
About Requiements Codes Members Request


This clique was made for those who love someone even though they are seperated from us - whether by death, distance or it just wasn't meant to be. This can be for celebrities or people you know. I will be adding more soon. Until then, please use a text link.


  • No "porn" - there is a difference between tastful art and full-out naughty.
  • Must have code on site within a week of submission.
  • I must be able to find code.
  • I pefer that the slang/grammar errors be somewhat rare - it is not hard to write "me", "you", or use some proper capitalization and puncutation.
  • TyPiNg LiKe ThIS hUrtS oUr EyEs.
  • No racism or prejudice of any kind. (I cringe when I see someone use the word "gay", but if you are stating something about the word instead of "He's so gay!!!!" - I will allow it)


    (Remove *'s when placing code on your site)

    I know you're gone, you said you're gone . . .

    <*p><*a href=""><*p onmouseover="this.innerText='but I can still feel you near'" onmouseout="this.innerText='I know you're gone, you said you're gone . . .'">*I know you're gone, you said you're gone . . .<*br><*p><*/a>


    You'll be missed, baby girl.

    <*a href=""><*IMG SRC="/gloriangel/aaliyah1_20518819834_427677.jpg" ALT="You'll be missed, baby girl."><*/a><*br>
    You'll be missed, baby girl

    <*a href=""><*IMG SRC="sqleaninganlookingatl_20518820053_794339.jpg" ALT="You'll be missed, baby girl"><*/a><*br>


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    Copyrighted 2001-forever by Gloria