Firstname + name : Koen Slabbaert
City                      : Leuven (Belgium)
Country                : Belgium (Europe)
Age                      : 22
Date of Birth         : 09/04/1977 (4th September)
Hobbies                : tennis, piano, watch TV (e.g. Friends), see movies (IKWYDLS, Scream...), surf the Internet, listen to music (all kinds), read books (horror, detective, strip albums...), go to parties...  I enjoy life!!
Study                    : medicine at the KUL (Catholic University of Leuven) (Belgium)
Other intrests        : go to DK ( a local club for students, organizing cantus...),chat on IRC (channels #vlaanderen, #belgium...),  ... (too much to tell)

Here you can see some pictures of me and friends at special moments... (pictures will come soon!)

Enjoy it !!!!!


LAST UPDATE : 03/11/1998 

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