Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974, in Los Angeles, CA.
He was the only child to George & Irmelin DiCaprio, who got divorced when Leo
was one. He now has a step brother named Adam. Even though Leo's parents were
divorced, Leo grew up a very happy child and continually did things with both
parents. As Leo's father stated, "We tried to always be there for Leo as he
was growing up". And they still are. Today, his parents help him in his acting
career. Leonardo went to school at "The Center for Enriched Studies" and "John
Marshall Highschool". But Leo wasn't interested in school and became know as the class clown who could do lots of imitations of people like Michael Jackson.
His worst subject was math, so instead of studing or doing his homework he often
cheated. Leonardo dicaprio grew up in the slums of LA, and his family was rather poor. So he first became interested in acting when his stepbrother, Adam, did a commercial and made lots of money in doing so. Leo admits that this
was "wrong", and he is ashamed of the fact that he went into acting just for the money. Now, he says, he doesn't do it for the money, but for the experience or if he likes the script and the chaeracters.
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