My Friends Page!!!
This is a page devoted to all of my great friends. They are so important to me, some are like an extension of my family. They are always there when I need them, and they laugh at all my jokes! Even the really bad ones. And to the St. Barbara's crowd especially cause we made it through grade 9, 10 and 11 without losing eachother and the times we shared there. (I'll never forget Claremont!) You guys are the epitome of great, I don't know what I would do without you! Thanx guys!!!
Pauline B.
-My best friend in the whole world. I've known the girl for like 13 years so i guess she should be. We've been through a lot together and I don't know what I would do without her. We do pretty much everything together, so we see a lot of eachother probably too much... j/k! She still lovess off oasis and blur but talks about them less.
Tamara C.
-Well Tamara is a weird one to say the least, but she is a good weird, she keeps us entertained. I think she is what you would call a mulitple personality person(?) She's one of those people that when you need someone to talk to, she's there. She's VERY dramatic about everything which makes me laugh sometimes when I shouldn't. (THE FLASHER!!!) he he he, oh oops! (Feffalo and his MONKEY!)
Ashleigh S.
-My other bestest friend in the whole world. And no matter how she spells her name (it changes from time to time!) she is 'the coolest person north of 40'. I have no idea where 40 is but she's that kool! She loves Callum Keith Rennie, Paul Gross (both from TV show Due South) and how can we forget Savage Garden. No classes 1st semester with her but 2nd semester we have bio together. (Do you know that is vandalism?) (C'Plus out your nose)
he he he!!!
Jessica D.
-Jess is a total genius, but she's my genius. She loves horses and goes riding every Saturday. Wants to buy her own horse but ya never know when it might happen. No classes together 1st semester, but we have 2 in the 2nd semester. I get to spend all morning with her. Aren't I just the luckiest girl in the world? Well maybe no, but it's still kool. *****!PECK SPICE!*****
Ivana R.
-Jay's other half, they are twins! No kidding! She's the total gina, italian, dark haired and loves dance music. This girl talks even more than I do and thats a lot! She always makes a good impression cause she is so friendly too. And her and Jay throw parties every year on their birthday for the whole gang. We have 2 classes first semester (history is the best class) and one 2nd semester I think. (DIE TIGER DIE!)
Lee L.
-Lee's a kool guy. He's really into baseball and wrestling just like all the other guys. But like Dion he would never admit to liking wrestling, even when I start the conversation. 1st semester I have 2 classes with him, and 2nd I have drama with him and everyone else (cept pauline and ash) lucky me! And lucky me I even get to sit beside him in history! Oh happy Day! Just kidding! Lee's a great guy, really funny, glad he's around. (Welcome to the Royal Palasssse)
Dion S.
-He's the big TV star, well not yet but soon. He's in a YTV show called System Crash! As a suporting role! He plays Bif the bully. It started last February! Dion is one of the funniest guys I know. Things come outta his mouth I couldn't even think of they are so funny! And he is a total 'ladies man', yeah I guess thats what you could call him. No classes with him first semester, but I think I have like 3 with him next semester, weird how things work! (Hey Ashleigh, I wasn't looking for you)
Mike H.
-Ashleigh got everyone to call him Marsh by just calling him that once. Lee and Dion hate it but who cares! At the end of grade 9 his family moved up to some hicktown, and I have seen him a couple times since. But I talk to him all the time on icq, so we do keep in touch. The guys have been up to see him, and he has come down a couple times. (Mighty Joe Young!)
Erica C.
-She's an interesting girl and there is a lot more to her than meets the eye. She's a great poet and had a short poem in the yearbook last year. She's kinda quiet sometimes but when she says something it's usually really deep, or really funny! Poor girl was forced (well not really) to work at Micki Dee's, totally hated it and quit after a week! She worked at a camp all summer again this year. I don't have any classes with her 1st semester, and I don't know about 2nd semester. (Oh yeah Ashleigh, your a sumo)
Allison L.
-If you are ever having a bad day just go to Alley and she will cheer you up. I don't think I have ever seen her not smiling, which is great! She is really perky but she is so nice, no one cares. And she always see's the good side of people no matter what others think. Oh, and she is very entertaining to go shopping with! I have 1 class with her 1st semester and one 2nd I think but I'm not sure yet. (Can we go into EATONS?)
Joanna P.
-JO-HANNA!!! he he he! She is definitly by far the smartest person I've ever met, eventhough she tries to hide it! She was especially great to have in my math class cause sometimes I just didn't get geometry. She's in love with "Johnny" from the Goo Goo Dolls, and well, he is kinda cute isn't he? We have one class together 1st semester, and none second semester cause she's taking all grade 12 courses. (We still getting together tonite?) LOL!!!
Jay R.
-A really great friend. And he's the best guy ever! He's mega smart and expects way too much from himself. I keep trying to tell him to lighten up but it doesn't work all the time. He's really funny at times and really serious at other times. He's also a big fan of WWF and WCW. But all in all he's a great guy. Don't think I have any classes with Jay this year, kinda sucks, but last year I don't think I did either. (Really?-No Jay not really)
Raphael S.
-What can i say about Raph? Well he's really into sports, especially baseball, and he likes to talk about wrestling with Jay and Peter. He is also one of the most annoying people in the world, but I try not to hold it against him. And he just got glasses and they make him look really smart. Oh how glasses can fool the naked eye! No classes with Raph this year, so sad, toooooo bad, i'm soooooo sad! (The WWO has disbanded)
Peter G.
-He's a big Italian soccer fan and loves to play soccer more than anything. He's really kool and is sometimes funnier than he knows. Sometimes he says things that aren't meant to be funny but make all of us pee our pants laughing!!! Don't get to talk to him as much as I would like to, but hey life is life. No classes with him this year I don't think.
Micki B.
-Pauline's little sister and mine, well it seems like she is to me. Hey, she even looks like me. Which is scary since we came from a different gene pool. She is crazy about Ben Affleck. She's the same age as my brother too, but way kooler than him!!! Little Micki has started her first year at High Skool, same as my brother. It's amazing how soon they grow up. I remember when they were just wee little children, and then the next day they were in grade 9, WOW! (PIGAPHANT!!!)