First off, I think opinion pages are great for a page so people can give their view on subjects. More people should send their opinions. It should be easy for people to write, seeing we are a WEB site about SOUTH PARK, two of the BIGGEST controversies (Web Censorship and TV Censorship). I want to know what you are thinking, write an opinion and send it to
What's the deal with Mr. Hat's Hell Hole's chat room?!? They have 20 people in what's the problem with that?? Oh yeah, 10 of them are ops!! You read correctly, 10 ops! Some are nice, some are mean power crazy ass holes and some aren't even in the room (Vin). Vin makes 2 or 3 people ops and those 2 make their friends ops and their friends make their friends and so on. 1 or 2 ops can handle 20 people. These ops kick people for doing NOTHING wrong, but they want to look cool for their friends. Once, I said "WOW! That's a lot of ops"... and poof! 3 seconds later I was kicked and BANNED! Yes, BANNED! This is insane!!! Vin should find ONE or TWO good ops to take care of the place and tell them they can't op ANY of their friends or they are gone. 10 ops and 10 non-ops is stupid. MHHH is (I admit) a good site, but Vin is an ass to people and his chat room is out of control. Vin, if you read this...DO SOMETHING!! FAST!
~Teddy B.
Mr. Hat's Hell Hole.... what's the deal with that? All of his stuff is taken from some other site. He claims "these people gave me permission to use their stuff". None the less, THE STUFF ISN'T HIS. No matter how much credit he gives the people, HIS STUFF ISN'T ORIGINAL! Why go to his site when you can get the EXACT same stuff from sites such as Beef-Cake and Comedy Central?
Also, he BAD MOUTHS almost all of the sites on his links page. These people are nice enough to put his banner on their MAIN page and say something like "this is a great South Park site", when he sticks their site on his links page with 100's of others saying "this page sucks, don't go here. (That's a figure of speech, but that's what his comments say to me). He takes hits away from pages. That's why I started the "Fan's Against Mr. Hat's Hell Hole" site ( to give ALL sites a fair chance. I also heard someone started an Anti-Hell Hole site. I hope MHHH learns from these sites.
In addition, Vin is rude to people.. but here is his excuse: "Yes, a lot of times we are jerks, but you should see some of the idiotic e-mail we get.. I have a whole folder full of good ones that i've saved. Ok fine, not everyone is a computer genius, and we don't expect you to be a rocket scientist to use the internet, but some people don't have any common sense and put 0 thought into their e-mails when they write to us. After reading 30 stupid mails we tend to get a little pissed off and happen to go off bitching at people. Sorry if your mad, but give me a break, it's the internet..". He doesn't care about other people. As long as he makes money he is happy.
This is my opinion, and I don't need any people to e-mail me telling me why I am wrong, because IT IS MY OPINION and NO ONE can change the way I feel. Check out my web page and e-mail me if you want your banner there.
~Teddy B.
There are many many parents out in this insane world who would like to see South Park
off the air. They say it corrupts the minds of children. They say it's immoral. Well for one thing
there is a little thing called, "THE FIRST AMENDMENT"!!!!!!!! If parents don't like the show they shouldn't be watching it.
If they think it's corrupting the minds of there children, dont let them watch it!!!!!!!! There is a reason why the
T.V. rating system was started, it was started to warn parents of shows with vulgar content. They should teach there children that
T.V. isn't real, if they haven't already. These "concerned parents" can blow there fudgin' complaints out their asses!