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Chapter 1
It was finally Spring Break. My friends, Laura and Megan and I had planned a day at Disney World. Everyone met at my house, I lived the closest. The park opened at 9 in the morning and we wanted to spend all day. We were one of the first people through the gates at 9am. We all had season passes so we could by pass the ticket lines. We headed to the roller coasters. After riding them a few times we decided to move on and find something else. We took the monorail around the park. We were searching for guys. We saw these three cute guys standing in line for the bumper cars and hopped off at the next stop. We ran to the ride. They were already inside. We watched them from a distance. I said, I want the blond. Megan looked and me and said, Lisa you don't even know him. How can you want him? I said, I saw him first, he's mine. Megan said, OK the tall dark and handsome one is mine then. Laura said, OK, then I'll take smiley. We watched them get off the bumper cars and head over to teacups. We ran so fast, we ended up right behind them in line. Smiley smiled at us. The tall one was kind of shy. He smiled but looked away pretty quickly. The girls and I chatted about things that weren't very relevant to our day. We were really listening to what they were saying. We now knew that the "smiley one" was Brian. We didn't know who the other guys were. We finally made it onto the ride. We chose the teacup closest to the guys. We were pretty athletic so we knew we were going to rock this cup. Once the ride started we started cranking the wheel. We were turning so fast we were getting dizzy. I told everyone to put their heads back. By the time the ride stopped we were so dizzy we couldn't even walk. We were laughing so hard we didn't notice that the guys were laughing at us. We tried to make our way to the exit, but we kept bumping into the other people and the teacups. We were laughing so hard we were practically crying. I somehow missed the step down from the exit and fell on the ground. We were laughing so hard. Then I heard someone say, are you all right? I didn't think they were talking to me so I ignored the voice and managed to sit up. I tried to stand up but I felt an arm pull me up. I stood up eye to eye with that blond guy. Oh, I said. Thank you. I think we got a little too carried away in there. He said, he noticed. I think my heart skipped a beat when he said that. He said, My name is Nick, this here is Brian and this is Kevin. I said, I'm, I'm, She's Lisa, Megan said, I'm Megan and this is Laura. Oh sorry. I said, I'm so dizzy can we sit down for a minute. They said, Sure. We sat on the bench and made small talk.
Chapter 2
I asked where they were going next. They hadn't decided. I told them we were heading over to "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." Brian said, Cool, we haven't been there yet. I said, then let's go. We walked over to the ride and paired up two by two by two. Nick and I got in the first car followed by Megan and Kevin. Brian and Laura got in the next car. We seemed to enjoy the little adventure they put together. I have to admit, I was nervous sitting next to Nick. Every time the car jerked his thigh would touch mine. I know that sounds silly, but Hey, this guy was H - O - T, Hot! The ride ended and we waited for the other guys. I said, so where to next? Nick said, I don't know. I pulled out my map of the park. Nick said, Let's go to the log ride. Cool I said, we could all ride together it holds six people. Once everyone was off the ride we headed for the log ride. I looked at Nick and asked him if he wanted to pair up again. He said only if we sit in front. My kind of guy! No fear! I said it was the best seat in the house. He laughed. We got soaked! We couldn't stop laughing. Kevin was whining about his clothes. I told him I knew how to dry them off. Nick and I looked at each other and said, "Teacups" at the same time. We laughed and ran back to the teacups. This time we stayed paired with our original partners. Two people to a teacup. Nick and I were both very competitive. We spun the teacup the operator asked us to please slow down. I told Nick to tilt his head back. Once the cup stopped we were laughing so hard. It took us a little while to get oriented. We finally made it out and I said I'm starving. It was 2 O'clock. We got there at 9, now I'm hungry. They guys bought us lunch for showing them a good time in the park. We decided to go our separate ways. Wait, what I mean to say is, Nick and I separated from the group. What they did, I'm not sure. We spent the rest of the day having so much fun. We agreed to meet for dinner at 7pm inside the park. Nick won me a giant Pooh Bear. I said, how am I supposed to enjoy me day now? I have to lug this thing around all night. So he saw this little kid with a tiny pooh bear and asked him if he wanted to trade? The boys eyes just about popped out of his head. He asked his parents and they said sure! So Nick gave away this huge bear and I got a little 12 inch bear. Now what he said? Hmmm. Mr. Toad's wild ride? He said, Where's that? I said, Toon Town. He said, isn't that for kids? I said, yes, and your point being? He laughed. We headed to Toon Town and he started holding my hand. I about dropped dead on the spot. I looked at him and he just smiled. We ended up riding a lot of the kid's rides. We went on Peter Pan, Dumbo, Alice in Wonderland. It was fun. We finally had to head out to the front. It was time to meet up with the others. They insisted on buying again so it was another freebie. The park closes at midnight so we ate fast and the just kind of hung out. We were pretty tired but didn't want the night to end. It seemed like the guys were all interested in us. So we milked it for all it was worth. We boarded one of these boats, the kind of just circles a lake and watched the fireworks. It was very romantic. Nick and I were still holding hands. Nick whispered in my ear that he was having a great time. Then he kissed my forehead. I looked at Megan to see if she saw that. She did! I tried to control myself but it was getting pretty difficult. Well, the park was finally closing and it was time to say good bye. The guys walked us out to our car. Nice car Nick said. I said, Thank you. My Green Expedition gleamed in the moonlight. He said, it's yours? I said, yes why are you surprised? He said, Well it seems kind of big, can you even see over the steering wheel? I said of course I can and kind of baby punched him in the stomach. He pulled me into his chest and hugged me. He said, I'm just kidding. He asked for my phone number and I gladly gave it to him. I wanted to tattoo it on him but instead I wrote it on the palm of his hand. Then I asked if he was driving? He said, Yes why? I turned his hand over and wrote it again on the other side. I told him I didn't want it to get wiped off. He hugged me again and I got in the car. Megan and Laura right behind me. We backed out and left.
Chapter 3
We all started talking at once. We all had the best time with these guys. Megan had actually kissed Kevin. Laura and I just laughed. You kissed him? Oh, tell us, How was it? She laughed and said he had a very sexy voice and was very romantic. He bought her a rose. I told them about the Pooh Bear Nick won for me and how he gave it to this little kid. They thought that was so sweet. I told them how he held my hand and whispered in my ear. The little peck on the forehead. Laura said that's nothing. Brian held doors open for her and let her get on the rides first. He was a true gentleman. We laughed. We had found the perfect guys. The only question we had was would they call us. We had all given the guys our phone number. Nick said he wanted to get together with me tomorrow and do something. I said that would be nice. We finally got to my house and we just crashed. I was so tired. We all changed for bed and I turned the lights off. I was thinking over the day and remembered the teacup ride and just started laughing. Megan got up and turned on the light. What's the matter she said? I was laughing so hard that I couldn't talk. I was crying now. Laura said, Teacup ride. That just made me laugh harder. Lisa, come on we got to get some sleep. I finally was able to calm down. Megan turned off the lights and I tried to go to sleep. But the image of the teacups came back and I just couldn't stop myself. Laura and Megan joined in this time. Then next thing I knew I'm being pelted by pillows. I finally calmed down enough and was able to fall asleep. I woke up to a telephone ringing. I picked up the cordless telephone and managed a very weak Hello. Lisa? I said yes, this is Lisa who's calling at what time is it anyway. The person on the phone said, 10 O'clock. I said, who is this? He said Nick. I was sitting straight up now and WIDE awake. Nick? Megan and Laura were now listening to my conversation. I said, just a minute Nick I've got some people here who are bugging me. He said to say hello to Laura and Megan. I said, ladies, Nick says Good Morning. They smiled and said Hello back. I went into my bedroom and sat on my bed. I told him I was glad he called. I had a great time yesterday. He said he did too. He apologized for waking me up. I told him it was OK, we had come back to my house and just started talking and then I had this laughing fit. Nick asked what about and I just lost it. He was asking what was so funny and then I was able to get one word out at a time and I told reminded him of the teacups. He started laughing too. Once we were able to put that behind us he asked me out. I said yes. He asked if I liked to bowl. Sure I said. He said he'd pick me up at 1pm, if that was OK. I said, sure. He said invite your friends along for Brian and Kev, OK? I said sure. I gave him directions to my house and hung up the phone. I ran out of my room and right into Meg and Laura. Were you listening through the door? They said no, but then started laughing. I told them that the guys were taking us bowling at 1. So we need to clean up my house and get ready.
Chapter 4
They guys were early. We were ready though. Nick was driving. He had the same car I had. I looked at him and laughed. I had a better sound system though. We drove down to the bowling alley and got shoes and drinks. Nick paid for the lane rental. We teamed up with our partners and then played a couple of boys against the girls. We beat them every time. Brian and Laura beat us as couples. Nick wasn't really that good, but he liked to bowl. We then started playing against each other. I was winning when Laura started talking about the teacups at Disney World. That was all it took. I couldn't bowl any more. I lost by two pins. I of course was completely embarrassed. I couldn't stop laughing and had to excuse myself before I soiled my pants. As I exited the bathroom, Nick was waiting for me. I smiled at him. He asked if I was OK? I said I was fine. He said, I thought you might need a hug. I told him I did. He hugged me and then kissed me. Well, it really wasn't a kiss. He pulled away and I looked up as he looked down and our lips brushed. It was almost a kiss. We both blushed. Then Nick said they have arcade games here, do you want to play? I said, sure. After about twenty minutes of so, Brian found us. He said, I thought I'd find you in here Nick. Laura was standing right beside him. We were in a heated game of pinball. I was beating him and he was trying to tilt my machine. He finally tilted it and started laughing. I walked away and pretended to be mad. He followed me thinking he really made me mad. He asked if I was mad or faking it? I wouldn't answer. Finally he said, well I guess there will be no more "teacups" for us. I again started laughing. He said, I knew you were faking. We bowled a few more games and then paid for the lane and returned our shoes. Nick was hungry and so we went to this pizza place that had a billiard table. I didn't know how to play so I watched as Nick and Brian played a few games. Then Nick came up beside me and said let me teach you. Sure, OK. I hopped off the stool I was sitting on and Nick showed me how to hold the stick. He arranged the balls in a triangle shaped wooden thing and said he'd break. Whatever, I said. The balls shattered and spread all over the table. A couple of them dropped into the "pockets." Then he placed the stick in my hand and told me to line up one of the balls and try to hit it in the pocket. I bent over and couldn't quite figure out what to do with my hands, so Nick kind of cradled my body and helped me with the first shot. I wasn't even watching. I made eye contact with Laura and she was smiling at me. I barely tapped the ball. None of the balls moved. How embarrassing I said. Nick smiled and said it's your first time. You need to practice. Well, Nick doesn't know me, obviously. Once I try something new I don't quit until I can do it myself. Nick kept adjusting my body and I finally got the hang of it. I started hitting the balls all over the table. I wasn't really good but I was certainly getting the idea. We went back to my house and just hung out. Nick and I walked across the street to the park and hung out on the swings. We started talking about what we liked and our families and stuff. It was nice. He asked if I wanted to go for a ride with him? I said sure. We walked back across the street to my house. We told the guys we'd be back in a little while.
Chapter 5
We got in Nick's car and drove off. Nick drove into the beach parking lot. He said this is my favorite place. Nick opened the back of his car and pulled out a couple of blankets and a bottle of wine. We made our way down the beach and spread out a blanket and sat on it. Nick opened the bottle of white wine and handed me a plastic cup. He was telling me how he liked coming to the beach. He liked the steady sound the ocean made. He said, sometimes I just lie back on the blanket and close my eyes. The ocean puts me to sleep. I'm able to clear a lot of things out of my mind. I just smiled. He said try it. I told him if I were to lie down, I would probable fall asleep. We talked for a little while and then we just got real quite. We just sat there and listened to the surf. We watched the surfers and the few people that were still at the beach. It was starting to get cold now. Nick told me to sit between his legs. I asked him why? He said because I only have one blanket and we can stay warmer if we're closer. I said, OK. So I sat with my back leaning against Nick's chest. He wrapped us up in the blanket. How's this? He asked. It's much better, I said. He had his hands wrapped around my shoulders. It was a little too warm. Nick asked if I was dating anyone? I said, I wasn't. I asked if he was. He said, he's kind of hoping to be dating me at the moment. I smiled. Nick asked if I was thinking of those teacups? I told him to stop. He said what? Do you remember those teacups and how we were flying on that thing? I started to lose it, but somehow managed to keep control. Then he said, or how about when you and your friends were on the teacups the first time and you couldn't walk? You finally fell over. I lost it then. Nick laid me down on the blanket and then laughed with me. He was wiping my tears of joy. He said, he loved the sound of my laugh. Then he kissed me. I was a little surprised and didn't respond exactly how he wanted. He started to sit up but I stopped him. I said, I'm sorry you startled me. He said he was sorry. I told him I'd been waiting for him to make a move. He looked at me and lowered his head. He kissed me again. This time my body willfully gave into him. He was so tender. His hands were now roaming my body. He worked his way down from my face to my neck and landed on my breast. That surprised me. Nick removed his hand and continued to kiss me. I didn't want it to end. It started to rain. We were caught off guard. He jumped up and picked up the blankets and the empty wine bottle and grabbed my hand and ran back to the car. Once we got in we looked at each other and started laughing. He said you always make me laugh. I told him I had nothing to do with the rain. He said he knew that, but he just felt good around me. It was still raining when we got back to my house. We ran inside and everyone was staring at us. We got caught in the rain I said. They all laughed. No kidding Megan said. Nick had a pair of sweats in his trunk and a tee shirt. He went in the bathroom to change and I went into my room and changed. They were waiting for us to return because they were hungry again. Nick threw Kevin his keys and told them to go without us. We weren't hungry. Nick said to bring something back though because he figured he'd be hungry later. Brian gave him a strange look. They finally left and we were all alone.
Chapter 6
Nick asked if I had any decent music. I told him it depended on what he considered decent. I told him I loved all kinds of music. I listen to Pop, rock, R&B, country. I just love music. He said he did too. We leafed through my CD collection and I had quite a bit that he liked. So we picked out a few and Nick put on some music. Red Hot Chili Peppers. They are such a cool band. Nick seemed to know the words to every song. He had a nice voice too. Since I don't carry a tune very well I was reluctant to sing. He told me to sing. I told him that I couldn't sing very well. He said, So what? Let's just have fun. So Nick and I started singing. He'd sing one part and I'd sing the other. We were having so much fun we didn't realize that the guys had come back. I had gotten two candles and we were using them for microphones. We were dancing around and then we heard the music stop. We turned around and they were all staring at us laughing. I think Nick and I turned a deep shade of red because once they saw our faces they really started to laugh. I just collapsed to the floor. Nick came down beside me. We were both laughing now too. Brian said if he'd known we were going to have a karaoke party, they never would have left. Kevin said, Lisa you have a great voice. I said, you're just saying that. Nick said, No, Lisa it's true. Have you ever taken lessons? They were speaking so seriously but I just had a feeling I was going to be the butt of a joke somewhere. I got up but Nick pulled me back down. He said he was serious. I told him he was making me uncomfortable and I preferred not to talk about it. Megan and Laura said, I don't know why she's so shy. She did all the musicals in High School. She sang in Choir at school and at church. I got up and left the room. Nick followed me into my bedroom. He apologized for making me uncomfortable. He said I had a nice room. I had this beautiful green quilt on my bed with tulips all over it. I had a computer on my desk and a bookcase in the other corner with my television and another stereo. My cat, Trinket slept on the foot of my bed on a towel I left out for her. My bedroom window's overlooked out backyard pool. He asked how long I lived in this house? I told him two years. It was my grandmother's house and she gave it to me. It was a very modest house with three bedrooms and three bathrooms. He asked if Megan and Laura lived with me. I said, No. They were just visiting for Spring Break. He asked if my grandmother had passed away. I said no she just moved in with my parents. She was getting older and it was best that she not live alone. So she knew I was going to school locally and just gave me the house for my 19th birthday. He thought that was nice. Nick and I sat on my bed leafing through more CD's when there was a knock on my door. Come in I said. Brian stuck his head inside. He looked nervous. What's up? Nick said. Brian said we got to get going. Nick said, OK I'll be right there. Brian said good bye and apologized for making me feel bad. Nick said he had to go. They had some work they had to do first thing in the morning. I said OK and stood up. Nick pulled me to him and kissed me. We just kind of stood there staring into each other's eyes. Why was I feeling the way I was? I didn't really know much about him. Nick stood up and kissed me again. His tongue exploring my mouth. He was a wonderful passionate kisser. There was a knock on the door again and this time Nick said, All right already. I'm coming. He asked if he could call me tomorrow. I said he had better call me. He smiled kissed me again and left. I started putting things away when Laura came in and wanted to know what I was doing? I'm just putting things away. She asked why I hadn't told Nick about my singing. I told her there wasn't anything to say. Laura said, Nothing good comes from secrets.
Chapter 7
Laura left my room and I decided a bubble bath would be nice. I ran my bath and got in. I had my little bath pillow and got comfortable. I don't know how long I was in there but a knock on the door startled me. Come in I said. Laura said telephone. It's Nick. I smiled and dried my hand off and took the phone from her. Hello I said. Nick said what are you doing? I told him I was taking a bath. He said that sounds nice. He asked me if I wanted to go to a movie tomorrow. I said yes. He said, just the two of us this time. I want you all to myself. I laughed. He said he would be busy until around 1 O'clock. I said, OK, I could sleep in. He laughed. He said, He'd be by to pick me up. I hung up the phone and got out of the tub. I dressed in my usual nighttime attire, sweats and a tee shirt. I headed out into the living room. I flopped down between Megan and Laura and said quite simply, I'm in love. They both said, DUH! We laughed. They said it was obvious that Nick cared a lot about me too. I asked how things were going with Kevin and Brian. Laura said that Brian hadn't kissed her yet, but they were hugging a lot and holding hands. Megan said, Kevin has kissed me. No open mouth yet though. I told them Nick had a nice juicy tongue. They started hitting me with the couch pillows. I told them Nick wanted to take me to a movie tomorrow. He made it perfectly clear he didn't want to double or triple date. They smiled. They reminded me to take it easy. After all we didn't really know a lot about these guys. I said, I'm having fun. I'm so glad we went to Disney World. Megan reminded me that I saw the boys first. If it weren't for Disney, we wouldn't be sitting here feeling so good. We popped some popcorn and thought we'd watch a movie. I said, this looks like a funny one. Let's watch Patch Adams with Robin Williams. Cool, they said in unison. We were bawling by the end of the movie. So much for making us feel happy. Next we watched message in a bottle. Oh that was a very sad movie. Finally, I said, it's 1 am. I got to get to bed. I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow. I've never slept better. I woke up at 9:30 am. I dressed and headed for the kitchen. I found a note on the table the girls had gone to breakfast and would be back to take me to the mall. I poured myself some coffee and ate an English muffin. I turned on the radio and was singing along with the artist. Then I remembered what Laura said, "Nothing good ever comes from secrets." What should I do? Tell Nick or not? I put it out of my mind and went to get dressed. The girls were back 20 minutes later. They knocked on the door and asked if I was up. Yes, I'm up, I replied. Megan came in my room and asked if I was ready to go. I said yes. I grabbed my purse and we headed to the mall. I told them we couldn't take long because Nick was coming. They teased me, oh Nick is coming, Got to get home, can't be late. I swatted at both of them. They laughed. I found clothes that I liked at the GAP. I love the Gap. I also went to Sam Goody's and got a new CD. Nick suggested I listen to a group called Journey. He said they are really talented. I found one of their greatest hits CD's. I couldn't wait to hear it. We got in the car and I opened the CD and popped it in. They were good. I started humming along to the songs. Picking up the words here and there. By the time we got home I'd had parts of each song. I ejected it from the CD player and brought it in the house. I turned it back on and turned it up loud. I opened the CD case and we started learning the words to the songs. We were singing so loudly and the stereo was on so loud we didn't hear Nick knocking on the door. He finally let himself in. He scared me. Oh, Nick I said. He was smiling. Instead of saying anything he started singing along with us. He looked very nice. He was wearing a black silk like shirt with black trousers. His gold cross worn outside his shirt. It wasn't a button up shirt. It was nice though. His hair was slicked back and he was wearing glasses. I said, I didn't' know you wore glasses. He said I had to get up early this morning and didn't have time to fuss with the contacts. I asked if we should bring the CD along. He said, I've got it. I laughed. We headed out to the movie theaters. Nick wanted to see Sixth Sense. He asked if I'd seen it yet. I said No.
Chapter 8
The movie was great! I told Nick I wanted to see it again, because I just couldn't believe the ending. So he took me serious and bought two more tickets and we sat through it again. He's funny. I really like him a lot. We held hands through the movie and on the parts where I got a little jumpy he slipped his arm around me. Now we'd just blown four hours watching the same movie twice. But it was well worth it. He told me he wanted to take me to dinner and dancing tonight. Was I up for it? Sure I said, I'm starving I've only eaten an English muffin and popcorn all day. He laughed at that. He drove back to my house and I quickly changed my close and brushed my teeth. We drove to his house. He lived on the beach. I couldn't believe it. I asked if this was his parent's house? He said it was. Oh, then that explains it. Nick disappeared upstairs and changed his clothes and put in his contacts. I was standing on his deck staring at the ocean when he came up behind me and wrapped his muscular arms around me. What are you thinking about? He asked me. I said I was remembering how we went to the beach yesterday, and what you were saying about the ocean. He smiled. So you were thinking about me? I smiled and said yes, Nick I was thinking about you. He turned me around and kissed me. Oh that juicy tongue of his. He said we better get going. We went to an Italian Restaurant. I ordered the veal and Nick ordered a little bit of everything. He said he was hungry and he needed protein he planned on dancing tonight. So the waiter brought us, probably, four meals. We both ate a little of everything. Nick paid the bill and we hopped back into his car. He put on the Journey CD and since I had a little wine I was of course overly confident and started singing. Nick just smiled. I asked what was he thinking? He said honestly? I said, yeah, What are you thinking? He said, I'm thinking right now, I got to get you into a studio and record you. Well, if that didn't just pop my little bubble of happiness I was in. He noticed the change in my demeanor and asked what was wrong. I told him I was fine. He reached across and rubbed my thigh. He asked me why I always clam up when it comes to my singing? I told him that right now I didn't want to talk about that, but I would when I felt comfortable. He said, OK. I just want you to know I'm here for you, babe. He called me babe! ~~SCREAM~~ Babe? Oh me oh my! Once I composed myself, in my head. I asked where he was taking me. He said, Confetti's. They have the best bands there. It was his favorite. I told him I'd never been before. Good, he said. I'll show you around.
Chapter 9
We finally arrived and the place was packed. Nick quickly ordered me a drink. He was driving so he wasn't drinking. I asked him if he was trying to get me drunk? He said, He'd never do a thing like that. Then he flashed that smile that would get me to do anything he wanted. It was more powerful than hypnotism. He said, Babe, let's dance. So I downed my drink and we headed out to the middle of the dance floor. He could dance too. Oh baby, He could dance. We danced so much I was getting a little hot. We sat in a booth and Nick asked if I was having fun. This is cool I said. I got up to use the ladies room. When I returned to the table he was sitting with some guy wearing sun glasses. I looked at my watch. It was 10:30pm, we were inside a club and this guy is wearing sunglasses? As I approached the table Nick and the other guy stood up. Nick let me slide in and they both sat down. Nick said, Lisa this is Alexander, better know to everyone as AJ. I shook his hand and he said it was nice to meet me. Nick explained that this was AJ's club. I told him I really liked it. I'd never been here before. He smiled and thanked me for the compliment. As he talked with Nick I thought he was such a sweet man. He told me to save a dance for him. Nick said my dance card was full. AJ said he'd pay for our drinks. I said, It's a deal! Nick and AJ laughed. I told him to send over another glass of white wine and a Shirley Temple for Nick. AJ looked at Nick and said, you driving? Nick said yes, AJ said, hey you drink get happy I'll take care of your ride home. I looked at Nick and said, C'mon get drunk with me. He laughed and said OK, but cancel her white wine. If we're going to get drunk, we're going to do it right. AJ said, Tequila shots? Nick said, Set 'em up. I said, wait, no way. I'm not doing that with you. He laughed. AJ had the cocktail waitress bring us each 3 Tequila shots. Nick kissed me and asked if I was ready? I said, OK, but one at a time. He counted down and we downed the first shot and sucked on a lime. We were laughing already. He said ready for number two? I said, wait until the burn goes away. He said no let's go and started counting off again. Number two down the hatch. Quickly followed by number three. Then he jumped up and grabbed my arm and took me to the dance floor. I could see that Nick was really having a good time now. Then the ballads came. Nick and I danced so close, I'd swear we became one person. I told Nick I had to sit down. I was too drunk and it was hot in here and I just had to sit down. So we went back to the booth. AJ came back and asked if I'd saved a dance for him. I looked at Nick and he started laughing. He said, you promised. He paid for the drinks and he's getting us a ride home. I said ten minutes? AJ said five and left our table. Whoa! I said, did you catch the license of the bus that ran me over? Nick was laughing. He said, I kind feel like I just got off the teacup ride at Disney World. I started laughing. I had the visual now of the ride and the falling and everything. Nick was laughing too. AJ came back to the table and wanted to know what was so funny? That only made Nick and I laugh harder. Finally, we were able to calm down and I asked AJ if he was ready for his dance now? Nick said, No slow dances. I kissed him and took AJ's hand. AJ was a great dancer too. I asked him how he knew Nick. He said they play together. I said, OK. What do you play? Remember I'm intoxicated and I'm not thinking straight. He said, you know in a band. We've got a group. Hasn't he told you? I looked clue less and he said, That's between you two. So he started twirling me. I said, Whoa Alex, AJ, too much. He laughed. He said, sorry I forgot. The music stopped and he brought me back to Nick. Nick asked if I was ready to go? I said something close to sure. He laughed. AJ had a taxi cab out front and pre paid the driver. We went back to Nick's house. Once we got inside. He said, Ugh oh. I said, what? He said, I don't have a car to take you home. I said, oh. He said I could call you a cab? I said no, I'll stay here. Are your parents sleeping? He said, I don't know. I was trying to be quiet and Nick turned on Journey. I looked at him like he was crazy. He said What? I said your parents? He said what's the fascination with my parents all about? I said, I didn't want to wake them. He said, well you couldn't do that they don't even live here.
Chapter 10
I said, What? I thought this was your parent's house? He said, it's my house. I'm sorry, I lied. Why did you lie? He said he didn't want me to like him because he had money. He wanted me to like him, because I really like him for him. I said, I'm totally confused. What do you mean by all that? Like you for you? He said, Well, I'm in a band. It's a pretty famous band. You haven't really said anything so I don't think you know who I am. I said, I'm confused. Can someone please tell me what's going on? He sat me down and sat across from me. He said, I'm in a popular pop/rock group called Backstreet Boys. I said, OK. He said have you ever heard of us? I had a blank look on my face and said No. He said, I didn't think so. Well, I don't mean to brag, but we are huge. We get recognized a lot and it's hard to find girlfriends who are interested in us for us, and not for what are jobs are. I said, Am I your girlfriend? He said, I want you to be. I smiled at him and said, OK, I'll be your girlfriend. He laughed. He said, how much of this are you going to remember in the morning? I said, How much of what? He laughed. He took me upstairs and gave me something to wear. He said, He wasn't going to take advantage of me, but he did want to sleep beside me tonight. It shocked me that he said it. He said, He'd sleep on top of the covers and I could sleep beneath them. I said, I'm fine with it. It's OK. I said, I do want to call home and let Laura and Megan know where I am though. He said, OK. He showed me to the phone. Megan answered. I told her I was sorry to wake her, but I wasn't coming home tonight. She said, Oh really, why? I told her what happened and that we didn't have a car and that I was all right with this. She said, she'd come get me if I wanted her too. I told her no and that Nick asked me to be his girlfriend. She laughed. Really? That's weird why did he ask you? I told her I'd tell her tomorrow. I hung up the phone and Nick came out of the bathroom. He had a tee shirt and boxers on. He asked if this made me uncomfortable. I said, No, he looked cute. He laughed. I told him it would get cold so he could sleep under the covers with me. I told him I wasn't ready to have sex with him yet. I just wanted him to understand that. He said well, can we cuddle? Of course, I said. He turned off the lights and got into bed with me. He reached over and ended up elbowing me in the eye. Ouch! I yelled. He just laughed and said he was sorry. I asked what was so funny? He said he was sorry. Then I started laughing too. He found my lips with his. I turned my back to him and he cuddled right up against me. We woke in the same position. His bedroom had these ceiling high windows that over looked the ocean. So we woke up to a very bright room. I started groaning and Nick sat up and said, Are you all right? I said, It's bright in here. He laughed. How'd you sleep? Great! I said. He said he could get used to this. I smiled at him. I asked him if he had fun yesterday? He said he did. He asked me if I remembered his conversation from last night? I said, Yes. I just slept next to a Backstreet boy. He laughed. I said since we're coming clean, let me tell you my secret.
Chapter 11
Nick sat up and said, You don't have to tell me anything you don't want too. I said, I felt I could trust him. I said, Well you keep talking about my singing and why don't I professionally and stuff like that. Well, the truth is. This is hard. I started to cry and Nick stopped me. He said, you don't have to tell me. It sounds like it was really bad and I don't want you to be upset. He pulled me to him and kissed my head. I said, I want to have an honest and open relationship with you. I don't want any secrets. I looked at him and said, if he wants me to be his girlfriend then he needs to hear what I have to say. He said it's not going to change how I feel about you. I said he should hear what I have to say first. I grabbed a tissue and started my story. I told him how I was involved in church choir my entire life. Once I got into High School. I joined choir there and auditioned for all the musicals. I was offered a musical scholarship. While attending FSU, my professor brought in this producer and had him listen to me. He signed me on the spot. Nick's jaw fell open. I said, I was on my way to being a star, or so I thought. I had to stop and wipe away the tears. I continue with a trembling voice. I said, I was very secure in who I was and believed I had the talent. I just wasn't ready for the public. The record company wasn't ready for the public either. They didn't have enough security for me. I was sobbing now. I was in a state in the Midwest somewhere. It was some bar. They rushed the stage and there wasn't enough security. I dropped my head in my hands and Nick just rubbed my back. It's OK Lisa, you don't have to say anything more. I told him I had to tell him. He was crying too. Lisa please, you don't have to do this. I continued. I told them four men grabbed me and pulled me to the floor. They started ripping my clothes off. Nick stood up and started saying, Lisa stop, please stop. He was shaking and crying. I stood up and walked to him. I told him I was raped. His knees buckled and he fell to the floor. I sat down next to him. He said he was so sorry. He's sorry that he ever mentioned performing to me. Then he looked up at me with those blue eyes and said, What does this mean for us? I said, What do you mean? I was raped and some men can't handle that. I have very strong feelings for you and I just need to know how you feel? He said, Lisa I love you. I lowered my head and started crying again. He lifted my head and looked into my eyes and said, I love you Lisa. I held on to him and just cried. He asked how I felt about him being in the business? I said it's really not the business that bothers me, it's the people who were supposed to protect me. I was very vulnerable that day when you guys walked in and saw me singing. I had like a flash back or something. He just held me. Lisa I'm so very sorry for what happened to you. I never would have guessed in a million years. I meant what I said though. I love you. I can't explain how you make me feel inside. You are a lot of fun and talented too. You have this innocence about you. You're a free spirit. So this news surprises me. I told him I got a lot of therapy. That was really important. Megan and Laura keep me grounded and they don't bring it up. They are like my personal guardian angels. Nick brought me back to the bed and we covered up and just held each other. He held me so tight I thought I'd break. I rolled over to face him and he was silently crying. I told him I didn't want him to feel sorry for me. He said he just felt bad that he hadn't been there to protect me.
Chapter 12
We fell asleep. When I woke up I was alone. Nick left a note and a rose on his pillow. He said he was downstairs. I got out of bed and took a shower. He was very neat. It surprised me. I found a towel and Nicks Terry Cloth Robe and wrapped up in it. I was green and very, very thick. I went downstairs. Nick was just coming in the front door. Well, hello there sleepy head he said to me. I said, Hello. I guess I was really tired. He took me in his arms and looked at me. He said, Are you OK with me knowing your secret? I said, Are you OK? He said he was. I asked him if he had anything to eat around here and he said I was girl after his own heart. He said can you wait another ten minutes. I said yes, but why? He kissed me. He said because lunch isn't ready yet. I said you cook? He said, well I live alone. I laughed. He made a homemade macaroni and cheese dish. It was the best macaroni and cheese I ever had. We sat together at his kitchen table and almost ate the whole thing. After that I told him I needed to go home. I didn't have any clean clothes. He laughed. What's so funny I asked? He just smiled at me. He said, AJ had just dropped of his car so we could go whenever I was ready. I called my house and Laura answered the phone. I told her I was OK and would be home within the hour. I went upstairs and borrowed a tee shirt and sweats from Nick. Well, the sweats were extremely long. So Nick cut them. I said you didn't have to do that! He said, I want you to keep them. We just sat there holding each other. I helped him straighten up a little. He said, don't worry the maid will be here tomorrow. I said that explains it. He said that explains what? I said you're a single man living alone in a house that is cleaner than mine, it's makes sense now, you have a maid. He laughed. He drove me home and Brian and Kevin were there. I told him I'd be back in a minute. Laura and Megan followed me into the bedroom while I changed. Laura said, OK spill it. You were gone all night. What happened? I changed into some clothes that fit and sat down on the bed. I told them how our night went and that Nick didn't have his car and we fell asleep together. I told them I didn't have sex if that's what you're waiting to hear. Megan just looked at me and asked if I was all right. I said Nick told me he loved me. Their eyes almost flew out of their heads. Laura said why? I just gave her a look. She said, well I know why but why so soon? I said, I don't know but I love him too. I told them that Nick knew all about me. I told him everything. They were shocked. I told them that I trusted him completely. I told them that Nick cried when I told him. They said that was so sweet. I said, you know we've been in here awhile and our men are out there with nothing to do. Let's go get them. I opened the door and I must have caught Nick off guard. He wiped his eyes and tried to conceal his tears. I looked at Brian and Kevin's faces and knew Nick told them. I ran out the front door and into the park across the street. Nick was right behind me. I felt so betrayed. I felt like I had a knife in my heart. I was crying so hard that I couldn't breathe. So I just dropped to the ground. Nick caught up to me and said, Lisa I'm sorry. I looked at him and said, I trusted you! You told them! You said you loved me. Now you go and tell everyone you know. Did you tell AJ? Nick said he did. I tried to get up and walk away, but he grabbed me and made me face him. He said, Lisa I love you, I swear it with all that I am. I love you. These guys in my band are like my brothers. I only told them because I'm hurting for you. I want to find those guys that did this too you. I have so much anger inside right now. It wasn't gossiping I swear to you I wasn't. Besides Brian and Kevin, they wouldn't tell a soul. Neither would AJ. Please forgive me. I couldn't stand it if you couldn't forgive me. I told him next time I'd prefer that he tell me in advance, if he was going to share something private. He promised he would. He said Lisa I really do love you. I looked him in the eye and said, Nick I love you too.
Chapter 13
We walked across the street and into the house. Brian stood up and asked if I was OK. I told him I was. Kevin promised that they'd keep my secret. He said he was really sorry for what I had to go through. He said that Nick was just really upset about it and we have a rule that we lean on each other when we need too. Nick was just leaning. I looked at Nick and he squeezed my hand. Megan and Laura were driving back to Georgia tomorrow night so we only had one more day with each other. Nick said, so what should we do? I looked at Nick and said, Let's go to Disney World. We all laughed. We took two cars. Kevin drove my Expedition and I rode with Nick. We ran first to the teacups. We couldn't even control ourselves. We were like kids. Once we had all we could handle of Disney World I said, let's go to Confetti's. So we headed over to AJ's place. We walked in and AJ came toward us. He was having a hard time looking me in the eye. I looked at Nick and I said forgive me. He looked at me confused. I walked over to AJ and gave him a big kiss. Nick laughed. I told AJ I knew he knew. He then relaxed and said, I guess I'm buying again tonight after that kiss you gave me. I looked at him and said, if you insist? We found ourselves a table big enough to accommodate all of us. Nick and I danced to Faithfully, by Journey. AJ requested it for us. We had Tequila shots waiting for us when we returned. One a piece Brian said. Nick counted down and we drank out Tequila, but instead of going for the lime Nick kissed me. Tongue and all. I laughed. Next we ordered a pitcher of beer and played truth or dare with the pitcher of beer. They knew all my secrets so I wasn't afraid to play. I asked Nick, Truth or Dare? Nick said Truth. I asked him if he's ever been in love before? He said not until now. I kissed him. Then Nick asked me truth or dare? I said Dare. He got this look on his face and he said, I knew you'd pick dare. I looked at him a little afraid at what he was going to say. He said, I dare you to go up and sing me a song. Everyone fell silent at the table. Brian jabbed him in the ribs. I didn't move. Nick didn't take his eyes off mine. I asked him what song? Now they were all looking at me. Nick said, Lights, by Journey. It was one of his favorites. He motioned for AJ. AJ said, What's up? Nick said we need the band to play Lights. Lisa is going to sing. He slid his sunglasses down his nose and looked at me. He said yeah? I said yes, but Nick has to be on stage with me. Nick stood up and escorted me to the stage. He stopped the band and told everyone he had a special guest. Lisa was going to sing a special song for all of you. I looked at the band and nodded to let them know I was ready. They started and I began When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay ..I ended to thunderous applause. Nick stood up and he had tears streaming down his face. He started wiping mine away too. I looked back at my friends. They were all embracing. It was a very emotional moment for all of us. AJ came up and said, Anytime you want to come back and sing, you come back. I laughed and hugged him. I grabbed Nick's hand and led him back to the table. Megan and Laura hugged me. They said they were proud of me. I'd beat my demons. I said, I'm surrounded by angels tonight. I said, OK who's next? Nick said, Brian. Brian lowered his head into his hands. Truth he said. It went on and on. We were so drunk by the end of the night. AJ called for taxi's again. Nick came home with me this time. I told him I had some sweats he could wear. He laughed. We slept side by side again. I'm still not ready for sex though. Nick said, that all right. All that matters is that you love me, and I love you.
Chapter 14
The next day was a sad one. Megan and Laura were returning to Georgia. We had a barbecue in my back yard. It was a lot of fun. Although they weren't as close to Kevin and Brian as Nick and I were to each other. I still think they enjoyed each other. They promised to keep in touch and write. I was very sad to see them go. Nick held me while they drove off. He asked if I was going to be OK? I said as long as you're here with me I'd be just fine. I had school the next day so we made it a very early night. Nick left at about 8 O'clock. I had just got in the tub when the phone rang. It was Nick. He said, he couldn't stop thinking about me. I said I know what you mean. We talked for an hour. My bath water is getting cold I said. He said oh, do you want to hang up? I said, I wish you were here. He said he'd come back if I wanted him too. I said I want you to come. He said he'd be there soon. I hung up the phone and I got dressed and waited for Nick on my front step. He pulled up and had an overnight bag with him. I stood up and kissed him. We entered the house and I said I felt like I was sneaking around. He laughed. How old are you anyway? He said I'm 21. I said, me too. He said, actually today's my birthday. I said it is? He said, No, but if it was what would you buy me? I laughed. I said, you're too much. I told him about my schedule for school and he was pretty impressed. He asked if I ever thought about going back in the business again. I said, I had no desire. I love to sing and dance, but I can't shake the image of what happened. I told him, I was terrified when I sang to him at Confetti's. I just couldn't do it. He said, Well what if it was a duet with someone you trusted? I said whom? He said, Me! I laughed. He said, I'm serious. I'm recording a solo album and I'd love for you to sing with me. I just shook my head. He said, there'd be no rushing fans. We'd be in a studio. He was begging me. I told him I'd think about it. I told him I really needed to go to sleep now. We moved into my bedroom. I set my alarm and told Nick I loved him. He kissed me and said I love you more. I again fell asleep in his arms. I awoke to Nick singing in the shower. He was singing this really amazing song. It was a beautiful ballad. I headed to the kitchen and started the coffee. I grabbed the eggs from the refrigerator and started to make bacon and eggs. Nick came into the kitchen in just his pants. He wasn't wearing a shirt. Wow, is all I thought. I said, Good morning. He kissed me and asked if I got the paper. I said, it's still outside. He went out and picked up the paper and I placed our plates on the table. Do you want coffee? I asked. Yes, please. This went on for about a year. One morning he said. Lisa, we've been dating now for a year and a half. Why don't you come live with me? I was caught off guard. I choked on my coffee. Nick started laughing. I finally composed myself and asked, Why? He said he loved me and wanted to be with me always. This back and forth thing was getting him down. He didn't like having his things scattered between two households. I gave him a look that must have penetrated him because he quickly said it's not that I mind. I'd do anything for you and you know that. I just want to make a home with you. He then pulled out a small black velvet box and asked me t marry him. Nick! I can't believe this! He said is that a yes or a no? I said, Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I kissed him and told him I had to call Megan and Laura. He laughed. He said they already knew. I looked at him with disbelief. How do they know? Nick said they helped him pick out a ring for me. I felt the tears streaming down my face. How did they do that? Nick said that he called them while I was a school a week ago and said he wanted to marry me. He asked the girls what kind of ring would I like. They gave their opinions and sent pictures and then he found it. He took Brian with him and they picked out the ring. I even had it personalize. You did? I looked inside the ring and it said "My love is endless." Nick placed the ring on my finger, and said those four precious words, Will you marry me? I said yes. I never wanted anyone more in my life. I told Nick he'd made me so happy. He stopped me and said, No, It is you that have made me happy.
Chapter 15
I called the girls and they were happy for me. They said Nick wouldn't tell them when he was going to propose but he said he would. I laughed. They asked if we had set a date yet? I said no, we were going to take it slow. I'm moving in with him though I said. They were glad to hear it. They didn't like me living alone. I had to do it in the past. Just to prove to myself that I could do it. Now, I had Nick to lean on. I told him I didn't want to sell the house. I'd like to keep it. He said that was fine with him. He said, after all it was your grandmother's. I just gave him a look. He said, What? I told him it wasn't my grandmother's. I'd purchased it with the money I made when I was performing. I just wanted you to like me for me. He laughed. Anything we need to clear up? He asked. I said well, as a matter of fact there is. Nick looked at me and said what is it? I said, well there is the guy I love and he wants me to record a duet with him, Nick starts to smile, Well, I'm kind of thinking of doing it. Will you be upset if I do it? Nick just lifted me up and spun me around. I just hung on to him. I went to school with my new engagement ring on. Nick and the guys moved a lot of my stuff out of my house for me. We left most furniture there. I wanted a few things of mine so that I felt the house was mine too. They moved my dresser and vanity table. They boxed up my pictures and my clothes and my cat. By the time school was over, I was all moved. I drove home, to my new home. 29 Oceanfront Drive. I slipped my key in the front door and it opened. Nick's car was in the driveway, but I didn't see Nick. I heard him in the kitchen. I walked in and said Hi. He turned around and said, Hi baby, welcome home. He baked me a cake. I just hugged him. I grabbed his hand and told him there was something I've been wanting for a long time. I led him upstairs and I undressed him. He undressed me. I looked at him and he asked if it was OK? I said, it was. We made love and it was fantastic. I felt the tears escape my eyes as I reclaimed myself totally. Nick stopped. He asked if he was hurting me? I said, You're healing me Nick. He kissed me and told me he loved me. We climaxed together. We just lied there staring into each other's eyes. He asked if I was all right? I told him that how could this be wrong. He smiled. He said can we please hurry up and get married? I laughed at him. I said one thing at a time. The last few weeks of school just flew by. Summer was definitely upon us. Nick and I were due to record a duet for his album in July. I had met with his record company and we sang the song together all the time. It was a song about two people in love but worlds apart. It was a beautiful song. The record company had a lot invested in Nick so they wanted me to sing a solo for them. I sang Lights for them and they loved it. They asked me why I wasn't signed to a label? I told them that there was only room for one artist in our family. Nick smiled. They agreed to let me sing on Nick's next record. They said if I ever decided I wanted a career in music to let them know. I just squeezed Nick's hand. A week later school was out. Nick and I would finally have a little more time together. Nick taught me how to arrange music in his studio at home. We made a few demo tapes and decided which format worked best. I told him I'd forgotten how much fun it was. Laura and Megan would be arriving on Tuesday. They'd be staying at my house. Although Nick offered to let them stay with us at his beach house, they declined. Nick and I headed over to the house and opened it all up and aired it out. We stocked the refrigerator and made up the beds. I found the old Journey CD from Spring Break and played it. Nick came out smiling. We got the place vacuumed and dusted. Then we headed for home.
Chapter 16
Nick and I went to Confetti's that night. We were dancing when AJ tapped Nick on the shoulder. May I have this dance? He asked me. I looked at Nick and said sure. AJ said, I've never seen Nick happier. I'm so glad you two found each other. I told him I was happy too. As we danced we made small talk. He asked what subject's I was taking in school, and questions about my family. I said, What's with all the questions? He said, I never get to spend anytime with you two and I want to get to know my future sister in law. I just looked at him. You're not Nick's brother. He said, not by blood, but we're just as tight. The song ended and AJ thanked me for the dance. I asked him what he was doing tomorrow at 7? He said, I don't know, why? I said, well if you're going to be my brother in law then I better get to know you better. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I turned and Nick was standing behind me. He said, Why is it that every time you two are together you're kissing? I laughed. I told him I had my mouth closed this time. Nick laughed. Nick and I continued to dance. I told him I'd invited AJ to dinner tomorrow night and I wanted him to invite the rest of his band. I wanted to get to know them better, and they should get to know me. Nick said that it was a great idea. I wanted to do this before Megan and Laura got back. I didn't want to exclude them, but I didn't want to include them either. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead. He said he'd call the other guys in the morning. We didn't drink any liquor that evening. I didn't want to get drunk every weekend. We said good night to AJ and I reminded him 7pm. He leaned to kiss me but stopped and looked at Nick. Do you mind? Nick said, just keep your mouths closed. I started to laugh. AJ kissed me on the cheek. Nick said, Dinner. She's a great cook. AJ said, he didn't doubt that. I told him no dates. There was no need to bring anything. He said OK. Nick helped me into the car and we drove home. I told him I was really excited and nervous all at the same time. He kissed me and said, It'd be fine. He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it. I love you Nick. Have I told you that lately? He smiled, he said yes but I never tire of hearing it. We got home and made love. He asked if I had a date yet? I told him probably winter break. He said why wait that long? I told him there was planning to do. I wanted to find a nice dress and get our families together. Besides, I said. I've never even met your parents, and you haven't met mine. He said what do our parents have to do with anything? I'm not marrying your parents and you're not marrying mine. True, I said. I told him I still wanted to meet his biological family. He said that wouldn't be a problem. I fell asleep with my head on Nick's chest. I woke up and Nick was still asleep beside me. I decided to wake him up in a way I hoped he had never been wakened before. I straddled his naked body. He opened his eyes and tried to focus on me. What are you doing? He asked. I said, I'm trying to please my man. He smiled. His body began to respond to mine. He was so gentle with me. No one has ever pleased me like he does. We both jumped in the shower and got dressed. He asked what we were serving for dinner? I said, you know the guys, what do they like? He gave me the run down on their likes and dislikes. I told him we really had to go to the store. Nick said, let's go. I bought some vegetables for a vegetable tray and a side dish. We bought some cheese and crackers. Nick picked out the Champagne. We headed for the pasta aisle. I figured I'd make lasagna. One vegetable lasagna, and the other with sausage and hamburger. We paid for the groceries and headed home. Nick wanted to take a swim so we put everything away and changed into our swimsuits. I was feeling more secure around Nick and decided to change my clothes in front of him. He just smiled at me. Lisa, I love you. I smiled, I love you too, Nick. We ran outside and down to the beach. He pulled me out into the ocean. The water was cold, but it felt good. Nick was a very strong swimmer. We played around for a while and then I told him I was going back in. He laughed. Is it too cold for you? I said, a little. I lay on the blanket we'd brought with us. Nick came back a few minutes later and shook all the excess water on me. Hey, I said! I just got warm. He then proceeded to lie on top of me. Nick! You're freezing! He laughed. We lied out on the beach for a little while and then headed inside to clean up and start preparing for dinner.
Chapter 17
Nick called the guys and reminded them all to be here at 7pm. I still hadn't met Howie. He had been in Central and South America. Nick asked if I was nervous. Yes, a little bit, I said. He said, all that matters is that I love you. You just remember that. I kissed him. I started cooking the lasagna noodles and preparing the cheese mixture. I cooked the hamburger and sausage. I made the sauce from scratch. Nick was really impressed. How come you don't cook for me like this? I said, because you'd rather have take out pizza. He smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing my neck. I turned around and kissed him back. We just stared in each other's eyes. We do that a lot. It's as if we're trying to see in each other's souls. I told him if I don't finish prepping, the food won't be ready on time. It was already 5:30pm. Nick went up to shower first. I had the lasagna all put together. The guys would be here a 7pm so I'd pop it in then. It only takes 45 minutes to an hour to finish cooking. I headed upstairs to shower. Nick was lying on the bed. What's the matter? I asked. He said, he was just trying to remember his life before me. That's so sweet I said. I headed for the bathroom. I turned on the shower and Nick followed me. He got in the shower with me and washed my back. I washed his. He was such a beautiful man, in every aspect. Is it possible to love someone too much? I asked him. He smiled and said he hoped not. We dressed and headed downstairs. It was 6:15 now. Nick got the extra leaf for the table and we set the table. I asked Nick if he had any candles? He brought them out and set them on the table. I asked Nick to turn some music on. He put on the Journey CD. I turned and met his eye. He did that thing with his eyebrows. It's adorable he opens his eyes really wide and then raises his eyebrows up and down. He always makes me smile when he does that. I set out the crackers and cheeses. I had also made some little spicy meatballs. At 6:45 AJ showed up. He brought wine. I smiled at him and said, I told you not to bring anything. He laughed. He said just kiss me already. I kissed him on the cheek. Nick said, Hey Bone. AJ and Nick did this little hand jive thing between them. Why do men do that? I put the wine in the refrigerator. Kevin and Brian arrived soon after. Howie arrived on time at 7. He is a very nice man. He said, something smells good in here. I invited him in and he also brought wine. He said he never goes anywhere empty handed. The guys were in the living room eating the food we left out. They all stood up and welcomed Howie home. He told us about his trip. It sounded like a very nice trip I said. I got up and put the lasagna in the oven. We drank wine and made small talk. At 7:30pm I served the salad. We all sat down and Brian said Grace. The salad was good, they all said. Nick reached under the table and grabbed my hand. He said, that's nothing, wait until the main course comes. I laughed. We finished our salads and the timer rang on my stove. Nick helped clear the dished. I told him I'd get the lasagna, rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. He said OK. I cut up the lasagnas and placed them on two different plates. Nick carried in the lasagna with meat and I carried in the lasagna with vegetables. I placed a basket of bread sticks on the table and the guys served themselves. We finished eating and the guys said that was the best Italian meal they'd ever tasted. I laughed. I had made a Peach cobbler for dessert but we decided to wait for that. Nick and I cleared the table and started the dishwasher. He cornered me in the kitchen and asked if I was having a good time? I said I was. We went into the living room and I said I made up a game. It's sort of truth or dare, but not really. I said there is no winners or losers. I just want you each to tell a story about Nick. I want to know Nick better. They laughed. I could see by the looks on their faces that they were going to enjoy this.
Chapter 18
They each told little things about Nick. How he messes up a lot when he speaks and is very self conscious when it comes to using big words. I laughed. They talked about the time when he used to play pranks on everyone all the time and they got so sick of it they threw him out of the dressing room in only his boxers. Nick said, he stopped playing pranks after that. We all laughed. They also talked about his sensitive side and his desire to help those in need. He's on the board of directors of a few organizations. He's always willing to lend a hand. Nick spoke up and said, This isn't fair. I don't know anything about you. I said, you know a lot more than most people. He blushed and then looked embarrassed. The guys all got silent. I said, I didn't mean that. Howie was clue less. He wasn't around for the big secret. So I told Howie what the guys already knew. Howie was speechless. He said, he was sorry and Nick got up and walked out of the room. I excused myself and headed to Nick. I told him it was all right. Howie's family, isn't he? Nick smiled and wiped his tears. He said he just felt so sad. He wished it never happened to me. So I led him back to the living room. I said, OK, I have a story. Remember Disney World. Before we even knew each other. Laura and Megan and I decided we'd go and have a girl's fun day. Well, we were there about an hour and on the monorail. I was sitting at the window and saw you three head for the bumper cars. They were smiling at me. I told the girls that we were getting off, I just spotted three gorgeous guys. Brian looked surprised. I said we ran all the way to the bumper cars, but by the time we got there you guys were already on the ride. So we watched you and you headed for the teacups. Nick started laughing. I said, it isn't funny anymore honey. That just made him laugh harder. Anyway, I made the girls run and we ended up right behind you. I told them to stay away from the tall blond. He was mine. Nick smiled. Megan said she like the tall dark and handsome one. Laura said she'd take smiley. We all laughed at that. I told them how I accidentally kept bumping into Nick in line. How we listened to what you were saying. Then we got on the teacups just to be close to you. Then we got this idea that we'd actually enjoy the ride. Then when the ride stopped and we were so dizzy, I guess that's when you guys noticed us. Nick laughed. Yes, you could say everyone noticed you. Nick explained to Howie and AJ how I was dizzy. I couldn't stand up straight, I was bumping into everyone and then I fell. I was laughing so hard now at the memory. He said, it was a long time before I could say teacup around her. Nick served the pie and we had champagne. Nick said, if it's all right with Lisa, I'd like to play a tape for you. I think I must have gone red in the face because Nick said, only if it's OK with you. I said, sure why not. They played our demo tape for the song we'd record next month. The guys really loved it. We made small talk about ourselves and then one by one they left. Nick said, just leave the rest. We'll clean up tomorrow. He grabbed the rest of the champagne and we headed for bed. Nick lit some candles in the bathroom and we soaked in the bathtub together. He finished the champagne and headed for bed. We made love again and fell asleep. I was so happy. We woke up and finished cleaning up after the party. Brian had already called and said he had a wonderful time. How sweet he is. Megan called to say they were heading down early. I said great. I hung up the phone and told Nick the girls were coming. He said, today? I said yes, is that a problem? He said it might be. His mom called him this morning and invited us to dinner. Oh, I said. Well, I'll call them back and let them know. They'd probably want to see Brian and Kevin anyway. He said do you mind? I really want you to meet my family. I said, of course I don't mind. I called Megan and told her what our plans were for tonight. She told me to go and have fun. We'd see each other tomorrow. I hung up the phone and sat on Nick's lap. Have I told you lately that I love you? He kissed me and said, yes, but I never tire of hearing it.
Chapter 19
I made two Peach Cobblers to take to Nick's parent's house. He said they'd love them. We spent the rest of the day just being together. We went bowling. I love to bowl. Nick's getting better at it now. We stopped at a little café and had some lunch. Nick wanted to go to the mall and find something to wear tonight. I said, well since we're here and I love to shop, I'll get something too. Nick said he'd never gone shopping with a girl before. Except school clothes with his mom, and that was a really long time ago. Nick helped me pick something to wear. He wasn't any help though. He kept picking really revealing clothing. I finally settled on a very conservative dress. Nick said it covers too much. I laughed. He enjoyed me trying things on though. He kept peaking over the tops of the dressing room doors. After we paid for our purchases we went home. We dressed in our new clothes and headed for his parent's house. He said, Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you. My sisters and brother will be there too. My Aunt and Uncle from out of town and my Grandparents too. I was ready to cry. Nick! Why did you wait until now to tell me? He said, because I didn't want to scare you into not coming. It was too late, Nick pulled into his parent's driveway. I counted 7 cars. Oh my, I'm glad I made two pies, I said in defeat. He laughed. He turned off the car and leaned over to kiss me. Lisa I love you, there is nothing to be afraid of. My family doesn't usually bite the guests. I laughed. We grabbed the pies and walked to the door. Nick opened it and escorted me in. Everyone was there drinking wine and already having a good time. Nick's sister Leslie was the first one I met. She's beautiful. It wasn't long before everyone was around us. Nick did the introductions. Jane took the pies from us and put them in the kitchen. The house was so huge! I just kept looking at the staircase that took you upstairs, it was huge, kind of like the one from Gone with the Wind. There were a lot of pictures. Everywhere you looked. I found a few that I thought were of Nick, it turned out to be his brother Aaron. They looked so much a like. Nick's dad came out and sat with us. Asking me some questions. Nick said, Dad relax. She didn't even know who I was until I told her. He smiled at that. He said, then we've got a problem then. We laughed at that. When his dad left I whispered to Nick, Does your family know my secret? He said no. He didn't think it was important for them to know. I smiled. Thanks, I don't want them to feel uncomfortable around me. Just then Nick's Grandmother came in and said dinner was ready. We walked into the formal dining room and I was surprised at the size of the table. Nick said, we have a big family. Jane said and it keeps getting larger. I laughed. We weren't sitting together, but Nick fixed that. Jane said, Hey, don't mess with the place settings! Nick laughed he said I'm sitting next to Lisa. We sat down and Nick immediately stood up. He said I have an announcement that I'd like to make now. Mom and Dad already know. I want all of you to share in my happiness. I've asked Lisa to marry me and she said yes. They all started getting up and rushing to us. Nick's mom had tears in her eyes. Bob put his arms around her. They were all asking to see my ring. I told them Nick had it inscribed. They thought that was sweet. What does it say? His Grandfather asked. Nick looked at me embarrassed. I looked in Nick's eyes and said, "My love is endless." They thought it was sweet. They all were asking when? Nick said, Yes, Lisa when? I said, Later this year. They laughed when they saw Nick's response. I said he wanted to get married without even telling anyone. BJ said that sounds like Nick. Act or speak before thinking. I didn't especially like that comment but managed a fake laugh anyway. The dinner was fabulous. We finished with Peach Cobbler and vanilla ice cream. They all commented on the pies. Nick said she's a wonderful cook and told them about the dinner party last night. Jane was impressed. After we finished dinner I went in the kitchen to help Jane and the other woman help clean up. They told me I was a guest and didn't have to help. I said, the men were watching sports and talking guy stuff so I'd prefer to be in here with them. They all laughed. I invited Jane to lunch next week. She said that would be nice. Wednesday was best for her. We sat around and I got to know his family. It was a lovely evening. I asked Nick if we could leave early. I wanted to stop by and make sure Laura and Megan got in OK. He said sure. We said our good-byes and Jane said, I'll see you Wednesday.
Chapter 20
As soon as we got outside and into the car Nick kissed me and asked if I was OK. I said it was a nice evening. So what's the deal with Wednesday? He asked. I said, well I invited your mom to lunch. Do you want me to come? I said I was hoping you'd insist. He laughed. Nick started the car and we drove off and headed to my old house. The girl's car was in the driveway. There were also two other cars in the driveway. Nick said, looks like Brian and Kevin are there. I smiled. Nick parked across the street and we headed for the house. I felt funny just walking in, but I did anyway. They were sitting on the sofa watching a movie. Well, no one was watching it. They were all busy kissing each other. I flipped the lights on and scared all of them. Megan and Laura jumped up and hugged me. Where's the ring Laura said? I showed them the ring. They hugged Nick. Congratulations they said. We were very happy. So, you guys are making up for lost time I see. They all laughed. How was dinner at the Carter's Brian asked? I said it was a little overwhelming at first. Why was that Kevin asked? I said Nick didn't tell me until we were pulling in the driveway that his siblings and his grandparents were there. Not to mention, his Aunt and Uncle from out of town. Kevin laughed at that one. Nick tried to defend himself, I didn't want to scare her off. I sat on Nick's lap and asked them what they were watching? They said HBO, but no one could tell me the name of the movie. It was 10 O'clock. I said, let's go to Confetti's. They all jumped up and said, OK. This time Nick called for a limousine. He said, tonight is about having fun. The limousine came 20 minutes later. We all climbed in and went to Confetti's. AJ met us at the door. He said, the place is really busy for a Monday night. You guys might have to go to the VIP room instead. We were like, and why weren't we ever invited to the VIP room before? AJ laughed. He said, you would have been the only ones in there before. AJ led us to the VIP room. It wasn't as busy as the rest of the club. There was a band and a bar in the VIP room as well. We dropped our stuff in a booth and Nick whisked me out to the dance floor. AJ requested Faithfully for us. We were dancing and I started crying. Nick asked what was wrong. I told him I was so happy. I was surrounded by people who really love and care for me. Nick wiped away my tears. He said he knew how I felt. We went back and sat down with the rest of the group. They had a game of quarters going. Megan was already drunk. It was pick on Megan night I guess. Every time someone got the quarter in the glass, they would choose Megan to drink. She finally quit playing. Nick and I joined in and now they were after me. However, whenever I got it in, which was every time, I picked Nick. So Nick and I were bombed. We tried to dance but were too intoxicated to do so. It was funny. Kevin had brought his video camera. He usually has it on tour to record for his family back in Kentucky but tonight he just thought he'd take some video of us having fun. We finally heard last call. The club would stop serving alcohol in 30 minutes. We were finished with the alcohol anyway. We were all having a nice time dancing and talking. AJ brought us over a large pot of coffee. When the club finally closed AJ joined us at the table. We really were becoming close friends. It was nice. Megan and Laura told me about the trips Brian and Kevin took to see them. They were both very serious about the no sex before marriage, so they hadn't had sex yet. Boy did I feel guilty. Nick squeezed my hand and the guilt just went away. I get so emotional inside when I think of him. He means everything to me. It was 4 am. We were all tired and decided to leave. The Limousine driver had fallen asleep. We brought him out a cup of coffee and let him wake up a little. We all climbed in the back and waited for the driver. Nick lowered the partition and said to him, take your time guy, we got precious cargo back here. The driver said he was ready. The Limousine started and we were off. Nick raised the partition. We were dropped off at the house and Nick and I got into our car and drove home. I told Nick I had decided on a date. If he disagreed it would be OK with me. He said what's the date? I said, December 25, Christmas Day. He smiled. It's the best Christmas present I could ever ask for. I told him it was usually a day friend's and family got together, so why not make it really special. He reached over and squeezed my thigh. We finally got home at 5 am. We just passed out on the bed. It had been a long day. Now we had set a date. I love you Lisa, Nick said. I love you too.
Chapter 21
We finally woke up around 12:30. We just laid in bed, holding each other. Nick said he was happy with the wedding date. I just hugged him. I said we would have some great news to share with his mom. Maybe we should invite his dad along too? He said he'd call his dad later. We were due to go in and start recording next week. It was almost July. After the holiday we'd start. Nick and I got up and showered. We went downstairs and had lunch, since we missed breakfast. We had some left over lasagna. Even your leftovers are good. I laughed. What do you want to do today, I asked him? Do you want some time with Megan and Laura? He asked me. I said, I'll call them and find out what there plans are. He said while I'm doing that he'd call his dad. They weren't up yet. I left a message for them on the answering machine. They called back an hour later. Megan said, she had so much fun last night. The guys had just left. They slept over, no sex though she said quickly. I laughed. You're adults, you don't have to tell me such things. Megan laughed. I asked if she wanted to do something today. She said, she'd already asked the guys to come over for a pool party. Oh, I said, she said you guys are invited too. I said, Oh, OK. Nick came downstairs and I said everyone's meeting over there for a pool party. Nick said, OK. What time? Right now Megan said. I told her we'd be there soon. What do you need me to bring? She said, Hot dogs. She knew I loved hot dogs more than hamburgers. I hung up and told Nick we needed to change. We went upstairs and I undressed and was about to put on my swimsuit when I noticed Nick's excitement. He said, come here for a minute. We made love. He said, I can't get enough of you Lisa. I smiled. We dressed and stopped off at the grocery store and bought some hot dogs and buns. Nick grabbed chips and beer. Of course he got carded. We left and headed for the pool party. When we got there everyone was already there. AJ and Howie brought dates too. The music was blaring and people were laughing. I said, what'd we miss? Just then I was thrown in the pool clothes and all. I was shocked. I turned to see Nick being thrown in. I laughed. We got out and they said we've all been in already. We stripped our clothes off and started competing off the diving board. Nick would do a dive I'd do a back flip. Nick couldn't do it. He kept landing on his back. I laughed. We raced to the other side of the pool and back. He beat me every time. Kevin had his video camera and Megan had her still picture camera. She said, no one has any pictures of the two of you. I said, you're right. Take a lot I said. The guys were doing the barbecuing and we prepared the salads and stuff. We sat down and Kevin said Grace. It was a wonderful day. We stayed in the pool all day. Even after the sun went down. Until, the neighbors started complaining. I apologized and we went inside. Nick said, Do you know your neighbors? I said, I did. They are great people. He said OK, he wasn't sure if they were just mean or if we were really being loud. I said, we were laughing so I'm sure we were loud. We showered off and got dressed. Our clothes were dry. We said goodnight to everyone and drove home. When we got home there was a message on our answering machine. His dad would join us for lunch tomorrow. Great we both said. We went to bed as we were exhausted.
Chapter 22
We woke well rested. Nick had to go into the studio for a few hours. He said he'd meet me at the restaurant. I said OK. I kissed him good bye. It was really the first time I'd been in the house alone. It felt weird. I turned on our Journey CD. It always reminds me of Nick. I started to do some laundry and clean up a little bit. I guess I got to involved because Nick called and said everyone was waiting for me. I looked at the clock. Oh my God Nick, I'm so sorry. I'll be right there. I jumped in the shower and threw on a sun dress and sandals. The whole time I was nervous. What a first impression, I invite them and I'm late. I was 40 minutes late. I walked in and found the table. Nick stood up and met me half way. I'm so sorry Nick. He said, relax it's OK. Just don't do this on our wedding day. He kissed me and led me back to the table. I apologized again for being late. I explained that it was first time in the house without Nick, and I just started cleaning. They all laughed. We ordered and when our lunch plates were cleared Nick said we set a date. His parents were excited. When they asked? December 25, Christmas Day, he said. They thought it was a great idea. Everyone would be in town so it'd be a great family turn out. We were all excited. It was time to go and I again apologized for being so late. They all said it was OK, I said my good byes to everyone and Nick followed me home. We walked in and Nick immediately noticed how clean everything was. I had left the CD player on though. He said, now I know why you were distracted. I laughed. I told him I was really sorry for being late. He said, they were all just relieved that it wasn't anything serious. I asked how his day went? He said, great. They were all ready for July 6. He asked if I was ready? Sure, I'm actually looking forward to it. It seemed like the days just flew by. We had a barbecue at the beach on the fourth. Nick started a fire in one of the fire pits and we sat around that night singing songs and roasting marsh mellows. The morning of the sixth I awoke with such an upset stomach. Nick asked if I was OK? Just nerves I said. We drove to the studio and they were waiting for us. I forgot how long it took to record one song. We were there for four hours. They wanted Nick to re do another song so I got to watch him. He's so expressive with his body. He uses his hands a lot to express himself. He told the guys that we set a date, Christmas Day. They were happy for us. One of his producers approached me and asked if I was interested in recording? I told him no. Nick said, OK guys leave her alone. He slipped a business card in my hand and said if I ever changed my mind. Nick said OK, we got to go. It's getting late. It was 7:30pm. We were starving. We drove home and had pizza. That was fun, wasn't it? I said, it was. The rest of the summer just flew by. We'd done many things with our families and friends. The girls were going back to Atlanta for their Junior year of College. It's almost over I reminded them. We had a dinner party for them and they left the next morning. My parents were flying in to meet Nick. I asked Nick to call his mom and dad and invite them over for dinner Friday night. He said he would. I started back to school and was overwhelmed with homework. I was taking a lot of hard classes. I told Nick I didn't know how I was going to cook for everyone. He said, he'd take care of it. We picked up my parents on Wednesday night. They were happy to meet Nick. They got along great. They stayed at my house. I left them my Expedition. Nick said he'd make sure I got to school. They laughed when they saw we had the same car. They laughed even harder when they realized it was the same model and color. I said, but I have a better sound system. Nick laughed. We stopped at Dennys Restaurant for dinner. We dropped my parents off and said we'd see them tomorrow. We drove home and Nick said he was nervous meeting my folks. I said you were nervous. I had to meet your entire family. He said, that's right, I forgot about that. We pulled into the garage and went inside. I went up to take a shower. Nick called his parents to let them know my parents had arrived OK. When he came upstairs I was already asleep. I was exhausted. We got up together the next day and he drove me to school. He said he'd be back to pick me up later. School was good. I'd passed my first exam. Nick was waiting for me at 1:30. He said, I like this, picking you up at school. I never dated in school. I found that hard to believe. He said this came for you in the mail today. I though you'd want it now. I opened it up and it was the pictures taken at the pool party. Oh Nick look at these. There must have been a whole role of candid shots of us. He said they were great. We drove to my parent's house and stayed for dinner. We told them they'd have to come back for Christmas. Then we told them we were getting married then. They were excited. I helped mom clean up after we ate. I gave dad directions to our house and told them to be there at 6 tomorrow. He said he'd find it just fine. We all said good night and we went home.
Chapter 23
Over the next two weeks my parents met everyone. They even went out a few times with Nick's parents. They got along great. Mom and Dad invited them out to their house in Malibu the next time they went to California. I think they spent more time with Nick's parents than with Nick and I. It was nice to see them all getting a long. School was going good. Nick and I were deep in preparations for our wedding. We'd asked AJ if we could hold our reception at Confetti's. He was honored. We booked the church. It would be an afternoon wedding. I asked Laura and Megan to be bridesmaids. I also asked BJ, Leslie and Angel. They all agreed. My sister Beth would be my maid of honor. Nick said, he'd never met my siblings. I told him it would be difficult to get us all together since there was ten of us. He laughed. Our children will not be hurting for cousins, will they? I laughed. I went through all their names and what they did. They'd all be here for the wedding I'm sure. Mom and dad still had two living at home. The youngest is a Sophomore in High School and the other is a Junior. Wow, Nick said. I thought having five children was a lot. While we're on the subject, how many children do you want? I just looked at him and said, I don't know. I do want children, but I also want to finish school first. He agreed. He said, he'd like four, but he'd settle for whatever I wanted. I hugged him. I said, four huh? He laughed. I told Nick I would busy tomorrow and probably wouldn't see him until dinnertime. He said, why? I told him it was a surprise and he could reach me by phone if he needed to. Oh, keeping secrets all ready huh? Then he looked down. I stood up and said, Nick if your going to act like this every time you are reminded let me know now. If I knew you'd be like this I never would have told you. He apologized and said he was sorry. I told him it'd been 2 ½ years and I put it behind me. I'm in a much better place now. He just hugged me. He said, I love you Lisa and I don't want anyone to hurt you ever again. I kissed him and we went up to bed. I got up early and showered and dressed. Nick was still sleeping. I woke him up when I was leaving. He asked what time it was? I told him 8 am. He remembered I was leaving and got up and walked me to my car. He kissed me and told me he loved him. Where are you going again? He asked. I said I never told you. It's a surprise. Go back to bed and I'll call you later. Nick went inside and called Laura. He asked if she knew where I was going today? She said she didn't know and asked Megan. Megan didn't know either. They asked if anything was wrong? Nick said no. He told them I was planning a surprise for him and he was curious. They talked a little bit about Nick having trouble getting passed me being raped. He asked how do they deal with it. Laura said they went to counseling. They have programs where family and friends of victims of violent crimes could seek help. Nick said he'd check into that. Laura dug out the phone number and Nick called and made an appointment for that afternoon. Meanwhile, I pulled into the studio and John was waiting for me. I'm so glad you could make it he said.
Chapter 24
Nick had an appointment at 11:30am. Dr. Sizemore was his counselor. Nick gave all his background information and paid the fee. They sat down and Nick started talking about the situation between us. He told the counselor that he couldn't get over the fact that I was raped. Every time it came up he felt like he should have been there to do something. Even though it was years before they'd met. The counselor listened to Nick and told him that it was OK to feel the way he was feeling but it was more important to honor my wishes. She felt that I still needed counseling but she said he'd made the right decision coming to see her. She told him to try to put it behind him. If he couldn't, then maybe getting married was not a wise decision. If this bothered him so much, then maybe they needed more time. Nick was surprised to hear her say it. He said, Dr. Sizemore, I love her. I don't even want to wait until December. I want to marry her now. She said How can you? If you can't get passed something that happened to her before you even knew her. Subconsciously there must be something else bothering you. Is it the fact that someone else had sex with her? Nick was angry now. They violated her. They had no right to do that. Dr. Sizemore agreed. I never said they did. All I'm asking is if there is another reason why you feel this way. I'm not saying there is. I'm just asking you to think about what it is that makes you so upset. He said, it was because he wasn't there. She said, women get raped everyday. It's a fact, it's not something I condone but I can't be there to protect them anymore than you can. He said, I'm not talking about any women. I'm talking about Lisa. Dr. Sizemore asked Nick to describe his feelings for me. Nick said, I can't explain how I feel for her. She's funny and beautiful. She's so talented. She takes care of me. I take care of her. We enjoy the same things. We are exactly alike. Dr. Sizemore told him the session was up. Nick said, but I don't know how to go on from here. Dr. Sizemore said she'd make an appointment for him for next week. She wanted him to really concentrate on what he said. Nick said, what in particular? Dr. Sizemore said the fact that Nick felt he was exactly like me. Dr. Sizemore said she feels Nick feels violated too. He lost out on a part of my life. He said, he never even realized he said we were exactly alike. He confirmed the appointment and left the office. Meanwhile I was in a studio in Orlando recording a three-track CD. A gift I was working on for Nick. I got permission to record Open Arms, Faithfully, and Lights. It took an act of congress but we advised the record company that the CD would never be released for sale. They agreed. Steve Perry was flattered once he heard the reason. He was touched that his music could mean so much to people. My phone rang around 1:30pm. I told everyone to be quiet it was probably Nick and I didn't want him to know. I answered the phone. It was Nick, he wanted to know when I would be home. I told him soon. He said he missed me. He sounded a little off so I asked him what was wrong? He said, I love you and I miss you so much. Please hurry home. I said I was almost finished and would be home soon. He told me to drive safe and we hung up. John asked what was wrong. I said, Nick didn't sound right. Something's wrong but he said it was nothing. John asked if I wanted to quit for the day. I said, no we only had one more to go. I got through Lights in two takes. The fourth track was just me talking. I told Nick how much I loved him and how happy he has made me. They were going to spread out the talking and insert it between each song. So the CD would play like a book almost. It was ingenious John said. It has never been done before. I told him that's what I wanted. John said he could do it. It was 3:45, I told John if there wasn't anything else I'd really like to leave now. He said, he'd call me when it was finished. It would be a few weeks yet. I thanked him and called Nick. He answered and I told him I was on my way home. He said he'd wait for me. There was so much traffic it took me almost an hour to get home. I grabbed the garage door opener and pulled into the garage. I grabbed my things off the passenger seat and went to open the door and Nick was there. You scared me! I said. Sorry he said, I just need to hold you. I got out of my car and embraced him. He grabbed my bag and brought me into the house. I said what's wrong? Then he told me about his day. He wanted me to help him understand why he felt so bad. I told him I didn't know why he felt the way he did. I was glad he was going to the counselor. He said she suggested they not get married until he could figure out why this was upsetting him so. I began to cry. I said, Nick I don't know why you feel this way, but I don't want to lose you. So if we have to postpone our wedding, then we'll do it. I tried to walk away but he pulled me back down on the sofa. He said he doesn't want to postpone our wedding. He thinks if he talks to his mom, she'd maybe help him figure it out. He said they were very close. I said OK. He held me for the longest time and then said. So, where did you go? I told him I would tell him as soon as the surprise was finished. It would take approximately two weeks. He kissed me and I went to start dinner and he called his mom.
Chapter 25
Nick's mom came by the house the next morning. Nick and I had been upset about possibly having to postpone our wedding. So when Jane saw how upset we were she couldn't help but be concerned. We sat down at the kitchen table and then Nick explained everything to her. The fact that I'd been raped and the fact that he was having a hard time dealing with it. Jane was surprised it had come up after the fact that we'd gotten engaged. Nick quickly corrected her. I'd told him long before he proposed. Jane apologized. She explained to Nick that he probably remembered her talking about his grandmother. His grandmother was raped almost 18 years ago. Nick was present but didn't realize what was happening. All he knew was that some man was hurting his grandmother and he couldn't do anything to help her. Nick couldn't believe it. He had no memory of the incident. Jane said that's probably why he feels the way he does. He couldn't help his grandmother and he couldn't help you either. I was bawling now. I'd been so upset with him and had no idea. We were all crying now. His grandmother was a survivor just like me. Jane embraced me and said to have patience with Nick. He's a good boy. She admired my strength and the courage to tell Nick what had happened. Nick said, I still can't believe I didn't remember grandma. Jane said, you were 3 Nick. How could you remember? Jane stayed for lunch and we talked about the wedding plans we'd made so far. She'd never been to Confetti's before. Nick and I laughed remembering all the good times we had together. My mom had sent some video of me as a child growing up. Jane said she'd go through her home videos so that they could run some snippets while the guests waited at the reception. Jane had to leave. We both walked her out to her car. She told us we were so lucky to have found each other. We shouldn't let anything come between us. I thanked her for coming and helping Nick, she kissed me on the cheek and said, please call me mom. I smiled and hugged her. Nick took his mom in his arms. He said he was so lucky to have her for a mother. He said he loved her and asked her to drive safely. We watched her drive down the street and went back into the house. Nick was relieved to know that somehow he would get through this. I told him I knew he would. I changed the subject to something a little more pleasant. I told him I was glad we didn't have to postpone our wedding. It would kill me if I had to lose him. He looked at me and said, if we had to postpone the wedding it wouldn't mean I'd be losing him. I smiled at him and kissed him. I told Nick we really needed to hire a photographer and a band. He said, he'd already talked to AJ about a band and not to worry. I told him I wanted to go have some professional portraits done before the wedding. I also wanted a videographer too. He said what's that? I said someone who video tapes everything. He said, OK. He'd get on it. He asked if I had started looking at dresses yet. I told him I found the bridesmaid dresses already. They were hunter green. They would have a velvet bodice with a rayon skirt. He said they sounded beautiful. I said they are. They have this train thing on the back. It's not long but it's a train. It's a Crepe Column Dress. He looked lost when I said that. I said, never mind you'll see it later. We were busy the next couple of weeks. Finally the call came that my CD was ready. Nick asked why John was calling me. I lied and said he was still trying to get me to sign a contract. He said, if he's bothering you, I'll talk to him. I said, He's harmless. Don't worry about it. Dr. Sizemore agreed with Jane's explanation as to why this was bothering Nick so much. So after the second session she said he didn't have to make another appointment with her unless he wanted to. He said he'd keep her number but didn't want to book another appointment. I drove into the city and picked up my CD. I told John that I told Nick you were still trying to sign me so don't be surprised if Nick calls you. He laughed. He said Nick had called him this morning. I apologized and said I was sorry. He gave me my CD and said he had made two other copies just in case anything happened to this one. I thanked him and got back in my car and drove home. Nick wasn't home so I made dinner and set the table with candles. He came home and was surprised at the table setting. Am I forgetting something? He asked. I said no. Where have you been? He was playing basketball with the guys. I said, go take a shower. Your surprise is ready. He smiled and kissed me and ran upstairs to shower and change. I placed the wrapped CD on his plate. He came to the table and asked if this was the surprise? I said yes. He said, it's so small. I said good things come in small packages. Nick unwrapped the CD and saw my picture on the front. It was titled, "To the Love of my Life." Nick just looked at me. You did this for me? I said yes. He opened it and put it in the CD player. I was speaking to him from the stereo. He had tears in his eyes. He was holding me and we swayed to the first song. "Open Arms." Which, was followed by more talking. This time I reminded him of our Disney World meeting. Then came Faithfully. Then more about how I felt about him and our upcoming wedding. Then Lights, and then I told him how much I loved him and I hoped he liked his gift as much as I like the gift he had given me . The gift of his unconditional love. He looked at me with tears flowing down his cheeks. Lisa, that was so beautiful. Thank you, for giving me this gift. I love you.
Chapter 26
Well, the rest of the summer just flew by. It was time for the girls to go back to Atlanta. School was starting on Monday. This is my Junior year of college. It would be an easy year. I took my hard classes in the first three years because I didn't want to be pressured at the end. Nick said that was smart. Megan and Laura and I had plans to meet in two weeks to look for a dress in Atlanta. Laura said there was this Bridal Outlet by the dorm. It has 100's of one of a kind dresses and she was sure I'd find something I'd like. So it was a date. Nick wasn't happy that I'd be gone a whole weekend. So I talked to Brian and asked him to plan something to keep Nick occupied. Nick wouldn't let me drive to Atlanta so he bought me a ticket. I laughed, I said that I've made the drive so many times before. He said he'd prefer it if I flew. I told him I felt funny him spending so much money on me. He said it was our money and not his money. I'd be his wife in three months. We both paused when he said that. Then we smiled, three months left. The day finally came when I was to leave. It was raining and Nick was nervous. I said, airplanes depart everyday in rain and snow. I'd be fine. He walked me to the gate and kissed me good-bye. I told him I loved him. He pulled me back for another kiss. The gate agent was getting angry because she was trying to close the door. I said, Nick I got to go. He finally let me go and I walked down the jet way with the agent. She said he looks familiar. I said, that was Nick Carter, my fiancee. She smiled. How lucky are you? I thanked her. She said you're pretty nice for someone dating a celebrity. I said, he's probably still up there watching me leave. He's really nervous. Talk to him, tell him I said I love him. Will you do that? She said she would. Then she said, You know what? 2A is open, you can take that seat. I said, thanks. Give your address to Nick too so that I can thank you later. She told the flight attendant that I upgraded at the last minute and I flew first class to Atlanta. It was only a 30 minute flight, but it was still first class. The agent went back up the jet way and Nick was standing at the window. She walked over and said, Mr. Carter? He turned to look at her. She said Lisa wanted me to give you my address and also she wanted me to tell you she loved you. He smiled. He said what's up with the address? She said, well she told me who you were, and I guess I was nice to her, and then I upgraded her and she said she wanted to thank me for it later. Nick said that was sweet of me. He took her address and she left. He stood and watched the airplane. The agent came back and said I was in 2A so I could see him. He started waving at the airplane. I lowered and raised my shade. He smiled. He saw me. Then I was off. Thirty minutes later I exited the airplane. Megan and Laura were waiting for me. The held signs that said, Mrs. Carter. I laughed. We went to lunch and then to the bridal shop. I wanted to take my time so I planned on spending the entire day there. I had also brought their bridesmaid dresses. So that they could have them altered locally. We got to the bridal shop and I started looking through dresses. I found 4 right away that I liked. I took them back to the dressing room. I tried them on. I like them but they weren't "The" dress. I went back and kept going through dress after dress. The shop was closing at 6 so we would have to come back tomorrow. We went back to their dorm and changed our clothes. The girls tried on their dresses and they fit perfectly. They looked so beautiful. Megan, and her honey blond hair, which was down to her butt now. Laura had the dark brown hair with green eyes. The dresses looked so beautiful on them both. We changed and went to dinner and got caught up on things. School was going good for them too. We went to a local hang out and had a good time. We just wanted to have fun together but kept getting asked out by different guys. Finally, we got fed up and left. We went back to the dorm and went to sleep. We got up early and headed back to the bridal shop. I swear I looked at every dress in that shop. I finally found "The" dress. It was a long sleeved dress, imperative for a December wedding. The bodice was totally beaded. It had a full rayon skirt with a 6 foot train. The back of the dress laced like a corset. Another plus in case I gain a little weight. It could pull in my tummy. I found the perfect vale. It had a beaded base with the sheer vale the edges were scalloped. The dress was too big but I could have it altered in Florida. I paid for the dress and vale. The packaged it carefully and boxed it up for the plane ride home. I called Nick as soon as we got into the car. He was happy I found a dress. I told him it took a day and a half to find it. He said he booked a videographer. I was happy about that. I told him I'd see him tomorrow. We hung up and the girls and I went to dinner and just hung around the dorm. They took me to the airport the next day. We said our good-byes. The gate agent tried to get me to check my dress, I said no way. This is my wedding dress. She said the flight wasn't fully booked so it would be OK this time. But next time I need to remember the two bag limit. I said I would and thanked her for letting it slide this time. I got off the plane in Orlando and Nick was waiting for me. I kissed him and he said he missed me. He played my CD over and over again because he missed me so much. I told him I was back now. Let's go home.
Chapter 27
I took my dress to the tailor in town and he took my measurements and promised he'd have the dress ready in one month. I was leaving nothing to chance. We had less than three months to go. Everything was coming together perfectly. Our wedding planner was calling for suggestions for the meal and the wedding cake. I completely forgot about the cake. Oh my goodness. Nick said to calm down we have plenty of time. The planner sent over menus and cake samples. The cake sampling we enjoyed a little too much. Nick was disappointed when the samples stopped coming. We decided on a white cake with lemon filling. We liked it the best. School was progressing well. I had it very easy now with some of the basic classes. Hardly any homework. Nick was back in the studio finishing up on his solo album that would be released in time for Christmas. I went in and checked on my dress. It looked great and it was pinned and it fit. He said it'd be ready in two weeks. Halloween was coming up and Nick liked to dress up and scare the kids. I thought that it would be fun. So he was going to be Frankenstein and I was to be his wife. We turned all the lights off in the house and hung that fake spider web stuff all along the front of the house Nick would sit in the chair. It was so dark that the kids didn't know he was real. They'd come up and knock on the door and then he'd stand up. They'd all scream. Then I'd open the door with the scary music blaring behind me. We really scared them. The parents jumped too. After a while the same kids would come back again and again. It was funny. At 9 O'clock we headed over to Confetti's for the costume party. It was fun. We had a great time. Next week was my birthday so I kept looking through closets and under beds and stuff for my present. I couldn't find anything. Nick caught me one day and asked what I was looking for? I said, nothing. I was just cleaning. He said oh, because if you were looking for you birthday present it was at his mom's house. I laughed. He said, I know you Lisa, you're just like me. I wouldn't dare hide anything in this house for you. I laughed. He said the tailor called, your dress is ready. I squealed with delight. He was happy for me. I jumped on him. I said I'm so happy. Next month we'll be married. We made love on the living room floor. I couldn't wait. We had over 200 people that had accepted the invitations to the wedding so far. We sent out over 400. It was still early and we wanted to know by November 15th. So there was still another two weeks to go. School was a breeze. I'm glad I only had one more year to go though. Then I'd have to take my state test for my license to teach in the state of Florida. Yes, I was going to be a school teacher. I was almost finished. Nick was happy for me. I went and picked up Jane and took her with me to the tailor's. She helped me get my dress on and she looked at me and had tears in her eyes. What's wrong mom? She said, It's so beautiful Lisa. I hugged her. Can I keep the dress at your house? I don't want Nick to see it. She said of course. If I know my son he'd sneak a peek for sure. I laughed and said we just had that same conversation when he caught me looking for my birthday present. She said it's at my house. I told her I knew that. She laughed. She said you two are like bread and butter. You are so much alike. She asked how Nick was acting around me now. I said your talk really helped a lot. He's changed completely. She was glad. We drove back to her house and hung the dress and vale in her closet. My shoes were in a box under the bed. I didn't care if Nick saw the shoes. I left and drove home. Nick was on the phone. She's here now mom, I'll talk to you later. I asked if he was checking up on me. He said, No. I told him I'd picked up my dress and he said mom told him. He said, Mom was choking up, I looked so beautiful. She's so happy for us Lisa. I said, we were the lucky ones. We went to Nick's parent's house on my birthday. Nick planned a surprise birthday party for me. He flew Laura and Megan in. All the guys were there. Jane made dinner and baked a cake that was to die for. Then came my favorite party. Presents, I got clothes and music. Picture frames and a video tape from Kevin. It was the video from the pool party over the summer. Priceless I told him. Nick's mom and dad bought me "real" pearls, a necklace and earrings for my wedding. In addition to flying the girls in Nick bought me diamond earrings and gave me his not yet released CD. He said open it up. I opened it and he dedicated it to the love of his life, Lisa. I had tears in my eyes. I said someone play this. Aaron took the CD and we listened to Nick. The third track was our duet. We sounded good. Our voices blended into one. Nick pointed out that in the credits he listed me as Lisa Carter. I had to smile at that. He said, Well by the time people get this CD, you will have already become Lisa Carter. I was a great birthday. The best I ever had. Nick wrapped up some cake to take home. I laughed, you're going to gain so much weight I said. He laughed, he said so what, you'll love me anyway. I said that's right! We thanked everyone for a great evening and went home. I still had school the next day.
Chapter 28
Thanksgiving was right around the corner. We had tallied up all the people who were coming. 375 people out of 420 were coming to the wedding. Not bad, Nick said. We placed the order for the meals and alerted the baker. The planner was bringing over little wedding favors. We decided on a small little box with some chocolates in it and a personalize note to all our friends and families. Nick and I still had to write our wedding vows. Thanksgiving was at Nick's parent's house. My family didn't fly in this time as they were coming next month. Nick and I secured six hotel rooms, as we weren't going to have enough room for my family. My house only had three bedrooms so my parents would stay there, and two single sisters and brothers. The other siblings were married with children so we got them a hotel room. Everyone was confirming the florist called and the caterer. The band was a gift from AJ. The photographer and videographer the baker. My dress was done. The bridesmaid dresses were all finished. Things were good. We arrived at noon at Nick's parent's house. Jane looked a little frazzled. I said what can I do mom? Nick loved it when I called his mother mom. She said, I'm fine just relax. I said, I'm not relaxing until you give me something to do. Nick said, I give her something to do otherwise she'll never leave you alone. I looked at Nick. What's that supposed to mean? He said, I just mean your good in the kitchen and she'd benefit from your help. Jane laughed. She said, OK get an apron on. Nick left to watch football with his dad. I helped mash potatoes and dish out all the vegetable and then placed the rolls in a basket. We placed everything on the table and then we all sat down to the table to eat. Now the Carter's have this tradition where everyone takes a turn stating something that they're thankful for. So Bob started. He was thankful for a healthy family. Jane was thankful for getting the dinner on the table. The kids all were thankful for health and different things. Next it was my turn. I was thankful for the Lord leading me to a wonderful man and that he was part of a fantastic family. Nick was next, he was grateful for true love and the fact that she was sitting right next to him. We all said, Amen and ate dinner. It was really delicious. The turkey was really moist. I had brought an apple pie and a pumpkin pie. We had coffee and pie and then just relaxed with his family. The girls asked to see my dress. Jane said I didn't want to touch it because I didn't want to soil it. I said, well while the guys are watching sports lets go look. Nick asked where we were all going and I said you stay here. I told dad to make sure he didn't follow us upstairs. I was going to show everyone my dress. Dad said he wouldn't leave. Jane took the dress out of the closet and I took it out of the garment bag it was stored in. Leslie said please try it on. I said OK. They helped me put it on and they said I looked like a fairy tale princess. I said I feel like I'm in a fairy tale sometimes. We have less than a month to go before we get married. They asked if I was getting nervous. I said, I just felt like things were going too smoothly and something bad was going to happen. Mom said not to worry, what could possibly happen? You two are so in love and surrounded by so many people who love and care for you, nothing could happen. I thanked her and put my clothes back on. We put the dress away and headed back downstairs. Nick said it's a bought time. I have to use the bathroom but dad wouldn't let me go. I laughed. When Nick returned he asked if my dress still fit? I said how did you know I put it on? He said how could you resist? I kissed him. We played a couple of board games, Monopoly and scrabble. Nick and I were so competitive. We both had everything mortgaged trying to beat each other. Aaron beat us. It was fun. After that game we had more pie and coffee and then I helped mom clean up the kitchen and we left. We went home and showered and went to bed.
Chapter 29
It was back to school on Monday and Nick went into the studio to sign some legal papers. Things were going great. Christmas was coming and Nick and I decided that since we were getting married that we wouldn't exchange gifts. I planned on getting him something anyway. In my family we all usually chose names. I had my brother Matthew. He was easy, I always get him gift certificates. He likes to go out to eat, or to the movies. So I'll get him movie passes and a gift certificate to a restaurant. Nick said he'd buy for his family and we'd put both of our names on the gift. I said, I don't mind buying a gift for his siblings and his parents. Nick said, that was fine with him. Nick would take me to school and pick me up and we'd head out to the malls looking for gifts. It was getting crazy. We had to shop for Christmas presents and get ready for the wedding too. We managed to do it though. We had the band and the producers and stuff. Everyone at the studio got some type of gift basket. Nick hired someone to handle that. I had one more week of school before winter break. We were getting so close I could taste it. Nick and I were so happy. My family started to arrive. That's how I knew there was no turning back now. Not that I would, but you know what I mean. Mom and Dad flew in. Matt and the rest of my siblings were coming in. I made them all come in a week early. I didn't want the winter weather to make them late. Beth lived in Illinois and Chicago's airport was always having delays. The last week of school flew by. A lot of students were leaving for vacation. The last week was final exams. So we were pretty much in and out. I'd be taking the spring semester off. I wanted to spend time with Nick. I still didn't know where the honeymoon was. He wanted it to be a surprise. Megan and Laura came and threw a bridal shower for me. It was a lot of fun. Nick and the guys had their bachelor party at Confetti's. We are so spread out it was nice to see everyone. Friends from school and Nick's sister's Aunts, and his mom came. The games were interesting to say the least. It was time to serve the cake. It was a picture of Nick, well it was supposed to be Nick, topless. His sisters made some comments that their brother does not look like that. I said, He does too. They laughed at me. The presents came next. Some of them I was afraid to open. I got a lot of negligees. Nick will like those I said. I even got a vibrator. I laughed at that one. My mom was so embarrassed. My sister said for when Nick's not in the mood. I tossed it over my shoulder and said, That'll never happen. Everyone laughed. I got some nice perfume and a robe and some other clothing. I missed Nick though. I excused myself and went up to my bedroom and called Nick. It was hard to hear him. So he went outside to talk. I asked if he was having fun? He said he was. He asked what was the matter? I said, I missed him. He said come crash my party then. I said, really? He said there isn't much going on here and all the men are here. We can dance drink and enjoy ourselves. I said OK. I ran downstairs and said everyone get there coats. They looked at me like I was crazy. I said, We're going to Confetti's. My sisters and friends were up first. I said, come on. Free drinks and dancing, let's go. That got everyone moving. Laura drove my Expedition and I drove Nick's. We piled everyone in. We had about 10 vehicles heading to Confetti's. We got there and I didn't wait for anyone. I ran into Confetti's and found Nick. AJ complained and said no girls aloud. Just then all the girls, including AJ's girlfriend, walked in the front door. He looked defeated. I said play our song AJ. "Open Arms" blared over the speakers. Nick and I were dancing so close. My dad tried to cut in, Nick said, Sorry but this is our song. I said, I'll dance with you next daddy. He said OK. I kissed him and told him how much I loved him. He was pretty drunk. I told him to order shots and I'll be back to the table in a minute. I asked AJ to play butter fly kisses so I could dance with my dad. He said he'd look. He came back and said the band didn't know it. He asked if I heard "I need you tonight", I said who sings it. He said, geesh Lisa, have you ever listened to any of our music? I said, No. He said hold on a minute. He called the rest of the guys to a mini meeting. Everyone was talking to Nick. He said, I don't play our stuff at home. Next thing I knew, five mikes were set up on stage. The guys said they were going to sing a few songs since Lisa, never heard of them. Nick said Baby, get your dad this is for you. They sang, "I need you tonight." I said, daddy they're good. They sang a few more songs and then Nick said your turn Lisa. I smiled at him. I got up and sang Lights. Nick and I ended up standing at the door because the older people were leaving. It was 2 AM. Nick and I were still having a lot of fun. We finished up about 4am. We got home at 4:30am and made love and fell asleep. Tomorrow was December 20th. 5 days until we would be married. We didn't get out of bed until 11am. We would have slept longer but our phone kept ringing. I told Nick I had a great time last night. He said the guys were pretty mad at him. I said why? He said because I never heard them before. I said, what can I say, we're a Journey family. He smiled and leaned over to kiss me.
Chapter 30
These last five days were the busiest. We were to have the rehearsal dinner on the 23rd. That was being catered too. I had all the bridesmaids at my house and had them try on their dresses. I wanted to make sure they all fit. My niece, Diana, would be our flower girl and her brother Daniel our ring bearer. Everyone's dresses fit. I gave all the bridesmaids necklaces for being in the wedding. My flower girl got one too. We gave Daniel a pinkie ring. He thought it was cool. Everyone had something. On the 22nd Nick and I spent the whole day alone. We knew these next two days were going to be crazy. We drove to Tampa and stayed at the Sheraton Hotel. We saw some of the sights and mostly stayed in and ordered room service. Nick's all time favorite thing to do. We watched the pay per view movies and just vegged. It would be awhile before we could do this again. It was nice. No calls, no doorbells. No interruptions just the two of us alone together. Nick asked if I had any regrets? I said no, do you? He said none. He loved me more than words can express. I kissed him. We made love and then soaked in one of those Jacuzzi tubs. I told Nick I'd like to get one of these. He laughed. I told him there was lots of room in here. He asked for what? I said let me show you. I straddled him in the tub and we made love there. He said you are too much Lisa. I told him about my sister's gift. You remember the vibrator. I told Nick what I said too. He laughed. He said we definitely don't need that. We got out of the tub and climbed into bed. We went to bed early as it had been a long week already. It was only Tuesday. We got up early and drove back home. We had the rehearsal dinner and the walk through to go to. We met at our church about 4pm. They showed me where I'd be waiting to enter. A room where I could wait until the time came for me to enter the church. I walked down the aisle with dad and the Pastor went through the motions of what we could expect. Once we were done we went to Anthony's for dinner. It was a very relaxed atmosphere. The night quickly ended and Nick and I went home. Tomorrow was the 24th. There was a lot of last minute phone calls. Checking on this and that. We had plans to visit some of the shelters even. My grandparents and Nick's grandparents had made blankets for the homeless and Nick and I put together baskets with food and blankets. He brought them down to a couple of missions. They were grateful. Next we went to the children's cancer unit and dropped of toys. Then the pediatric aids hospital, where we left more toys. It was already 6pm when we left the last facility. We were going to a Christmas Eve Party at Confetti's. I'd be going Nick's parent's house tonight. I'd sleep in Nick's old bed. We'd be married tomorrow. Nick asked how he was going to be able to sleep without me by his side? I told him I'd have just as much trouble. We went to the Party for a little while. Then Nick and I went to his parent's house. We exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve as Nick and I wouldn't be able to see each other. Everyone liked their gifts. I handed Nick a gift. He said, What's this? I said I couldn't resist. I bought him a sweater and a black shirt and a pair of trousers. He said I thought we decided not to get each other anything? I told him I couldn't resist. He said well neither could I. He handed me a box. I opened it up and found a tennis bracelet. He said, look under beneath. I pulled the velvet slip out and found a receipt. I looked at him puzzled. I opened up the paper to see that he had paid off my student loans. I screamed. What? Oh my God, I can't believe you did that! Nick's mom and dad were proud of what he did. I told him I loved him. Now it was time for Nick to go. I wouldn't see him until tomorrow. Before he left though he took me upstairs to his room. I'd never seen it before. He dug out an old stuffed bear he used to sleep with as a child. He said his name is, bear. I took the bear and smelled it. It smells like you Nick. He smiled. I slept with it for years. He said, tonight you have bear. I kissed him and walked him out to the car. I stood out there for a while and we just held each other and kissed. I said, I can't believe the day has finally come. He told me not to be late. I kissed him again and he drove away. Before he got to the end of the driveway he stopped the car and came back to me. He said, Lisa I just got to kiss you again. I laughed. I love you Nick Carter I yelled as he ran back to his car. He waved back and yelled I love you more!
Chapter 31
The Wedding Day
I woke up quite early. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. I called Nick he was up too. He said, I was hoping you'd call. I didn't want to wake up the whole house. He asked how I slept. I said Bear kept me company. He laughed. He said now don't laugh at this, but I wrapped your tee shirt around my pillow so that I could smell you. I said, that was so sweet. I asked him what he was going to do until 3 PM? He said, the guys spent the night with him so they'd all get ready together and make sure he would get there on time. I laughed. I reminded him, I'm the one who was late last time. He got so serious on me. Lisa, I love you with all my heart, I can't wait to call you my wife. I had tears in my eyes now. Nick I love you too. I can't bare to be away from you for another minute. He said I know. There was on knock on the door and I told Nick I had to go. I opened the door and it was Jane. She said I thought I heard you. Why are you crying? I told her I just got off the phone with Nick. She closed the door and sat down with me on the bed. You'll be married later today, why are you so sad? I told her I just couldn't explain it. I feel empty without him. Putting distance between us is hard. I asked her doesn't she feel that way about Bob? She laughed and said, yes, she still feels an enormous amount of love for Bob. If anything ever happened to Bob, she doesn't know how she'd survive herself. I totally agree with you. She said you're so young but so old all at the same time. I just sat there thinking of Nick. I love him so much. I miss his smell his touch everything. She noticed bear on the bed. I told her Nick gave him to me last night before he left. She said, there is a videographer here and one is arriving at Nick's house right now. She asked if I was ready to get married. I said more than you know. We headed downstairs together. Jane, Bear and I. We headed to the kitchen where Jane and I prepared breakfast for everyone. I told her I was helping and that was that. I was shaking so badly that I had to sit down. I went to the phone and called Nick. I was crying and he asked what was wrong. I told him I didn't want to be here. He said I'm coming to the house. I hung up the phone and went upstairs. 30 minutes later I heard Nick downstairs. I came running downstairs and Jane just smiled. Leslie said this is bad luck. Jane said, Nothing they do brings bad luck. I told him I loved him so much and couldn't bare another minute without him. He asked why I was so scared? I told him, I was little afraid you wouldn't show up. He looked at me and said, Lisa come on now. Remember I didn't want to wait until December to get married? I know Nick, I just didn't think it'd be this hard. We went back into the kitchen and ate breakfast together. After breakfast Nick asked if I'd be all right? I said I would now that I got to see him and touch him. It was almost eleven he had to go get ready. I walked him out and kissed him good bye. He said he'd see me in a few hours. I watched him leave and went inside. The whole episode was caught on tape. I went back inside and Jane said it was time to get dressed the makeup artist would be here in a few minutes. We walked upstairs and she asked if I felt better? I said I did. I need him in my life. I'm sorry if I made a spectacle of myself. She said, You're in love, who cares! That's what love does to people. She helped me get into my dress. My mom arrived to help too. She asked why I was crying? I looked at Jane and we just laughed. Mom said, must be Nick. I said, I was OK now. The makeup artist arrived around noon. She did my make up and mom's. She finally moved on to the bridesmaids. Megan and Laura and my sisters had all arrived at 1pm. I had my hair done and then the photographer came and took some before shots and after shots. The limousine arrived at 2:30pm. Before I left I called Nick. I asked him if he was ready to leave. He said he was just walking out the door. I told him I was too. I told him again I loved him and would see him shortly. We hung up and I headed out the door of Nick's parent's house. I got in the limousine and never looked back.
Chapter 32
The Wedding
We arrived at the church at 3:00pm. I went into that little room and sent Jane to check on Nick. She came back and said he's here. Very nervous but he's hear. He sends his love. A lot of the guests were already seated in the church. One by one the groomsmen came in and kissed me and told me how beautiful I looked. Aaron would be standing up for Nick. Dad came in and everyone cleared out of the room. Daddy said he was so proud of me. He asked me if Nick made me happy. I said, Oh daddy he makes me so very happy. Daddy had tears in his eyes. I said daddy, don't start crying or I will. My make up will be ruined. I asked him if he saw Nick yet? He said he did. He's nervous but he loves you Lisa. I said, I know that. Beth came in and said it's time. I looked and daddy. We said a quick prayer and headed out. Beth disappeared through the doors and they closed behind her. A few minutes later I heard the start of the wedding march. The doors opened and daddy and I walked in. Everyone stood up and turned to look at me. I kept my eyes on Nick. I watched as his knees buckled and Aaron and the guys help his stand back up. I just started crying and couldn't stop. I made dad walk faster than we were supposed too. Nick was crying just as hard as I was. The Pastor asked who gives this woman into holy matrimony. Daddy said, Her mother and I do. Nick stepped down and daddy slipped my hand into Nick's. We took one step up and faced each other. We were both miked so that everyone could here us. Nick said he love me. I said, I love you too. So many people were already crying. The pastor started with a prayer. I don't know who was shaking more, me or Nick. It came time for our vows. Nick would start first.
Lisa, I've tried to think of my life before you. He paused because he was so emotional. He said, I can't remember it. All I know, and all I ever want to know, is that we'll walk through this life together as man and wife. I love you more than life itself. I can't bear to be without you another minute. From our first teacup ride to our late nights at Confetti's. You have given everything I do meaning. From your laugh to your singing, your touch to just your breathing. Without those things in my life, I would not be whole.
Next it was my turn. I had to pause because I was crying so much. The Pastor asked for a tissue. Everyone laughed. I said,
Nick, I have never known love like this before. Every breath you take gives me life. I can't express in words the amount of love I have for you. From your gentleness, and kindness, for those in need. You have taught me more than I'll ever learn in any classroom. I can't bear to be away from you very long. Your touch and your voice make me warm inside. I feel safe. No one can hurt me. Your are my protector, my knight in shining armor. I love you.
The Pastor asked for us to turn to each other. He asked Nick to repeat after him. I Nickolas Gene, take thee Lisa Ann to be my lawfully wedded wife. To love and honor in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live.
Nick repeated it and then I said it. The Pastor then asked for the rings. Aaron passed the rings to the Pastor. The Pastor blessed the rings and Nick placed my ring on my finger and said, With this ring, I thee wed. I place Nick's ring on his finger and said the same thing. The Pastor then announced.
What God has joined together, let no man tear apart. By the power invested in me by the state of Florida. I now pronounce you Man and Wife. He turned to Nick and said, You may now kiss your bride. Nick raised my vale and kissed me. He lifted me off the ground. The crowd cheered. The Pastor then said, May I be the first to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Carter. Again they cheered. Nick was still kissing me. We were both crying. It was time for us to walk up the aisle together. We walked up with our swollen and red eyes. It seemed as if everyone was crying. We walked out and people were patting us on the back and handing us tissues. Nick and I went into a room for us to be together. He said, I can't believe it, we did it! We just kissed and cried. Our parent's came in together and hugged us both. It was a beautiful ceremony they said. Not a dry eye in the house, Bob said. My make up artist came in with ice for our eyes. She said it would take away some of the swelling. She touched up my make up and I wouldn't let go of Nick's hand. She applied some make up to Nick too so that his eyes wouldn't appear puffy in the photos. After the church had cleared. We went back inside to take pictures. Once that was done Nick and I got in our own Limousine and our parent's rode in the other. This is the happiest day of my life I said. Nick agreed with me. I held on to him and kissed him.
Chapter 33
The Reception
We arrived and walked into Confetti's. Our guests were being treated to a slide show of Nick and me as kids. Daddy stopped the projector and announced our arrival. We walked in together as man and wife. Everyone stood up and applauded. AJ had gone out of his way for us. Gone were the booths, replaced by huge round tables. The walls were draped in green bunting and flowers adorned every table. The place was beautiful. Nick and I walked around and greeted as many people as we could. I found AJ and just hugged him and cried on his shoulder. I told him the place was beautiful. He said anything for my sister. I kissed him just as Nick walked up. Nick said, Hey! I turned around and kissed him. Nick hugged AJ and thanked him for the place. Nick said, these people drink so send me the bill. He said, Jive was picking up the liquor tab. He looked surprised. We kept mingling until the first course was served. Aaron stood up and proposed our first toast of the evening. He said he hoped that he could find a woman as special as Lisa was to Nick. He welcomed me into the family and told Nick he did good, real good. We ate prawns and then got up and visited another table. We skipped the salads and tried to visit every table together. I found Diana, our flower girl, and gave her a big hug. I thanked her for making my wedding so special. Nick shook Daniel's hand and thanked him. The main course was being served and we sat down. We had Turkey and Ham, we figured this was Christmas and we should be eating Christmas Dinner. So we had it all. Mashed potatoes and dressing, Cranberry Sauce to humus. After our dinner the DJ announced that it was time for our first dance. Many were surprised when the music started and it wasn't Journey. We chose an old song by a now defunct group called 98 degrees. It was called "I Do." Once our friends heard it, they knew why we picked it. It pledged our undying devotion to each other. Everyone applauded when the song finished. Nick kissed me and asked if I was happy? I told him I was so happy that I was numb. He kissed me again. Daddy came to the floor. We danced to a song called Daddy's little girl. Daddy was crying, he said I'm so happy for you baby. I thanked him for the wedding and told him Jive Records was picking up the tab for the liquor. He dipped me then. It wasn't a song where you'd dip someone either. After our song it was opened up to everyone. Nick came back and danced with me. Brian interrupted him and danced with me. Aaron came out and danced with me too. When that dance was over daddy made a toast to welcome Nick into our family. He said, of all the men in the world Nick would be his first choice for his daughter. Nick and I danced and talked and had a wonderful time. It was time to cut the cake. It was almost as if everyone held their breath. We grabbed the carving knife and sliced the bottom layer of cake. We slice two pieces and Nick fed me and I fed him. Then he kissed me. Nick said, Let them eat cake! Everyone laughed. It was finally time for Nick and I to leave. We would be going home and leaving for our honeymoon in the morning. We were pelted with birdseed as we rushed out to the Limousine. Our moms and dad's were crying so before we got in I had to stop and kiss everyone. I kissed mom and dad and thanked them for a dream come true. I kissed my other dad, Bob and when I got to Jane I just hugged her. I told her I loved her and I would never forget what she did for me. She told me to go and enjoy my husband. I placed something in her hand and left. She opened her hand and found a small box. She opened it up and found a small pendent that said world's greatest mother in law. She waved as our Limousine drove away. When we got back to the house it was all decorated. Congratulation signs hung from the roof. Our neighbors had all waited out side for us and congratulated us. Nick and I approached the front door and he carried me across the threshold. Brian had come back and chilled champagne for us and there was a trail of rose petals that went up the staircase and into our bedroom. They covered the bed. Candles were lit everywhere. I looked at Nick he just smiled at me. Mrs. Carter he said. I answered yes Mr. Carter. He said he's waited so long to call me that. Nick put in the Journey CD. He poured the champagne and we undressed each other. We took a shower and began our honeymoon.
Chapter 34
The Honeymoon
We woke the next morning and Nick and I took a taxi to the airport. We were going to Australia. Wow! Was I surprised! Nick had our passports and visa's already. We flew from Orlando to Los Angeles. We had an all day layover there so we stayed at my parent's house. Our flight took off at 10pm to Sydney. We arrived in Los Angeles at 11am. Our bags were check all the way through. We took a taxi to my parent's house. We were alone and that's all that mattered. We had lunch and went for a walk. They didn't live too far from the beach so we really enjoyed it. Nick wanted to see my old bedroom. We went upstairs and I showed him where I used to sleep all those years ago. He sat down on the bed and pulled me to him. We made love on my old bed. Nick said it'd be a long 14 hours to Sydney. We got dressed and went downstairs. I notice my parent's owned Nick's CD's. I pointed them out and we laughed. I put one on and we read the paper and just rested. Nick said not to go to sleep. Wait until we get on the airplane. Nick had purchased First Class tickets so we were going in style. It was 7:30 and we weren't sure what the traffic would be like so we headed for the airport. The taxi came at 7:45pm. We arrived at 8:30. We sat in the first class lounge and ate some wonderful food. The concierge came and got us at 9:15pm. He said we were boarding. We stood up and got our carry on bags and followed him to the gate. He had already checked us in and escorted us right on the airplane. Everyone was so friendly. Welcoming us on board. We sat down in our seats. 1A and 1B. The flight attendant came and asked for our drink preferences. We both said Champagne at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. The flight attendant asked what we were celebrating? Nick said, She's been my wife for almost 24 hours now. She congratulated us and brought us our Champagne. They finally got everyone boarded and we took off. About 30 minutes after take off the Captain came on and announced the estimated time of arrival and the approximate flight time. He stated he expected a smooth flight but suggested we stay in our seat belts at all times. He then ended his announcements by congratulating the Carter's on their wedding. Nick squeezed my hand. We toasted ourselves. The flight attendant came and talked to us for a few minutes. Nick and I fell asleep. We awoke to the announcement of our arrival into Sydney in the next 30 minutes. We slept all the way I said. Nick looked at his watch and said, Day two of the rest of our lives together. He kissed me. I got up and brushed my teeth and used the facilities. Nick went in next. He sat down and the plane landed. We all applauded the perfect landing. Nick and I were met by the Captain. He congratulated us personally. The flight attendant gave us a bottle of Champagne. We breezed through customs and found our driver waiting for us just outside. He took us to our hotel. We checked in and were escorted up to our suite. Nick went all out on this honeymoon. He carried me across the threshold again. I had to laugh. The porter put our suitcases in the bedroom. Nick tipped him and he congratulated us and left us. The hotel had sent up the biggest fruit basket I'd ever seen. We changed our clothes and showered. We headed out to explore Australia. Nick was recognized a few times. He signed the autographs and thanked the fans and we moved on. I was invisible then. We saw the opera house and took a boat ride in Sydney Harbor. It was a lot of fun. We stayed a few days in Sydney then flew over to New Zealand. I don't know which country I liked more. The time on our vacation just seemed to fly by. We ended up in Hawaii for the last 4 days. The weather was warm but not really beach weather. We didn't care. We were together and that's all that mattered. We took a sunset dinner cruise the first night. That was beautiful. The second night we went to a luau. Nick actually tried to learn the hula. I was getting homesick. We'd been gone for three weeks. We hadn't even spoken to our families. We drove around Oahu the third day and the fourth day we packed and repacked. We went to the Pearl Harbor memorial and Punch Bowl Crater. We had an early dinner and went to bed very early. Our flight departed Honolulu at 7:45am. We arrived at the airport an hour early. We boarded the flight and flew to Los Angeles. I called my parents from the airport and told them we were in Los Angeles heading for home. I talked as long as I could. We didn't have a long lay over. Nick talked for a few minutes and hung up. We boarded the flight to Orlando. We wouldn't be arriving in Orlando until 9 PM. The time change messes everything up. We slept most of the way. Waking only to eat. We arrived and deplaned to be met by all our friends and family. We were surprised. They said we looked great. We were just so glad to be home. They brought us home and we talked about our trip. We had about 20 rolls of film and three videos. They said they were glad to see us. Aaron told Nick his CD was #1. Our duet was #1 on MTV. Had been since it's release. Nick was happy. He said, As glad I am to hear that. I'm glad to be home with my wife and my family. That's all that is important to me.
Chapter 35
For the next few days we sorted through our wedding gifts. We got so much stuff it wasn't even funny. We enjoyed opening everything, but the next few days we had writer's cramp from writing all the thank you notes. We enjoyed it though. Nick was preparing for a tour to promote his new CD. He'd asked me to consider coming to a few shows so that we could sing our song. After all we were number one on the charts. I told him I would think about it. I wasn't very happy that he'd be away for the next 12 weeks without me so I eventually decided to go. He told me if it got too much, he'd get one of the back up singers to sing my part. Jive Records was thrilled I was going with Nick on tour. I was still going to finish school. I promised myself, and my parents that I'd do this. I had until April to tour. Which only made me available for February and March. I'd go back in April to finish up my Junior year. Nick went to the studio to practice his songs and we practiced at home everyday our duet. We kicked off the tour on February 1st in Orlando. Getting in was a breeze. We arrived 2 ½ hours early. Nick and I shared a dressing room. The fans started pouring into the arena an hour before the concert was due to begin. There would be no opening act. Just Nick and I'd come out for the duet. He said, be prepared for some booing fans because he intended on introducing me as his wife. I smiled at him. He said, nothing would happen. Nick had extra security to help me feel at ease. I kissed Nick and wished him good luck. The show was about to start. The lights in the arena went out. The fans screamed in anticipation. Then it got quiet. The next thing I heard was the sound of Nick's voice. Orlando? Orlando? Are you ready for me? They all started screaming. Nick started singing his new #1 hit. He was a hit. They kept screaming for more. A security person and one of the producers told me that I was up next. Nick finished the song and started talking to the audience. He thanked them for making his new album #1. He told them that he was glad that his music touched them all the way it did. He then brought up the duet on the album. The audience again screamed. He said he agreed with them that it was his all time favorite song. He asked them if they knew why it was so special to him? They yelled, Why? Nick said because he sang with someone very special to him. He said he'd like to introduce me to them. They went wild. Nick looked over at me and smiled. He said, May I introduce to you my partner on this album and in life, my wife Lisa Carter. They screamed and I walked out on stage. The screams kept coming. Girls were crying. Nick said this is my wife! He embraced me and kissed me. He then quickly turned to the audience and said, there is still room in my heart for you too. He knew how to work the audience. I was a little embarrassed to be up there. So I kept pretty quiet. The music started for our song and the audience again went wild. I made it through the entire song. They loved us. Nick kissed me and escorted me off the stage. He had a wardrobe change and went back on stage singing some of his older hits. When it was all over with, Nick came back and asked me if I had a good time. I said, It was wonderful. The promoters came back and thanked us for a great show. People came back stage to congratulate us. A few fans came back and actually asked for my autograph. Imagine my surprise? I talked to a few girls and then it was time for Nick to shower and changed. We were rushed into a waiting limousine and were driven home. We got home and I couldn't get over the rush. Nick said he loved me and was happy I enjoyed myself. We ate a late, light dinner and went to bed. We'd be doing it all over tomorrow.
Chapter 36
The next night went just as well. We sang our duet and the place went wild. The press was having a field day. My picture was splashed all over the papers. Nick was nervous for me. He kept asking me if I was OK with all this? I said, I'm fine, but what is this going to do to your career? He told me not to worry about it. His fans were very devoted. We were off to Washington D.C and then New York. The traveling was fun. I really enjoyed myself. Nick and I would steal moments here and there. Unfortunately, every time we went to another city Nick was recognized. So we really had to be careful where we went. Then Nick would wear all these silly disguises. It was fun too. We continued westward and ended up in Chicago. The months flew by. It was time for me to go back to Orlando. It was so very hard to say good bye to Nick. After our last concert together, Nick and I said our good bye at Chicago O'Hare Airport. It would be another 4 weeks before I'd see him again. We were both in tears. He said he would call every night. It just wouldn't be the same. I boarded my airplane and cried all the way home. Jane had driven to the airport and picked me up. She knew that the separation was going to devastate me. She was right. We picked up my luggage and she drove me home. Nick called 45 minutes after I got home. Jane answered the phone and talked to Nick for a minute. She passed the phone to me and I just couldn't talk. Nick I miss you already. How am I going to get through the next 4 weeks? He said with school it would pass quickly. I told him I didn't see how. He told me he'd call me in the morning before I left for school. I told him I loved him and we hung up. Jane asked if I was OK? I told her I'll be OK. I walked her out to her car and she said Nick was right, it will go by fast. I went to sleep wearing Nick's tee shirt. It was the only way I felt close to him. I woke to the telephone and it was Nick. How'd you sleep he asked? I'm lonely I said. He said he felt the same way. It was our first night apart since we were married. I started crying. Nick said, he meant it as a triumph, not to make me sad. I told him I didn't know how I was going to get through the next four weeks. I hung up and dressed for school. I arrived at school and I was met by the media. The press had somehow gotten word that I, being Nick's wife, was enrolled and coming back to FSU. I started freaking out. I felt like it was happening all over again. Campus security wasn't ready for the media or the fans that had gathered to see Nick's wife. I was pulled into a room and the doors were closed. I had lost my books, my hair was a mess and I was hysterical crying. The local police department was called in to clear the campus. I called Jane on my cellular phone and she came right down. She was escorted into the room where I was hiding out. I was sitting at a desk with my head down and didn't know she was even there until she touched me. I jumped up and looked at her. I just let it all go. I couldn't control myself. She told me it would be OK. She held me while I cried. I asked her what was I supposed to do now? I very well couldn't come back to school. She called for the Dean of Students. The Dean arrived and he was filled in on who I was and what had happened when I arrived. Somehow, someone had leaked the information. It was obvious that this couldn't continue. It would be a distraction for Lisa, as well as the other students. The Dean said I could finish the year electronically. Which basically means over the computer. I'd have to come in for exams though. They could set up my final exams at an undisclosed location. Jane got everything arranged for me and then it was time to get me out of there. With the help of the local police department and campus security, we were able to get Jane and I back to her car. My books were found and Aaron would come back for my car. A police officer stated that people had now gathered outside my home so it would be wise not to go there right now. Jane took me back to her house. What did I get myself into I cried. Jane just tried to comfort me. We got back to her house and she put in a call for Nick. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep on Nick's old bed. Nick called back but Jane told him I was sleeping. He didn't want her to wake me up. Once I did wake up I felt really sick. I was tired and just wanted to sleep. I woke up around 10:30pm to a quiet house. I went downstairs and Bob was watching the evening news. When he saw me he asked if I was OK? I told him I had an upset stomach and a headache but other than that, I just missed Nick. He laughed. He said it sounds like withdrawals. We laughed at that. He tapped the seat next to him on the couch and I sat down next to him. He said, I'm not Nick, but I've been told I look an awful lot like him. My shoulder is just as soft as his, I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep there. Jane came down sometime later and said Nick was on the phone. Bob woke me up and Jane smiled at me held up the phone. I apologized for sleeping on Bob and he said anytime kid. I kissed him on the cheek and took the phone from Jane. He was really upset. I told him I was fine. I had a headache and an upset stomach though. He said he was sorry. He didn't think about me and school. I told him his mother had taken care of everything. He said she had told him everything and he felt awful. I told Nick I had to go I felt sick and dropped the phone and headed to the nearest bathroom.
Chapter 37
Jane caught up with me and held my hair back. I dropped to my knees. I was weak and sweating. She helped clean me up and got me back into Nick's bed. I told her it must be the flu. She brought me up some soup and I slept through the night. When I woke the next morning like a flash the nausea hit again. I barely made it this time to the toilet. Jane heard me and came out to see if I was all right. I told her I had the flu. She felt my head and said I wasn't warm. She took my temperature and it was normal. I went back to my room and changed. Jane said she'd make breakfast for me. That should make me feel better. Maybe it was nerves. I walked into the kitchen and the smell of bacon overcame me and I headed back to the bathroom. Jane assumed her position of holding up my hair. Once I got cleaned up I looked at her. She had the biggest smile on her face. I said what's so funny? She said, I think you're pregnant. I dropped to my knees at the sound of those words. I can't be, I said. She said, think back. When was your last period? I honestly couldn't remember. Jane booked an appointment for that afternoon. When Nick called I told him I still wasn't feeling well and had a doctor's appointment for this afternoon. I told Jane not to tell him what her suspicions were. She said that would be my job. Nick said he'd call back around 9pm. He was in Los Angeles. He still had four weeks of dates left. I went to the doctor and the pregnancy test was positive. They did an ultrasound because I couldn't tell them when my last period was. It was determined that I was approximately 5 weeks pregnant. Our baby was due at Christmas. Jane was overjoyed. She was beside herself. She said Nick is going to be so happy! I told her I wasn't going to tell him just yet. She said, Why? He feels bad as it is being separated. He'd feel worse if he knew we were separated and I was pregnant. I want him to finish his dates. If I'm over this morning sickness I'll meet him in Vancouver. She said it was my decision. I told her that I don't want anyone to know until I tell Nick first. She promised she wouldn't say a word. Nick called at 9 like he promised. He asked how my doctor's appointment went. I told him I was fine. Nerves I guess. I didn't really lie, I was nervous about carrying his child. He told me he loved me and couldn't wait for the tour to be over. I told him I'd meet him in Vancouver. He said he'd call me everyday. I told him I loved him and missed him with all my soul. The next two weeks went pretty well. I was able to move back home. Jane was very nervous and almost let the news slip to Nick. I was showing already. It wasn't much but the weight was definitely piling on. I had another doctor's appointment next Tuesday. I was kept busy by doing schoolwork and exercising. Nick still called me everyday. He was surprised when he caught me in the middle of exercising one day. Since, I never exercised. I told him I'd put on a little weight since the wedding and wanted to keep in shape. He said he take me in any shape. I laughed. I told him I'd be more comfortable in my original shape. He laughed. I hung up and got back to exercising. Tuesday finally came and the doctor was concerned at the amount of weight I had put on. He ordered an ultrasound and it was determined that I was carrying twins. TWINS! I just about fainted. I asked him if it was safe to travel? He said sure. Just to keep doing what I'm doing, my pregnancy was fine. When Nick called that morning I asked him when his next day off was? He said tomorrow why? I told him I was flying into San Francisco tonight. He said he was happy, but why? I told him I had something to show him and wanted to show him person. He said he didn't care what the reason was as long as I came. I told Jane I was going to see Nick. She knew I had a doctor's appointment that day and wanted to know how things went. I told her the doctor said my pregnancy was progressing normally. Which was true. I just didn't tell her I was carrying twins. She dropped me off at the airport and she said you're getting big. How far along are you again? I said I'm 8 ½ weeks. She wondered if it was safe for me to travel. I told her the doctor said it was. I would arrive around 11:30pm so Nick's concert would be over with and he should be at the airport to meet me. The flight took forever. I had to throw up twice. The smell of jet fuel really turned my stomach. We finally landed. I made my way up the jet way and met Nick. He had a dozen roses for me. He ran to me and lifted me up and kissed me. He said, you really are gaining weight. I laughed at him. We kissed and held each other and we went down to an awaiting car. We drove to his hotel and I didn't know how to tell him so I went in the bathroom and changed into a robe. I came out and Nick had lit a few candles. He pulled me to him and kissed me passionately. He said he missed me so much. I told him I had something to show him and it would be best that he sat down. I was serious and he said that the sound of my voice made him want to stand.
Chapter 38
I said OK. I dropped my robe and he saw my protruding stomach. He looked in my eyes. I was crying. He dropped to his knees and kissed my stomach. He said, When? He was speechless. I was so emotional. I told him I was 8 ½ weeks pregnant. He was crying too. I told him that's not all. He said what? I held up two fingers. Twins? He said. I shook my head. Why didn't you tell me? I told him I only found out I was pregnant after the incident at school and I found out we were having twins today and knew I couldn't keep it from you another minute. He stood up and kissed me so passionately. I melted in his arms. I told him I hoped he was serious when he said he'd want me in any size because I was going to get big. He laughed. He was so happy. He said why didn't you tell me? I told him that I didn't want to interfere with his tour. He said this is my life. You the baby, the babies, you are more important than any tour. I just hugged him. He just kept saying that he was going to be a daddy. I'm going to be a daddy! We made love, although Nick was nervous. I told him I had asked the doctor and he assured me, it would not hurt the babies. We fell asleep in each other's arms for the first time in three weeks. We headed to Seattle the next day. He had the day off but it was a travel day. The rest of his band was very happy for us. Nick called his mom and dad. Got them both on the line at the same time. Nick said, now I know mom already knows part of the news but she doesn't know all of it. Nick announced that we were pregnant. His mom and dad congratulated him. Nick said, now mom what you don't know is it's with twins. I heard Jane scream. Nick passed me the phone. She was yelling why hadn't I told her? I said, I had to tell Nick first. You were the first to know I was pregnant. I wanted Nick to tell you both about the twins. She was so happy for me. She said it was the Carter's dominant side. She had twins too, Aaron and Angel. I told her I realized that. She asked how my morning sickness was, I told her ever since I'd been in Nick's presence I didn't have it anymore. Nick was rubbing my stomach. He was so happy. We hung up and called my parents. They were just as thrilled. When are you due my mom asked? I told her December 23rd. Nick smiled, maybe they'll be late he said. I smiled at him. I hung up the phone and kissed Nick. Nick and I spent the day together and it was magical. I missed him so much. We were going to be a family now for sure. Nick asked what I was going to do about school? I told him I'd finish out this semester, but after that I didn't know what I was going to do. We finished out the tour and Nick and I flew down to Los Angeles to visit my parents. My mom was surprised at how big I was. I'm almost 10 weeks I said. I told her I was expecting twins so I was going to be big. She smiled. She said you've always been thin. Nick just wrapped his arms around me and said, he loved me know matter what size. We stayed a few days and I visited with my brother and sister. They were happy for me. Nick and I finally flew home together. Nick called Megan and Laura and invited them down for the weekend. He said he was planning a surprise party for me, but it was actually for all of our friends. He hadn't told anybody. Since I was taking classes over the computer I hadn't seen anyone in ages. I was living like a hermit. Nick sent tickets to Laura and Megan and called AJ and said he wanted to rent out his place for a private party. AJ said no problem. Nick spent the rest of the week getting things in order. He said not to tell me because it was my surprise. He even told everyone that I wasn't feeling well so it would be better that they stay away from the house. Friday finally came. Nick picked up the girls and brought them to the old house. We had left my Expedition there so they'd be able to get to Confetti's. Nick told them, that he told me that he was having my car tuned up. He reminded them that this was a surprise party and not to call the house. He said get to Confetti's at 7pm we'd be there at 7:30pm. We only told Denise, AJ's mom, what are true intentions were. So she agreed to help us. We actually arrived at 6:15pm and Denise hid me in the VIP room. She told AJ that Nick had hid a present in there, so not to go in. AJ was cool with that. Everyone arrived on time. Nick came in at 7:30pm and everyone asked where I was. He said just a minute. He stood by the door of the VIP room and said he had something to say. He was being very serious and he was very emotional so no one knew what to expect. Nick said there are no words to express what I want to tell you, so I'll just show you. Out walked a very pregnant me. I heard screams and claps to just gasps. Our friends were rushing us. Nick said, I'm going to be a daddy! Everyone was surprised. Nick then said, Twins! Again they cheered. Megan and Laura were upset that I didn't tell them. Nick said they were lucky, I made him wait 8 ½ weeks.
Chapter 39
With the tour over Nick and I were able to spend a lot of time together. We were inseparable now that I was pregnant. Megan and Laura came back to Florida once school was out. I passed all my exams and Nick and I decided that I would not go back to school in the Fall. We decided it was more important that I concentrate on the pregnancy. We spent the summer going to a lot of doctor's appointments. I was gaining a lot of weight. The summer was miserable for me. I told Nick the next pregnancy would take place during the winter months. Nick replaced the air conditioning unit in our home and had the vents cleaned out. I spent a lot of time at my old house soaking in the pool. The buoyancy of the water helped keep the babies off my vital organs. It was almost time for the girls to go back to Georgia. The summer just flew by. Nick and I didn't want to know the sex of the babies so we decorated the nursery in Alphabet letters and Numbers. The nursery had a lot of stuffed animals in it already. We had two cribs two changing tables. Two of everything. The doctor's were impressed with the progression of the pregnancy. They moved my due date to the 28th instead of the 23rd. Nick said that's OK, I just looked at him. You're not carrying all this weight around. He just rubbed my feet. He spoke to the baby's everyday. I swear they got very active whenever he got close to me. They sensed him somehow. He'd rub my tummy and they would move to his hand. He'd speak to my tummy and I'd swear they were dancing in there. The doctor continued to say how healthy they were. Before we knew it Thanksgiving was upon us. We went to Nick's parents. I was now closing in on 70lbs of pregnancy weight. I was getting teased a lot. I still had a month to go. It was hard to breathe and walk. I was even having trouble sleeping. I was also getting so emotional. Nick just held me close and promised things would be OK. We had started child birthing classes. Nick was getting a big kick out of that. He'd have to help me down to the floor and then it took two people to get me up again. He took lots of pictures and video. He wrote a song for the unborn children. He wanted to play it during delivery. I was uncomfortable all the time. Finally on December 10th I was ordered on complete bed rest. I had started to go into labor, but the doctor wanted to stop the labor and see if we couldn't make it closer to the due date. I held on as long as I could. I just started feeling awful all the time. I was nervous so on December 23rd we entered Orlando General Hospital. The doctor said the babies had dropped and were where they were supposed to be. He wanted my water to break naturally so we waited. Nick stayed with me. Our relatives and friends would come and go. The doctor said he wouldn't let me go past my due date of the 28th. My water broke at 11:15pm on December 24th. Nick was so nervous. They moved us down to the birthing room. They gave me something for the pain. At 3:40am on Christmas morning and our 1st wedding anniversary I gave birth to two boys. Nick and I were crying. Nick clipped the umbilical cords. The boys weighed in at a healthy 7lbs 12 oz and 7lbs 8 oz. The doctor said I did a fine job and I had two beautiful healthy boys. Even though it was 5 am we still called everyone and told them that we had two boys. They were emotional. We named them Nickolas and Nathan Carter. The boys had the bluest eyes and blond peach fuzz all over their little heads. Nick was so happy. I was exhausted after 4 ½ hours of labor. The nurses said I was very lucky. The first child usually has the longest labor. Nick smiled. I knew what he was thinking. It would be a little while before I'd be pregnant again, I told him. They took the boys away to do tests on them. Nick asked if I was OK? I told him I was sore but I was fine otherwise. We stayed in the hospital for the next three days. Jane brought us Christmas dinner and Pie. She was very happy for us. Nick never left my side. He slept in the bed with us. They boys still reacted every time Nick spoke or touched them. They knew their dad. We were finally released from the hospital. Nick had set up a bassinet in the living room and one in the bedroom. We watched them sleep and turned the ringers down on the phones. Nick's mom said we were spoiling them all ready. She pointed out to us that the boys are going to have to get used to our world, not the other way around. So we turned the ringers back up and I vacuumed and ran the dishwasher and everything. I still had a lot of weight to lose. I exercised every waking minute. Nick told me not to worry about it. I told him I didn't feel comfortable with this much weight and extra skin tucked into my pants. We finally sort of got used to the boy's routine. They wanted to be feed every three hours. That's every Three hours. They were growing and thriving. When the boys were a month and a half, Jane and Bob came over and told Nick to take me out. We'd never even celebrated our first wedding anniversary. We both said, Oh yes we did. We had two boys. What better way to celebrate our love on our first anniversary. Jane said, this may be your house but I'm still kicking you out. Nick said, let's go. I nursed the boys and expressed a little extra and left it in the refrigerator. Bob was there to help, they'd done it before. We went out to dinner and dancing at Confetti's.
Chapter 40
I immediately ran upstairs to check on the boys. Nick thanked his parents and they left. He found me in the boys rooms. I was nursing Nathan when he walked in. He sat at my feet and laid his head on my lap. I just rubbed his head. Nickolas started stirring in the crib and Nick got up to calm him. He held him while I finished up with Nathan. We exchanged babies and I nursed Nickolas and Nick burped Nathan. Over the next several months the boys thrived and I finally lost all the weight. Megan and Laura were due to graduate on Thursday night. Nick and I would fly to Atlanta for their graduation. Even though the boys are 6 months old it was terrible leaving them with Nick's parents. I trusted them completely but I loved my boys so much and couldn't bare to be away from them for any length of time. We'd be gone overnight and it was killing me. We flew in to Atlanta and attended their graduation and the grad party afterwards. I was expressing like mad. My chest was hurting and Nick knew I was miserable. I apologized to my friends and they stated they completely understood. It was the worst night of my life. I couldn't sleep and couldn't wait for the sun to rise. I'd already called Jane 6 times. She said the boys were fine and she had lots of help with her girls. I just miss them so much. She said and they miss you. We finally arrived in Orlando and drove directly to Nick's parents house. I didn't even wait for Nick to get out of the car. I ran inside and the boys were napping upstairs. Jane said they are all right. Don't worry, I ran upstairs to Nick's old bedroom which was now the nursery. They were sleeping and they were all right. I sat in the rocker and Nick came upstairs and leaned over the crib. They seemed to always sense when Nick was around. Nathan woke up and smiled at Nick. A few minutes later Nickolas was also awake. Jane was standing in the doorway smiling at us. I thanked he so much for taking care of them. She said it was her pleasure. I nursed the boys and we packed up their stuff and went home. It was nice to be home again. The months flew by and we were nearing the boys first birthday. Nick asked if I was ready to get pregnant again? I just laughed. I stopped the pill and we got pregnant in January. I was due in October. I planned on going back to finish my junior year. I had to make up one semester. I started in March and by June I was uncomfortable at 5 months pregnant. I passed my classes and was sitting at the table going over the fall schedule when I got a sharp pain in my back that traveled all the way around to my stomach. I called for Nick. He saw the look on my face and called 911. Jane came and got the boys and Nick and I traveled by ambulance to the hospital. I was hemoraghing. We lost the baby. We were devastated.
Chapter 41
I was released from the hospital a few days later. Once I was around my boys again I felt much better. Nick and I tried again and got pregnant right away. On June 22nd we gave birth to a little girl. She was beautiful and Nick was glad things worked out better for us. When the boys were 2 years old I graduated from FSU with a Masters in Elemetary Education. Over the years we added 2 more children. We were happy and the kids were thriving. I never did become a teacher but our children benefited from my education. Our children are very outgoing and talented. I'm sure all parents feel that way. Nick is as much a child as the baby. He's constantly rolling on the floor with the kids and playing ball or having a tea party with Nicole. I love my family and am so happy. Last night while going up to bed Nick asked if I wanted anymore children. I just laughed. The baby was 15 months now. I told him I'd stop taking the pill tomorrow. He carried me the rest of the way and stripped me of my clothing. He said have I told you lately that I love you? I said you tell me all the time. With that he straddled my body and made love to me. As every night for the last 6 years I fell asleep in his arms.