My Journal

I figured that since my life is OOOOOOOOOOOh so exciting, I'll try and write everyday about whats going on, unless the day bores me to death in which i won't bother putting you to sleep! So for all the nosey people, or the people that are just wondering what goes on in my mind, here it is!!!

Date: Friday, October 9th, 1998
Well today is the start of the long weekend, THANK GOD! After skool today Pauline, Lee, Dion, Greg and me went to play pool at this kool place Dion found. It was fun, and I totally kicked their butts! well maybe not totally, but i played good. And if me and Dion teamed up we would kick TOTAL ass. he he he. Ashleigh couldn't come, what else is new, her mom wouldn't let her. What a suprise! Too bad then we could have had 3 on 3. oh well there is always next week! talk to ya later!!!

Date: Saturday, October 10th, 1998
Hi all! Today was Jay and Ivana's birthday party, it was a blast. Eventhough I didn't feel so well at the beginning. (I've been batling a cold for a week.) There was good music and great people. And I came to a revalation, in other words i realized something that I should have a long time ago. So anyways I'm an idiot, but I'll get over it, I've gotta have a talk with Ivana about it on Tuesday when skool starts again. So in other words I am very confused and all I want is everything in my life to get fixed so it is all normal again, but i doubt that will happen for a while so I'll just have to live with it for now.

Date: Monday, October 12th, 1998
Happy Thanksgiving all Canadians! My family and I celebrated last nite cause my brother Eric has a hockey game tonite. Figures he always has hockey, even on my birthday. Oh well I don't really mind that much cause I like to see them play. And hey this year they might even have a chance, they beat last years first place team 3-2 last week. What an amazing game that was! I hope they play like that all season, or at least somewhat good so they aren't in last place this year!

Date: Wednesday, October 14th, 1998
Oh my GOD!!! Pauline is pregnant with Lee's triplets! LMAO!!! Actually this is a weird rumour me and Ashleigh started at lunch when we were talking jibberish and we just sorta stumbled onto it and then we started telling people. It was so funny, we already named them too! Their names are Humus, Lumous and Little Lee (L.L.for short).Humus is the crap on top of soil, Lumous is the name of some guys car (?) and Little Lee is named after his Daddy! It was a mystery to Lee when we told him. Pauline and Lee came to a conclusion that me and Ashleigh drugged them to do it and neither one remembers! Man it was soooooooo funny in science class!

Date: Sunday, October 18th, 1998
Hello! This weekend I went to a wedding in Ohio for some people that I actually don't even know! But my Dad does so i guess it works out. We went and stayed with my Dad's cousin Ron, his wife Pat and daughters Erin and Lindsay. It was fun, and Lindsay's boyfriend Tracy is really funny especially his dancing! (yes he's a guy!) The last time I was in Ohio was about 9 years ago and I don't really remember much. The wedding was really fun. Me, Erin, Eric (my brother), Steven (my dad's cousin's kid), and Steven's little brothers danced all nite, and at the end of the nite we were the only sober people on the dance floor. There was no alcohol for people under 16. But we all still had a great time watching some drunk 25 year old bumrush the brides mother!!! HA HA HA HA. I could go on forever but I'll wait for tomorrow cause I am tired and I still have to check my mail.

Date: Monday, October 19th, 1998
Today was extreamly long, especially french. I have no idea why I took the damn course but I did and now I am dying in it. But somehow I will survive, I hope! There is always Tamara to touter me in it. So anyways more on the wedding. My brother Eric nicknamed Steven and his brothers farm boy, city boy and ritzy boy. Farm boy was Steven (15) cause he does lots of chores to help out his Dad on their farm. City boy was Adam (13) cause he likes T.V. and wants a Playstation and doesn't really like living on the farm. Ritzy boy was Matthew (10) cause he acts like a little rich kid, he is so proper and stuff. Oh, and get this, he asked for a pony for christmas one year, and ACTUALLY got it. Now how many kids ask for a pony and he is the only one I know that has ever gotten one! But their house is really kool they have like this sorta club house thing in the attic part of their farmhouse with a T.V. and stereo and everything. Wish I had one of those!

Date: Wednesday, October 21st, 1998
URG!!!!! I have a big math test tomorrow and I have no idea what I am doing. And Ashleigh isn't much help either, she keeps telling me she is going to fail which makes me think I am going to fail which isn't very good. Ya get my drift?! Oh, onto another point of my bad day, I also failed my french quiz getting 4 out of 10. Aren't I just a genious. I can't even spell genious how can I be one?! I also have a french quiz tomorrow which I just remembered now that I forgot my book at skool so I can't study for it either. Oh man tomorrow is going to be a bad day, I can feel it already. And then there is science. We had a test on Tuesday which I passed I hope, and Ms. Filiplic hasn't been giving us homework which scares me. What I think is going on is that she is keeping all the homework until someday when I have big plans and no other homework and then she will decide to give it ALL to the class. This has been another installment of "Katie's Exciting Life!" Hope you enjoyed it.

Date: Saturday, October 24th, 1998
Today was my first meeting of this theatre group that I am going to be in. Ashleigh and Jessica D. are in it with me. There are some kool people in it, but there are some little kids there that don't have a clue. The ages go from 6 to 15 I think, and there are only 14 of us there. There are me, Ashleigh and Jess, another Ashleigh, 2 sisters about our age, 2 guys about our age, a boy and a girl that are about 10 and three little girls that are about 6 or 7. Our script is being written, but I'm not sure what it about yet. Jim (the guy in charge) said there is some singing, dancing and just speaking parts. I can't wait till the next time but it is in 2 weeks cause next week is Halloween and we can't use the hall we were in becasue there is a dance or someting for the church go-ers at that church.

Date: Wenesday, October 28th, 1998
Sorry I haven't writen in a while, but I have been a little busy with lots of stuff. Yesterday after skool Ashleigh, Dion, Lee, Peggy (or Greg) and me went to go play pool again. It was fun but I was feeling a little dizzy and I wasn't playing very well. That's ok, at least I'm not as bad as Lee! he he he!!! I was looking around the skool for Pauline but her and Nicole had left early so she couldn't come. And then when I got home I did my homework (I know it is a lot of excitement but contain yourself!) and then went to my brother's hockey game which he wasn't playing in because he hurt his back. Why did I go? I was bored and had nothing better to do than watch the other people on my brother's team play hockey. Oh! but I did see Heather there (I go to camp with her) she was watching her friend Richard play after Eric's team. And her friends were like "hey I know you! I've seen you in pictures!" and I was like hey kool man! As for today, it was pretty good. It went by fast and it was also a jeans day at skool. Did I mention that I have to wear a uniform to skool? Well I do, it isn't that bad actually cause I always know what to wear in the mornings!

Date: Saturday, October 31st, 1998
Happy Halloween Everybody!!! Doesn't Hallowwen rock?! This Thursday me, Pauline, Tamara and Cora went down to the Ex grounds and went to see SCREEMERS! It was so kool, and really scary. Especially the maze. We had a guy wearing a Scream mask (the white one with the big black mouth) chasing us through the maze. And in the haunted house Mike Myers (from the Halloween movies) was chasing us around and he hit Cora on the back with his knife, but it was plastic of course. Tamara never stopped screaming the whole time and kept telling us she wanted to go home over and over and OVER again until I finally told her to shut up and deal with it, but in a nice way of course. And then we saw three guys get excecuted that was pretty dumb though, one of the guys who was getting hung was laughing the whole time. Even when he was dead! Well overall it was amazing, and they were showing Scream on about 20 TV's there too. Oh and the place was crawling with cute guys, most of them were with they chicks but there were a couple cute single ones too! Tonite I think I am going over to Pauline's house to give out candy and stuff, but with pauline I'll know at the last second. but hey! I have no where else to go so I don't really mind.

Date: Sunday, November 1st, 1998
So I ended up going over to Pauline's house last nite but we just watched TV and her mom handed out candy. It was oh so exciting. then we lit the sparklers that I bought when I was in Ohio. The kinda sucked but they were kool colours. Mine were blue and Pauline's were red, yellow and blue. Her's were called "Morning Glory" sparklers and since she loves Oasis I figured they would be perfect for her. Today there is nothing going on I don't think. Pretty much the same as every sunday around here. The only thing I have to do today is look up some info on the Boreal Forest range for a science project me, Ashleigh, Lee and Raph are doing. Can't wait, that will be a blast.

Date: Wednesday, November 4th, 1998
Hello! Well we changed the theme of our project last nite to african grasslands. We got almost nothing done, but we did do the diagram thingie. And now all we have to do is one page of info on the african grasslands and we are done, hopefully Raph gets the info so I can type it all up tomorrow nite. But I doubt it I know he will forget. And if I had my agenda I would phone him but Pauline still has it. My brother had a hockey game tonite, they tied but it was an awesome game and I'm glad I went. Oh, and after the game I went to go visit Peggy and Christina at Air Cadets. Peggy looks so cute in his little uniform, he he he. Well actually his very long uniform (Peggy's like a head taller than me, so he's at least 6 foot). Just to let ya know, drama class has finally gotten better. It is now my fave class again. I love drama but ya gotta know that the class was so boring I liked french class better! But not anymore! We are getting into improve finally. Thats where you get up on stage and do the first thing that comes into your mind and try to make a scene out of it. There are so many different games, how can I choose a fave?! My faith in drama class has been restored!

Date: Friday, November 6th, 1998
We handed in our project today, Ms. Filiplic seemed "pleased" as Ashleigh said. Drama class was really good today. We are playing a new game called pursuation, it's pretty kool for the most part. I don't know if I'll do very good at it but, it'll have to be better than Geoffrey's. He got a really hard subject, but he didn't present it very well anyways. Peggy's was really good though. He had to pursuade cooks from New Jersey to by sailboats. It was really funny. And Nicole had to convince senior citizens from the county jail to go to church. HA HA HA!!! oh did i forget to mention that Nicole is an Atheist? and a goth? Thats what makes it so funny! when she read it out loud I laughed so hard I could hardly breath!

Date: Monday, November 16th, 1998
Been a while since I have written but I have been really busy doing all sorts of stuff. On Friday we got out yearbooks from last year, FINALLY!!! We would have gotten them earlyer except for the teacher's strike but that goes back to Mike Harris and I don't want to get into that right now. My singular pic is really bad (bad hair day) but I am in a couple more that aren't that bad. So it all works out ok in the end! My god I sound like one of those TV mom's from the 60's! YUK! I am not THAT perky. Now Alley, she's perky and Francine too and I can't beat either one of them. I saw "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" yesterday nite. Very scary! Way better than the first one, although the ending did piss me off a bit. But I would definitly reccomend going to see it. Theatre group is going pretty well, we just got a bunch of scripts to go over and pick the ones we like. Ashleigh, Jessica and me got this one titled "Meet Miss Stoneage!" It is sooo funny! I AM IN THE BEST MOOD RIGHT NOW BECAUSE MY PAIN IN THE ASS LITTLE BROTHER IS GONE FOR A WHOLE WEEK!!! Aren't you all happy for me? I am brother free for 5 days. He went on his grade 8 trip, they left today! Ahhhhhh could life be any sweeter?

Date: Sunday, Novemeber 22nd, 1998
Happy Birthday Ashleigh!!! Well actually it was on Friday but whatever. Nothing much has gone on this week really, but tomorrow I am going to see the Maple Leafs play the Clagary Flames at Maple Leaf Gardens on Monday. For anyone that doesn't know that is hockey. GOOOOOOOOOOO LEAFS!!!!!! I would rather go see them play the Colorado Avalanche, but hey, beggers can't be choosers. Ashleigh got a ticket for her birthday from her brother for that game too, but she is sitting in the greys (nosebleed) and I am sitting in the green (just under nosebleed). I have to go with my brother because my uncle gave us the tickets for free, which I am definitly not complaning about! Alrighty then, gotta go dry my hair.

Date: Saturday, November 28th, 1998
Hello! The Leaf game was amazing! They played so great and won the game!!! The score was 3-2 for the Leafs. Woo-Hoo GOOOOOOOO LEAFS!!! And guess what? After the game I heard someone calling my name and it was Brandon! He's a year older than me but he went to my elmentary skool with me. He was there with his friend Brent who's lifelong dream was to be a homeless man but thats another story. Well, after the game Brian (ashleigh's brother) wanted to wait for the Flames to board their bus so we waited behing these blocker-offer things until they came out. Brian and Eric stood in the front while me and Ash hung in the back with Brandon and Brent. Brian got a whole bunch of the team to sign his and Brandon's program's and Eric got them to sign his hat. But while we were waiting we saw this homeless guy that was telling everyone that they had to go around the bus to get to the subway but no one would listen to him so Brent went over and started talking to him for like 10 minutes. It was really funny. And now he swears his life dream is to be a homeless guy. Interesting dream eh? The rest of the week was kinda just normal i guess nothing much happened. Theatre group was fun this morning. Jess, Ashleigh, Me, Mike and Dave made up a little skit in about 5 minutes and Jim (the dude in charge) said it was so good that with a little polishing we could put it in our final show! Kool isn't it! Latez!

Date: Thursday, December 3rd, 1998
This week has been SOOOOOOOO hectic. On Tuesday I thought it was Monday, on Wednesday I thought it was Tuesday and on Thursday I thought it was Wednesday. Which isn't good when you have a big science unit test on Thursday and you think Wednesday is Tuesday and you don't bother to study, which is what I did. So I got 22 out of 40. Yahoo 55%! The written part I don't know about yet, but I need to get almost perfect to get a good mark. Oh but in drama we are in the second last day of competition and my team is tied for second! Yeah for us! But the stupid team that we are up against tomorrow morning first up picked whose line is it and that is one of all of our teams weaknesses. If we would have won the coin toss we would have picked "dubbing". Which is where 2 people are on stage and 2 are offstage doing their voices. We are so good at it, and the team we are facing hates it. So it would have been perfect, and we need a high mark to keep our second place, or take over first, which probably won't happen but a girl can dream can't she! Joanna's B-day was November 30th and Jessica's was December 1st. Jess is having a sorta birthday party tomorrow (Friday), that should be mega kool. And Marsh is coming down from Lindsay! I haven't seen him in a couple months! I can't wait!

Date: Saturrday, December 5th, 1998
The party was pretty kool. Before the guys came it was just us girls and we were talking about stuff, but just hanging out with then is fun. Then the guys came and the laugh fest began! MY GOD they are funny when they are giddy. We all walked to up Mickie Dee's to pick up Erica because she had to work 4-7. Her last shift ever, cause she quit! She is working at a grocery sorta store. Anyways she got us a bunch of free food, ice cream and fries. Oh and a milk shake too, but that was her's. Then we went back to Jessica's house and played some music, played twister, the guys played a video game (what a suprise) and then we went back out and hung around on the munkistary (monistary) property near Jessica's house with the beetles and stuff. j/k! Marsh has gone hick in a very short period of time, but iit is so funny that it doesn't really matter. When Marsh, Peggy, Dion and Lee get together my motto is "Don't Drink ANYTHING!" for it will come out the other end when least expected or unwanted. There is a lot more that happened like Alley and my master plan, which didn't work. But that was only because we called it off though. We consulted Lee and he said that we shouldn't do it, so we didn't. I still think it might have worked though!

Date: Thursday, December 17th, 1998
Right now life sucks. Found out three of my friends just hang out with me cause of Ashleigh. The thing is that I don't really care cause I knew deep down and just didn't want to admit it to myself. And it all started from one of them, who controls the other 2. And I'd rather be friends with real people other than lackies. None of them will probably read this so I am not really caring that much about what I say. They are all jerks, especially the tall one. The worst one is the redhead cause he rules them both. And he is only interested in Ashleigh, but I guess we sorta come in a package sometimes so I tag along sometimes. The tall one told me a big humongous lie about something important to me, and the other one, well he's no so bad but sometimes annoying. I have never been anything but nice to them and I don't know why they don't like me so much. I am perky sometimes and I get hyper often but thats just me, and Ashleigh is even more hyper than me, and more outspoken. Oh well if they weren't really my friends in the first place, then why should I care. But I do, and I can't help it, they are just so funny. But I'm sick of the insults and the lies and I don't need them in my life right now with all the other problems I have. So screw em', screw em' TWICE!!!!!!!!

Date: Sunday, December 20th, 1998
I've calmed down a lot since Thursday, now I feel much better. I also feel a little bad about ignoring one of them all week. turns out he had an extreamly bad week and I just made it worse. And ontop of that, someone told him I called him a prick, which I didn't and he just got madder. I don't think I have ever used that word in my life. It's such a stupid word though isn't it? I think so. 5 days till Christmas!!!!! Woo-hoo!!! Isn't that great?! I can't wait! Hey whoever said that Christmas was only for little kids! NOT ME!!! I love it! It's my fave holiday of all. I can't wait!!!

Date: Tuesday, January 19th, 1999!!!!!
Well, uh, it's been a while huh? First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!! Tonite were gonna party like it's 1999! Woo-hoo! I've been a little busy lately, as you can tell since it's been almost a month since I wrote in here. Wow January went really fast. Guess what? I did my very first dissection today. It was kinda gross, and the grasshopper was kinda ouzey at the beginning, but I got through it ok. Except for the parts where I cut through his stomach and cut his head off, but those are just minor details. Ashleigh had a spaz on me, she was like "AHHHHH Kitt you broke his head off!!!!!!" I just looked at her, shrugged and told her to shut up so the teacher wouldn't hear her. I said SHIT! when I cut off his head and I got a couple looks, luckily not from Ms. Filiplc thank GOD! he he he. I got some kool stuff for Christmas, and New Years I did nothing mostly cause I was too lazy to go out. Oh and Ashleigh got a scanner for Christmas and she's gonna scan some of her wackey pictures of me and the gang. So those will come in a while if ya really wanna see 'em. I have some more math to do (YUK!) so my writing time is over. Later :ož

Friday, March 12th, 1999
Gee where did February go? If only there was some special holiday that I could celebrate to remember the month by. Oh well! C'est la vie! Second semester started a while ago and it was a little hectic at the beginning but now it is smooth sailing. Not much homework at all, and the classes are fun! Especially History! I never thought I would enjoy History class but Mr. Mancino and Mr. Van Bussel make it really fun for us kiddies. Well actually I have to write an essay for History this week, which shouldn't be a problem since it is finaly MARCH BREAK!!! I have to read 8 chapters in "The Chrysalids" which is a really boring book, and answer all the questions about it. Oh and I have to write a report on racism in religion and make a poster and a cover for my report. Yikes I got a lot of work! Oh well I still have the whole week to do it. and since my birthday is in 5 DAYS!!! I have a lot of other stuff to do! My mom is taking me to Mr. Greek for my birthday on the 17th, then my friends are taking me out to dinner and a movie and back to my place on the 20th. Oh and I am also going shopping with my friends on tuesday for dresses for the semi-formal, that is on the 26th. I can't wait for that. It was such fun last year I bet it will be even better this year cause they are getting a better DJ. OK I'm all typed out right now so, LATER!!!

Wednesday, March 17th, 1999
Can you guess what today is? Maybe I didn't drop enough hints, oh well I'll tall ya. It's my brithday! Psycadelic isn't it?! I am now 16. Not that I can really do anything, well drive but I still have to take lessons for that. My day was interesting. I went shopping for a dress for the semi-formal with the barbie twins Ashleigh and Jessica, which was interesting. Of course i didn't find anything, why would I? That would mean I would have good luck! And that can never happen not to Katie. Eventhough I'm born on the lucky day of the Irish, or whatever it is today. What is it today other than my birthday? oh yeah it's ST. PATTY'S DAY!!! Which is a very kool holiday about a guy whos name wasn't really Patrick but he changed it later on, and he drove snakes outta Ireland with some instrument. I know lots eh? Well I'm not Irelish so it don't really matter! After we went to the mall I got my hair cut for something to do and then me, mom, and pauline went out to Mr. Greek for dinner. That was ever so wicked. I thought I was gonna explode rite there in the restaurant I ate so much! Oh man the computer screen is starting to look really fuzzy, and I really need sleep so LATER!!!

Wednesday, June 30th, 1999
Hello all! Well it has been a VERY long time since I have taken some time to write in my little journal here, so I thought I would drop in. Turns out that after my months and months of whining and begging for a suprise party, my friends actually threw me one and I was too dumb to figure out what was happening! Me, Pauline, Ivana, Ash and Tamara went to the mall to see a movie and then some shopping or whatever and then I invited them back to my house after. It was so funny cause my brother told me to get me downstairs that he had been playing with my camera and popped the film out. I chased him down the stairs, and then he told me that the power was out or something was wrong with the wires downstairs so I couldn't turn on the lites. And still me being the genious that I am still had no idea. Then I noticed that I couldn't see the little lites on the TV and just before I asked what was wrong with them, someone turned on the lites and everyone was there! It was pretty kool man. I was pretty scared, I swore even with my mother there-she got a little mad but didn't care that much. Yeah so besides that lots of other stuff has happened. We ended up having a skool play called GOD, but it was by Woody Allen so it was more about sex than god. It was a lot of fun. I got my French teacher to raise my grade to a 66%, yea for me. Skool is over and I have to say that grade 10 was the fastest year of my life. I can't believe how fast it went by. I don't even remember that much from second semester thats how fast it went. But actually second semester was pretty short, b/c of the teacher strike at the beginning of first semester. I got a season pass for Canada's Wonderland and I can't wait to go. Me and Jess are trying to plan a big group to go for next Tuesday. I hope it works out for then cause some people are going away on holidays so this might be the only time for us all to get together to go. I went to my little brothers grade 8 grad on Monday. It was so cute, but nothing like my graduation. At mine we all cried for like an hour, and danced while we cried and left crying. But at Eric's they were all just partying. But unlike us they still had 2 days of skool left. My class skipped the last day of skool and most of us went to Canada's Wonderland. That was a great day, I can still remember it so well. yeah well I have lots of other updating to do so I'm gonna get rite on it rite now! Later!!!

Sunday, October 24th, 1999
Hey! It's been a while hasn't it? I think it's been about a year since I first started this journal thingie. I haven't really had a lot of free time lately but this weekend don't have any homework or anything so I thought I'd come on a check out what needed updating on my page. And of course I noticed that I hadn't wrotted in here since like June soooo here I am writing in here. My summer was pretty good, went by really slow in July but August flew by. Went to Elmhirst for the last time this summer. It was really sad to leave on the last day but I was ok. I might go up there for riding camp in the spring if it's not on the weekend of my cousin's wedding. My cousin Colin is getting married to his VERY long time girlfrind Angela. I know that they have been going out for as long as I can remember. So that's pretty long. My friend Tamara just got the internet and I spent Thursday nite over at her house getting her an e-mail addy and icq and other stuff. She's not very good with the comp but she'll get better with time, I know I did. The play at skool this year is "The Mystery of Edwin Drod" it's seems like an interesting play but I don't really know why she chose it. Just cause there are so few guys in drama and so many more girls, and yet she picked a play with a male lead and more male speaking parts than girl speaking parts. The Gat puzzles me with some of the stuff that she does. And to top it all off I think the guy that she cast as the lead part is dropping out. I really don't know why she gave him the lead part anyways, he has never been in a play, he can sing good but still he can't act from what I know. I got a pretty crappy part this year, I'm a maid with one line. and it's so sad that I don't know what it is. Something about a goose I think. I'll go see. Ok it's "The goose is cooked!" very hard to remember don't ya think? HA HA. And it's pretty bad that I have one more line than more than half the people in the cast. Yup that's rite. So this semester I'm taking some pretty boring classes. I have religion in first period, English Media in second, History in third and English in fourth. Religion is soooo boring but the class is fun cause of the people, Ivana, Lukas, Darryl and Rene. English Media sucks. I thought it would be such an easy course but it's not suprisingly. I mean it usually is but my stupid teacher changed the whole curriculum, I really don't like her. History is my fave class for a couple reasons. It is the only interesting class I have this semester, the people are great and my teacher is awesome. Ms. Holland is a great teacher and she's so nice. There are so many people in that class too, and I know most of them. Ivana and Alley sit behind me, Lee sits beside me, Lukas and Ed sit in the back. Joanna, Nicloe, Steph and Nicolette sit across the clas from us. Joe and Fernando sit infront of me. And Joe is so funny sometimes. Enlgish isjust a stupid boring class that is so pointless and I realize that when I get into grade 12 English I'm gonna die cause my grade 11 teacher is so bad. But I get harldy any homework in that class so I guess it's ok for now. It seems that I have run out of room on this page next journal will be on a new page! Bye for now!!!

Spiderwebs by No Doubt