Webmaster/mistress tips

Stuff you may not know, that won't be screamed at you later.

1) *The Golden Rule* Be yourself! Ex: if you love flowers and you have a website, don't be afraid to put up a flower background or flower graphics(which you can find for free at: The Free Site

2) Don't self-proclaim. Naming your site "The Best Britney Spears Site Ever!" will automatically tick a lot of people off.(For example, see #3)

3) Do not bulk e-mail(send an e-mail to over 10 people just about your site's URL), spam(unwanted e-mail/message) or crosspost(posting the same thing to a bunch of newsgroups) your site's URL. Especially to newsgroups. As a regular in the newsgroup alt.teens, where we DISCUSS things, but we always find a post with a URL saying "Here is my new website, please visit it and sign the guestbook, hm-k?"

Real-life example ~ There was once a webmaster with a webstie(let's call it "Planet X")who, despite several negative guestbook entires and e-mails, continued to spam alt.teens with his URL and the message "THE BEST TEEN WEBSITE EVER!" Well, eventually, people got fed up and reported his doings to his ISP or Internet Service Provider. To make a long story short, his account was cancelled, losing valuble information. Lesson learned? I pray so.

4) If you have a music on your site, make sure people can turn it off.

5) If you are very intent on getting more hits on your website, here are a few suggestions to save you negative comments:

  • Check your HTML - When I first started, I made a few mistakes. Try htmlgoodies.com
  • Make a banner - Try 123webmaster.com
  • Join Link Exchange. they offer a banner exchange, counter, sumbit service and more.
  • Sign Guestbooks! People love it when you sign their guestbooks(*hint, hint*) and it gives them more pleasure when visiting your site!
  • Submit your URL to search engines(Yahoo!,Webcrawler,Lycos, etc., etc.). This can be very time consuming, so I suggest you try addeme.com or submitshack.com And now, something even simplier - maybe this might help.

    6)Don't put a picture of your cat on your site and say "This is my cat, Fluffy, isn't she cute?" and then put your e-mail on there. I mean, we don't just wanna look at your cat. We wanna know something, anything.

    7)Always check for broken links. Do you like it when you go to a website, see something really cool in a link, but when you click on it, get a 404 Error? Didn't think so. . .

    8) doN't WrItE lIkE tHiS Or Capitilize Every Word In Every Sentence. It real hard on the eyes and doesn't make you look any cooler or anymore smarter than mayo.

    9) Too much slang hurts the brain. If U rite like dis, sum ppl may have kno idea wht ure talking about. Namely, evry1. So, don't do it!

    Any questions? E-mail me with the subject "Website tips question" or something of the sort.

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