This Watchers Webring
site is owned by
Sailor Mars

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Remember, we're WATCHING you! :|

Methos: Well, well, looks who's here.

{Le Blues Bar}

Hello! Welcome to Joe's place! The gang and I have totally remodeled the joint. (Not to mention ransacking the entire shelf of *hic* liquor . . . )
I love good guys.
Methos, are you drunk?! *smacks forehead* Great. Nevermind...please, I'm talking to the guests! *sigh* "Clean-up behind the bar! I repeat, clean up behind the bar!"

Something about the dim lights and green colored tiles in here was having an eerie effect on me. Like a horror movie...sheesh, Joe...

*shakes head sadly* I can't believe how much time I've spent away from here. Sorry, guys--swamped with work--you know how it is.
MacLeod, you look responsible enough. You can take care of the place during my time away.
No, you say? Sorry, you don't think so, you tell me? Well, I wasn't asking, so ha! *grin* That's it! I'm out! If I'm not back in 6 months call the police ;-)

Anyway, this is my sanctuary to Highlander: The Series and all things related to it. I am officially staking it as Holy Ground. (So no sword play!) Come inside and see what we've done!

Bonny Portmore (Song from Homeland.) Take Sailor Mars's personality test. Really cool. Look at a picture from Dragonheart the movie. Take an adventure and meet a mystical creature or two. Riddle: Can you figure it out?

Kit-Kat *sniffle* My cute little frog, Fizban, has hopped away! For those of you who knew him, he was a wonderful guide and a good friend :) Oh well, this is Kit-Kat and Katana and they will be your tour guides through my page. (Katana's the one with the fat fluffy tail--you can't miss it!) Don't get on their bad side or they'll ditch you and you'll wind up getting lost . . . you don't want to get lost here. Trust me. Katana We have enough lunatics running around as it is (besides our tie-dyed members I mean).

... Who's behind all this Highlander insanity? Sailor Mars, of course! Oh, wait. Maybe that didn't help.. . .;-)

Kit-Kat ... I spend a lot of my time writing stories, so that leads to a ton of fanfics. Especially Highlander fanfics.

Katana... And now, a page for the Highlander pictures I've collected. *shine*
[still under construction--sorry, there's like, 7 rolls of film needing to be developed]

Kit-Kat ... My favorite top-ten-lists. (Especially about Methos!)

Katana ... This page is for all the Stuff I've Said, and What My Friends Have Said. Proving yet again how brilliant we are! :-)

Kit-Kat ... You have to see this. It's chock full of funny stories!

Katana ... All right. I tried it. I really did. There may be life outside HL, but I really enjoy my life here. LOL. Anyway I just threw in a few links . . . (but that depends on your definition of "a few")

What the MacSprite clan lives for:
1. Peace
2. Love
3. And Bullet-Proof Marshmallows.
According to the Counter-Manager, you are the person to lose money at the poker table. Tsk, tsk. :-)

E-mail me for anything at sailormars_21@hotmail.com

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What's a guest without comments?
View SM's Guestbook. Kit-Kat

Methos Web Ring

This Highlander Web Ring site is owned by
Sailor Mars.

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"Highlander" and its associated names and characters are property of Davis/Panzer Productions Inc. They don't belong to me. We members just take the privilege we have to use them at will. Especially for our stories. They're like slaves that we don't own. We're just borrowing the slaves. So don't sue us. Or me. :) Have a nice day.
*snort* Katana's in a marquee. This is hilarious. She's going backwards. Katana

*sailor bobs head to the music playing in the background* Yes, this is my fave song of all time. For those of you racking your brains, I'm not going to tell you what song it is. So ha! You'll spend all eternity wondering what it is you're missing out on. *mua-hahahaha*
Okay, okay, I'm not that mean. It's Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden. *dum dum dum da de de*
moondragonz got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com