landscapes. Just relax your face-
Rose: Sorry.
Jack: No laughing.


Captain: What was that, Mr. Murdoch?
Mr. Murdoch: An iceberg, Sir. I put her hard to starboard, and ran the engines full astern, but it was too close. I tried to port round it, but she hit, and, eh-
Captain: Close the water tight doors.
Mr. Murdoch: The doors are closed, sir.

Mr. Andrews: As she goes down by the head, the water will spill over the tops of the bulkheads, from one to the next, back, and back--there's no stopping it.

Man: Oh, Miss! You shouldn't be here now!
Rose: Wait- Wait-I need your help-
Man: Come on, this way, quickly-
Rose: There is a man down here and he is trapped-
Man: Come on-this way, yes, alright-
Rose: Please!
Man: There's no need to panic-it's alright, come along
Rose: No-I'm not panicking-YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!
Man: No, no, it's alright..come along..
Rose: Let go of me! LISTEN!
(she punches him)
Man: To h**l with you!

Man: Hey--what do you think you're doing?! You'll 'ave to pay for that, you know-that's White Star Line property!!!
Jack & Rose: SHUT UP!!!

Mr. Lightoller: Get Back! Or I'll shoot you all like dogs!

Mr. Lightoller: Prepare to low-
Mr. Andrews: Mr. Lightoller! Why are the boats being launched half full?!
Mr. Lightoller: Not now, Mr. Andrews.
Mr. Andrews: There, look--twenty or so. In a boat built for sixty-five. And I saw one boat with only twelve. Twelve!
Mr. Lightoller: Well, we weren't sure of the weight, Mr. Andrews. These boats may buckle.
Mr. Andrews: Rubbish! They were tested in Bellfast with the weight of seventy men! Now FILL these boats, Mr. Lightoller, for G***s sake, man!

Mr. Guggenheim: No thank you. We have dressed in our best, and are prepared to go down as gentlemen.

Rose: The boats are gone!

Rose: Jack! This is where we first met!

Rose: But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson. And that he saved me-in every way that a person can be saved. I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory.

Other pages with TITANIC sound clips:
Barb's TITANIC Images and Sounds

More sound clips coming soon!!!