Find out if your PC is YK2 fit.

There are four basic tests to determine this. make sure you back up all important data before you carry them out:

Test one:

Change the real-time clock in your PC to a few minutes before Jan 1 2000. Wait for a few minutes till past 2000. If the clock changes to 2000. then you will know it is compliant. If it goes back to 1900, you may need to change hardware or else get a software patch from your PC maker.

Test two:

This is to further check the Bios in your PC in your PC is programmed for the leap year. Set the date and clock to 11.58pm Feb 28 2004. In a few minutes, your computer should reflect Feb 29 since 2004 is a leap year. Carry this out for four consecutive leap years.

Test three:

Turn the clock to Feb 28 2001. The clock should change to Mar 1 2001. Perform this test for four non-leap years.

Test four:

Set the clock to a few minutes before 2000 and switch off the PC. When the PC is next switched on, the date should reflect the change automatically. The roll-over tests used in test one are repeated after the PC has been reset during the roll-over. if your PC passes this test it will fix itself on the next boot-up.


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