Welcome to my guestbook. Please fill all entries without the aid of profanity. This will help me not to get kicked off the site, which I know you love because you guys just keep coming back to read my hilarious interviews. So enjoy!

Michael Neill - 10/25/99 19:25:51
My Email:mneill1@bigred.unl.edu
Back to the Future III: Western or not?: Sci-fi
Your sworn enemy: Perhaps several of the Harper RA's
Best song ever written: Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson
Favorite Woods brother: The one that looks like a viking
Favorite redhead: That Kathy girl Page used to stalk
Potluck field: Enter anything: Whatever happened to Page anyway?

Excellent web page my friend! I just found it now after seeing the link from Aaron's page. I thoroughly enjoyed the interviews, except the part about me in Jordan's. Oh well, it could have been much worse.

Scott Lindberg - 01/11/99 06:30:26
My Email:slindbe1@bigred.unl.edu
Back to the Future III: Western or not?: Western, I guess
Your sworn enemy: Jordan Bowers
Best song ever written: Happiness is a Warm Gun
Favorite redhead: Joel, of course
Potluck field: Enter anything: I'm too sexy for my pants.

Hey Joel. Finally decided to stop by your page and do some exploration. I'm a very experimental person. If you want to experiance more of this, get back to me.

There are some who call me........ Tim - 11/30/98 21:12:07
My URL:http://www.public.usit.net/gsneyag/son
My Email:your@mom.at.my.house
Back to the Future III: Western or not?: western
Your sworn enemy: Joel Woods
Best song ever written: Rape Me
Favorite Woods brother: Who?
Favorite redhead: Myself
Potluck field: Enter anything: This potluck resembles something very close to something on MY page. But seeing as how the page that it is on resembles something from your page, we'll let it slide... this time.

Mr. Woods, Once again, you have started a nice webpage. Unfortunatly, as usual, you forgot to add more stuff to it. i suggest adding a links page(hint hint) and more friends, and more nude photos. Oops, I mean movies reviews. I have a question for you: Was "The e's Something About Mary" the stupidest movie ever right behind bio-dome? And also, how come people liked that movie just because MTV showed the stupid shit down our throats? I mean, the whole idea of the movie was to get guys to see it because of Cameron Diaz, but they didn't show anything!! What a crock. I giveit an F. If you give it above a D, your review page is obviously tainted and not worth the pink card Gray recieved, well, every day. That's all... for now.

10/25/98 11:17:44
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/30/98 17:19:36
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Nickaboo "niXter" - 08/11/98 04:05:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ne/nickaboo
My Email:nickaboo@hotmail.com
Back to the Future III: Western or not?: That depends on what you call a western.
Your sworn enemy: Woods, and Mr Gaus
Best song ever written: All Along The Watchtower
Favorite Woods brother: Brian
Potluck field: Enter anything: Just thought that i'd let you know that it is about time that you made a change in that web page of yours!!!

I guess that i'm not your friend anymore!!so so sad!

Gavin Martin - 04/29/98 15:42:42
My Email:gavin.martin@strath.ac.uk
Back to the Future III: Western or not?: Is the Pope a jew!!
Your sworn enemy: Any Glasgow Celtic fan
Best song ever written: "It took me a fortnight to get out of the thistles!" by the wandering shephards (early 80's fame)
Favorite Woods brother: Monty's cool, Joel's the fool but damn, he's so cute
Favorite redhead: myself, only when the sun does not bleach my beautiful rusty looks
Potluck field: Enter anything: I just want to say hello to everyone that remembers and still loves me, if you don't you suck. If it's not scottish, It aint worth knowing about.


Aaron Reagan - 04/28/98 21:31:57
My URL:/colosseum/field/7202
My Email:00216779@bigred.unl.edu
Back to the Future III: Western or not?: I'd say yes, just so everyone else will bitch about it
Your sworn enemy: Puffy and all his unorginal nut-hangin cronies
Best song ever written: "If My Homie Calls" by 2Pac
Favorite Woods brother: None. I hate all three of those prepubescent flash-in-the-pan, we-all-look-like-females pop group. Wait a minute, that's Hanson...
Favorite redhead: Angie Everhart (mmm-mmm good)
Potluck field: Enter anything: Jordan is my bitch

Hey Woods. I'm thinkin you need to hurry up and do more of the interviews before the year's over. Anyway, damn that Shepp is funny (for being from Iowa and all). Lata.

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