Backstreet Beach...
A Fantasy
Chapter 1
I never really new
why Nick and I got together. Since my husbands death 2 years ago,
I never thought I'd love again. It started out so innocently. My
husband and I loved to go to Backstreet Beach. We made love on
the sand on the 4th of July, he proposed to me there. It was so
romantic. I would go every Wednesday and sit by lifeguard tower 9.
I noticed Nick because he plays volleyball there. He was
beautiful and very athletic. At first it was just because he was
so good. After a while I started noticing his tan muscular back.
His strong powerful arms and thighs. His blond hair waving in the
breeze. I kept moving closer and closer to where he played with
some of his friends. Then one day, fate, the ball was hit too hard
and hit me hard in the head. Nick ran over, feeling very guilty
as he had hit the ball. I told him I was all right but he noticed
the large red circle forming on my head. I had never realized how
attractive he was. His large masculine hands caught my eye. His
touch was so gentle for such an athletic man. He apologized again
and went back to the game. After the game I watched him leave. I
went back to my people magazine and was startled by a surge of
cold on my back. It was Nick. He brought me a bottled water. He
said since he hurt me he might as well introduce himself and buy
me a drink. We talked for about an hour and he left. I went home
thinking of him. Feeling guilty for the feelings I was having for
him so soon after my husbands death. I went back to Backstreet
Beach the following week and to my surprise Nick was there. He
was looking for me. Waiting for me. He flashed those white teeth
and I knew that I was in trouble.
Chapter 2
Nick ran to me and
helped me with my chair and bag. I looked around and asked, "Where are your friends?" He said, "I don't know, I came
to see you." He blushed and looked down at the sand. I asked, "How did you know I'd be here?" He said, "I noticed that you come to
the same lifeguard tower every Wednesday about this time." Now it
was my turn to blush. We sat down and talked about this and that.
He finally asked, "Would you like to go out sometime?" I had to decline. He
looked crushed, (I wish). I began to tell him a little bit about
my husband. His passing from cancer and that I still had very
guilty feelings about dating. He seemed genuinely concerned and
said, "I don't want to rush you." We swam in the water and ate
lunch together. We met like this for 2 months. Every Wednesday,
always at lifeguard tower 9. Then finally he asked me out again.
I had begun to have very strong feelings for him and ached for
him to ask me out again. So I accepted. His face just lit up with
excitement. He said, "Friday at 8pm." I said, "okay." He said, "I'll pick
you up and plan everything." He walked me to my car and I gave him
my address. We said good-bye. I got in my car and I drove away. I
don't know how much time passed before I realize I was singing
along to the song on the radio. How long had it been since I felt
this way? All I know is that in 2 days, I was going out with Nick.
Oh my goodness, What am I going to wear?
Chapter 3
I ran into my
house and my phone was ringing. I picked it up and it was Nick. I
was surprised. We had never talked on the phone before. I asked, "How did you get my phone number?" He said, "You wrote your address on a
voided check." Well, this was certainly a new experience for me. I
felt a little guilty having a guy call me at my home. He asked, "Did you just get home?" I said, "I just walked in the front door." We
talked about our date on Friday and how we were both looking
forward to it. I hung up the phone and stared at the pictures on
the wall, the piano. If Nick was coming over on Friday, then I
think I had better put some of these photo's away. Once that was
done, I had some left overs for dinner, took a shower and went to
Friday had finally come. Nick drove up in his green Viper. I didn't
know what to expect. It was a new experience for me. I was
nervous. Nick said, "We'll take it slow, I just wanted you
to enjoy yourself." We went to a lovely restaurant which sat high on
a cliff, overlooking the ocean. It was a beautiful sight. He was
so handsome. We sat close and held hands. He danced and the time
just flew by so fast. Nick paid the check and we went outside. He
drove us to Backstreet Beach. I asked, "Why are we here?" He said,
I wanted to start some new memories with you and not at lifeguard
tower 9." He guided me across the sand and spread out a blanket on
the sand. He said, "I always liked coming to the beach at night.
It's a place I like to come to and just think." I was not moving
as fast as I think he would have liked me to. I was still very
nervous. He pulled me down on the blanket and told me it was OK.
I sat down and he pulled out a guitar and started to serenade me.
It was all so perfect. I just couldn't shake the feeling that I
was betraying my husband. Nick stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"
I said, "nothing why?" He said, "You're crying." I hadn't even realized.
He wiped my face and our eyes locked. I wanted him so badly. I
could barley control myself. It was getting so dark. I wanted to
kiss him, but I didn't want to. Just then there was a man's voice
calling out to us......
Chapter 4
The police officer
asked us to leave. We had stayed beyond the curfew and had to go.
We drove back to my house and I asked Nick to come in. He said,
"are you sure?" It was almost midnight and the time was going too
fast. I asked, "Do you have any plans for Saturday?" He said no. I
said me either. We cuddled on my sofa and watched some television.
He asked, "Can I kiss you?" I said yes. It was so magical. His
soft lips found mine, then his tongue entered my mouth. The
tingles I felt all over my body made me want him more. I've only
know him for 2 months. Are we going to fast? I broke away.
Reeling from all the emotions and feelings I was experiencing. He
just rubbed my back and we talked. We talked so long that we didn't
even notice that sun had begun to rise. It just felt so right.
Nick being here. Over the next several months we grew closer and
closer. We spent nearly every day together. So on Christmas Eve
Nick surprised me again by asking me to marry him. All I could do
was cry. I said yes. He said,
I knew you were ready because you have
not mentioned your husband since the summer. I love
you and that no one else could make me this happy. However, there
was one more thing that had to be done..."
Chapter 5
I had to meet his
family. I was a little nervous as he was nearly 10 years younger
than I. He said his family was very open. He had all ready told
them all about me. So, on New Year's Day, I met the Carters. All
six of them. What a warm family. Nick's mom made me feel right at
home. She was very friendly. I watched Nick's dad out of the
corner of my eye as he displayed two thumbs up in Nick's
direction. We had a wonderful dinner and his mom asked, "Do you
need any help with your wedding plans?" I said, "I could use all the
help I could get. My parents live in California and the don't
come to Florida very much." She said she'd be glad to help. The
day was wonderful. His brother and sisters were very entertaining.
We left around 8:30pm and drove to the beach. Backstreet Beach
had become our place now. He said, "I'd like to meet your
parents, so I purchased two tickets to Los Angeles for next
weekend. He's so good to me. It's been a while since I've seen
them." Nick picked me up Friday morning and we boarded a United
Airlines flight bound for Los Angeles. The flight was very calm.
My mom and dad were waiting for us as we deplaned. My dad and
Nick got along very well. Dad used to be the captain of his High
School Basketball team and Nick loves basketball. As we made our
way to my parents car, my mom said "he's so gorgeous."
I said I know. We drove out to Newport Beach and Nick pointed out
the window and smiled, "we're always close to a beach." My brother
and sister were at my parents house and we all went out for and
early dinner. Everything was going so perfect. How could my life
be so good? My mom and I went shopping for a wedding gown and dad
and Nick went to the local gym to shoot hoops. My mom asked if I
had decided on a wedding date. I said, "July 17th. A year from the
very day that I met Nick." We only had 6 months to prepare for a
wedding. She asked, "Does Nick know about Steven?" I said, "I'd
told him everything. He knows he's not competing with a dead guy.
I really love him." Mom started crying, "I never thought
I'd live to see you so happy again." Nick and I left Sunday morning. He
said, "your parents are wonderful people." The months seemed to fly
by. Since Nick and I both love the color green, we had the
bridesmaid's dresses done in a soft crushed velvet hunter green.
I finally found a dress. It has a 6 foot beaded train, and the
dress hung off my shoulders. Nick likes my shoulders. We have
less than a month to go. We've been saving our selves for our
wedding day. Which has been so very hard to do. Nick plans on
giving up his beach front apartment and moving in with me. So
little by little more and more of his things are turning up in
the house. It's so wonderful. My best friend Renee says this is
the happiest she has ever seen me. She was my maid of honor in my
marriage to Steven too. She was thrilled that I'd asked her again.
We've been taking pre marital classes at my church. My pastor is
so happy for us. Two weeks to go. I'm getting so nervous. Can I
make Nick as happy as he has made me? I have one hurdle to get
past before the wedding. Can Nick handle it?
Chapter 6
July 9th, the
third anniversary of Steven's death. I sat down with Nick and
told him that I had to talk to him. He seemed very worried. He
said, "what's wrong? Did I do something?" I said no. "I have
something that I have to do and I don't want to hurt you." He
looked hurt and confused. He asked, "Are you calling off the
wedding."I said, "no, it's nothing like that. Tomorrow is July 9th."
He said, "yes." I said, "well, Steven died on July 9, 1996." He said
OK. I said, "I've always gone to the cemetery to be with him." He
said "oh, is that all?" I said, "no, I want you to come
to the cemetery with me." He looked surprised. I said, "I know this
is going to sound really strange, but I want him to meet you,
sort of. I want to say good-bye to him. He's my past and you're
my future. I need to close that part of my life and I need you to
be there with me." Nick smiled and held me so tight I thought he
might snap me in half. He told me that I was so wonderful and
that he loved me. Nick came by the next day and was so nervous.
He said, "I didn't know what to wear. I almost called and asked
you if he should wear black." I had to laugh. I told him, "Steven is
dead and that it didn't matter what he wore, Steven wouldn't say
a thing." He smiled. He drew me close and kissed me. I told him,
"only 8 more days." He said, "I know but I can't help myself." We went
to the cemetery and I left a bouquet of flowers and said my good-byes.
I was a wreck. I didn't think I would react that way. Nick said,
"Steven was a big part of my past and I understand that." I told Nick.
"I had such a happy marriage with Steven. Why am I so blessed
to have the chance to have two wonderful men in my life? When I
know, there a women who never get one." We went home and changed
into our swim suits and went to Backstreet Beach. We've since
made our home at lifeguard tower 4. Closer to the pier. We had
our rehearsal dinner and everything went well. My parent's are
staying at Nick's and Nick is staying with his best friend and
best man, Brian. Tomorrow is the big day. I kissed Nick good night
and tell him I'll see him tomorrow. I start to cry. He asked, "what's
wrong?" I told him that I didn't want him to leave. He said, "after
tomorrow we'll be together for eternity." As I watched him drive
away Renee pulled up. I asked, "What are you doing here?" She said,
"Nick called and was concerned for me." She was staying the night
at Nick's request. All I could do was cry. He really loves me.
She said, "Yes he does."
Chapter 7
Renee and I stayed up until after midnight. She said, "We had
better get to bed, otherwise we'll sleep right through the wedding."
I told her that I wouldn't miss my wedding for anything. Renee
slept in the guest bedroom and I went to my room. I found Nick's
jacket on the end of my bed with a letter. He said, "You have
made me the Happiest man on earth. I can't wait to spend the
rest of our lives together, I love you." I put the letter
down and picked up his jacket. It smelled like him. How can I be
this happy? I took a shower and got into my tee shirt. I checked
my wedding gown. I'm so nervous. My stomach is in knots. I got
into bed and had the best nights sleep I ever had in my life. I
awoke to the sound of my ringing telephone. It was Nick. He said,
I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and couldn't
wait until I can call you my wife." I told him I
couldn't wait either. We said our good byes. I looked at the
clock. It was 8 am. 10 hours until we exchanged our vows. I
grabbed my robe and headed downstairs. Renee and I went for a run
and had a light brunch. The day was beautiful. Everything looked
brighter. "Has the sky always been that blue?" I asked her. She said
yes. She had the biggest smile on her face. I said, "What's so
funny?" She said, "It's nice to see me in love again." I ran home
and took a shower. The videographer was going to be at the house
at 2pm. Friends and family started arriving to check on me. I
told them all that I was fine and this was the happiest day of my
life. One by one they left. Nick's mom, Jane came by. She said,
"I wanted to give you something." She gave me a beautiful aqua
marine necklace. She said, "Nick gave it to me for Mother's
day. Since, I was going to be the mother of Nick's children, I
felt that you should have it." We have become such great friends. My
mom was a wreck. She was just so happy for me. My brother and
sister came by. Mom and Rachel helped me into my dress. It was
weird getting dressed as the videographer filmed my every move.
My hair and makeup were done. The photographer had come by and
started taking pictures. It was four o'clock. Dad was very
nervous. He said, "How did I get so lucky to be able to walk you
down the aisle twice? I am very proudd of you for being able to get on with your life." My dad is
getting up there now. He'll be sixty in a few months. Where did
the time go? Well, the limo is here and it's time to go to the
church. It's 5:30pm. We get to the church in 15 minutes. I send
Dad in so that Nick won't see me. We make it in and there are lot's
of people here already. Time seems to be moving so slowly now. It's
6:15 now. It's just me and dad now. He's crying. I tell him to
stop. "Don't make me cry." He said, "I love you so much and I
just wanted you to know." Renee comes in and tells me it's time. I'm
shaking all ready. I asked her, "Have you seen Nick?" She said, "He's
here Kim." Now we are all crying. We walk out and stand in the
procession of my 4 bridesmaids and four grooms men and my maid of
honor. As Renee walks through the doors and they close behind her
I knew there was no turning back now. Daddy fixed my vale and the
doors opened to the sound of the Wedding march. As I passed a sea
of faces, I saw Steven's parents. They came. My tears started to really flow now and I felt my self shaking. Daddy whispered if I was
all right. I shook my head yes and stared in Nicks direction. He
was smiling that beautiful smile of his. As we approached the
altar I tried not to look at mom as I knew she'd be crying. I
looked anyway. Mom's so beautiful. She winked at me. My pastor
asked the familiar question "who gives this women to
Nickolas?" Daddy answered, "Her Mother and Father." As Nick
stepped down to take my hand from daddy I noticed he was crying
too. This is the happiest day of my life. The pastor went on with
the ceremony and I just gazed into Nick's eyes. We exchanged our
vows, that we'd written our selves. Finally, after a whole year I
heard the words that I thought I'd never hear again, "I now
pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride." As our
guests erupted in applause we made our way out. The guests would
be moved to the Marriott Hotel's Grand Ballroom for the reception.
Nick and I had only a few moments alone together. He said to me
"I can't believe you're my wife." We kissed, our
parents told us it was time for pictures. They congratulated us
and welcomed each of us into their families. We took pictures, I
don't remember anything but Nick and his smile. I finally found
Chapter 8
After the wedding pictures were taken, Nick and I jumped into the
limo. He whispered something to the driver as we got in. I asked
him what he said. He said Nothing. I said, "You're keeping secrets
from me all ready?" He just kissed me. We pulled away from the
church and we couldn't keep our hands off each other. I looked
out the window and told Nick that the driver was going the wrong
way. Nick just smiled. I said, "What are you up to Nick Carter." He
said, "I have a surprise for my wife." He has the most amazing
laugh. As we pulled up to Backstreet Beach I had to laugh. We had
met here one year earlier and he was bringing me back to the
place we'd met. Lifeguard station 9. I asked him if he planned on
hitting me with a volleyball too. We laughed. We only stayed a
few minutes as we had guest waiting. We drove away and headed to
the hotel. The best man announced "May I introduce to you Mr.
and Mrs. Nickolas Carter." We entered to the thunderous
applause. We mixed and mingled for a while and then sat down to a
wonderful dinner. It was time for our first dance as man and wife.
We chose "Time in a bottle" for our first dance. Nick
said, "It's like time stands still when we're together and it's
like we're the only ones around." Next it was daddies turn. I
chose Butterfly kisses. We had the best time. We had our friends
and our families. What more could we ask for? We were going to
Hawaii in the morning. We finally said our good-byes and headed
back to our house. We were a little tipsy from the champagne but
not drunk as we wanted to remember the first night. For me it had
been three years. As the limo left us at the curb Nick lifted me
into his arms and across the thresh hold. Up the stairs to a
bedroom that was lit by atleast one hundred candles. I said "What?
Who did this?" He sent BJ back and she set up the candles. I
stripped out of my wedding gown as Nick ran a bath for us. It was
the first time that we've been naked together and so I was
nervous. Nick sprinkled rose petals over the bath water. As we
slipped into the tub, he asked if I was happy. I said I've never
been so happy. As we kissed and explored each others bodies I
knew that I couldn't wait anymore. We left the bath and headed to
our bed. He had rose petals all over the bed and he made
passionate love to me. I don't know if it's just been so long or
if it was him. He brought me to a climax 3 times. We fell asleep
in each others arms. Finally, together for eternity. Our
honeymoon in Hawaii was wonderful. We hardly left the hotel suite.
Now as I sit here with you in my arms, 9 months later, Nickolas
Gene Carter II. My life is complete. I have your daddy and I have
you. My past is behind me and I have a brilliant future ahead of
me. Oh, your daddy is here. He looks a lot better now. You have
your daddy's eyes. Well, the nurse is here to take you now. Daddy's
been giving the nurses a hard time. Telling them not to drop you.
Your his Son, I have made him happy. Just as he has made me happy.
Sleep well little one. I love you.

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