The Magnificent Seven
Fridays at 9:00 on CBS
The Characters:
- Chris Larabee
- Look into his eyes and you'll know he's been to hell and back. Perhaps he'll
take you with him on his next trip. He's quick with a grin or a glare or a gun.
And God help you if you hurt someone he cares about.
- Vin Tanner
- Who's the mild mannered man leaning against the wall? He looks as though
he has just come off the range and has the scars to prove it. He's deadly with
that sawed off rifle he has strapped to his hip, so be careful.
- Nathan Jackson
- Healer or destroyer? Both, perhaps? With the smile of an angel and the
hands of a doctor he can cure almost anything that ails you. Don't mess with him
though, he can have a knife out and thrown before most men can draw their guns.
- Buck Wilmington
- Ladies man extrodinaire, if it's female he'll find it. But don't go thinking
that women are all that interest Mr. Wilmington, he also likes a good fight, a
fine bottle of whiskey, and a good friend.
- Ezra Standish
- He gives out aces of spades as calling cards and spends most nights at the
poker tables. A con man, a gambler, a loner: perhaps. The word loyalty is as
foreign as the pyramids, but friends have a way of growing on you.
- Josiah Sanchez
- Saint or sinner? He has seen the world and a good bit of hell as well. A
sense of humor is a valuable thing and this former priest has keep his in good
working order. Trusting in his faith and his gun, he is a powerful ally.
- J.D. Dunne
- Alright, who's the kid over there showing off. He's got a real fancy set of
pistols and appears to know how to use them, but he's a bit of a hothead. Who knows
what might have happened to him if he hadn't met up with the Seven.
They're dangerous. They're loyal. They're magnificent. The Magnificent Seven.
On this page you will find quotes and links to other Magnificent Seven pages eventually. Enjoy yourself!
Updated: January 1999