Please take my poll at the bottom right of page.
  For a while I've been saying I'm going to update this site. Currently I've been getting e-mails saying do something! So below I have posted a link to a few sites I manage this way I get a better idea of what you expect the site to look like. The feedback form is very simple I would have had it programmed in PHP, but Geocities doesn't support PHP or ASP! If you have troubles with it you can always send e-mail the old fashion way. Though how is it the old fashion way? I'll leave that for you to decide.


Deren Smith

  Wow! That's just about all I can say for you out there who sent me your suggestions on the new site! Again let me say thanks for all your comments. Now that I'm out of school (for now) I'll be working on the site more. My friend and I are going to create a StarWars movie and other fun stuff, but hey I won't forget Malebolgia's Domain. Below is a list of what you the fans of Spawn wanted on the new site rated by most requested:

1. ImaGes!!
2. Personal Data
   a. Favorite issues
   b. Bios
   c. Unique pictures
3. Latest News
   a. Spawn sequel news
   b. Information on Todd Mcfarlane
   c. Other spawn based comics
   d. Spawn Toys
4. Games

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