You Can Tell If You Are Bored When You......
1. have memorized the WHOLE dictionary.
2. record comercials on TV and watch them over and over again.
3. have listened to your Hanson CD.
4. Make Lists like these.
5. make forts in your room out of pillows and blankets.
6. read the entire encyclopedia from A-Z.
7. make up silly excuses about people being gay.
8. watch Barney Sing Alongs.
9. study for your drivers test twice in even though
you have already taken it.
10.talked to your stuffed animals and have meetings with them.
11. paint your dogs toenails.
12. pick scabs on your skins.
13. make little figurenes out of your buggars.
14.turn off the lights in your room and make shadow puppets.
15. play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey with your self.
16. draw nude pictures of yourself.
17. count all the stars in the sky.
18. play basketball with your imagenary friend.
19.clean your room twice in a row.
20. teach your pets how to play with a yo-yo.
21. don't have anything else to do.
22. have watched the same movie 5 times in a row.
23. draw pictures on the wall.
24. arranged your Beanie Babies in alphabetical order.
25. play hopscotch with your pogo stick.
26. learn how to play your musical instrument standing on your head.
27. have memorized every single Family Matters episode.
28. still play with your Barbie Dolls.
29. get high on sniffing magic markers in your house.
30. play drums on your little brothers or sisters heads.
31. wait by the mail box hoping to recieve a letter from Santa Claus.
32. write your Christmas wish list in June.
33. still watch Saved by the Bell episodes.
34. are still reading this list.
35. try to find spelling errors on this page.
36. cut out pictures of Jonathon Taylor Thomas and hang them in your room.
37. teach your shoes how to tap dance.
38. watch the static on the TV.
39. have sock puppet performances for your pets.
40. try to figure out why 2 X 2= 4.
41. try to come up with the next sequel to the Titanic movie.
42. sit in your room listening to every single song on every single CD you own.
43. dial up those 1-800 numbers and complain to a recording about how much your life sucks.
44. talk to your plants.
45. dial up random numbers in the phone book and tell people that you are
there long lost brother/sister.
46. try to hack into your own computer.
47. collect lint between your toes.
48. dress up as a cop and pretend to bust people.
49. think up of a new number system besides 1,2,3,4, etc....
50. plan your years next Christmas party in June.
51. dial up people on the telephone and ask them what there favoritec scarey movie is.
52. you are STILL reading this list.
53. have weird fantasies about Bill Clinton all day.
54. think about things like am I gay, no I can't be.
55. pretend to be gay.
56. think everything is gay.
57. sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall to the very end.
58. count to infinity.
59. play chess with your dead grandpa.
60. want a boyfriend/girlfriend so bad that you hug a tree and talk to it.
61. follow the footsteps of some animal and pretend to be like that animal.
62. make up stories about a man who lives in a hotpink and purple house.
63. are all alone in your house and just sitting on your butt.
64. are EVEN STILL reading this list.
65. sharpen every pencil in your house to the VERY TIP of the eraser.
66.go surfboarding in your bath tub.
67.sunbathe under a schandeler in your house.
68.stand out in the middle of a field hoping to get struck by lightening even though there is not a single cloud in the sky.
69.go to your school and bang on the doors yelling"let me in, let me in!!!"
70.dig a whole to the bottom of the earth.
****Note****This list was made by my friends and I. I would appriciate if you didn't take it!!! Its copy righted...of course by us!
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