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Chapter 1
"Jeez Louise" I said, as our airplane landed in the mountains outside Denver. It was December and the landing was the scariest I've ever been through. I was here for the next two months of Winter Camp. There were 30 counselors for close to 200 kids. I had my skis and skates and was ready to have some fun. I've been doing this for 8 years. It was the best job in the world. For the last two weeks of December we'd get the kids and then all of January the counselors had the run of the place. We'd attend seminars and workshops through January. We were teachers from all over the United States and Canada. It was an honor to be chosen to come to Frosty Valley every year. This would be my 8th year. I finally got off the plane and I kid you not I bent down and kissed the ground. A handsome stranger, dressed all in black with a million-dollar smile helped me up. "Thanks," I said. "Could you believe that landing?" He said, "I'm still not over it. I felt my whole life flash before me eyes." He asked if I was from Colorado. I said, "no Florida." He said, "really? So am I? What part?" I said, "Tampa." He said Ruskin, pointing to him. I laughed. He lived in the next city over. "What brings you here?" He asked. I said, "I'm going to Frosty Valley." He laughed and said so was he. Is this your first year too?" I said, "8th year." "Well I guess I'll hang with you then" he said. I held out my hand and introduced myself. "I'm Kelly Brock, nice to meet you." He said, Nick Carter. We continued on to baggage claim and retrieved our luggage. Nick had brought his skis too. I grabbed a baggage cart and we loaded it up and pushed it out to the tram stop for the camp. So what made you submit an application for Frosty Valley?" He said, "where else could you enjoy nature and inspire kids? And also get two paychecks and a free vacation wasn't bad either." The school board paid our salaries because it was considered training to work the Valley. Then we were also paid for working at Frosty Valley. I told him it's why I came back every year. }Well, that and the kids, and the skiing and the parties." He laughed "we're going to get along just fine." We have another 20 minutes until the bus comes, I'm going in for water. Do you want anything?" He handed me some money but I refused it, "what do you want?" "Bottled water too, thanks." I ran back inside the airport and bought four waters. I returned to the tram spot and handed Nick his water. Thanks he said. "It's going to be a long ride so I needed something to drink," I said. "Did you bring any snacks?" "Should I have?" he asked. Just then the bus pulled up. I said, "it's four hours to the valley." He gave me a funny look. "Don't worry I have plenty." He had drunk half his water. I said, "I have another one of those for you too." He laughed and said, "am I ever glad to have bumped into you." We spent the four hours talking about each other. Nick worked for Valley Christian High School and I worked for Victory Christian High School. We were rivals, we thought that was funny. He was single and loved sports. I was single and loved sports. I introduced him to some of the other counselors on the bus. People were only beginning to arrive so the bus wasn't very crowded. I told him a little more about the program. We were there to have fun. We were there to help take the everyday pressures off the kids. Some of the kids come back every year, and for others it's a one-time deal. There are talent shows and we hold are own mini Olympics. We hold dances, it's really a lot of fun. I said, "then after the kids leave it becomes a peaceful retreat. I go out on all day ski expeditions. There are dinner parties and party parties. This will be the best experience of your life." Nick said, "you are a walking billboard." I said, "I've been back 8 times. What can I say?" The 4-hour trip seemed to pass in 1 hour. I said, "we're here." The bus pulled through the arches of Frosty Valley. We drove another 10 minutes and the lodge came into view. "Isn't it beautiful?" Nick said, "it certainly wasn't what he expected." Basically what it was, was one huge building that was the meeting hall. We held our dances their and our workshops. Then there were about 50 two-story cottages. They were built in a half circle behind it. The ski lift was already in operation and people on skis dotted the side of the mountain. I got off the bus andsaid, "smell that?" Nick said, "I smell pine." "Isn't it wonderful?" I told him to get his bags and follow me to check in. I told him half the cottages were for men and the other half for women. I told him to sign his name to cottage 25 and I'd take 26. That way we'd be right next door. Luckily, they were still empty. Most of the counselors requested the outer most cottages because they got snow mobiles. But when there is a big storm they have to dig them out first. It's more trouble to have them. Nick said, "I'll follow your lead." We carried our belongings out onto this sled like contraption. We pulled our gear behind us. We didn't have far to go though. Nick helped me carry my bags inside. I told him,"take the downstairs bedroom in his cottage. Even though the view is better on the top floors, the kids are sneaky. If you're not downstairs you'll regret it." We went next door and got Nick settled. He said, "are you up for some skiing?" I said, "let's go."
Chapter 2
The first week was spent learning this year's curriculum. Which is just basically motivating the kids and keeping them interested. This year's theme was "Everybody wants to have Fun." I couldn't wait for the kids to come. My new friend Nick was mixing in pretty well. The female counselors hung on him every chance they got. Always offering their help to him. The male counselors saw him as a chick magnet and invited him to do things with them too. I thought he was a handsome man but there was another more important reason for us all being here and that was for the children. I found myself getting jealous over Nick. I had no claim on him. I had only shared some snacks, water, and a ride to the compound with him. I was deep in thought one-day reading over the first day's curriculum when I heard footsteps on my porch. I looked up and saw Nick walking over to me. He asked, "where I've been? I've been looking for you the last few days." "I've been out on the mountain. I love to get an early start and spend the day looking at God's wonderful creation," I said. "I'd love to go with you sometime, he said." "Well the next time you aren't busy we'd go." He looked at me with a confused expression. "What do you think of the curriculum?" He said, he thought it was a really good one. "The focus is on the kids having fun, but learning at the same time. I am really looking forward to it." He noticed I had some poster boards with writing on them. "What are those?" He asked. I put my training packet down and lifted them up. Nick came and sat down next to me. I picked up the first one and it was a chore list. Nick said, "I don't remember seeing anything about that in my packet." I told him it was my own idea. "After the first two years of me doing all the cooking and hassling the girls to clean up after them, I came up with this. It's worked out pretty well." "Would you mind if I did the same thing?" "Not at all, what I like to do is leave the names blank. Once they get settled I usually have us meet at the fireplace and we do introductions. I then go over safety, and the rules of the camp. Then I go over my rules. That's when these puppies come out." He laughed, "you are so organized." "I try to be, if I'm not then somebody suffers. It's usually me." "Well, we are going to have to compare notes," he said. "Anytime you're not busy." Nick said, "you keep saying that, what do you mean by that?" I apologized, "I see you with all the other counselors and I just didn't think you had the time." He said, "they're just being friendly." "Oh, is that it," I said. I picked up my materials and went inside. Nick followed me. "Wow, your cabin looks great." "Thanks," I said. I'd brought crocheted blankets and pictures from the previous years and used those as decorations. I also had a fire going, which was always nice and inviting. The kids start arriving at the end of the weekend. There is not much time left to prepare. Nick said, "he'd meet me tomorrow morning and we'd go up on the mountain together." "Great, I leave here at 7am. Be here or I leave without you." He smiled and said, "I'll be here." He left and I went through my cupboards and checked out my supplies. I checked off what I had and circled what I was missing. I put my coat back on and walked down to the storage center and picked up what was missing. I ran into some of the other counselors and heard Nick's name mentioned. Sally noticed me standing away from them and called me. "Kelly, come here a minute." I walked over and she said, "you rode in with Nick Carter, what's he like?" I shrugged my shoulders, "he's your average guy." I fed the fire and told them what I knew about him. I didn't tell them I lived 7 miles from him. I conveniently left that part out. They were all gossiping about what Nick said, and what Nick did, it was pathetic. Here we were teachers, we were supposed to be mature adults and we were acting like our students. I finally was able to break away from their conversation and I took my supplies back to my cabin. I watched as Nick and Colleen went walking in another direction. Nick waved to me. I waved back and said under my breath, what a player. The next morning I dressed and ate breakfast. Nick was going to spend the day with me. Why did I feel like a teenager going out on her first date? Anyway, I dressed in my green ski outfit and grabbed my goggles and poles. I checked out my skis and went outside. It was 7am. There was no sign of Nick. I waited another 10 minutes and then walked next door. I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I was very disappointed and so I went back and got my skis and headed up the mountain. I felt like I was going to cry. I don't know why I felt that way. He was just a friend, not even a friend really, he was a fellow counselor. I spent the day on the mountain taking in all of God's glory. Around 5:30pm my stomach started to betray me. My snacks were no longer enough. I skied down the mountain and headed for my cottage. As I was approaching my cottage I couldn't help wonder what had happened to Nick. I figured he was with Colleen. I entered my cottage and stripped of my clothes and took a long hot shower. I wrapped in a robe and was heading to the kitchen to fix some dinner, when there was a knock on the door. I adjusted my robe so that I was covered and opened the door. A blast of cold air blew through and I caught a chill. It was Nick, I am so sorry about missing this morning. I had overslept." I told him, "it's okay, I'm just sitting down to dinner so I'd talk to you later." He said, OK. I closed the door and ate my stew. My thoughts were consumed with him. Why?
Chapter 3
I ate my stew and worked on the curriculum again. I prepared the first weeks lessons ahead of schedule so that I'd really know my material. I finally turned the light off at 1:30am. My alarm went off at 6:15am. I was exhausted. I really needed this to be an early day. I dressed and went downstairs. I ate my oatmeal and inspected my equipment. I was running a little late this morning. It was 7:10 and no Nick again. Well, I'm not going to go get him. I grabbed my skis and headed for the lift. I was enjoying the view. I was too tired to be up here. I told myself I wouldn't stay up here long. Once I got to the top I felt alive again. I bumped into another fellow counselor, Jack. He said he noticed I was up here everyday. I told him I loved it up here. Jack was from Kentucky. This was his second year. We spent a few hours skiing and exploring the mountaintop. I was feeling quite weak again and said it was time for me to head down the mountain. Jack followed me to the bottom. He asked which cottage I was in? I said, "26. Which cottage are you in?" He said, "number 2." I smiled. "Why are you smiling," he asked. "Nothing," I said. He walked me back to my cabin and I thanked him for his company. He asked if I was going up tomorrow? I said, "is the sky blue? I leave here at 7am. I don't wait around either." He laughed he said, "I'll be here." I said good bye and went inside. I dropped my skis and took off my ski pants and jacket. I went to my bedroom and fell asleep. It was after 7 when I woke up. I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. I was starving. I went to the kitchen and warmed up some stew. It was delicious. Since it was Friday Night, all the counselors usually met up at the recreation hall for dancing and drinking. All alcohol had to be locked up once the children started to arrive. They'd be coming in on Monday. I dressed and walked out the front door. Nick was already heading over to the recreation hall. He saw me leave my cottage and ran over to me. "I'm so sorry for standing you up." I didn't say anything. I started to walk down the steps and he asked, "Can you forgive me?" I told him there was nothing to forgive. I started walking towards the rec hall and he asked,"Are you going up tomorrow?" I said, "I am but I already have company." He said, Oh. I opened the door and the music was loud. It almost felt like a bar atmosphere. I looked around and walked to the bar. I ordered a beer and Nick did the same. I turned to him and told him I'd see him later. He looked stunned. I walked over to my friends and they scooted over for me. "What's up?" I asked. They had noticed I walked in with Nick. Sally said, "you tell us." I shook my head and said, "huh?" "We saw you walk in with Nick, what's that all about?" "He's in the cottage next door. We just happened to leave at the same time." Nick came to the table and asked me to dance. I said, "not right now maybe later." He walked back to the table where he was sitting with friends. I looked into two stunned faces at my table. I said, "what?" They shook their heads and we started talking about the upcoming week. Jack walked in the door and he looked so handsome. He walked over to my table. "Hi ladies," he said. We all said, hello. Jack asked me to dance. I said, "sure." I took the last off my beer into my mouth and told Shannon to order me another when the waitress came back. She said she would. I glanced across the room to where Nick was sitting. David pointed over in our direction and Nick watched as I danced with Jack. Jack said, "I had a really nice time and am looking forward to tomorrow." I said I was too. The song ended and I thanked Jack for the dance. I headed back to the table and Shannon said, "he's cute, who is he?" "His name is Jack and he's from Kentucky and he's staying in Cottage # 2." They all laughed. I said, "what's so funny?" "You seem to know all the men and where they are staying." I drank another beer and ordered another. We were all getting quite drunk. We were all dancing and getting to know our male counselors quite well. I headed to the restroom and met Nick on the way out. "Are youhaving fun?," he asked. "I am, excuse me," I said to him. I walked past him and headed back to the table. I sat down and Nick came to ask me to dance again. I told him not right now. Tina jumped up and said I will. Nick escorted Tina to the dance floor. I watched as they danced together. He was a great dancer too. Jack interrupted, "hey what's with the long face?"I looked at him and said, "everyone is dancing but me." He said, "well, I can fix that." He grabbed my hand and we headed for the dance floor. I felt Nick watching me. When the dance was over Jack came back and sat down with me. Tina and Nick sat down at the table too. After everyone was introduced Jack leaned over to me and he said I have to cancel tomorrow morning. I said, "that's OK." Jack had been picked along with some of the other counselors to lead a workshop. He had to go for training. I looked right into Nick's eyes and said, "it's OK, I was used to going alone." The party had started winding down and I said good night to everyone. Nick said he was tired too. I didn't wait for him. I walked out of the Rec hall and back to my cottage. Nick caught up to me as I was climbing my steps. "Why wouldn't you dance with me?" I said, "I just didn't feel like it." He said, "Oh I get it , your mad at me." I asked,"why should I be mad?" I opened the door to my cottage and went inside and closed the door. I leaned back against the door and took a deep breath. He was so very handsome. He had a spell on me. He was in my every thought. I wasn't going to be one of his trophies.
Chapter 4
The next morning Nick was on my front step as I walked out of the cottage. I was shocked, "what are you doing here?" He said, "I'm going up and thought I'd join you." I checked my equipment and walked down the steps. Nick blocked my path. He said, "Kelly I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stand you up." I said, "I'm not mad." I said let's go. We walked over to the ski lift and headed up the mountain. I skied all along the top of the mountain and down again. Nick was right beside me all the way. I said, "how did a Florida boy know how to ski like that?" He laughed, he said, "I guess the same way a Florida girl knew." We headed up the mountain again. I was really enjoying myself until we ran into Colleen. Nick went off to talk to her. After 15 minutes he was still there. So I picked up my things I skied down the mountain. I went back to my cottage and soaked in the hot tub. I got out and wrapped in my silk robe and headed to my room to get dressed. Someone was banging on my front door. I opened the door and Nick walked in. There was a huge blast of cold air and I noticed it was snowing again. I closed the door and asked what was wrong with him. He said, "why did you leave me up there?" I said, "excuse me? I was the one who was left on the mountain while you tried to pick up on Colleen." "What? I wasn't trying to pick up on Colleen." I was extremely cold now after that blast of cold air. I could see goose bumps all over my body. Nick started to explain I stopped him. "You don't owe me any explanations,"I said. "You are a grown man and can do what you want." Nick sat down on the couch. I told him I really needed to get dressed and would appreciate it if he left. He asked, "why don't you like me?" I said, "you know I just don't need to be played. I wasn't here looking for love, I was here for the children." He got up and walked to me. He towered over my 5'6" frame. He said, "sometimes you don't go looking for love, sometimes it comes looking for you." He walked out the front door. I sat there trying to find meaning in his words. I went and got dressed and again went over the curriculum. I walked down to the office and picked up my roster and headed back to the Rec. Hall. I met up with the girls again. I had just finished my second beer when Tina said there's Nick. I looked over at him and he didn't even look in my direction. He ordered a beer and sat down with some other counselors. Tina wondered why he wasn't coming over to ask her to dance. I said I didn't know. I asked if they got their rosters yet? They had, we compared our lists. I had 8 girls and they were split evenly between first timers and repeat campers. They asked if I had everything color-coded yet? I didn't even acknowledge the question. One of the leaders stood up and called a few of us on stage. Nick and I included. He asked us to speak a little about our experience so far. Nick was handed the microphone first. He introduced himself and said, "I've only been here only a week but was already learning a lot. I have the support of fellow counselors who were already teaching me the ropes. I've already learned that keeping your word is very important." He handed the microphone to me and as he did his hand brushed mine. I looked at him. "Most of you already know me. I'm Kelly Brock and my father runs this place. I'm a firm believer of organization and everyone having a good time. This is my eighth year back and I am just as proud and excited to be here this year as any other year." I passed the microphone to the next counselor. Our leaders asked us to all join hands. I felt my heart skip a beat as Nick grabbed my hand. One of them led us in prayer. Nick's thumb kept rubbing the back of my hand. We were dismissed and I let go of Nick's hand and went back to the table. I was hot and downed the rest of my beer. I ordered another one. Jack came by and asked me to dance. I said, "not right now maybe later." Shannon said, "that should be written on your forehead. Not now maybe later," I said, "why?" She said, "I say that to everyone." I said, "the next person to ask me to dance, I'll go. Will that make you happy?" She asked if it would make me happy? I finished my beer and was ready to order another, when Nick came to the table. He asked if I would dance with him? I looked at my friends and said, "I'd be happy too." Tina's smile quickly melted. He led me to the dance floor and pulled me close. He said thank you. We danced two songs and he finally asked if I would come over for dinner tomorrow? I said, "I have to finish getting ready for the kids." Nick said, "I need you to come over and make sure my cottage looks OK. I'm just nervous, it's my first time." I told him I would, "what time?" He said, "how about 4?" I said 4 is fine. The song ended and I went back to my table. Nick let my hands slip out of his, never taking his eyes off mine for a minute. I sat back down and ordered another beer. Shannon said,"Kel that's your 5th beer." I said, "I'm thirsty. Is it me? Or is it just plain hot in here tonight?"
Chapter 5
I decided not to go up on the mountain today. I would stay home and prepare the cottage for the girls. I placed clean sheets and blankets on the beds. I went through and dusted the furniture. Nick came buy at 7 and asked what I was doing home. I said, "I'm cleaning." He asked if he could come in. I moved back from the door and he walked in. He took off his jacket and ski pants and told me the place looked wonderful. I told him I was upstairs. I asked, "do you mind if I clean and talk at the same time?" He said no, "just as long as you talk to me." I met his eyes. He was so sweet and sensitive. He followed me upstairs. I walked into the first room and cleaned the mirror on the dresser. He asked if I wanted help making the beds. I said, I" don't make the beds, the girls make their own beds. It was my first lesson to them." Nick looked at me, "I don't get it." I said, "I tell them that every decision they would ever make in their life would affect them directly. So their first lesson would be to make their beds. If they did it right, they'd get a restful nights sleep. If they did it wrong and the blankets weren't tucked in properly they could come loose in the night and be twisted into a knot. Then they wouldn't get a very restful night's sleep." Nick said, "you are so smart." "I like to make my kids think while they are here. Some of them just move through their lives and never notice the things around them. Or there effect on them." I finished that room and moved on to the next. Once I finished I went down into my room. Nick said, "wow! This is beautiful." I'd brought many pictures from home and about 100 candles. He asked who the people were in the photographs. When I pointed out my father he turned to me and said, 'why didn't you tell me your father ran this place?" "Why was it important?" He said, no but he thought it interesting." He sat on my bed and I cleaned out my hot tub. He said, "whoever decided to install hot tubs in the master bedrooms was a genius." I said, "why thank you very much." He laughed, "it was your idea?" "After skiing all day my muscles would get sore and I asked my father for a hot tub. If he put one in my cabin then he'd have to put one in every cabin. So he did. That was about 3 or 4 years ago." I washed my hands and stored the cleaning materials underneath my bathroom sink. I lay down across the bottom of my bed. I had sweat dripping off my forehead. Nick lay down next to me just staring at me. "What?" I said. He said, "I never noticed your freckles." "They've been here all the time." I had a small patch of really light brown freckles on my face. "I thought only red heads got freckles." I laughed at that. I let my brown hair down off the top of my head. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. I said, "this is all the cleaning I'll be doing for the next two weeks." He lifted me off the bed and told me to take a bath. He said, I'd feel better. "I have a dinner to start anyway." I looked at my watch it was 2:30. I said I'd see him at 4. I walked him out and stripped out of my clothes. I ran the tub. I sat there trying to pick the wax off the sides with my nails. I submerged myself under the water. It felt so good. I pulled the plug and ran the shower. I washed my hair with Pantene shampoo and conditioner. I used my Oil of Olay bodywash and stepped out of the tub. I wrapped in an oversized bath towel. I dressed in a ribbed knit black dress. I applied my make up and started to blow dry my hair. I looked at the clock and it was already 3:45. I applied some perfume and wore my hair down. It's so thick and wasn't drying completely. I grabbed my manual and my poster boards and went next door to Nick's. I knocked on the door. Nick answered. He was wearing black slacks and a black turtle neck sweater. He was bare footed. He said, "I'm sorry I'm running late." I walked in and said no problem. He disappeared into his room and brought out his shoes and socks. I sat on the couch watching him. He had huge feet with long slender toes. I told him that something smelled good. He took the bottle of wine from me and walked into the kitchen. He said, "it will probably be another 30 to 40 minutes before it was finished." He came back with two glasses of wine. I said, "that's all right it will give us time to talk." He sat down next to me and I pulled out my manuals. He said he wanted to know what I did the first day. I told him after they have all checked in and made there way to the cottage, they choose a room and get settled. Then I sit them down at the fireplace and give me little speech and assign chores. Then I usually make dinner the first night, from then on out it's the girl's responsibility to make sure breakfast, lunch and dinner are made. Then we go to the Rec. Hall where everyone gets together for the first party. It's a social thing, they meet up with people from previous years and meet new people. Nick said, "it sounds like fun. I'm nervous." I told him the kids are harmless. "That's not what he I'm nervous about." I looked at him with a confused look on my face. He said, "I'll be right back." He went into the kitchen and when he came back he refilled my wine and told me it would be another 10 minutes or so. He sat down and I listened to his plans for the week. I told him there would be a talent contest on Friday so he should ask his kids what they wanted to do. "Talent contest?" Nick said, "I didn't see anything about a talent contest." I turned into my manual and showed him. Every Friday night was talent night. Nick laughed, "what will we do?" Just then Nick's kitchen timer went off.
Chapter 6
Nick led me into the kitchen where he had set a beautiful table. I asked, "Can I help?" He pulled out my chair for me and asked me to sit. He took a large pan out of the oven and lifted the lid off. The steam filled the air with a beautiful smell or Roast Beef. Nick removed the roast from the pan and placed it on a serving dish. He said, "we have to wait about 10 minutes for the juices to settle." He opened up his refrigerator and pulled out two salads. He asked,"what type of dressing do you like?" "Ranch is fine," I said. We sat and ate the salads and made small conversation. After we finished the salad Nick removed the plates and attended to the roast. "You seem to know your way around a kitchen." He said, "I'm single, I can't be eating out every night." He tapped the top of the roast and pressed on it a little. He said it was ready. He sliced about half of the roast and surrounded it with roasted potatoes and vegetables. He placed it in the middle of the table. He went back to the roast pan and strained some of the juice for us to smother our food in. He grabbed my plate and placed a large piece of roast beef on it. He scooped some potatoes and vegetables on my plate and set it down in front of me. He asked if I needed salt and pepper? "Pepper is good," I said. He grabbed the pepper mill and told me to tell him when to stop. He cranked it a couple of times and I said thank you. Nick filled his plate and sat down across from me. "I love roast beef it's my all time favorite food in the whole world." I took a bite of it and it melted in my mouth. I closed my eyes and chewed it savoring every burst of flavor. I opened my eyes to find Nick looking at me. He said is it all right? I said, "it's wonderful." I bit into a potato and again I just knew Heaven. I was in Heaven. I devoured every morsel on my plate. Nick was surprised. I said, "roast beef is my favorite." He said, "I'm was glad that he made it then. I'll wrap some up for you to take home." "Yeah!" I said. He laughed. I helped Nick clear the table and do the dishes. He objected at first. I told him it was the least I could do. He washed and I dried. Our hands would meet every time he placed a soapy plate in the water. I was falling for him. Why shouldn't I, I thought to myself. He's a nice guy, compassionate, sensitive, he can cook. I was lost in thought when Nick said, "Kelly are you OK?" Not to mention good looking. Nick bumped me with is hip. "Oh, what, I'm sorry I was just thinking about something else." Nick said, "no kidding." He asked me again if I wanted dessert now or if I wanted to wait. I said oh let's wait. He laughed. We went into the living room and Nick started a fire. The room warmed up so quickly. I asked him if he would mind if I took my shoes off? He said, "I was about to ask you if you'd mind if I did." We laughed. I said, "my feet emit a lot of heat. I'm usually barefoot or in sandals." Nick said he had the same problem. His feet got hot a lot too. We took off our shoes and sat barefoot in front of the fire. We talked about our families and school. What made us happy and what made us sad. We really had a lot in common. Besides the foot thing, we both loved the beach. Music of any kind, movies, kids and sports. I found it so strange that it would take us flying out to another state to find each other. Nick asked how long I'd been skiing? I said, "I learned when I was 6. My dad travels a lot and we used to join him on his trips. He has a home in Switzerland because of a lot of overseas business, and we'd go there every year." Nick said, "and when in Switzerland," I laughed. Nick said, "well it's getting late and the kids come tomorrow. Would you like dessert now?" I said sure. Nick had made a pot of coffee and a lemon cake. Nick helped me up off the floor and I stood up a little too fast. I was a little wobbly from the wine. I fell against his chest. "Oh, sorry about that." Nick was holding me and looking into my eyes. He lowered his lips and kissed me. It was just a small kiss first and then he passion grew. He stopped and looked into my eyes and said, "I've wanted to do that all day." I smiled at him. He led me into the kitchen where he poured me a cup of coffee and served me a slice of lemon cake. He sliced the cake for me and fed me little bites. It was so romantic. Once we finished our cake we went back and put our shoes on. It was almost 11pm and we both had to get up early. Nick walked me back to my cottage. He said, "I am so glad you suggested that we become neighbors." I smiled and agreed with him. It was quite dark standing on my front porch. The snow had finally stopped falling. Nick said he enjoyed my company tonight. I was shivering, he asked if I was cold. I stuttered, "I'm freezing." I opened the door and we walked in. I grabbed my things from Nick's hands and placed them on the coffee table. I started to build a fire and Nick said, let me do that for you. I pulled an afghan off the back of the rocking chair and wrapped up in it. Nick had the fire going in no time. He turned around and pulled me to his chest and rubbed my arms to try and warm me. I told him I'd be all right in a minute. He said he'd better go then. I walked him to the door and he kissed me good night. I closed the door when he left and just leaned against it. "Lord have mercy," I said. "What a kisser!" The weather outside was getting colder so I put on my long underwear and went to bed.
Chapter 7
The next morning Nick met me at my cottage at 6:45am. The first bus was due to arrive at 7. Nick said, "you forgot this last night?" I took a Tupperware container from his hands. I opened it up and saw the roast beef. I broke off a piece and ate it. "Mmmmmm," it was even good cold. I put it in my refrigerator and told Nick, "I just have to brush my teeth." He followed me into the bedroom and sat on my bed until I was finished. I slipped on my socks and shoes and told him I was ready. He kissed me and said, "let's go." We walked over to the Rec. Hall and waited for the kids to arrive. The first bus brought Nick his first three boys. Since I didn't have any kids I helped him at his table. Nick's house buddy Paul, came and escorted the boys back to the cottage. I scooted back to my table. Nick asked, "is this an all day affair?' I said, 'no, the busses arrive every hour on the hour between the hours of 7 and 12. We then go back to our cottages and meet the kids. Then at 1 we come back here for lunch. It would be one of a very few meals we'd all eat together." Nick commented how smoothly things worked around here. I said, "it takes a lot of planning to make things run so smoothly. The house buddies help with that too." Nick said, "I knew I had a house buddy but hadn't met him until this morning." I said, "they all arrived this morning around 5am. The first week was for the counselors to learn the ropes. The house buddies were counselors in training. Most of them enjoy just being a house buddy they don't want to be a counselor. That's Paul he's been coming her almost as long as I have, but he has no desire to be a counselor." Nick asked why? I said, "all of the responsibility lies on our shoulders. We make the rules and we enforce them. The house buddies are here to assist us, not be us." He said he understood. The loud speaker clicked on and told us the next bus had come through the front gate. I told Nick we had ten minutes. I got 5 kids on the next bus and Nick got one. Nick processed his kid first and then my girls made it up to my table. "Hi Christa, it's nice to see you back," I beamed. She smiled and said, "Hi Kelly I've been waiting forever to come back." I processed the girls and my house buddy Michelle, escorted them back to the cottage. Nick said, "you let them call you Kelly?" I said "yes, when I'm in my classroom back home my kid's address me as Ms. Brock. Up here they call me Kelly because it's easier to create a bond and a trust with them. If they call me Ms. Brock then it makes me an authority figure. Even though I am, I want them to feel comfortable with me and relaxed." Nick agreed and said it was a good idea. We didn't get any kids on the next bus so Nick and I got up and went to stretch our legs. We got a cup of coffee and Danish, and returned to our tables. We heard the loud speaker announce the next bus. We got the rest of our kids and once we had them processed and on their way we cleaned up and turned in our registration forms. We walked back to our cottages. I asked Nick if he was nervous now? He said, "does it show?" "I told him he'd be fine and I'd see him tonight." He let go of my hand and I went inside. The girls were all seated in the living room. Christa came to give me a hug. She said, "I'm sharing some of my stories from last year." "That's nice of you." I asked the girls if they were all unpacked. Some said they were others said they weren't. I sat on the hearth and introduced myself to the girls and what I expected from our time together. I asked each of the girls to do the same. After the last girl spoke I began with my well-known speech. I said, "Since you all said your main goal is to have fun I will do everything in my power to make that happen. However, I do have rules and I expect everyone to pull their own weight around here." I held up each of my poster boards and each girl volunteered for a chore. I held up the Menu board and asked that two girls volunteer to prepare a meal together for the rest of us. I told them that they wouldn't have to plan a meal that has already been done. I asked them to follow me. I had them each choose a room. 4 to a room, each room had two bunk beds. The rooms were unusually large though so everyone would have room to spread out. Once everyone decided whom they'd bunk with we met in one of the rooms. I pointed out the fact that their beds had not been made for a reason. I then went into my, "you have to live with the choices you make" speech. The girls were very attentive. I then told the girls to make their beds and unpack their belongings. If they ever had any questions, my door is always open. I left them to their unpacking and went down stairs and poured a cup of coffee. I was wondering how Nick was doing. I gave the girls the grand tour and showed them where everything was located. I told them to treat this as their home away from home. The refrigerator was stocked with food as well as the cabinets. Take what they want but try not to waste any food. Also be considerate of your housemates. We were all getting hungry. At 1:15 we all walked back over to the Rec. Hall. I took a table directly in front of the stage. Nick came in a few minutes later and sat at the table next to ours. I asked him how things were going? He said, "so far so good." Our leaders opened up in prayer and immediately welcomed everyone to Frosty Valley. We ate lunch and had our introductions. Unfortunately we had a high no show rate this year. So we may lose some of our kids. It would be more intimate and we'd have a larger impact. Some of the kids didn't like it. It was now free time for the kids, we let them loose and Nick said, "I'm exhausted."
Chapter 8
The next few days were spent dividing our kids. I lost two. Now we were down to three to a room. I took my girls skiing and ice-skating. We went on nature hikes and I held my personal private time with each of the girls. In the course of the week we had also decided that we'd all sing for talent night. We chose to sing an old song by Elton John called Crocodile Rock. It was an oldie but a goodie. It had a great beat. We sang the song all day everyday learning all the words. We cut out patterns and made us some poodle skirts. We played the CD until we couldn't stand it anymore. We'd stay up late learning dance movements and who would sing which part. We were all having a blast. The girl's were also going to workshops learning coping skills. Like how to deal with peer pressure. They were getting a lot out of the first week. The cottage was the cleanest I'd ever seen it. This really was a great bunch of girls. I had Nick come over one night and take our picture, that way I'd have it for the next year. Nick asked if I'd do the same. I told everyone I'd be back in a minute. As I walked Nick back to his cottage he told me he was having a great time but he was missing me something awful. I told him he was really sweet. I told him the counselors all got together on Saturday Night. So he'd have to wait a couple more days. He asked me about the talent contest and what I was doing? "I will be singing with the girls. What are you doing?" I asked. "The guys are making me sing a solo." "A solo? They have to be involved." He said, "they are they are making his stage." I asked, "who are your kids again?" He gave me the names. "No wonder, I said, Danny Green knew how to manipulate the best of us. You'll get them back next week and I'll help you." He laughed. Nick had everyone line up in front of the fireplace and I took a few pictures. Nick thanked me and walked me back to my cottage. He asked, "Do you have any pull to get me back in next year?" I said, "all you have to do is fill out an application." He said, "what if I'm not picked?" I told him, "the jobs always went to counselors who'd been here before. They had first choice. If there wasn't enough interest from the previous counselors then they'd recruit new ones from the new applicant pile." Nick smiled and said that was a good idea. I told him I'd see him tomorrow night at the talent contest. Christa and Angela were making dinner. The other girls were vacuuming and dusting. Sarah came downstairs and said the bathrooms were done. I thanked them all for being such a wonderful influence on each other. I went into my bedroom and removed the film cartridge from my camera. I was loading a new film in when I heard a knock on my door. Come in I said. All the girls stood in my door, I asked if something was wrong? They all took a spot on my bed. Angela spoke first. Even though she was new to the camp, the girls had appointed her honorary leader. She asked, "is it OK to dance with the boys tomorrow night?" I said it was all right if they were comfortable. She continued, "well some of us don't know how to dance, would you teach us?" "Of course I'll teach you," I said. We ate dinner and I grabbed some CD's. We pushed back all of the furniture against the walls. Michelle and I showed them the slow dance. They each paired up with a partner. We showed them some hip moves. Well, hip for us anyway. I told them that it was all right for them to dance and associate with boys, but it was better if they didn't get too close to them. It would make it harder for them to enjoy there last week. This is time for them to do what ever they wanted without the pressures of their parents, friends, or boyfriends. My girls were 16 years old from different backgrounds. Nick's boys were also 16 year olds. While dinner was being prepared I snuck over to talk to Nick. We didn't have telephones in our cottages only intercom systems, and those only went from the cottage to the main house where the leaders stayed. Nick was out on the porch. "Where are your kids?" He said they were cleaning. He said, "they were being difficult so he came outside to clear his head." I said, "may ?" as I walked to his door. He just threw his hands up in defeat. I walked in and saw the mess Nick was referring too. I closed the door and said, "Oh my god! What happened in here?" They all looked up embarrassed. I said, "I was coming over to tell you my girl's were looking forward to dancing with you guys tomorrow but after seeing how you live over here I don't they'd want to." They looked at each other. Nick and I were they only counselor to have 16 year olds. So they new they were not going to have any fun. I turned to leave. I walked out and sat next to Nick. He said, "what did you do in there?" I said, "I threatened them." He said, "is that in the handbook too?" I laughed, "I told them that my girl's were looking forward to dancing with them tomorrow but after I saw how they lived, I'd suggest otherwise." He said, "what did they say?" I said, "they didn't say anything." Nick peeked inside the window and said they were cleaning. I said, "you have to be direct and firm." Nick said, "next year could I be your house buddy?" I laughed. I said, "that by the end of next week he'd be an old pro at this." He didn't think so.
Chapter 9
Friday was the big day. We woke up and were all really excited for tonight. We were all hemming our skirts now. We all knew our dance routines and the song really well. We were all excited and wanted to win the trophy. Then the trick would be to hold onto the trophy. We spent the day skiing and sledding. We met up with Nick's group. I said, "hey stranger this is the first time we've met up like this all week." He said, "the guys are listening a little better to me now. I'm being more forceful with them." Our kids were mingling now and going two by two down the hill on the sleds. Nick said, "do you want to go down?" I said ,"only if I could sit in front?" He said, "whatever gets my arms around you." I sat down on the front of the sled and Nick sat on the back. We flew down the hill and I was screaming it was so fast. Nick held me around my waste and he was laughing too. We were both thrown off the sled and he landed on top of me. We were laughing so hard. We got up and pulled the sled back to the top of the hill. Our kids were eyeing us now. Nick and I both said "what?" They wouldn't answer us. We each got on our own sled and got lined up for a race. We all flew down the hill screaming and yelling all the way. As we were walking up the hill I asked Nick if he'd like to due more of this next week? He said sure. I said, "maybe he could use it as leverage with his guys." He thought it was a good idea. It was time to head back to the cottage. We had to eat dinner and get ready for the talent competition. We got back and the girls fixed dinner and we talked about our day. They were really excited about hanging out with the guys. I told them I'd talked to Nick about more outings together. They were really excited now. I told them, "if Nick's guys behaved better it would happen, if not them we wouldn't see them." The girls all changed into their poodle skirts and got ready. I took pictures and asked Michelle to take our picture. The house buddies didn't participate in the talent competition. We took our usual table and Nick and his guys took theirs. We wished each other good luck. Our leaders came out and welcomed us to the first of two talent nights. We all clapped. The first group was introduced and we watched them as they all danced around stage. About an hour later Nick's group was called. Nick went up on stage and the guys rolled a card board backdrop of an ocean at sun set. They placed a stool for Nick to sit on and then the picked up musical instruments and began to play the song "Open Arms" by Journey. Nick started to sing. He had a wonderful voice. I snapped a picture of him and his guys. He was looking at me and singing. He got up and walked off the stage and sang directly to me. I was so embarrassed as the lights shown on us. He finally dropped my hand and went back on stage. My girls were all blushing along with me. Nick finished his song and everyone went wild. I was nervous and excited for him at the same time. My heart was beating so fast. We were called up next. The guys rolled their props off the stage and I walked passed Nick to go on stage. He said, "good luck." I have never felt so distracted in my life. We took the stage and the music started. The girls somehow lost their wits and I sang the entire song myself. They danced but they didn't sing. We finished our song and went back to the table. I asked them, "what happened up there? Angela said, "Nick told us not to sing." I turned to look at Nick. He had a huge smile on his face. Well it was no surprise to me when they announced cottage 25 as the winners. Nick brought the house down. Cottage 26 that's us came in second. I told him now we'd really done it. He asked why? I said, "we all had to do something next week. Since we were the winners." Nick said, "does this mean we have to spend more time together?" I said, "you're really enjoying this aren't you?" The leaders opened the dance floor and were serving punch in the back. They asked us to keep it clean. We laughed. Nick asked me to dance. I looked at my girls and then at Nick's guys and said "let's go show these guys how to have a good time." We all headed to the dance floor and were quickly joined by other kids. We had a great time. It was really late and time to go. Nick walked his guy's back to the cottage and told them to get ready for bed. I did the same. Nick and I met on my porch. He said, "this is so much fun." I asked him where he learned how to sing like that? He said, "I've sung all his life in church choir." He asked where I learned to sing? I said I couldn't sing. He leaned in and kissed me so passionately. He said, "I hope the next week flies by." "Oh it will." He walked back to his cottage and I went inside. The girls were in bed already. I took a bath and hopped into bed. I fell asleep thinking about Nick and how he sang to me. He is such a romantic man. The next morning Nick and I were both asked a lot of questions from our kids. They wanted to know if we were a couple. Nick told his guys that he hoped we were. I was telling my girls the same thing. Our wishes came true as our week flew by. Nick and I along with the kids spent everyday together. We figured Nick and I would sing a duet with the boys on instruments and the girls are back up singers. We would be singing "Just to hear you say you love me" by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.
Chapter 10
It was quite obvious to everyone around us that Nick and I were falling in love. Even to us, while practicing this song we couldn't hold back the feelings. Nick would always hold my right hand in his left. The guys learned the music and we both knew we'd bring the house down. I still find it utterly amazing that I'd had to fly half way across the country to find the man of my dreams when all along he was living 7 miles from me. We spent as much time together as we possibly could. Both our groups did. We ate together, played together and studied together. It was the best year I've ever had in Frosty Valley. Not only did my girls learn the importance of putting themselves first, but they also learned that it's OK not to have a sexual relationship with a boy. Teens have far too much pressure without having to add sex into their lives. I believe Nick and I taught our kids that. Our kids had a personal relationship with the opposite sex in a non-sexual manner. I hope that they never forget this winter. I hope they go back and institute it with their friends and families. Friday after noon and the guys are practicing and Nick is singing. His voice just makes me weak inside. He notices that I've come back to the Rec. Hall. He motions for me to join him. I walk up on stage and he kisses me and asks the guys to start over. We run through the song from the top.
Just To Hear You Say That You Love Me
If I could win your heart
If you'd let me in your heart
I'd be so happy, baby
Just for these arms to be
Holding you close to me
There's nothing in this world I won't try
No limit to what I'd do
To make you mine, 'cause
Chorus-(Kelly and Nick)
I'd climb right up to the sky
I'd take down the stars
Just to be in your arms, baby
I'd go and capture the moon
That's what I would do
Just to hear you say that you love me
Just to hear you say that you love me
If I could taste your kiss
There'd be no sweeter gift
Heaven could offer, baby
I want to be the one
Living to give you love
I'd walk across the world just to be
Close to you 'cause I want you
Close to me, yeah
When we finished our kids all applauded. They thought we were perfect together. We embraced and kissed and they just howled. It was the best winter of my entire life. I was in love, really in love. I finally knew what it really felt like. Our rehearsal time was over and we headed back to our cottage for dinner. We made homemade pizzas and we all ate together. The kids would be going home tomorrow. This was the last hurrah.
Chapter 11
We were on first since we won last week. I was so nervous. Nick held my hand as we walked up on stage. Our kids, our accompanists Nick asked, "Are you ready?" I nodded and he looked at the band. The music started and I sang. By the end of the song the kids and counselors were all standing and cheering. I turned to Nick and he said, "a standing ovation!" We looked back at the kids. They were in back of us taking bows. Nick and I laughed and clapped for them. We stepped down off the stage and took our tables. We were all being praised for our talents. The kids were overjoyed. We sat through the rest of the show and just relaxed. Nick and my group won again for the second week in a row. During the awards banquet, we have what we call our closing ceremonies Nick won Best New Counselor and I won Best Counselor. The dancing finally got under way. The kids were so very sad to see their time here come to an end. We headed back to my cottage where we all exchanged addresses and drank hot cocoa. It was getting late so we sent the guys home and I went upstairs with the girls. They all told me that had the best time of their lives. I told them, "I really enjoyed myself too." Angela asked, "Will you and Nick get married?" I said, "I've only known him for 3 weeks. I don't think so, why would you ask me that?" She looked down a little embarrassed. I lifted her head up and said, "don't be ashamed. I'm just asking you what makes you think we're heading for the altar?" She said, "it's obvious to us that you love Nick and that Nick loved you." "Love is a good thing but it's not the only thing that made a marriage. You have to have trust and security. You have to be friends and really enjoy each other." Angela just stared at me. "What?" I said. She said, "you don't feel you have those things with him?" "When did you get so wise?" I said, "I do feel those things for Nick but marriage isn't something to take lightly. You have to be ready to accept a partner for all their shortcomings. You can't enter a marriage thinking you'll fix them later." "What would you have to fix?" She asked. I said, "I don't know I don't know Nick outside of Frosty Valley." She didn't really understand. "Maybe you are too young to understand. Nick seems right for me. I'd love to spend the rest of my life with him based on what I know right now. It's just the stuff I don't know that scares me. I'd need to know him better. That and the fact that he hasn't asked me. Even if he did ask me, I'd say no." I think they understood now. I said good night and went downstairs. I climbed into bed and had a terrible time sleeping. My girls were leaving tomorrow. Had I accomplished anything with them? Were they leaving here a little more secure, than when they arrived? I prayed that they would. My alarm went off at 6:00. I rose and hopped into my tub. I relaxed in there for about 20 minutes. When I dressed and went into the kitchen my girls were awake and waiting for me. They all fixed me breakfast as a thank you. I couldn't help being a little emotional. I told them thanks and gave them all hugs. We ate together and I asked if they were all packed? They were, at 7:30am we all walked to the Rec. Hall. My girls were on the 8am bus, Nick's guys left at 7:00am. As we walked out the front door Nick was walking back. I asked him if his kids had gotten off all right. He said they had. He walked back with us to the Rec. Hall and said good bye. It was a really emotional good bye for me. My girls were crying and I was crying. I told them to remember to write to me. They promised they would. Nick and I waved as the bus pulled away from the curb. Nick said it was hard letting his kids go too. He walked me back to my cottage and we just sat in silence. "It's too quiet now," I said. Our house buddies were due to leave tomorrow. Nick said, "I haven't been up on the mountain with you alone yet, let's go up in the morning." I said OK. I felt a little better. Nick and I had a light lunch and headed to the couch to rest. We had been listening to music and talking about the last two weeks for over an hour now. I lay down on the coach resting my head on his chest. I remember he was talking and then the next thing I remember was waking up in my bed. I was still fully clothed and I didn't remember how I got there. It was 5:45. I got up and made my way to the hot tub. Every time I got in that SNL clip with Eddie Murphy would dance through my head and make me smile. I sank into the hot tub and let it relax me. After about thirty minutes I got out. I wrapped in my robe and headed for the kitchen. I was getting ready to fix something for dinner and Michelle came downstairs with her gear. "Are you ready to leave already?" She said, "a big storm had been projected and I wanted to get out before I got stuck." I hadn't heard. She said, "it's been snowing all day." I got up and looked out the window. Wow, it sure had. I thanked her for all her help and hugged her good bye. As she was leaving Nick was walking up my steps. He was stomping the snow off his boots. They both said good bye. I was freezing in my satin robe and waved good bye one more time and told Nick to come in. He kissed me and held me trying to warm me up. "I want to listen to the weather report. It must be bad if the house buddies were leaving a day early." Nick switched on the weather report and I sat down next to him and we listened. A major storm was heading our way. There had already been power outages reported. Wow, I couldn't believe it. "Nick we better stock up because it's going to be a big one."
Chapter 12
Nick and I waved as the busload of house buddies drove off. One of our leaders said party at 8 in the Rec. Hall. We laughed. Nick and I stocked up on food and water and headed back to our cottages. He told me he'd pick me up at 8. I cleaned up the cottage and washed all the bedding. I listened to my music and was in such a wonderful mood. It's amazing how music can do that to you. I was washing my kitchen floor when Nick knocked on my door. I must have looked awful because he asked if I was OK. I laughed, "I'm cleaning," I said. I invited him in. He started singing along with the radio. I went back to my kitchen floor. He asked, "Areyou going to keep cleaning or are you going to sit down with me?" I said, "give me a minute to finish up here." I finished my floor and washed my face and hands. I sat down next to him. He put his arm around me and said that was better. He said, "now that camp is over, what are we supposed to do now?" "Well, there are some workshops that the counselors go to and then we get ready for summer camp." "Summer Camp?" Nick was surprised. I said, "do you think this place goes unused all year round?" He said, "I never thought about it." I told him, "I come back in the summer too. The summer camp is one month though. Twice as long as winter camp. We have horses and swim in the lake. Canoeing. It's a lot of fun here all year round. I wish I could live her always." Nick asked why I didn't? He said, "you obviously don't need to work." I said, "so I should just live off my family's money?" He said, "why not? I do it in a heartbeat." I told him, "it's my goal one-day to take over the camp from my dad. I don't want to be one of the leads I like being a counselor. I'm a lot closer to the kids this way." He said, "you'd make a great mother some day." I smiled. "So are you coming back in the summer?" I asked Nick. He said, "if I get to live next door to you, then I'll be back." I smiled and he kissed me. I asked, "are you hungry?" which I don't know why I even asked. I warmed up some stew and we sat down in front of a roaring fire. "It's so peaceful up here," Nick said. "I could get used to this." That just made me all warm inside. We finished our stew and Nick left to change for the party. I hopped in my tub and sat there for what felt like an eternity. Then I got this bright idea. Why not live up here all the time? What did I have back in Tampa? At least up here I could experience nature first hand. The only thing that I'd miss would be the ocean. Everything is better here. The air is cleaner, the stars are brighter. I was so excited that I quickly got out of the tub and dressed. I didn't even dry my hair. I ran out the front door and into the main house to use the phone in my office. I called my father. I told him I was seriously thinking of moving up here full time. He was so happy to hear it. I told him I'd take on more responsibility but I wanted to remain a counselor. He said he was so proud of me. I told him it was something I wanted to think about and still not definite about. He said he wanted me to take my time in making my decision. I left the main house feeling really happy. As I walked back to my cottage I looked all around me. "I could be happy here," I said. "If I could find the right man to share it all with me." When Nick came to pick me up for the party I asked him if I could talk to him seriously about something. He said of course and sat down on the couch. I sat on my coffee table and he grabbed my hands. I was taking too long to start. "This is hard for me. I first of all want to tell you that this was by far the best year I've ever spent up here in Frosty Valley. Largely due to you," he smiled. "I have spoken with my father today and told him I was seriously thinking about moving up here full time." Nick looked a little stunned. "I want you to stay with me." Now he really looked stunned. I said, "it was kind of all your idea to begin with." "My idea?" He said. I said, "well let's just say you gave me the push I needed. I know you love it up here as much as I do. I'd really like you to stay." He looked up at me and said, "as your neighbor?" I said, "no. We could live here, together." "Nothing would make me happier than to live with you, but I have a life in Ruskin. I can't just walk away." I looked down at the floor. He cupped my face in his hands and asked me, "Can I think about it?" I said "sure, I probably wouldn't do it I just wanted to see where we were." I excused myself and went into my bathroom. I was crying but didn't know why. I guess I felt rejected. He didn't want to be with me. It cut through my heart like a knife. I tried to calm myself down and I placed a cold wash cloth on my eyes. Hoping it would relieve some of the puffiness. I walked out of the bathroom and Nick was sitting on my bed. He held out his arms for me. I sat on his lap and he asked, "Why are you so upset?" I told him, "I thought you'd want to be with me." "I do want to be with you. More than you know." He kissed me and I hung on to him so tightly. "I've never known anyone who made me feel like you make me feel." He asked, "how I make you feel?" he lifted me up. He made me smile and my heart pounded every time I saw him. Just the sight of him made me feel better. "You are all I think of." He kissed me again and rolled me on to my back. He looked down at my face, wiping my tears away he told me he loved me. I pulled him down on top of me. He searched my body with his hands. He asked if I was sure about this? I said more than you know.
Chapter 13
We never made it to that party. He made love to me all night long. I've never felt the way he made me feel. He was gentle and passionate. Our bodies moving rhythmically. He was perfect. We were perfect. We woke in the morning and I ran my bath. I was a little embarrassed as Nick walked in the bathroom naked and got in the tub with me. As soon as he put his arms around me I didn't care anymore. He lit my candles one by one and stood up and turned the lights off. He said, "I've always wondered what this would be like." "Do you like it?" He said he liked it. After that night Nick moved his things in to my cottage. Over the next four weeks we learned so much and played a lot more. There were lots of parties and skiing. We were due to leave the next day. I never pressured Nick again about moving up here full time. It was our last night on the mountain and those of us who were left joined together for a fare well party. There were only about 20 of us. It didn't stop us from having fun. Nick and I went back to our cottage and made love. We were up early for our 9am bus. It was an emotional good bye for me. We loaded our skis and suitcases onto the bus and Nick and I took a seat in the back. We held hands all the way back to the airport. It was still snowing. Before we took our seats on the airplane back to Florida. We took one more look at the mountains and went on board. The airplane shook and rattled as we climbed. Nick and I were holding hands tightly. The aircraft would drop and then climb again, drop and climb again. Once we cleared the mountain ranges we were able to calm down. We slept all the way to Tampa. When we arrived we walked together down to baggage claim. I handed him my address and phone number and thanked him for a wonderful winter. We kissed and hugged and I pushed my cart out to the parking garage. I cried all the way. I loaded my bags in the trunk and attached my skis to the roof. I pulled out of the stall and headed for my house. I couldn't stop thinking about Nick. It was Saturday night and this was the first time in two months that I didn't have a date. I checked my mail and found lots of letters from my girls. I called my dad to let him know I was home. He asked about my moving plans and I told him, "I haven't decided yet." I opened up my house and decided to drive down to the beach. I missed the smell of the ocean. The sailboats dotted the horizon. I lay back on the sand and tried to see the stars. They were there but not as bright. After an hour I drove home hoping there would be a message from Nick. I was disappointed. I threw my clothes in the washer and went upstairs. I hadn't watched television in over 2 months. I fell asleep during Jay Leno. On Sunday morning I answered my letters and went grocery shopping. While I was out I had my pictures developed. I came home and put my groceries away and pulled out the photos. They brought back some wonderful memories for me. I saw the pictures of Nick and it made me so sad. "Why hasn't he called me?" I was due to go back to school tomorrow. I arrived at school at 6:45 and walked into the teacher's lounge. Many of my friends were already there. We all embraced and caught up as much as we possible could. I rolled my cooler filled with snowballs and dry ice into my classroom. At 7:45 my students filed in and welcomed me back. Now for the last 8 years whenever I came back I had snowballs for them. So I took them out on the baseball diamond and they had a snowball fight. It was a great way to get the day started. I was distracted, I had brought a picture of Nick and it was on my desk. I talked a little about my winter break and asked them about theirs. I dove into the lessons and was glad to get Nick out of my mind for awhile. I rushed home after school and still no message from Nick. I checked local phone book but he wasn't listed. The rest of the week went by very slowly. I missed Nick and it was killing me. It was finally Friday, the night of the big football game. We'd play Valley Christian, I hoped to see Nick. I was nervous. I didn't even watch the game. I walked around the stadium looking for him. I didn't find him. I went home feeling totally rejected. I walked in the house and no messages again. I took a bath and went to sleep. I sat grading papers on my dining room table listening to the radio when I heard this song called "If I don't have you." I just started crying. What had I done wrong? Everything seemed so perfect. I pushed him I scared him. My tears were rolling down my face. I got up to wipe them when my doorbell rang. I opened the door and on the other side was Nick. I just stared at him. It had been an entire week and no contact from him at all. He finally spoke, "Cam I come in?" I stepped back from the door. He handed me some flowers and I closed my front door. The flowers were so beautiful. He walked into my home looking around. He noticed the papers I was grading on the table. He smiled at the pictures of us fanned out on the table. I stood against the wall just looking at him. He turned to me and asked, "Are you going to say anything?"
Chapter 14
My emotions over took me and I couldn't speak. He came to me and held me. All he could say was that he was sorry. I looked at him tears running down my face and asked him, "what did I do wrong?" He said, "it's not you it was me." "It's been a whole week Nick. Why didn't you call?" He said, "we needed to talk." I had an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. He was going to tell me he was married. Something terrible, I just knew it. I sat on the sofa and waited for him to speak. "I'm sorry for not calling, I was afraid." I looked at him, "afraid of what? "I asked. He started talking about a woman. How he loved her and wanted to marry her and they moved in together and their relationship fell apart. "She was my first true love, I've never gotten over the hurt." I asked, "What does that have to do with us?" He said, "I love you more than I ever loved her and I'm afraid that would happen to us." "Don't you think we could have talked about this before you just abandoned me?" I asked. "I apologize for that, it's been killing me seeing you and not being able to touch you or talk to you," he said. "When did you see me? I looked for you at the big game and I couldn't find you. When have you seen me?" Nick said, "I saw you at the game and I saw you after school each day as I made my way home. I used to park out on your street and hope that I would walk out and catch him there." "I I never left the house. I didn't want to miss your phone call." We were both crying now. We were in love and we knew there was no denying it. I told Nick, "we don't have to move to Frosty Valley. If that was what was scaring him we could just take it slow and stay here in Florida." He said, "that's not what's scaring me, it's the commitment part. I committed before and got burned. The scars are still fresh. It's one of the reasons I went to Frosty Valley to begin with. I broke up with her just before Thanksgiving. I met you the week of Christmas. Things move along so fast and I don't know which way to turn next." I just sat there staring at him. "I love you and I don't want to lose you. If space is what you need then I'll give you space. Just please call me once in a while. I can't bear not having you in my life. Even if it's just as a friend Nick." He leaned over and he hugged me. He kept saying he was sorry. He said, "I love you and I want to be more than friends, but it's going to be difficult for me being back in Ruskin. I still livedin the apartment that I shared with her. I want to move and start over.." Maybe he could find something in my area. I looked deep in his eyes and said, "or you could move in here. We did it in Frosty Valley and you seemed happy there. If you don't want too I'll understand. I just want to spend all my time with you." He said he'd think about that. He pulled me to him and I rested my head on his chest. "I miss this Nick. I really miss just having you hold me." He asked, "Can you ever forgive me?" I told him I did forgive him. I loved him too much not to understand his hurt. He kissed the top of my head. I asked, "Do you want to see the pictures from Frosty Valley?" He said he did. We moved to the dinning room table and looked through the pictures. He smiled as he remembered all the great times we had with our kids and together. The Nick I knew was feeling more comfortable again. He wrapped his arm around me as we looked at the pictures of us singing. We laughed remembering the first time we went down the mountain on the sled and he landed on me in a compromising position. He also reminded me how mad he made me when he stood me up. I said, "I forgave you then and I forgive you now." He bent down and kissed me. I showed him around my house. It was a pretty good-sized house. Sparsely furnished, I just never got around to it I told him. He liked that I had a pool. "I love to swim," I said. He said, "I usually spend my summers in the pool in his apartment but I don't like that I don't have any privacy." I told him he could use this pool anytime he wanted. He asked me if it was heated? I laughed, "yes its heated are you going in now?" "No, just checking" he said. We went upstairs and I showed him the bedrooms and the den. He asked how many bedrooms I had? "4 bedrooms why?" "Just curious." He laughed when he saw my Jacuzzi tub complete with candles melted around the edges. He said, "now that looks familiar." We went downstairs and I said, "I was just about to make dinner. Can I make you something?" Nick said, "I'll have what your having." I made him a roast beef sandwich. We sat together at the dining table reminiscing about the winter and how much it had meant to each of us. I gave Nick some of the pictures and he asked if I wanted to go to a movie tonight? I said "sure, I'd love to go." He said, "Let go home and change clothes and I'll be back to pick you up." "I'll be waiting." He wrote down his address and telephone number for me. Which really made me happy. I wasn't about to let him go that easily, I told him if he wanted to stay the night here instead of going home tonight I wouldn't mind. He smiled and kissed me. He said he'd be back. I watched him from my driveway. I showered and got dressed in a black skirt and forest green short sleeved sweater. Nick called me from his car and told me he was on his way. I ran downstairs to wait for him. I heard him pull up in my driveway and he walked in the front door with a suitcase. He asked, "Can I stay for more than one night?" I jumped into his arms and pelted his face with kisses.
Chapter 15
Nick put me down and he said, "I had to try, not to try would be just be as bad as failing." "I love you Nick Carter," I told him. He said, "I love you Kelly Brock." We put his suitcase in my bedroom and he made love to me. I really missed this I kidded him. We never made it to the movie. Nick and I fell asleep together in each other's arms. When we woke up the next morning we knew that we had made the right decision. He told me he loved me. Over the next 4 ½ months Nick moved completely in with me. We were inseparable and totally happy. Even our friends noticed the difference in us. I asked Nick, "Do you want to go back to Frosty Valley for Summer Camp?" and he said yes. I called daddy and told him we'd both be back for summer session. He was glad to hear it. We finished out our school year and two days later were on an airplane heading back to Colorado. This time there was no turbulence. We actually had a very nice flight into Colorado. We bought water and I had the snacks. We caught the bus back up the mountain. "It's so beautiful isn't it Nick?" He agreed. Once we got there we immediately signed up for cabins 25 and 26 again. We headed out to the lake. I promised him a great time there. We changed into our swimsuits and I raced him down there. He beat me but I was the first one in. He came in after me and held me in the water. He said, "it's beautiful." I showed him the swing, well it really wasn't a swing it was a rope with a loop tied in the bottom that you put your foot in and swing off of it that way. We were there forever. We went back to the cottage and showered together. We got dressed and Nick started dinner. I started cleaning up the cabin. He came to me and said, "I think I could stay here forever." I looked at him thinking he was kidding. I said, "sure you could." He pulled me up right and he said, "he could if I would be his wife." He pulled out an engagement ring and asked me if I would marry him. I was so emotional I couldn't even talk. I just nodded my head. He said, "is that a yes?" I managed to say yes. He placed the ring on my finger and then he made love to me. That was the happiest day of my life. After that day the colors were truly brighter in my life. Nick and I would take nature walks all over the mountain. Mostly we just would hang around. This being in love was a wonderful feeling for me. When the rest of the counselors came and noticed my ring, they were really happy for us. They insisted that once we set a date that they all be invited. I saidt"he wedding would be here in Frosty Valley. It's where I fell in love with Nick." They thought that was sweet. Our kids came back and this time Nick and I got 10 year olds. I think we enjoyed them more because we were able to act just like kids. We went swimming everyday at the lake. We went for bike rides. It was just the perfect summer. Half way through we hiked up the mountain and pitched tents and camped out under the stars. A few of the counselors made fire pits and we roasted chicken and hot dogs and hamburgers. We topped the night off with s'mores and ghost stories. The kids were all getting a long well and the counselors even commented on what an easy summer it was. The second half of the summer we had some speakers come out and talk to the kids the importance of not taking drugs and the importance of staying in school and getting an education. Nick said, "that's how I measure how successful someone is. It doesn't matter how much money you have in the bank or what kind of car you drive. If you don't have an education you're just not successful." We finished off the summer with our end of summer races. Everyone would find a partner and participate in different events. Such as a swim across the lake and back. A 5-mile bike ride. Then there was the fun ones we did with our little ones. Three-legged race, potato sack races. Everyone had a great time. We'd finish with a big barbecue. The last day of camp came all too soon. Nick and I took plenty of pictures again. Nick and I still had two weeks before we had to go back to Florida and report for school. We decided to stay in Frosty Valley and relax. We played instead of relaxing. We went camping on the mountain, we swam in the lake and went for long walks and bike rides. By the end of the summer Nick had lost almost 20lbs, and I lost 10. We flew back to Florida and took care of our mail and unpacked. I washed our laundry. Nick and I went to the grocery store and shopped for food. He smiled at me in the produce aisle and said he was happy. I asked him, "why are you happy?" He said, "I'm happy with my life. I can't remember ever being this happy." I kissed him. We got home and put all the groceries away and I sat down and flipped through a magazine I'd bought. He sat down beside me and asked me, "Have you thought of a date?" I told him I hadn't, "do you have a date?" He said, "it doesn't matter when, just as long as we do." "I'm giving you space so if you have a date I want to know." He said, "how about during the two weeks that we're up in Frosty Valley this winter?" I smiled, "you were listening to me up there." He said, "I always listens to you." I pulled out a calendar. "The first two weeks would be the 10th through the 23rd." Nick said then how about,"Friday December 14th?" I said "perfect." I said, "all the counselors would be here by then." He smiled and said, "I don't care who was there as long as you are there." I kissed him, was it possible to be any more in love than we are at this moment?