The Return Of Blar
sequal to "The Ghost of Blar vs The
Red Rubber Kiwi and friends"
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Based on the short film "The Ghost of Blar vs the Red Rubber Kiwi and Friends" by Steven Linton, David Dobbie, Thomas Dobbie and Rachael Linton.
Before watching the movie I highly recomend that you click the The Ghost Of Blah link above to get the story line of the first film that remains unpublishable for the internet at this stage. This site contains possible on of the greatest efforts of mankind in the evolution in cinemaphotography. Well there is an example of hyperbola for you. Anyway this movie was all made on location in Peel Forest New Zealand (where I live). Over all budget was fairly small, consisting of about 5 spoonfulls of gelatine and a bit of electricty. Both of which were not paid for. All filming was done duing one day, sound and music mixing was done during the following 3 days. Total film duration is around 7min30sec. This movie is 8.5megs as a real audio file, you will probebly need real audio G2 or the like to play it. I highly recommend that you download the entire file before downloading it as unless you can stream 1 meg per minute plus it will be so jumpy it isn't funny, and since it is surposed to be funny it kind of defeats the purpose.
Rachael - Rachael Linton
Dog - Der (the dog)
Evil Demon Dog - der (the Dog)
Mad Scientist 1 - Jeremy Scott (the one that could act)
Mad Scientist 2 - Steven Linton (the one that couldn't act to
save himself)
Cameo appearances from the Telecom Guys playing the part of
scientists in the field.
Co-director/co-producer/actor/camera opperator/storyline-storyboard/assistant
sound-music mixer/moral support/marketing person was Steven
Co-director/co-producer/actor/script/assistant camera opperator/music-sound
mixer/compiler Jeremy Scott.
Actor/Assistant camera operator/cook Rachael Linton.
Actor/assistant moral support Der (the dog).
People that happened to be there:
The Telecom Guys and the bloke driving the truck, who can not be
named as they did not ask permission to be in the film (or is
All of this should be copyright to Steven Linton Inc. Trouble is it isn't, though if you are thinking of stealing any aspect of this film we will find you and we'll send the boys around to break some things, legs namely, so be warned.
Click here to watch The Return of Blah
(note the in-film jumpyness is supposed to be there, one of the
unique effects don't you know)