A dating problem but Macs immune!
The year 2000 (YK2) problem, also known as the millennium bug, exists as most hardware and software packages were designed with two digit entry for the year. So, when the year 2000 arrives these two digits may be misinterpreted. For example, the date Feb 20, 2001 may be read by computers as Feb 20, 1901 after January 1, 2000. Spreadsheets and databases, as well as applications for general ledger, invoices, payroll and annual leave are particulary vulnerable. For businesses, the reults can be disasterous. For example , a food packager may suddenly find all his products thrown away as his computer has interpreted his products lifespan to have long expired. Macintosh users, however, need not worry. The Mac OS has had the ability to handle dates past 1999 since the introduction of the first Mac. Most applications running on the Mac should have no problem handling dates come 2000. In fact, the date and time utilities used on Macs will work until 29940.
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