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Hi! My name is Kim and I just wanted to share with you one of the best trips I've ever taken. A lot of you read my stories and I just want to take a minute to thank you for that. This is a story of sorts, only it's true! Yeah! Okay, well I've been talking with a few girls online for quite sometime now. How we met I'm still not sure. I'm getting old, can't remember much anymore. Anyway... I started talking to Gina, NicksBSBAngel, great online buddy. Well she invited me to the BSB Concert in New Orleans. She just so happened to have an extra ticket. Cool I said but, how was I going to get there? All flights into New Orleans were sold out! Mardi Gras, another reason I just had to go. Never been and well, BSB in New Orleans, Mardi Gras, I just had to go. So I emailed my Uncle and "asked" him for some of his frequent flier miles. He said YES! So Gina invited me to stay with her in Memphis, and then I would drive down to New Orleans with her and her friend Judy, whom she also met online. It's all good! But it gets better, keep reading. Anyway, so I make my plans to fly to Memphis. I left Los Angeles airport at 7am on February 24th, I had a two hour lay over in Chicago O'Hare airport. I called Gina, ate at Mc Donald's and talked to a few male flight attendants. They were way cool. So anyway, I was really sick with a cold and my husband gave me his cough medicine. I'm just totally taking it cuz I don't feel good and I realize it has codine in it! LOL! I was messed up pretty good. I took my seat on the plane and fell asleep immediately. I thought I had slept the whole way because when I woke up I noticed we were crossing some run ways, well it turned out that we hadn't even left Chicago yet. I tried not to laugh too hard but I just knew I was in trouble. Anyway the flight was uneventful and I landed in Memphis pretty much on time. Gina and I had swapped pics on the internet so we knew what each other looked like. I walked off the airplane to Gina and her son, who reminds me of Eddie from the Courtship of Eddie's father, for those of you old enough to remember that show. Anyway I hug her and she tells me I feel warm. (She's currently studying to be a nurse) I tell her I'm all right and we go to get my bags. By now it's sinking in that I'm 6 hours away from the BSB'S and meeting another online buddy from Alabama! So I'm hyped but Gina is a little reserved. She eventually opened up and things went all right. We stopped of for KFC, yummy cuz I was hungry. We get back to her house and I meet her other son TJ. Cute, very cute. Anyway, she sends her boys away for the night because we are going to be leaving very early in the a.m. She shows me some of her BSB stuff and I watched this cool video of the Toronto press conference. It was so cute, Howie falls before taking his seat and Brian says he wants a little girl. Okay I'm not so little but I volunteer for that job! Where was I? Oh yeah, so we watched the video and then messed around on the computer. We were teasing Cindy telling her I wasn't coming because my husband wanted me to stay home. Cindy said something like, "good for her, her marriage is important." Then Gina says "yeah, her husband Nick begged here to stay." Then Cindy knew we were pulling her leg and she called us "Bitches!". And she's fromt he south. Well after that we went to bed. Again I was sick so I slept on her couch and Gina woke me up to the song All I have to Give that she played off her MCD. It was that or I want it that way, can't remember which. She was laughing at me 'cause I was still lying in the same position that I fell asleep in the night before. Drugs are good! No they're not, just kidding. Anyway....I get repacked for the trip down to New Orleans. I grabbed a pillow and some music and stuff. I was ready. We stopped off at Walgreens 'cuz I needed more drugs for my cold, and some water. Gina bought more film and developed some film from the night before. I hope I'm not boring yall. <----Yall, a new word I learned. So anyway we go to McDonald's for breakfast. All I can say is that yall have more on your menu than we do in California. I ordered the Biscuits and Gravy and I think and sausage biscuit. Forgot sorry. Anyway we go back and pick up Gina's pictures she's happy. We then drive to Judy's house and pick her up. Judy's son looks "exactly" like Justin Timberlake. Now we are off to New Orleans! We have six hours to go! We listened to music and laughed and sang. Then I fell asleep. I guess I slept about 4 out of the 6 hours. Sorry Gina and Judy, I was very sick. We get to New Orleans and guys are passing us on the freeway showing us their beads. LOL, we had a huge laugh over that one. We pass the Superdome and really get excited! We make our way to our Hotel. Its so adorable and conviently located directly across the street from where the Backstreet Boys are staying. We check in and get cleaned up and wait for the other 9 girls to contact us. We are again starving so we decide to go look for food. Nothing was open. Cindy had called and said she would be at our hotel by 6, she was late! But of course we didn't know that. It was 5:30 and we called room service. They were swamped and said it would be atleast 45 minutes before they could serve us so we ask them who delivered. We called an Italian restaurant and ordered Manicotti and salads. We waited for the food and Cindy and her group. Someone knocked on the door and we made little bets whether it was the food or the girls. It was the food. Anyway we were sitting there eating and there is another knock on the door. So I get up and look throught the peephole and say "Damn, how many are there?" Cindy says just open the door Kim. I'm like how does she know it's me? We have talked on the phone a few times but she's good. Anyway they all make there way inside but I don't know which one is Cindy. Her hair color changes a lot and she sent me one of her skinny pictures so I had no clue. Okay, eventually I'd figure it out. Now I was too excited to eat and wasted a perfectly fine dinner. We all gathered our things up a few minutes later and headed over to the parade route. Finally I realize who Cindy is and give her a great big hug! Cindy Rocks, her hair is now red. LOL! I love it. We sat outside and watched the people. That was a lot of fun. I knew it was gonna be crazy when this mime clown walked by. I yelled, "Run Aj, Run!" Well he didn't think it was funny, (he was joking) So he makes me stand if front of him while he made me a balloon character. It was a pink heart with a little dog on it. I said it was Nick's heart and one of his pugs. Sigh... Anyway, then some other drunk people caught his attention and I was set free. The vendor's were all over the place. I bought my 5 year old daughter an inflatable Scooby Doo, her favorite. She has since brought it to her preschool for share day. Part of Cindy's group made their way into the BSB'S hotel but were quickly escorted out. LOL, there were just too many of them. So a little while passes and Gina say to me and Judy, "let's go inside their hotel." So we do. We make it up to the second floor which is not a hotel room floor but I made my way to the window and waved to the girls on the street down below. I embarrassed Gina. Oh sorry! I wanted to go up in the elevator but they wanted to go back downstairs. So we went down to the bar where Gina bought us drinks. Thanks Gina! We decide to go down stairs and hang out outside since some of the girls "swore" they saw Kevin. I didn't care, I was looking for my Nicky. Come out come out where ever you are? Never saw him. Anyway, so after sitting on the bench far to long the parade was about to start and we left to go back across the street. Damn I can not tell you how many beads I caught. Cindy wasn't getting many beads so since she was single I enlisted the help of one of the police officers to help me catch beads for her. Oh yeah, while we were warming the bench over at the hotel, Cindy and crew purchased these fly hats. Man, AJ would be proud. She looked good, with her permission I'll add a pic. Nah, I don't need her permission here's the pic.
She's gonna hate me for that, but she'll get over it. LOL, I love you Cindy!!!! Anyway, so we watch the parade and catch beads until it was over and we head back to our hotel room. We drop our loot and get warmed up and then decide to head for Bourbon Street in search of the boys! Woo Hoo!!! We start out walking in general direction of Bourbon but we get sucked back to the parade route 'cuz they started up again. We stood catching beads when we looked up at the windows and I swear we saw Kevin and Howie. Maybe it was them and maybe it wasn't but it sure looked like them. We kept waving but they wouldn't wave back. Gina and Judy decide they don't want to wait anymore so I'm given a key to the hotel room and they leave for Bourbon street. I stayed behind with the others. I'll just say ( ). ANYWAY... We gather up the girls and head down to Bourbon street. All I can say was the stench from the pot alone made me sick to my stomach. There were woman baring their breasts and guys making all kinds of offers. Poor Claire was stopped literally every 6 inches. LOL. We stopped and I bought a Hurricane. YUM! We headed down until we just couldn't stand it anymore and headed back to the hotel. But first, we had one detour. That was to McDonald's. We all ordered food and carried it back to the hotel. Once Gina finished her food she was sawing logs. I tried to wake her but, she was out in BSB land. So it was late but I decided to have fun with my BSB trivia cards. All I can say is that Cindy knows her stuff. Ronda and Ashley were good but they need to study. The rest of them were like who cares it's late. Claire did know the most about Howie though. Howie Fan, Raging Howie Fan!!! Okay anyway, everyone leaves with the understanding that we are to hook up the next day. Judy and Gina are now both asleep, but since I slept all day I'm not tired. I watched some Sigourney Weaver movie, you know, Nick's favorite actress? I forget what it was called, the one where she afraid to come out of her apartment? Anyway so that ends and there is nothing on, I can't sleep so I take my codine laced cough medicine and sleep until 10:00 a.m. the next morning. Gina and Judy have left the room so I decide to take a shower. They came back just before I got in. After my shower Gina wants to go by this Mardi Gras T-Shirt for Brian. I'm like, aren't the other girls gonna call? Yeah, but we'll meet up with them later. So I follow Gina down to the place where she wants to buy the T-shirt. I purchased my 3 t-shirts for 9.95. Go New Orleans! they're nice shirts too. We go walking down trying to find Gina a Camera case for her camera. We stop in this one place and we find a camera case, just you everyday camera case. It's too small. So the guy says I have one over here on the other side of the store. Gina takes it out of the bag and her camera fits perfectly. It's a nice bag. She looks at the price tag, 89.95. She was fit to be tied. She said no thank you and he's like, for 29.00. Gina's like ya I'll be back. He then says, "you pay cash?" Gina says yes I will pay cash. He says, then for you 20.00. Now we're smiling. We decide to walk out because we saw a radio shack and another camera store. We go in there but they don't have anything or the ones they have are way to damn expensive. So we walk back down to the other store and she says okay, $20.00. Then we head down Bourbon street. We found a store that specialized in signed things. Pictures, records everything. I'm looking for BSB, I can't find anything. Then Britney "boob job" Spears jumps out at me and I'm like why would they have her and not BSB. Well then, I looked down and what do my eyes see? Backstreet boys signed CD and photo in a big ass frame. $895.00. I'm like Gina come see this. She's like how much money do I have in the bank? What a weirdo! I drag her out of the shop 'cuz now I'm starving. She swears she saw a place where they make Philly Cheese steak so we go looking for that. Nope, Philly Cheese Steak Pizza. PASS!!! We walked down further and found a nice restaurant and had our sandwhiches. We bought a few souveinirs and gifts for the boys. Then it started to rain. We make our way back to the hotel where Judy was not able to sleep. The girls did call but they went to the Riverwalk so we wouldn't meet up except for the Concert. Bummer, I was sad. Sniff!!! Anyway, we all got ready for the concert. We decided to walk down since we were relatively close. Once we got there we bought our souvenirs and waited outside to be let in. While standing in the line AJ McLean ran up to the doors where we were lined up. I did not see him but we did move up a few spots in the line 'cause people went to see him. I didn't see any of the other girls anywhere. I was looking for those fly hats. Hee hee. We make it inside and they want to confiscate our cameras. No way we tell them, we called and were told we could bring them. I'm carrying a backpack and the girl makes some guy come search it. Well he couldn't even open it and so I open it and he doesn't even look inside. I could have brought anything in there! Okay so we get some munchies and something to drink and head down to the floor. I'm like okay, where is Cindy, Ronda, and Ashley? I wanted to have some fun. So I go looking for them and find them. Yeah! We took a picture. Here it is.
Ashley, Ronda, Cindy in the fly hat, Gina and yours truely down in front.
Where was I? Oh yeah... So we watched the Jungle Brothers perform. "We say Jungle, you say Brothers. Jungle..., Brothers." They were all right. Well then we hear Nick's voice come over the speakers and everyone starts freaking out. Then out comes "Willa" who the hell are they fooling? Mandy Williford, Nick's ex as I prefer to refer to her. She can dance but she's another Milli Vinilli want to be. For those of you who don't remember, Lip Synchers always get caught. She sucked and no one clapped until she mentioned the BSB'S. LOL, New Orleans is one hip town. Anyway, next comes the promo for the Comic book, I bought two! Nick the Ninja! Woo hoo! He can tie me up any day! So anyway, all this time I'm standing in row where I don't belong. LOL, finally the people come and I jet, like really fast. I head to the stage, or as close as I could get. Some other people were in my seats and I didn't care so.... I got some really close shots. I'm so excited cause my photo abilities are lacking. My mom takes gorgeous pics, but not me. The BSB gods were smiling down on me that night cause I got some nice shots.
Pretty good eh?
Well anyway, I kept getting bitched at by the floor security people one lady in particular. So I'd move back and come back, move back and come back. The show was great. As always! This was number three for me. I attended the concert in Anaheim CA on October 14th. Then one week later I attended another concert in Los Angeles on the 22nd. I wanted to go to Utah to see them in SLC, but my husband is threatened by my infatuation with the guys. Whatever! Anyway, so I make my way back over to Cindy and she's pissed cause she can't get good shots because of all the signs, which is a pity cause she has this fly lens, I'm talking nose hairs lens. So I complained for her and if by magic, all the signs disappeared. Just kidding, but anyway. It was getting to the finale and we all had stuff we wanted to throw up to the boys. I didn't get a chance to by koosh balls so I threw my Mardi Gras beads. Nick caught them and put them on! Cindy, the goddess of photography caught the event on film. All the beads Nick is wearing in this next pic, were mine. My sweat mixed with his sweat. Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh.....Anyway, check out this pic, courtesy of Closhea32..My photo guru....:::bowin::::
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Sorry about the quality of the pic, but isn't he absolutely gorgeous? My beads. Sniff...Those were my beads.