- 10/08/00 03:23:57
sam - 07/01/00 05:32:51
My Email:www.samsdodgeviper.com@aol.com
Planet Of Residence: planet x
Annoying Habbits: starring at wemans butts
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i woudn't of slept with monica l.
Favorite Contact Sport: football
What Brought You Here: for funny jokes
Jesus - 06/23/00 13:33:55
My URL:http://www.whoisjesuschrist.com
Planet Of Residence: Jerusalem
Annoying Habbits: Healing friends
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I'm sexier
Favorite Contact Sport: heroin golf, ok it's putt-putt while we're high as hell, but we can kick some ass!
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: sanity
What Brought You Here: my 82 Nissan Datsun
the craziesy site on the web
ask jesus questions!
Pamela - 04/29/00 10:06:18
My URL:http://www.pamphilon.co.uk
My Email:pamela@pamphilon.co.uk
Planet Of Residence: UK
Annoying Habbits: do women hve them?
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: most people like me
Favorite Contact Sport: my husband
What Brought You Here: good surfing
I enjoyed my visit to your site please feel free to visit mine
jokes,humor,freebies,animated pictures
- 03/29/00 23:35:26
Cool Site
U can call me whatever u want - 12/30/99 21:18:15
My URL:http://biteme.com
My Email:if_u_need_this____get_a_life!
Planet Of Residence: Zorgon
Annoying Habbits: Joey and Kevin
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: 2 words... "I'm Female"
Favorite Contact Sport: kissing
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: beanie babies/ pokemon
What Brought You Here: my since of curiosity
excellent site...its just kinda hard to find the jokes and not all of the linx work.
Anton Ballard - 11/30/99 12:25:31
My URL:http://www.deep-end.com
My Email:TheDeepend@aol.com
Planet Of Residence: earth ( I think :)
Annoying Habbits: repeating myself..repeating myself
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I wouldnt have gotten caught :)
Favorite Contact Sport: football
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: pokemon
What Brought You Here: osamas joke site
Would you please be so kind as to consider my Deepend site for one of your MOST honorable highly
desireable and absolutely must have awards?? I really liked your questionaire above - that was fun! I really do appreciate your time and sincere
consideration ~ Thank you so very much! bye
Anton ~ http://www.deep-end.com
- 11/19/99 22:04:31
Tim - 11/17/99 17:47:21
My Email:slimtim81@AOL.COM
Planet Of Residence: earth
Annoying Habbits: Farting
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: my hoes look better
Favorite Contact Sport: rough sex
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: dignity
What Brought You Here: the GOD of humor
carrissa - 10/25/99 19:49:42
My Email:c_schoenthaler
Planet Of Residence: Earth
Annoying Habbits: biting lips
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I am not a pervert
Favorite Contact Sport: volleyball
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: friends (ha ha)
What Brought You Here: browsing
peace in the middle east!
Tyisha Kind - 10/11/99 23:14:27
My Email:Tyishakind@hotmail
Planet Of Residence: New York
Annoying Habbits: bitting my nails and the skin around them
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: becuse he sucks ***
Favorite Contact Sport: Swimming
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: hands
What Brought You Here: Nothing
make it a little bit easer to find the jokes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
janice - 10/08/99 21:32:52
My Email:Arnold2112@aol.com
Planet Of Residence: 2112 georgia road
What Brought You Here: joke book
brandon bunch - 10/07/99 17:47:05
My Email:ghdfihdgf
Planet Of Residence: mars
Annoying Habbits: huming
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: a would not fuch monick for money
Favorite Contact Sport: football-weserling
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: dick
Johobobolia - 09/26/99 02:59:17
My Email:Carribeanpigeon@aol.com
Planet Of Residence: I cant from the planet ZORA under leader WOND HIGGY
Annoying Habbits: my legs tiwtches and it hits me in my face
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: Coz i could get my dick suck by someone who actually looks good
Favorite Contact Sport: Football at hooters
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: arm,legs, or a head so i cant be like anyone else
What Brought You Here: i was forced into commin here by aliens that abducted me???
If i was to jump outta window so high that i can go straight to hell??
doughboy - 09/19/99 21:17:49
My Email:pokedoughboy@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: ??????????
Annoying Habbits: ??????????
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I think with my head not my lower extremites
Favorite Contact Sport: football
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: What I,m confused
What Brought You Here: ??????????
Zul Lakhani - 09/14/99 08:27:26
My URL:/Hollywood/Film/2438/zman.html
My Email:azeem@thegrid.net
Planet Of Residence: Mars
Annoying Habbits: Internet addiction
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: Because, I'm a Libertarian
Favorite Contact Sport: Basketball
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: Unknown
What Brought You Here: Politics
Check my site out and sign my guestbook near the counter image. Spread the word to everybody about my web site!
Mulder - 09/13/99 00:47:28
Planet Of Residence: Planet X-Files
Annoying Habbits: Being an FBI agent
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: Cause I know the truth is out there
Favorite Contact Sport: Bumper UFOs
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: Life on Earth
What Brought You Here: Their Leader
I know there is a truth and I'm on a mission to find it. When I find it, the whole world will know.
Adam Karelitz - 08/19/99 22:24:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shuttle/1300
My Email:lifelesszombie@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: If I told you I'd have to kill you
Annoying Habbits: signing guestbooks
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i'd use Tide with color safe bleach to get those nasty stains out
Favorite Contact Sport: Biking
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: Sex
What Brought You Here: Bordom
It's a good page with a large variety.
Matt (call me the god of destuction.) - 07/28/99 04:30:39
My URL:http://Bwah?
My Email:alternatworld@juno.com
Planet Of Residence: I'm not telling YOU, THEY might come for me.
Annoying Habbits: Throwing things, setting fires, embarrassing little brother with nude baby pictures.
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I'm a nineteen year old virgin, you figure it out.
Favorite Contact Sport: Driving
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: understanding of what "normal" is.
What Brought You Here: Either a highly advanced system of communication, or some dude livin' inside my computer.
This is really cool, but who the hell are you?
carrie lewallen - 06/29/99 16:03:49
My Email:clewallen@kbm-inc.com
Planet Of Residence: not quite sure
Annoying Habbits: talk too much
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i inhaled
Favorite Contact Sport: hockey
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: insurance
What Brought You Here: just curious
found some pretty funny jokes...even sent some to e-mail.
Nick Priolo - 05/19/99 01:24:38
My Email:Psychopath27@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: Earth
Annoying Habbits: being psycho
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i'd get more
Favorite Contact Sport: hockey
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: penis
What Brought You Here: lycos
Jon Spears - 04/05/99 21:29:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/9110
My Email:jonspears@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: Planet formerlly known as Earth
Annoying Habbits: YO YO MA!
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i'd get a vasectomy
Favorite Contact Sport: Chess
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: eyes, i see through my nostirls
What Brought You Here: I little voice in inside my head
Very funny stuff. Come on over to my homepage and sign the guestbook. Thanks
- 12/08/98 06:31:06
amanda jones - 12/07/98 18:11:21
My Email:butrflyprincess3@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: earth(mostly)
Annoying Habbits: nail biting, whineing, normal teenage crap
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i don't sleep around, and i'm not a coward
Favorite Contact Sport: football: the only time you can have fun with the guys and they really aren't staring at your chest.
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: hair on the bottom of my feet. is this normal, are there others like me?
What Brought You Here: lack of things to do. i'm home, sick and i haven't got an e-mail in two days because all my crappy college friends are studying for finals!
well, i haven't rally looked around yet. usually i go right to the guestbook. you can tell a lot about a person by how they set up their guestbook. usually boring and annoyingly overdone, but this one interests me. it's funny and makes you think about
the stupid things in your life that, normally, you wouldn't think twice about.
- 12/07/98 01:22:13
Mastermind - 12/06/98 21:17:23
My Email:bonsaicats@clinic.net
Planet Of Residence: uranus
Annoying Habbits: ruminating
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I inhaled
Favorite Contact Sport: nun-toss
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: speculum
What Brought You Here: eye-spy mission
blatantly seeking tmwtgt
4119 reasons to look around
genologically impressed
call me !
tricia - 12/03/98 10:45:37
My Email:tricia130@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: ahascrew
Annoying Habbits: the english (only joking)
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I'm irish
Favorite Contact Sport: what u think
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: sex since last night
What Brought You Here: all of u
e mail me
SINEAD - 12/03/98 10:36:42
My Email:Sineadoo@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: asketon
Annoying Habbits: i'm a pain annoying bad mannered loser and single
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: What !!!!!!!!! i love that man(not)
Favorite Contact Sport: use your imagination
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: life
What Brought You Here: you
Aylia - 12/03/98 00:42:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/2287/
My Email:yaslia@aol.com
Planet Of Residence: Fremont, CA
Annoying Habbits: too slow billy jo
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i don't have affairs outside my marriage
Favorite Contact Sport: sex
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: sense of direction
What Brought You Here: in need of laughter
lisa - 11/14/98 15:27:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/peir/8839
My Email:babe_friz@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: have to think about that one
Annoying Habbits: bitting my nails
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: cos I am female
Favorite Contact Sport: urm can I say that on here......
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: .....penis?
What Brought You Here: my mum
very funny, email me and tell me about yourself?
AL - 11/05/98 04:38:55
My URL:http://aldelano@sat.net
My Email:aldelano@sat.net
Planet Of Residence: kread741258
Annoying Habbits: jokes
What Brought You Here: friend
o.k. site
inbred jed - 10/29/98 02:39:19
My URL:http://inbred.com
My Email:inbred@jed.com
Planet Of Residence: georiga
Annoying Habbits: getting sister drunk
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: cause I'm inbred
Favorite Contact Sport: mud wrestling
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: genetic structure
What Brought You Here: my mother
10/25/98 11:17:15
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
kate - 10/17/98 15:39:44
Planet Of Residence: toronto, Ontario
Annoying Habbits: i eat meat only tacos
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i i only sleep with one person at a time.
Favorite Contact Sport: rugby
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: i have eyes like a cat's
What Brought You Here: i like reading jokes
why was the mushroom such a hit at the party?
because he was a fungi!
(that's my favorite joke. please put it in your book!)
bond - 10/11/98 21:50:42
My Email:sorrry
Planet Of Residence: mars
Annoying Habbits: to my sister:playing goldeneye
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: mars
Favorite Contact Sport: have a mars bar.
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: nuts
What Brought You Here: ET
lyndsay - 10/11/98 02:27:40
Planet Of Residence: earth
Annoying Habbits: none
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: just cause
Favorite Contact Sport: football
jen - 10/10/98 22:03:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/7614/
My Email:tommiygrrl@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: earth
What Brought You Here: looking for some one else's web site
neat! visit mine sometime and sign the book
Bang - 10/10/98 01:47:44
My Email:newton@philonline.com
Planet Of Residence: duh
Annoying Habbits: duh
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: im the greatest
Favorite Contact Sport: basketball
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: duh
What Brought You Here: nothin
wow weird questions!!
but you know its very cool!!
great job you know!!
keep it up!!!
Heba Khas - 10/07/98 10:56:49
My URL:http://www.arab-business.net
My Email:hkhas@bocme.com
Planet Of Residence: earth
- 10/02/98 21:26:51
cindy - 09/21/98 17:03:28
My URL:http://members.aol.com/CandFTips/index.html
My Email:cindyg713@aol.com
Planet Of Residence: boston
Annoying Habbits: doing newsletter :-)
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: prettier :LOL
Favorite Contact Sport: hmmm must I answer that
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: I work for the po!!!
What Brought You Here: surfing
Great site..really enjoyed it...will send this link around for sure :-)thanks cindy
Karla - 09/21/98 05:06:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/2292
My Email:funneeezz@geocities.com
Planet Of Residence: remulak
Annoying Habbits: consuming mass quantities
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: i'm the master of time space and dimention...who better I ask?
Favorite Contact Sport: wazooper ball
What Brought You Here: the giant head
I bookmarked yer site...tons of stuff to explore here.
L. M. Productivity - 09/18/98 03:43:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Cinema/8105
My Email:hans___moleman@yahoo.com
Planet Of Residence: Robotron 5
Annoying Habbits: Picking up lost salamanders
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I'm less smart
Favorite Contact Sport: Tennis
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: Dignity
What Brought You Here: Your mom
this site is pretty good, and strikingly similar to my site at http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Cinema/8105 check it out!
Emily Chen - 09/17/98 21:56:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/EmilyChen
My Email:whatever104@hotmail.com
Hello! Your homepage is great. My favorite almost. How did you got that part in the middle? Bye!!!
Rosemary - 09/17/98 16:50:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7046
Planet Of Residence: a warm section on earth
Annoying Habbits: signing guestbboks
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I'm a woman
Favorite Contact Sport: football
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: tail
What Brought You Here: stupidity
very odd guestbook, but very funny site
michael morales - 09/17/98 12:51:44
My Email:michel_collins@hotmail.com
Planet Of Residence: saturn
Annoying Habbits: meet girls
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I wouldn´t make an affair
Favorite Contact Sport: soccer
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: I´m crazy
What Brought You Here: charles manson
Kacorpinc - 09/17/98 11:14:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/marina/9674
My Email:kacorpinc@geocities.com
OK place
Emily Chen - 09/16/98 22:06:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/EmilyChen
My Email:whatever104@hotmail.com
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I don't think I can. He is great. But I want to be the first girl president when I grow up.
Favorite Contact Sport: Soccer, ice skating, rollerblading, and vallyball
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: I am a very smart student, beautiful, nice, and very neat
What Brought You Here: I came for help, lol
Hello! I love your page! I just got a geocities homepage today. I have no idea what to do. Could you please help me? I really need helps. I would be really happy if you do. Thanks, bye!!
ALex - 09/16/98 07:09:29
Planet Of Residence: Australia
Annoying Habbits: i pick my nose
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: My intern would be a male
Favorite Contact Sport: nude twister
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: pubes
What Brought You Here: drunkedness
great page dude!
I'd tell ya but I'd have ta kill ya - 09/12/98 07:32:37
Planet Of Residence: B~F~E, So Calif
Annoying Habbits: WHAT habbits? I'm PERFECT
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: Because I'd don't like women, only men...HAHAHAHA!!!
Favorite Contact Sport: Sex with very manly men...like my fireman dude :)~~
What Brought You Here: Heaven only knows!!!
HAHAHAHA love the site
John & Jennifer - 08/30/98 21:12:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/mouseconductor
My Email:woody@tct.net
Planet Of Residence: Sarnia, Ontario
Annoying Habbits: reading goofy joke pages on the internet all day
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: I always have my girlfriends clothing dry-cleaned immediatley
Favorite Contact Sport: 100 yard dash to the buffet table
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: life outside the internet
What Brought You Here: an alien being named JOE
This is one of the funniest homepages we've ever come across. It is great. We're telling everyone we know to take a stroll through it. HILARIOUS!!! Great work.
Gary Spaeth - 08/26/98 01:33:02
My Email:Quantam-gs16@webtv.net
Planet Of Residence: Pluto
Annoying Habbits: Farting
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: Cuz I am Better
Favorite Contact Sport: Rugby
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: pinky toe
What Brought You Here: My senses
this is very funny, snortble funny
James Beck - 08/08/98 17:54:04
My Email:ROCKLIZARD@prodigy.net
Planet Of Residence: far far away
Annoying Habbits: who me?
Why I'd Be A Better President Than Clinton: Iraq would be nuked into a sheet of glass
Favorite Contact Sport: Coed naked anything
Finish: I'm Not Normal, I Have No: life
What Brought You Here: boredom
When you were a child and your mother came in to kiss you goodnight did you ever wonder if she had just finished going down on your father.
Shayne Michael - 07/19/98 15:57:52
My URL:http://www.swiftsite.com/shayne-michael/
My Email:shayne_michael@mailexcite.com
Planet Of Residence: Earth
Super Page