Melissa DiMarco is
the star of such hit shows as the Canadian soap Riverdale
on CBC. Melissa is on CFMT's Nite Life and Jump Cut. She has
also appeared in the always viewableSprint infomercial.
O f courseSprint infomercial. Of course Candice
Bergen is not in any of them because she's old and Melissa's young
and hot! How could you not sign up to Sprint with this
babe selling you you're new phone package. Does she come with it?
Unfortunately not.
This page is dedicated
to, well, Melissa DiMarco if you haven't already caught on.
There isn't that much about her on the web. I have found another
site however, The
Melissa DiMarco Worship Site, and it's pretty much the same thing.
Great minds think alike I guess, and anyone who doesn't think Melissa is
gorgeous should be assassinated at close range with a really big gun.
-A note from the author
of this page.
I would like to take
this oppurtunity to say that there are no naked pictures of Melissa DiMarco
here or anywhere on the web. I have been rudely asked and hounded
by uneducated fans asking "When are the naked pictures going up?" There
are no naked pictures of her. And if there was you wouldn't find
any here because this site is dedicated to Melissa's acting and her talents.
-a Melissa fan, author of this site