Do you think it is accurate?

if your birthday is from:

march 21 to april 19, you are an aries. howie and brian are your best love matches.

april 20 to may 20, you are a taurus. a.j. and brian are your best love matches.

may 21 to june 20, you are a gemini. kevin and howie are your best love matches.

june 21 to july 22, you are a cancer. howie and brian are your best love matches.

july 23 to august 22, you are a leo. kevin is you best love match.

august 23 to september 22, you are a virgo. a.j. is your best love match.

September 23 to october 21, you are a libra. kevin and nick are your best love matches.

october 22 to november 21, you are a scorpio. brian, a.j. and howie are your best love matches.

november 22 to december 21, you are a sagittarius. howie and nick are your best love matches.

december 22 to january 19, you are a capricorn. brian is your best love match.

january 20 to february 18, you are a aquarius. nick is your best love match.

february 19 to march 20, you are a pisces. nick is your best love match.

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