Hi! This is Hannah, and this is my first attempt at making a webring. I created this webring out of my love for TITANIC! So please join! I just have a couple rules:
If your site applies, please proceed!
Just fill out the form below, and you will be added to the queue. This means that you're not yet in the ring. After you are added, you'll come to a page with all your information on it. Make sure you keep you ID number and password! You'll neeed them in case you want to change anything. Then you'll have to add the HTML fragment to your page. It will be at the bottom of the page that you come to when you fill out the form. Don't worry-you don't have to change anything in it-just copy and paste it onto your site. I will then look at your site, and if it checks out okay, I will add it to the ring. Oh yeah-you will also get an email with your id and password, and the html fragment, so you could pick up the html fragment there.
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