

Welcome to my site.

 I was on staff at a Dallas Public School from 1985 until spring 2004.. The last fourteen years I spent as an administrative assistant at a high school.. average student population, 2,350.. I spent the first five years on staff at an elementary school.. Three of those years were spent as a teaching assistant in autism classes.. In the spring of 1998, then Governor George Bush visited the  high school.. Photos of his visit are included.. One of the highlights of my life was my visit to Dublin Ireland in June of 1998, where I saw Michael Flatley perform in Lord of the Dance.. Someday I hope to return to Ireland.. Some of my favorite musical groups & artists include Seven Nations, (Celtic/ Rock - fusion band)..Vocal Majority, (100 + member male SPEBSQSA International Chorus..10 time gold medal champions..Matthew Ward..comtempery gospel,..Montgomery Gentry & Gretchen Wilson..My very favorite  recording artists are a couple of wild, crazy & talented guys that call themselves  Big $ Rich

Big & Rich Page III

  Gretchen Wilson

Big & Rich Page II 

  U. S. Figure Skating Championships  2003

Big $ Rich I

   World's Most Beautiful Girl - My Doxies

Tim McGraw

          I Meet & Photograph George Bush

Seven Nations

        Feet OF Flames - Final Curtain 

Our New Beginnings

Sites of Ireland - My Photos

 Favorite Flatley Pic & Fun Page

Flatley Fans in Ireland

ICQ # 7802938

Lord of the Dance in Ireland


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Pat's Web Graphics