
These are me. Don't take these pics!
South Park is a show that is on at 12:00 AM Saturday (Ottawa/Nepean/Kanata/Glouster/Toronto/Barry/ EST). South Park is a really funny show about four kids and their really weird lives. These are the charecters in South Park in alphabetical order-
Pic | ----- Name -----| Who They Are |
:Les Claypool: The guy at the begining of the show who is playing the banjo.
: Officer Barbradey: A police officer.
: Eric Cartman: A fat kid, who loves cheesey poofs (regular).
: Mrs.Cartman: Cartman's dad.
: Chef: The school chef who is jewish, and really horny.
: Mrs. Crabtree: The bus driver.
: Damien: The Devil's son.
: Mr. Garison: There teacher, who has a problem (coo-coo).
: Gerald Marsh: Stan's dad.
: Ike Brosloski: Kyle's little brother.
: Jesus: The guy who chalenges Satan to a fight.
: Jimbo: A hunter.
: Kathy Lee: A girl who chef makes love to.
: Kenny McCormick: A guy who dies in every episode (regular).
: Kyle Brosloski: A guy who says 'Dude' a lot (regular).
: Mayor: The Mayor
: Mr. Hat: Mr. Garison's puppet.
: Pip: His name is Philip but everyone calls him Pip because they hate him.
: Recess Lady: A woman who shouts go inside you little bastards.
: Satan: An evil spirit.
: Guidance Counsler: The school guidance counsler who tries to help Damien.
: Stan Marsh: A kid who barfs every time he's near his crush, Wendy, has a sister named Shelly, and has a granpa who wants to die (regular).
: Wendy: A girl who likes Stan (regular).