My Friends Page


I couldn't think of a better title for it

Here are some pictures and descriptions of some people I know. Some of these people were too wimpy to allow their pictures to be pasted up on my web page, which I think is ridiculous, because when the term "Joel Woods' web site" pops into my mind, I think "Instant Fame". But hey, however you like it is fine with me.

Aaron Reagan. My roommate at college going on two years now, and probably the only person who understands that 99.99% of the time, I'm JOKING. Like if I tell you that you're living in the Ghetto, don't take it personally. Also the driver of the car when I got in The Accident. Taught me everything I know about making web pages. Good friend of mine, I've known him probably since 7th grade, but we only started hanging out I guess Senior year. He's the one on the left in that picture.

I rarely if ever call him by any name. It's usually "Hey."

Picture soon to come.Dave Miller's always got my back. Another guy I've known since I don't know how long. Probably freshman year. He roomed with Stuart last year and is going to be rooming on our floor again next year. Definitely one of "The Boys". Also good at understanding that I'M ONLY KIDDING. Always there with a "Way to be, Woods" just when I need it. Works a grueling schedule of 40 hours a week at Kay-Bee toys in the Southroads in Bellevue, and if that's not enough, moonlights as a UPS stocker by night.

Also known as Big Dave, Big Bad Dave, Big Bad Smokin' Dave, and The Human Torso.

Picture soon to comeDavid Hepperlen. Probably knows about as many movie quotes as I do. Got his own room on the floor next year. You should check out his interview and go further into the mind of an Iowan than any sane person should go. Lives in Sioux City by summer, but almost blends in as a Nebraska resident through the school year. I think his girlish throwing style gives him away.

We call him Shep, or Stupid Iowan, or Iowegian. I don't know why.

Picture soon to comeJeremy Enano. Self-proclaimed Quake addict, and claims that he can whoop me at Quake. Others have tried. "Tried and failed?" you ask. "Tried and died," I say. He'd be about 500% cooler if he ever did stuff with us, but I think most of his waking hours are spent making up excuses to avoid us. This dog he has is truly the spawn of Satan. When they took the dog to the vet, it actually swallowed the doctor whole after waking up from the cyanide pill it had just been given. Needless to say they sprinkle holy water in its food just to keep it from terrorizing the neighborhood. Of course, since his dog's image won't show up in photographs, I have to substitute this tame-looking mongrel which doesn't even begin to describe the hell-hound that keeps me looking over my shoulder at night.

Picture soon to comeNick Stankus. He's been begging to be put on my page, so here he goes. I've known Nick ever since 4th grade when he got the whoopin' of his life from Robert Johnson. Always good to have around when I'm making fun of Scott. I firmly believe that, had Nick never graced this fair city, Bellevue would be devoid of the phrase "Your mom." Gained notoriety as "The Baddest Buck-Buck Breaker in the World". This guy sits shotgun on the bandwagon. Most of his hobbies and interests evolve from the dastardly doings of yours truly. Sometimes in his spare time he says he likes to "ride the wild Jarlenski", whatever that means.

We call the fella Big Nick, or Stank, or Stank-ass, or Nickaboo, or Tons-of-Fun.

Sometimes I wonder if the creators of "The Simpsons" happened by Andrew Stuart's house one day and came up with this picture. If you know Stuart, you know this is an uncanny likeness of him. Even the voices are identical. Once I get Stu to say something, I'll have a comparison for you. Anyway, Stu is one of the most complex people I know. Every time I talk to him, he's got something new that he's done. I would almost tend to think that he was the love child of Fred Crow and Mrs. Feingold. He's a skier, guitar player, golfer, smut-peddler, and part-time pimp, to name a few. Unfortunately, Stu ditched us to go live in his own apartment. You'll get yours, Stu, believe me.

Always called Stuart, Stu, or some derivation thereof. Never, EVER call him Andrew.